Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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^^^ Thanks for the honest response. I have problems with any agency telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her own body. The question for me has always been one of WHEN there is another being involved.

don't you think that you are smart enough to determine when, rather than any state or federal government telling you when WHEN is?
Dude, you are a weak mod. How many times have you "threatened" to merge all the Ron Paul threads in the past month? Fucking weak, you should of done it the first time you said it, now it only discredits your authority to do it now, like a parent continually telling a child "stop it or I'll ground you" eventually the kid just ignores the parent.

run on sentence.

also, 'should have', not 'should of'.

i don't know how many times i have warned about this, maybe three times.

but i am ready to merge the threads that are obvious 'ron paul' threads into deprave's thread, 'the truth about ron paul'.

But seeing how we are not children and this is an adult forum, just drop it and let people post what they want to post

should i allow goat sex porn as well?

I don't see spamming going on I just see ALOT of Ron Paul support

obviously, as an outspoken ron paul supporter, this is ALL you would see.

and a few haters like you.

thank you sir, may i have another?

If people didn't like what they had to say, they wouldn't reply to it

close, but exactly wrong.

it is when people do not agree that they usually reply. take our conversation now, for example. you opened by expressing how you did not like my moderation of this section.

you did not like how i handle spam, you replied to it.

your own statement is disproven by your very actions.

But between the Ron Paul supporters and then you have to add the bumps from all the nay-sayers who even though they claim they hate Ron Paul and cry and want to put all the little ron paul threads together because they just hate seeing them, well add those people all up and it puts all the ron paul threads on the front page.

this is barely understandable. what i get out of it is that you are upset. why are you upset? you still get a place to catch up on all the ron paul information you want, but it is all in one place. that makes it easier for you to find what you want, and all of us "haters" who dislike him can ignore that thread and enjoy the politics section more.

this is why i want to merge the threads. keep the paulites happy. keep the haters away from you poor people who don't like to listen to us cry about how much we hate him. make it easier for those who want an actual political discussion to avoid running into yet another thread that devolves into a ron paul debate, as the spammers so often turn threads into.

unless you have not been paying attention, a small group of people turn most every thread into a ron paul debate. the evidence is there, check for it.

Besides, the sub forum is "Politcs" not "Under Buck's Politics".

sorry i am trying to stop spam.
This man's testimony stumps any of the few racists sentences from
an unknown author amongst the thousands of publications under Dr. Paul's letterhead.
This man's testimony stumps any of the few racists sentences from
an unknown author amongst the thousands of publications under Dr. Paul's letterhead.


point proven.


i will be home in 2 or so days. in the meantime, i will check with the other mods, one of them a staunch ron paul supporter, about exactly how to handle the ron paul spam.

i don't think i am asking too much here.
I have to agree, nothing wrong with posting a video and writing about it but to just post videos constantly and not even write anything, many times the video not even being on topic is a bit out of hand and really sort of disrupts the thread. I will take the time to write out a very long well thought out post and then BAM someone posts a random video and says nothing, the thread goes to the next page and my long post is thus buried.

I don't think that post is exactly the best example as it is relevant and there is a little bit of text written, I think its kind of funny that is the "last straw" for unclebuck because the video sheds some light on his strawman bullshit lol.
spam. point proven. goodnight. i will be home in 2 or so days. in the meantime, i will check with the other mods, one of them a staunch ron paul supporter, about exactly how to handle the ron paul spam. i don't think i am asking too much here.
Now I'm a spammer?
My rep is solid, "Mr. Moderator".
"Point proven, goodnight" :)
That's a priceless gem.
Guess you have not the will to moderate only to make ridiculous claims.
You failed in all attempts to discredit the honorable Dr. Paul.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be projecting such negative energy.
Go look up the definition to Moderator. A moderator has a unbiased or non-partisan position.
You sir, have clearly staked a claim against Ron Paul on many occasions,
and I'm theorizing on many a thread. It must be exhausting trying to impose your perception
to multiple people at multiple times, with so much opposing views. So much so, you would like to concentrate
them all so you could narrow your own attack and maybe rest easier that your views can be forced upon others.
You disgrace your own title by trying to play both sides of the field to your own gain.
That's the exact mindset that people are awaking from and it's great to see it sprout up everywhere!!

