Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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i think we may have just come up with a decent idea then. Bi-Partisanship of sorts i guess :)

Guaranteed that his name will pop up in other threads in a politics forum but at least it would bring some organization to the forum. It WOULD stop the threads that are started to get immediate attention on a particular topic though.
i think we may have just come up with a decent idea then. Bi-Partisanship of sorts i guess :)

Guaranteed that his name will pop up in other threads in a politics forum but at least it would bring some organization to the forum. It WOULD stop the threads that are started to get immediate attention on a particular topic though.

yeah, there would still be a few one-offs, but 3 or 4 threads devoted to ron paul constantly bumping to the top would signal how much support he does have here.

hell, our president doesn't have 3 or 4 threads around.
What about this?

Foreign Policy
Domestic/fiscal policy
Social policy
Misc Ron Paul (poll watching, campaign developments, ads, endorsements, misc videos, etc)

Seems like everything could fit into one of those 4 topics reasonably well.
Guaranteed that his name will pop up in other threads in a politics forum but at least it would bring some organization to the forum. It WOULD stop the threads that are started to get immediate attention on a particular topic though.

It's perfectly fine if his name pops up here or there. As long as it doesn't turn into people posting ad like advocacy posts or video spamming. But for example, if you're discussing how Romney is doing in Iowa, it's perfectly natural that Paul's name would pop up. I don't think anyone minds that as long as it isn't followed by the thread getting derailed.
What about this?

Foreign Policy
Domestic/fiscal policy
Social policy
Misc Ron Paul (poll watching, campaign developments, ads, endorsements, misc videos, etc)

Seems like everything could fit into one of those 4 topics reasonably well.

Not sure about combining domestic/fiscal policy since he has very adamant and in-depth views on both issues. The domestic side covers the Liberty message and the fiscal side deserves a thread to itself imo given that he is the only candidate wanting to end the Federal Reserve. His fiscal policies alone could be worthy of an entire forum imo ;)
Not sure about combining domestic/fiscal policy since he has very adamant and in-depth views on both issues. The domestic side covers the Liberty message and the fiscal side deserves a thread to itself imo given that he is the only candidate wanting to end the Federal Reserve. His fiscal policies alone could be worthy of an entire forum imo ;)

Well there is a forum for that, I'm sure. It just isn't necessarily this one. Sure, his fiscal policies could fill their own thread, but most of his domestic polices tie into his fiscal polices. There would be a lot of overlap. For example, cutting the department of education/EPA would be both a domestic and fiscal policy. Most of his domestic polices involve cuts, which make them fiscal policy too. Make sense?

Sure, you could break it down further than that, but then it comes back to how many Ron Paul threads we really need. If you broke it down into every specific topic, we'd have 12 Ron Paul threads, taking up the whole page again.

3-4 threads seems very reasonable to me. That pretty much covers everything. And a Misc thread will most likely be necessary for those who seem to enjoy posting all these Ron Paul videos.
Well there is a forum for that, I'm sure. It just isn't necessarily this one. Sure, his fiscal policies could fill their own thread, but most of his domestic polices tie into his fiscal polices. There would be a lot of overlap. For example, cutting the department of education/EPA would be both a domestic and fiscal policy. Most of his domestic polices involve cuts, which make them fiscal policy too. Make sense?

Sure, you could break it down further than that, but then it comes back to how many Ron Paul threads we really need. If you broke it down into every specific topic, we'd have 12 Ron Paul threads, taking up the whole page again.

3-4 threads seems very reasonable to me. That pretty much covers everything. And a Misc thread will most likely be necessary for those who seem to enjoy posting all these Ron Paul videos.

Well, i will leave the merging duties to UB since it was his idea and i don't envy the time it will take :)
i don't envy it either.

maybe everyone will cool off and there will be no need. i would like that best.

Ron Paul supporters, myself included, are not likely to stop shouting their message from the highest hill they can find anytime in the near future imo.
Ron Paul supporters, myself included, are not likely to stop shouting their message from the highest hill they can find anytime in the near future imo.


maybe with all the talk it will be kept consolidated.

romney is back on top in iowa by the way, although i predict a paul or santorum win with perry also finishing ahead of romney.

that prediction may change in the next few days.

maybe with all the talk it will be kept consolidated.

romney is back on top in iowa by the way, although i predict a paul or santorum win with perry also finishing ahead of romney.

that prediction may change in the next few days.

Meh. Iowa doesn't matter if Paul wins remember?

Meh. Iowa doesn't matter if Paul wins remember?


iowa matters the same no matter who wins.

do you really think an iowa win means that much for ron paul? did it mean that much for huckabee?
iowa matters the same no matter who wins.

do you really think an iowa win means that much for ron paul? did it mean that much for huckabee?

It has meant a lot to many candidates. It's a momentum thing.

While i have gotten many pledges/promises to vote Paul outright, many Reps (my father included) have stated explicitly that they like him and IF he does well in the early primaries, they will vote for him :)
It has meant a lot to many candidates. It's a momentum thing.

While i have gotten many pledges/promises to vote Paul outright, many Reps (my father included) have stated explicitly that they like him and IF he does well in the early primaries, they will vote for him :)

well, he will finish top 3 in the first couple of primaries.

beyond that, he has almost no support.

i am getting this odd notion that romney may finish fourth in iowa, which will lead more to lend support for huntsman in NH, which will give huntsman a lot of momentum going into florida, where he has spent a lot of time.

don't count out huntsman yet, especially if iowa breaks to paul/santorum/perry, as i believe they will. iowa almost always breaks to social conservatives despite the polls.
well, he will finish top 3 in the first couple of primaries.

beyond that, he has almost no support.

i am getting this odd notion that romney may finish fourth in iowa, which will lead more to lend support for huntsman in NH, which will give huntsman a lot of momentum going into florida, where he has spent a lot of time.

don't count out huntsman yet, especially if iowa breaks to paul/santorum/perry, as i believe they will. iowa almost always breaks to social conservatives despite the polls.

i tend to think that if he places well in the first few primaries, the sweep begins ;)
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