Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
no sorry i like my knees, my squat stops when my legs are at 90 degrees any further with decent weight and your askin to blow out a knee
Hey countryboy.. there is this great book called "Starting Strength" written by Mark Rippetoe
He goes into serious detail regarding KNEE injuries and squats.. he says the biggest misconception is that going below 90 degrees causes injury... he says that below 90 degrees, the squat starts to use HAM and GLUTE and at and above 90 degrees it is QUAD.... when the HAM and the GLUTE are not activated it causes "knee shear"...
He writes about 60 pages on proper squatting.. worth reading.. he is considered one of, if not the formost authority on squats...
Doctors and physical therapists have causes this runmor about squatas and knee damage.. because of the massive amount of people that come see them... and were doing the squats wrong...
All of the top athletes and power lifters in the world go below 90 degrees..
ANYWAY.. you are strong as fook... keep up the hard work!
much love