Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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I think I do understand it, what it's purpose is at least in a way you have lost sight of.
I haven't lost sight of it at all. You made that up.

The market is just a tool to exchange labor/services so people can get the things they need to lead better lives. That is it's purpose, to make people's lives better. The market is not a divine creature that we all owe allegiance to. It exists for our benefit.
First you say it's for our betterment, then you say we don't owe our allegiance to it. Why in the world would someone not be for their own betterment or benefit? You're a contradiction to often.

That benefit is not measured by the dow industrial average.
I haven't met anyone who says it does. Maybe as an indicator if that's what you are saying.

It's measured by the quality of life of the people who participate in that market.
No it's not. It's a manipulated tool that is managed by government. I wonder if you have any clue as to why the market hasn't crashed.

However now it seems people have started to treat the market as more than that. You seem to believe the goal of the market is to allow people to acquire as much wealth as possible. That is not it's purpose. When the market works like that, the people suffer at the greed of the ultra wealthy.
No they don't. It's a win and loose game. nothing is guaranteed. The people have a greater chance to suffer when the free market becomes managed. Like we saw in the Housing debacle.

That's why we regulate markets. That's why every market in the history of the world has been a regulated one.
We don't regulate it, we allow the corporations to manage it. The corporations that are supposed to be regulated make the rules and squelch competition.
Free markets do not exist. They never have existed and they never should exist in the future.
Sure they do. Every day it exists. If I agree with someone to cut their lawn for $20 and that person agrees. That is a free market. Free to choose. Tell me how that's not free market.

The idea of free markets may sound good on paper, but why should the people of a country suffer just so a handful of people can elevate themselves into an ultrawealthy ruling class?
Show me where many suffer when they are free to choose? We always have winners and losers except the free market allows more control in the hands of the individuals and not the bureaucrats. Everytime we've had a bad economy it has come at the hands of government and non free market policies. Yet you don't want the free market and want to continue managing it, even though time after time it has been a complete failure in the long run. The biggest drop in our spending power has come since 1913. The birth of the Federal Reserve and the manipulation of our economy. It is not a coincidence.

I don't think you fully understand the free market and the long reaching results it has. Your scenarios don't hold water.
You sound like someone who is jealous of people who make money. Just like the ones who tried to paint Rockefeller as a bad, greedy employer when in fact he was a very good person to work for who understood the value of retaining employees.
the bad ones are the ones who received the bailouts. That is not the free market. The very same ones we were told the housing bill would help got wiped out. The lower and middle class are paying the bill for the ones who failed instead of letting the losers loose and letting the free market corrections take place.
yes, i'll just uproot my existence because ron paul knows what is best for my wife, not my wife.

gotta love that small government.
America isn't about just you princess. 50 states with different cities so even a high maintenance person like you can find the best place that fits your needs. One size doesn't fit all.
Options are always best.
and if i were a unicorn, i would shit skittles on a fluffy cloud.

and it nearly tripled in the 20 years previous.

i thought you boasted yourself as an oldie with some historical perspective, so i am left wondering why you ignore such obvious things as this.

i fucking hate all these tax breaks and access to health care. don't get me started on the infrastructure improvements that allow me to idle in traffic less, wasting less gas.

i hate it when companies spend less money on fossil fuels because their trucks did not have to sit and idle in traffic. i much prefer to foot the cost for these companies' wasted gasoline.

what a disaster!

blaha haha, wow what new infrastructure? and besides that, tax breaks!?! what in the world?

Global warming is the biggest farce, you must realize this by now?
America isn't about just you princess. 50 states with different cities so even a high maintenance person like you can find the best place that fits your needs. One size doesn't fit all.
Options are always best.

all that freedom is there, i guess.

i just have to uproot my existence to have it because your "small government" knows better than my wife does.

makes sense.
blaha haha, wow what new infrastructure? and besides that, tax breaks!?! what in the world?

