I want to join the U.S. Navy. Advice? Opinions?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I need some stability, I'm smart, got above an 85 on my asvab in high school, have a year of college under my belt.

My life is complete shit, no job, terrible credit, run down car, nowhere to live(couch surfing) and I want some stability.

Any stories, experiences or advice? Besides don't join or fuck the military.
Smoking 420 is incompatible with the military. It sounds like your life is shit and you have nothing better going on, but the military won't be able to improve your life, only you can do that. It would be much better if your life was in a good position and you choose to enter the miltary to contribute, but it sounds like just the opposite here.

What about your parents?
go for it! protect your country, travel the world, work on the most advanced technology with the best. Food and shelter provided, workout regimens, make some new friends who are in the same boat as you-no pun intended. Sounds like the perfect oppurtunity for someone in your situation.
The services are cutting way back. You will be lucky to get in.

I think the USA and the world is about to see some real real hard times but they always feed the military. If I was able, I would sign up and get ready to have afront line seat in one of the most titanic moments in history.

The sorry, evil, scumbag parasites in the district of columbia are about to embark upon WW3 to cover up for the disaster that will blow up when the dollar becomes worthless
Go back to school. If money is the issue, forget about it, the system is designed to keep you in debt your entire life. College = loan, house = loan, car = loan. All of this crap is so ridiculously over priced there is no way to not be in debt, so you might as well rack it up.
I'm in a similiar "boat" (pun intended) as you. Too smart to be happy, to stupid to conform. One year of college was more than I could take at the time, but after some time in the work place it sounds like the ticket to me. Of course this is not an option as I ended up with a job, which led to the house, which led to the 350z, which I just sold because my place of business closing, which is where I am now.
I need some stability, I'm smart, got above an 85 on my asvab in high school, have a year of college under my belt.
My life is complete shit, no job, terrible credit, run down car, nowhere to live(couch surfing) and I want some stability.
Any stories, experiences or advice? Besides don't join or fuck the military.

Hey bro, if that's the life for you then go for it !
I graduated after 24 years in the U.S. Coast Guard & am in my happy place now. The retirement pension won't send you to Java on vacation, but it will take care of quite a few things a month & is a nice fall back.
If you should decide to join I would advise you to apply yourself vigorously & be the poster child in everything you do. When any opportunity presents itself for you to advance I would attack it 110%.
Secondly, any medical issue you have, even a hangnail needs to be documented in your medical record. It will prove to be invaluable when its time to process out. Proving to the VA that you had/have a condition is a very important step in receiving compensation for medical issues that don't stay in the Navy when you get out.
Lots of people will whine that you are throwing in with the military complex (and in fact you will be), but you have a great deal of latitude to enter a specialty that you will enjoy.
If you don't mind, why the USN? Do you have a rating that piques your interest?
Again, you may have to remind yourself this a couple times while scrubbing shit cans or shitters that the best way to get out of the shit jobs is to advance your ass out of them.
Make Chief in 7 years & you're cooking with gas.
bad credit is a no no... its alot harder to get into service now because so many people want in due to the employment situation. My little brother was turned away after his physical and testing due to his bad credit.... and hes only 19. Good Luck..
My college buddy's son joined the Marines. He went in as a snotty nosed little kid and came out a man, a gentlemen. It turned him and his life around.

I have to say I was impressed the last time a saw him. Married, wife in nursing school, he is some kind of specialty trainer in the Carolinas I think.
me personally ,I chose not to serve however ,If you choose to serve and protect our country I think that's a very noble thing to do !

you'll get to see the world without a doubt !

whoever said it before me here, yes you will have to give up stonin' ( also applies to all that fake bullshit weed out there )

Good Luck ! :joint:
i have a lot of friends mostly marines but some navy...none liked the navy...2 friends were in the coast guard and liked it...coast guard seems like a way better option then the navy and you get the same benefits...
Im also interested in joining any branch,Im getting bread but I dont want to do this bullsht the rest of my life.....you guys think theres any chance someone with a couple felonies and a ged would be able to work something out with them to get in?
I also know a couple people in the navy stationed in san diego and they love it.They said bootcamp and all that shit was a breeze.
They say its paradise out there compared to philly.
from my 2 friends who were in the navy ...sounds like way too much time on the boat out at sea...3 bunks i think -18 inches between each bunk...tons of retards in the navy some who can not even swim..imagine that lol...very easy for the superiors to take away your weekend pass and you are stuck on the boat .
yeah i know alot of people who can't stand being on a boat for that long, ( some of them complaining of being on a sub too long ) .. but got to see the world.. :joint:
They spend millions advertising, have seen a new navy commercial recently so I'm sure they're looking for people. I've thought about it myself but I can't, I love our troops but hate the people who run the show behind them