If only we can relate the cause and effect our economic and foreign policies,
have on our individual freedoms, Ron Paul will win by a landslide!
Point proven. Good Day!

point proven.


i will be home in 2 or so days. in the meantime, i will check with the other mods, one of them a staunch ron paul supporter, about exactly how to handle the ron paul spam.

i don't think i am asking too much here.

All i see is post after post of your anti ron paul rhetoric on ron paul titled forums, maybe i should take it up with some other mods and admins because we're trying to figure out a way to go about handling your blatant excessive unclebuck anti ron paul SPAM.
i disagree with merging all Ron Paul threads. Strongly.

I would think most reading the Ron Paul threads do as well.

I quit reading when you singled out that I made a run on sentence there Uncle Buck. I'll just assume it's just more of the same.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A word of advice to prospective American Idol contestants: vote libertarian.

One day after she announced her support for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul on Twitter, sales of pop singer Kelly Clarkson's most recent album were surging Friday on

Sales of Clarkson's album Stronger shot up 442% between Thursday and Friday afternoon on Amazon (AMZN, Fortune 500), moving the album from #38 to #7 on Amazon's sales list.
While there's no way to tell whether her support for Paul was the only reason for this jump, the endorsement clearly made a difference for some fans...

Clarkson got blasted on twitter for the endorsement, bet this will make up for it.
in your opinion, how many ron paul threads do we need?

it's getting ridiculous.

i totally understand what your saying as far as merging to clean up the forum a little. And for us "regulars", it would be fine imo. But for anyone cruising through or new members, it would appear that there isn't much support for Ron Paul on this site and that is misleading.
All i see is post after post of your anti ron paul rhetoric on ron paul titled forums, maybe i should take it up with some other mods and admins because we're trying to figure out a way to go about handling your blatant excessive unclebuck anti ron paul SPAM.

i will resist the urge to post a picture of a tube of vagisil, and instead simply point out that i would have no need to even look at anything ron paul (mush less respond) if it were not for a dedicated group of people who post excessive amounts of ron paul spam.
i totally understand what your saying as far as merging to clean up the forum a little. And for us "regulars", it would be fine imo. But for anyone cruising through or new members, it would appear that there isn't much support for Ron Paul on this site and that is misleading.

i think that if all the ron paul threads were merged into deprave's thread, 'the truth about ron paul', people would notice the several thousand posts and infer that the man has plenty of support on this site.
Maybe merge them per topic?

RP Economics

RP Foreign Policy

RP Social Issues

RP Legal Issues

RP Gov't Discussion

etc, etc.

maybe something like that would work.

just so that i don't have to click on an innocent sounding thread that is simply a well-disguised ron paul thread. i've had enough of deifying a guy who will lose the nomination and retire from congress this year.
Sorry, I can't help myself.

Buhhahahhahahahahaha! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.

Ok, composed my self. Sorry about that.

If people come to this forum and see a 300 page thread discussing Ron Paul, I'm pretty sure they'll get the idea that people are interested in Ron Paul.

Ok. i'll give you that lol.

At very least, a mega RP thread would be useless for the simple reason that it would be so huge. How could/would one find and follow a given topic?
Maybe merge them per topic?

RP Economics

RP Foreign Policy

RP Social Issues

RP Legal Issues

RP Gov't Discussion

etc, etc.

Legal issues and Gov't discussion could probably be considered the same topic. That would bring it down to 4 threads. Then people would be able to keep track of which Ron Paul stuff should go in what thread. It would end the chaos. I don't think anyone has a problem with people wanting to discuss Ron Paul, it's the chaos of it spilling into every thread and people posting Ron Paul videos in threads unrelated to the topic that is the problem.

If you did merge them by topic, it actually might help the Ron Paul advocates post things in the right topic, allowing for better discussions of the topic. Also it wouldn't turn off posters who aren't interested. With 3-4 threads Ron Paul would still be the dominant topic on this forum, and the threads would likely be long so new people would know that Ron Paul is supported by many people here. And the discussions would be more coherent, so people would better understand Ron Paul on each of those topics.

Seems like everyone wins if that is done.
Ok. i'll give you that lol.

At very least, a mega RP thread would be useless for the simple reason that it would be so huge. How could/would one find and follow a given topic?

I like your idea of merging by topic very much. Actually that seems like something that benefits everyone, Ron Paul supporters included.
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