Probably for the same reasons why General Colin Powell was thrown under the bus by his boss, President George W. Bush. After General Powell (by this time, Bush's Secretary Of State) was made to stand before the United Nations and tell a bunch of lies and half truths about fictitious yellow cake uranium, WMD's and lies about Iraq, a country we pushed out of Kuwait it about thirty six hours or so, bombed into submission, had surrounded, had air superiority over, and for all intents and purposes, we owned for the better part of a decade somehow being a "haven" for terrorists. So when General Powell, after being stabbed in the back by the President decided to support Obama imbiciles like Rush Limbaugh who see any and all things through race colored glasses said, and I paraphrase "Colin Powell endorsed Obama because he is black" Rush convienently, as per usual leaves out the part (the truth) that led to Powell leaving the Bush cabinet, and endorsing a democrat. Revisionist History? Mission Accomplished! (save for the wmds, yellow cake uranium, iraq's welcoming us and democracy at gun point with open arms, terrorists, insurgents, ieds, still occupying Iraq, and low cost oil)