I want to join the U.S. Navy. Advice? Opinions?

do you have any misdemeanors? even if it's just when you were a juvenile.
when i tried to join the navy about 7-8 years ago they wouldn't let me because of a juvenile misdemeanor i got when i was 14, and i think they're even more strict now.

http://www.peacecorps.gov/ like i said before, consider your options. even if you went today to talk to a recruiter and fill out your application, you won't be out of bct until the beginning of next year.. who knows what might be happening then, or what kind of shit might pop off during your service.
I also know a couple people in the navy stationed in san diego and they love it.They said bootcamp and all that shit was a breeze.
They say its paradise out there compared to philly.
My roommate was in the Navy and never even stepped foot on a ship. He said boot camp was pretty cake and he got stationed in South Carolina which he said was pretty sweet. Never been to Philly but San Diego is tits.
To clarify why he never stepped foot on a ship was because he took the medical route and worked in the hospitals.
I have a shop lifting charge from 10 years ago that was expunged.

But what I am looking at now is class b felony. They have little to no evidence. As far as I know.

And they gotta prove I did it, which I didn't. Shit rolled down hill and stopped on me. Isn't the first time I've been charged and not convicted.