Global warming is the biggest farce, you must realize this by now?

you are so completely unable to respond in any negative way about the actual tax breaks and actual infrastructure improvements that you have to make up some canard about global warming.

you mad, bro.
all that freedom is there, i guess.

i just have to uproot my existence to have it because your "small government" knows better than my wife does.

makes sense.
It's not just about your wife. Why do you get to decide who does and doesn't live? You don't own the childs life. Unless the mental or physical health of the mother is at risk why take the life of another? Life has become less meaningful for too many.
Yes !! we need to go back to pre 1913 and the Robber Barons era........ errrrr I meant "Golden Age" :clap:

Dumbassedness at its finest. :finger:
i base my predictions on solid evidence, indicators, and speculation of those who know 'inside baseball' way better than i do.
Quit relying on others to make decisions for you. That's the entire problem. You don't understand so you listen to people who "sound" like they do. How's that working out? The economy recover like the ones who said it would if we passed the anti free market theft packages? Go with what works, as long as you are not denying people their rights.
Willyßagseed;6846400 said:
Yes !! we need to go back to pre 1913 and the Robber Barons era........ errrrr I meant "Golden Age"

Dumbassedness at its finest.
You do know the "robber barons' were set up by government intervention don't you? It referred to the railroads and the easy money government gave them which led to mal investment and inefficiency. You do know the worst and longest economic bad times have come since the birth of the Federal Reserve don't you? All the new technology and ability for people to actually move to where the jobs are located couldn't stop the great depression.

Pull your head out of your dumbassedness and look around. ;-)
dan is right. the ron paul shit is spam-like and drives many members away from these boards.
No it's not. You have no proof of that. You have no idea who is or isn't coming or going based on the Ron Paul threads. Because one anti Ron Paul person cries about it like a baby you automatically have to protect everyone from the evils of the written word?

When you see many Ron Paul threads that means people are interested. Quit making decisions for us and telling us what we need to post and read about. That's the main redeeming value you have, which is to let the threads go to where they go and let us decide what is interesting to read and what isn't.
The turtles are another redeeming value.

i will be merging them all some day, just not while i'm on vacation.
You're always on vacation.
Why do you get to decide who does and doesn't live? You don't own the childs life.

why do you think the state gets to decide the most major life decision for my wife? why do you think the state owns my wife's body and gets to tell her what to do with it?

oh, i forgot. it is because you love freedom and i hate it.

gotta love that small government.
Quit relying on others to make decisions for you. That's the entire problem. You don't understand so you listen to people who "sound" like they do. How's that working out? The economy recover like the ones who said it would if we passed the anti free market theft packages? Go with what works, as long as you are not denying people their rights.


these are predictions about the gop nomination, genius.
You're always on vacation.

my life is pretty splendid, isn't it now?

nonetheless, i will likely be mergin all the ron paul threads. once they are all in one thread, i will follow your advice and "let us decide what is interesting to read and what isn't."
why do you think the state gets to decide the most major life decision for my wife? why do you think the state owns my wife's body and gets to tell her what to do with it?

oh, i forgot. it is because you love freedom and i hate it.

gotta love that small government.

Just curious...At which point does the "third party" enter into it for you? Meaning at which point prebirth (if any) do you consider an abortion to be solely your wife's body vs involving another living being ?
Just curious...At which point does the "third party" enter into it for you? Meaning at which point prebirth (if any) do you consider an abortion to be solely your wife's body vs involving another living being ?

never thought about this one that hard, as my wife would know within a month or so if she were pregnant and i think within a month is acceptable.

not sure if this will satisfy you or not, but i don't consider a fetus to have the same or greater rights as my wife until it is outside the womb, and that is where the rubber meets the road in this debate (for me at least). that is not to say that i am a fan of allowing late term abortions, just to be clear.
^^^ Thanks for the honest response. I have problems with any agency telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her own body. The question for me has always been one of WHEN there is another being involved.
Dude, you are a weak mod. How many times have you "threatened" to merge all the Ron Paul threads in the past month? Fucking weak, you should of done it the first time you said it, now it only discredits your authority to do it now, like a parent continually telling a child "stop it or I'll ground you" eventually the kid just ignores the parent. But seeing how we are not children and this is an adult forum, just drop it and let people post what they want to post, I don't see spamming going on I just see ALOT of Ron Paul support, and a few haters like you. If people didn't like what they had to say, they wouldn't reply to it and like all the other stupid threads that no one likes they would just fall off the map. But between the Ron Paul supporters and then you have to add the bumps from all the nay-sayers who even though they claim they hate Ron Paul and cry and want to put all the little ron paul threads together because they just hate seeing them, well add those people all up and it puts all the ron paul threads on the front page.

Besides, the sub forum is "Politcs" not "Under Buck's Politics".
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