Wonder Woman from Nirvana

Think it would be okay to start my 12/12 with a MH bulb and just switch it 2-3 weeks into flower? Thats the last thing Im waiting on (HPS BULB) thats decently expensive. I can pick up the bloom sensi nutes and some cliche bud booster for like $50.

I flower with MH too because I'm too cheap to buy those expensive ass bulbs =p

Nugs will be less fat, but higher THC %
What do you (anyone) run for EC levels into veg/mid-flower? I wanna try 1.2 or 1.5 EC. I think I recall hearing 1.8 EC into flower??
ive ben having the same probz w/leafs looking like that an it was my ph at 6.0 moved to 5.8 an there coming back to the vigorous beasts they were may be that is what is happening on yours may be. ihate leaves that look that way. was drive nme insane good luck in the grows ahead . nice plants as well an keep it hydro its a learning experience! fun tooo!!!
Ive had my PH from 5.2 to 6.2 and I cant shake this shit. Im running macro and micro nutes. Im trying foliar sprays now. Its not heat burn, or temps, or any stress issues?
no man u need to be at 5.8 thats what hydro calls 4 if u stay lower u get diff vise verse if your nutes dont stable lize at this level or any at all your water is fucked but i say when n doubt flush em out . an try to keep em at 5.8 i check mine 3 times daily! but after to or three days it stable lizes an only drifts up always up .2 a day after i add fresh water n nutes if my ppms r low hope that helps take a week or so to see any improvements !
ya you just got that perfect water so there is no need 4 them man an onece u knw your water an what it needs but it is still nice to see how much they eat every day ! do you ph i dnt remem?vo
lol you guys and your measuring of salt levels..

Of course I ph.. but my tap water is perfect so it's a rare occurence, I mostly just flush and feed and flush and feed.. Dosages get higher with growth.
"play n it bi eye".... are you serious? Its almost simpler to spell it properly... World will probably end up like that Idiocracy movie I'm thinking...
Sorry matey. Just some things really get under my skin... I have no idea what your problems with ya plants are... Maybe try using better water??????
My tap water that is Cal/mag infused ;)

Only $10 a gallon and I'll ship it to you.. you pay for shipping too of course LOL

Btw Oneness has mag and zinc.. you might have to add a little calcium but I think it truly is going to be a miracle one part formula.
I was thinking about adding some oneness as a substitute honestly. 5ml Oneness and 5ml Cal-Mag / gallon. Then rest in Sensi Grow/Bloom up to desired EC. Pro-Idea?
i read some were on here that u can use cns17 ripe as one part base nute for budding stage w/ additive or pk booster. that can save u doe!