Ursus marijanus
My last entry was four days ago ... the day i threw my back out something fierce. I spent the last three days flat on my back and am now moving slowly, stiffly through the house making noises like a Jewish grandpa. "Such pain, I would wish upon nobody!"
During that time I totally neglected my plants ... and they survived. Halle grew some roots, but today they were coated in the dreaded slime.
I came THIS CLOSE to saying "screw this" and potting them into soil. Heck, i even bought a bak of Fox Farm happy Frog. i asked my hydro store guy if he had bennies to combat the cyanobacteria, and he basically went "huh?". He tried to sell me Hygrozyme, but from my reading here I don't think that'll do for The Slime.
The other Big Change: I now have a countertop RO system. i am somewhat convinced that A LOT of my problems have to do with chloramine, which our water is known to contain.
So i mixed a 50-liter batch of Nitro-Vite "half stregth" which ECs out to 720 ppm. I also added 0.5 ml Physan for a final concentration of 2 ppm. I'll check on my poor stunted kids tomorrow ... if the Physan is bad for them i sould see immediate symptoms, and then I'll hang it up and "go soil".
Here they are, neerDead. cn

During that time I totally neglected my plants ... and they survived. Halle grew some roots, but today they were coated in the dreaded slime.
I came THIS CLOSE to saying "screw this" and potting them into soil. Heck, i even bought a bak of Fox Farm happy Frog. i asked my hydro store guy if he had bennies to combat the cyanobacteria, and he basically went "huh?". He tried to sell me Hygrozyme, but from my reading here I don't think that'll do for The Slime.
The other Big Change: I now have a countertop RO system. i am somewhat convinced that A LOT of my problems have to do with chloramine, which our water is known to contain.
So i mixed a 50-liter batch of Nitro-Vite "half stregth" which ECs out to 720 ppm. I also added 0.5 ml Physan for a final concentration of 2 ppm. I'll check on my poor stunted kids tomorrow ... if the Physan is bad for them i sould see immediate symptoms, and then I'll hang it up and "go soil".
Here they are, neerDead. cn