Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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i tend to think that if he places well in the first few primaries, the sweep begins ;)

ron paul can only be somewhat viable in a multi-person race.

the thought of a ron paul sweep is so incredibly laughable to me. you really need to look beyond your own biases and examine the numbers and x-factors.

when i say ron paul is unelectable, it is not completely out of hatred for his die-hard, cult-like supporters. it is based on an examination of many polls where a full two-thirds of voters would not even consider voting for him.

you don't win anything with 30% of the vote.
ron paul can only be somewhat viable in a multi-person race.

the thought of a ron paul sweep is so incredibly laughable to me. you really need to look beyond your own biases and examine the numbers and x-factors.

when i say ron paul is unelectable, it is not completely out of hatred for his die-hard, cult-like supporters. it is based on an examination of many polls where a full two-thirds of voters would not even consider voting for him.

you don't win anything with 30% of the vote.

Trust me, i'm skeptical as hell. But 30% in a 4-7 way race is a possible win.
Don't really like any of the ideas that much but I do think that it should be kept simple, 'Elections' should be its own forum and then that would separate everything just enough but not too much. It shouldn't be any more complex then that or it will just suck.
Trust me, i'm skeptical as hell. But 30% in a 4-7 way race is a possible win.

that is what you are not accounting for.

iowa will weed out bachman, thank dog. it will also deal a blow to newt. but that leaves paul, santorum, perry, romney, and huntsman.

santorum and perry will be weeded out in NH. that leaves romney, gingrich, and paul. huntsman will place strongly in NH if santorum and perry do well in IA, which i believe they will. gingrich will also do poorly in NH but stick around.

that leaves romney, paul, huntsman, and a fading gingrich (if he is even still in).

south carolina does not matter. no predictions there from me yet.

in florida, romney wins, huntsman is respectable but defeated, ron paul is a distant third. i will admit that i was wrong about ron paul being in a tie for fifth, as i so often forecasted earlier.

nevada is pure romney. he sweeps it all up on super tuesday.

the real question is, who will mitt romney pick as his VP?

lol. yeah, good luck with that. wishful thinking.

we may have to wait until super tuesday to rub it in, but it will be all the sweeter for the waiting.

it will be glorious when the 10% of ron paul supporters lose over and over again to the 50% or more of romney supporters. the temporary rise in ron paul's numbers is purely due to the weakness of the gop field.
Don't really like any of the ideas that much but I do think that it should be kept simple, 'Elections' should be its own forum and then that would separate everything just enough but not too much. It shouldn't be any more complex then that or it will just suck.

i agree.

election politics and the type of politics that we so often discuss are entirely different creatures. i even suggest that the sub-forum be usable for any elections, even mid-terms.
I really don't believe there is much Romney supporters, I think its make believe...I herd one blue hair say she thought he was a nice fellow at a dinner once...every other time I see romney supporter they don't say anything and hold their head down picking their nose with a brand new hat, shirt, and sign..its like they got paid 50 bucks to stand around in that gettup and attend his speeches and stuff...they aren't very enthusiastic at all and they all get off the same bus in a nice straight line formation they are herded to their destination like cattle..pretty sure romney supporters are a thing of fiction as I've never met an authentic one in person. Have you?

every time we had a poll here nobody voted for him except Dan Kone and You..and you guys just did it cause the other option was Ron Paul..Mitt Romney did fund himself for the most part except for all the Jp Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Liberal Super Pacs..

Not sure why you trust the elites opinions so much UncleBuck, they think they know what the American people want but they are dead wrong this time..the pundits shit this elections borderlines on fairy tales. It is a whole different situation "on the ground" aka IRL
I really don't believe there is much Romney supporters, I think its make believe...

That's correct. Just like there are no longer Obama supporters. There are people who will support Romney because they think he can't beat Obama and there are people who will support Obama because they don't want Romney, but neither have a sizable base.

Romney's "base" is limited to some of the mormon community and Obama's "base" would be a small percentage of the black community. But very few people actually like either of these guys.

My election prediction is that this will be the election where the will of the people will be represented the least out of any election in our modern history. It's just going to be a bunch of people voting for the guy they hate the least.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter all had actual supporters (at least at the time of their election). You have to go back to Ford and Nixon to find presidents that so few people actually liked when they took office.

And on top of that, I'm predicting congress will be the same as that, only worse. It's going to be a bunch of incompetent democrats and republicans only interested in personal power.

No matter who wins this election, the American people will lose.
i will resist the urge to post a picture of a tube of vagisil, and instead simply point out that i would have no need to even look at anything ron paul (mush less respond) if it were not for a dedicated group of people who post excessive amounts of ron paul spam.

Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. While the most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam, so your collectivizing your own interest by being a liar about what spam is. Ron Paul will and already is an American house hold name, he will win many primaries and presidency get use to it.
that is what you are not accounting for.

iowa will weed out bachman, thank dog. it will also deal a blow to newt. but that leaves paul, santorum, perry, romney, and huntsman.

santorum and perry will be weeded out in NH. that leaves romney, gingrich, and paul. huntsman will place strongly in NH if santorum and perry do well in IA, which i believe they will. gingrich will also do poorly in NH but stick around.

that leaves romney, paul, huntsman, and a fading gingrich (if he is even still in).

south carolina does not matter. no predictions there from me yet.

in florida, romney wins, huntsman is respectable but defeated, ron paul is a distant third. i will admit that i was wrong about ron paul being in a tie for fifth, as i so often forecasted earlier.

nevada is pure romney. he sweeps it all up on super tuesday.

the real question is, who will mitt romney pick as his VP?

we may have to wait until super tuesday to rub it in, but it will be all the sweeter for the waiting.

it will be glorious when the 10% of ron paul supporters lose over and over again to the 50% or more of romney supporters. the temporary rise in ron paul's numbers is purely due to the weakness of the gop field.
HAHA laugh out fucking loud you serious?
The World Wide Web is great and i unbiased go type mitt romney into google or youtube and he has negative comments and landslid thumbdown across the board there appear to be a few drones who like him but the majority of people are talking about ron paul and how they support him, shit the other day my wife was asked if she liked ron paul from a stranger without talking politics or bringing him up, lol he is coming full circle.
That's correct. Just like there are no longer Obama supporters. There are people who will support Romney because they think he can't beat Obama and there are people who will support Obama because they don't want Romney, but neither have a sizable base.

