My Eroding Belief in God

"emotion or science"...but here's a problem. It's always one or the other. The middle path is where I am comfortably uncomfortable.

Written from Pauli to Jung:

Picture 2.png, I'm wondering why you want to waste your time with me if I have no clue. I'm asking YOU what purpose would that serve. In other words, are you seriously looking for something? Or, is this more dckhead related than anything else.

"i rather dislike use of word created there but am rather intrigued about the negative" THIS is the point of what we are talking about.

you posted bullcrap i pointed out bullcrap you keep posting flowery shit that doesnt mean anything i'll keep pointing out that what your really saying is just gibberish
religion has been built on people like you sprouting bullshit to people who dont know better
you posted bullcrap i pointed out bullcrap you keep posting flowery shit that doesnt mean anything i'll keep pointing out that what your really saying is just gibberish
religion has been built on people like you sprouting bullshit to people who dont know better

eh? I'm not out to convert people. Pauli = Floweri?
eh? I'm not out to convert people.

yet your still posting gibberish on a public forum under the guise of spirituality

without this "A place of pure potentiality" i wouldnt have even replied to you but gibberish like that is a red flag to me and i will point it out
yet your still posting gibberish on a public forum under the guise of spirituality

without this "A place of pure potentiality" i wouldnt have even replied to you but gibberish like that is a red flag to me and i will point it out

...sorry, what? Did you miss my other post?
Back to the original post;

I totally agree with you WillyCoyote.

I grew up in a very conservative Christian home. We attended the Church of Christ and I can remember thinking at a very young age, humm, something aint right. Like you said with the hell thing; why would a God who loves everyone so much, send most of them to eternal hell? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math and see that if the Holy Bible is in fact full of true teachings,that Billions of His loved ones are destined to eternal torture. I could go on and on about Christian beliefs, but religion in general just doesn't hold water when you open your mind and think about it logically.
If I may throw a bit in here.

I grew up Roman Chatholic, went to a Roman Chatholic school and, of course, brought the teachings home. My Mom, bless her soul, taught me to have second thought on the RC teachings.

Excited, I said, "If you don't believe in Jesus Christ, you will go to hell." Exactly as I was taught in school.

My Mom said, "Well, what about all those millions of people who believe in something else--like Hinduism or Buddism?"

I was too young to understand what she said, but what she said stayed with me.

As a thinking adult, I cannot support any religion/belief that claims to have a corner on God.
...yes, fucking really :) I'm guessing that since your brand of drivel is of the textbook variety it's meaningful, yeah?

for all you know, existence could have always existed, and we really live in a multiverse with different universes popping into existence all the time. for all you know we are really just a hologram being projected by a massive computer built by aliens. for all you know existence could all just be a dream. all you have are ideas man, ideas. but fear makes you put truth to those ideas so you can tell yourself you know things when really... you have no fucking clue. keep lying to yourself, keep pretending if you need to. im not saying its wrong... just extremely foolish. but hey, i guess a man has got to do what a man has got to do to give meaning and purpose to oneself in an existence without any.

personally, i would much rather face the truth... that i dont know, rather than lie to myself and tell myself that i do know. no offense.
i dont think i have ever really understood much of what eye exaggerate says. its always wierd words that dont mean anything. i have no idea how you learn to speak that way. deepak chopra maybe?
I don't know.

That should be the start of any religious statement, but we know that's not the case. Instead, the first words are:

You should
You are damned

That just about sums it up...
i dont think i have ever really understood much of what eye exaggerate says. its always wierd words that dont mean anything. i have no idea how you learn to speak that way. deepak chopra maybe?

bongsmilie, lsd or shrooms are normally the fast track ;) but deepak chopra and his ilk never help much

i'm a psychedelics man myself but i've always reminded myself that i been taking drugs
for all you know, existence could have always existed, and we really live in a multiverse with different universes popping into existence all the time. for all you know we are really just a hologram being projected by a massive computer built by aliens. for all you know existence could all just be a dream. all you have are ideas man, ideas. but fear makes you put truth to those ideas so you can tell yourself you know things when really... you have no fucking clue. keep lying to yourself, keep pretending if you need to. im not saying its wrong... just extremely foolish. but hey, i guess a man has got to do what a man has got to do to give meaning and purpose to oneself in an existence without any.

personally, i would much rather face the truth... that i dont know, rather than lie to myself and tell myself that i do know. no offense. offense taken strife. There are some very skewed takes on what religion is. I know that life is a mystery, that there is a lot I don't know. But, when it comes to God, there's no question for me.

I'd also like to point out that here I am, saying that my meaning in life is to mesh art and science. Did anyone catch that? I said 'science' as a part of my being. That said, has anyone said "cool, what would you like to know?"

Instead, you're all telling me that I don't know anything that I am talking about. All that really means is that you guys aren't out to teach about your knowledge, but instead to try and PROVE people wrong.

Good luck with that.
i dont think i have ever really understood much of what eye exaggerate says. its always wierd words that dont mean anything. i have no idea how you learn to speak that way. deepak chopra maybe?

...guys, enough with the Chopra stuff, I don't read him. And if you don't understand, why does that make me wrong, or chopra-like? offense taken strife. There are some very skewed takes on what religion is. I know that life is a mystery, that there is a lot I don't know. But, when it comes to God, there's no question for me.
So if all of life is a mystery, what makes you so confident in the existence of a god? That appears to be a contradictory view considering that no one, you included, has any empirical evidence for a god.
Of course, you are right. There is no empirical evidence to support a God.

But in Columbus' time there was no evidence to support the now known fact that the earth was round.
So, I guess the question now becomes:

Should we believe in a supreme being that oversees us, or are we in a crap shoot?
Of course, you are right. There is no empirical evidence to support a God.

But in Columbus' time there was no evidence to support the now known fact that the earth was round.
Classical Greece

Though the earliest evidence of a spherical Earth comes from ancient Greek sources, there is no account of how the sphericity of the Earth was discovered

the evidence has ALWAYS been there its always been about how prepared we are to look for it and "GODDIT" stopped people looking