Blaze Master
Well-Known Member
^^^^ very much like
Dunno about traitor. Lacking backbone yes.I can't believe he said it.
President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.
​George Bush would have pointed all our missles at russia. We need to go back to having ballsy ass americans like Gen. Buck Turgison. He wouldn't bow down before the reds.
Barak Obama is the black mask of John McCain foreign policy. long live the Empire. and our Death Star is warming up...........
Still very dissapointed in his campaign promise to bring troops home in 16 months. War rages on in Afghanistan and another one coming up in Iran it seems. Politics is bull. Nixon was uncontrollable so they got rid of him. Sending our troops off to die in unnecessary wars is criminal and traiterous.
i agree with your post except the part in bold. the US doesn't have enough troops to invade iran. in all likelyhood america will sell the newest generation of bunker busting bombs to isreal next year, and shortly there after isreal will launch tactical air strikes against iran. then we won't have to hear anything about "big bad iran" for awhile.
lol silly dems.i dont see the problem. hes saying he'll be able to do more things he wants to accomplish after the election. where is the issue ?
Who needs a missile defense shield when you've already got bad ass bunkers and your building an awesome bunker at your house....I mean not a bunker...I meant to say up dating the telephone and internet silly dems.
they want you to believe one thing, then once they have your trust..boom. typical
Doesn't China have slave labor organ harvesting and forced abortions? Isn't the the U.S. always talking about spreading democracy and fighting communism and dictatorship?
"Shirley"? cnTraitor ??? really. Damn what name will we not call the man
Constitutional?Traitor ??? really. Damn what name will we not call the man