Well-Known Member
All gmo products are labeled in my market. If you want to get away from gmos it's not to hard... There is more pressure for gmos than against which is why they are still around.Really?
Check out Monsanto and their gmo products, products that are intended not for consumers but for producers, there is all sorts of pressure yet we don't even have labels for gmo foods. It is true that government should be doing this for us, but you don't believe in federal government regulations and so you have little recourse at all.
BTW, love the "chances are" part, libertarians think chance is a very important part of protecting consumers. "if you eat poisoned meat and die, chances are, the company will go out of business and lives will eventually be saved"
THere is good evidence to support - here is the evidence. There, I reworded it for you. Why do socialists like you believe everything should come in exact terms? Why do they attack wording and semantics over the issue itself? Why the diversion?