Romney's "base" is limited to some of the mormon community and Obama's "base" would be a small percentage of the black community. But very few people actually like either of these guys.

My election prediction is that this will be the election where the will of the people will be represented the least out of any election in our modern history. It's just going to be a bunch of people voting for the guy they hate the least.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter all had actual supporters (at least at the time of their election). You have to go back to Ford and Nixon to find presidents that so few people actually liked when they took office.

And on top of that, I'm predicting congress will be the same as that, only worse. It's going to be a bunch of incompetent democrats and republicans only interested in personal power.

No matter who wins this election, the American people will lose.

I strongly disagree. Gun sales broke records this year and last!
Over and over again, opinion polls have found that the number one issue that American voters are concerned about is the economy.
I source my claims, so here's the numbers from a most recent survey of what catastrophe Americans fear the most.
The following results come directly from the survey….
Economic Collapse: 63%
Natural Disaster: 46%
Terrorist Attack: 44%
Global Disease Outbreak: 33%
Global War: 27%
Nuclear Accident: 25%
Global Warming: 22%
Fuel Shortage: 15%
Cyber War: 8%
Famine: 8%
Oil Spill: 6%
Industrial Accident: 5%

As you can see, “economic collapse” was the winner by a wide margin.
In Case You Missed It: Ron Paul Economic Plan Most Ambitious, Specific among those of His Competitors

People are going to vote for a change like they tried to do last time. The Main Stream Media is not going to be able to sway the young, and or new voter.
Fox News has an average viewer age of 65, CNN's average audience is 63. MSNBC sits at 59, while CNBC is the young gun at 52.
These are not the people that are going to decide this race. It's gonna be the young and the new voters, just like last time.
We all know the young voters aren't going anywhere.
A little comic relief for us all!
It's noteworthy to mention, the celebrity with the highest Republican influence is none other than Chuck Norris.
When Chuck Norris looks for the truth, he calls on President Paul!:lol:
A little comic relief for us all!
It's noteworthy to mention, the celebrity with the highest Republican influence is none other than Chuck Norris.
When Chuck Norris looks for the truth, he calls on President Paul!:lol:

That one is pretty funny but this one makes me piss myself.
You have to go back to Ford and Nixon to find presidents that so few people actually liked when they took office.

Nixon's 1972 win pretty much shows you were wrong about how well he was liked. He received 60.7% of the vote to 37.5% for McGovern. 47,168,710 to 29,173,222 in popular vote. 520 to 17 in electoral votes.

the 1968 race was closer, but it was a three way election, Nixon, Humphrey and Wallace. Nixon got 43.4% of the vote, Humphery got 42.7% and Wallace got 13.5%, mostly taken from voters that otherwise would have voted for Nixon. The popular vote was 31,783,783 for Nixon, 31,271,839 for Humphrey and 9,901,118for Wallace. But Nixon got 301 electoral votes and Humphery got 191 and Wallace only got 5.

Nixon received a higher percentage of the vote in 1968 than Clinton got in 1992. Not by much, but more, 43.4% for Nixon and 43% for Clinton.

In 1996, Clinton's second election, he got 49.2% of the vote. But in Nixon's second election, in 1972, Nixon got 60.7% of the vote.

Comparing both their first elections to each other and second elections to each other, if percentage of votes equates to popularity, Nixon beat Clinton both times.

Nixon was disliked by the young who were against the war, but in general he was not disliked by large numbers of people until Watergate. It's a funny thing how because Nixon was disliked and left the White House in shame that some people assume he was always disliked, when he actually received higher percentages of votes than a number of presidents since that the same people would claim were more loved when they took office.

Obama got 52.9% of the vote and that's less than the election where Nixon got 60.7%,and its the Nixon election to compare to Obama's because both were two candidate races and Nixon's other was a three candidate election. Obama got 365 electoral votes. Nixon got 520. Nixon got 7.8% more votes than Obama, but people seem to see Obama as being loved when he took office and Nixon being disliked when he took office.

Most people that believe that Nixon was always disliked were either not alive when Nixon was president or were to young to really know what was going on and now judge how Nixon was liked or disliked by how he was seen post-Watergate.

Perception can be an amusing thing at times.
why do you think the state gets to decide the most major life decision for my wife? why do you think the state owns my wife's body and gets to tell her what to do with it?

oh, i forgot. it is because you love freedom and i hate it.

gotta love that small government.
Respect property rights. You yourself are property. The Child is property to itself. You should not take the life of another unless in self defense. Without the right to life, the others are meaningless.

these are predictions about the gop nomination, genius.
Quit the prediction business I didnt hear you saying how you were right in predicting the Housing collapse. Keep voting for the same losers who run your life and give you "permission". Get a backbone and vote on principle, turtle breath.
don't you think that you are smart enough to determine when, rather than any state or federal government telling you when WHEN is?
Really? Then why does government determined we are not smart enough to make decisions on buying lemonade from a neighborhood kid or smoking weed? They have to interfere for "our well being".
I can see how you'd need help though.
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