I want to join the U.S. Navy. Advice? Opinions?

I need some stability, I'm smart, got above an 85 on my asvab in high school, have a year of college under my belt.

My life is complete shit, no job, terrible credit, run down car, nowhere to live(couch surfing) and I want some stability.

Any stories, experiences or advice? Besides don't join or fuck the military.

Start getting healthy if you are joining. Jog. Then Jog with weights in a rucksack. Jog a bit more.
Be accepting of anything you are told to do. You will likely see combat - which you'll enjoy.
Navy is a very good choice. God speed x
my two friends pretty much had to paint the entire ship..top to bottom multiple times..non stop painting and scraping with a crew of dudes that they ran ...they both hated the navy.
my two friends pretty much had to paint the entire ship..top to bottom multiple times..non stop painting and scraping with a crew of dudes that they ran ...they both hated the navy.
CG is much like that too. The trick is to get into a rating quickly so you don't languish in a "Deck force" job.
I like the engineering ratings & we never had to paint the exterior of the ship.

Kodank - have you looked at the various specialties offered?
Do any of them interest you?
my friend who was in the coast guard liked it..he operated a gun "most powerful gun the cg has" according to him called the sea whiz...ever heard of it?
my friend who was in the coast guard liked it..he operated a gun "most powerful gun the cg has" according to him called the sea whiz...ever heard of it?

I don't know if it can be classified as the most powerful in the CG - it is certainly impressive.
Its an anti-aircraft/anti-missile radar guided 20mm Gatling gun with a cursor for a trigger.
The 378' cutters have 5" 38 that just might be considered "powerful".

that is a bad ass gun thanks for the video...yeah he told me the thing is all computer operated but he liked the coast guard ...he also is going to school on the coast guards dime right now with a gi bill getting paid like 1500 a month...the coast guard can open some doors...he grew up with little options and is making money now and going to school.
I'm thinking military police or something that can easily translate back to civilian life. If I find something I really like I'll stick at it for 20 years and retire.

I already quit smoking. No problem there.

It's not often they turn people away with an asvab score like mine. I really do not want to be on a fucking boat or sub. I'm gonna try and avoid it. Really really try to avoid it. It may be unavoidable.

Why the navy? I don't wanna be deployed in Iraq or wherever the fuck we end up. Plus they have good benefits.

Also seeing the world would be nice...but I'm comfy sitting in America somewhere. I can see the world on my own terms.
I need some stability, I'm smart, got above an 85 on my asvab in high school, have a year of college under my belt.

My life is complete shit, no job, terrible credit, run down car, nowhere to live(couch surfing) and I want some stability.

Any stories, experiences or advice? Besides don't join or fuck the military.

just going to mention once you sign those papers the GOVERNMENT OWNS YOU! not for 2 or 4 years they own you for life. and to be honest id much rather smoke my mary jane, couch surf, and live free than to be owned by a bunch of fucking retards who dont give a fuck about your well being. all for a couple thousand dollars? not worth it to me but hey its your life man, do your thing.
just going to mention once you sign those papers the GOVERNMENT OWNS YOU! not for 2 or 4 years they own you for life. and to be honest id much rather smoke my mary jane, couch surf, and live free than to be owned by a bunch of fucking retards who dont give a fuck about your well being. all for a couple thousand dollars? not worth it to me but hey its your life man, do your thing.

Where the hell did you hear that?
Complete fabricated BS.
I need some stability, I'm smart, got above an 85 on my asvab in high school, have a year of college under my belt.

My life is complete shit, no job, terrible credit, run down car, nowhere to live(couch surfing) and I want some stability.

Any stories, experiences or advice? Besides don't join or fuck the military.

Absolutely do that!!! But go dive community whatever you do. Either EOD/Seal or a correlated rate. I spent 5 years as a navy photographer, combat camera unit. Had a fucking ball. Worked with a bunch of Seals/EOD guys, did aerial recon, gross specimen (autopsies) etc. Got to do and see things that I would NOT have been privy to under normal circumstances.
The Navy is a big intelligence filtration system. The smarter you are, the sooner you get into a choice rate (Job), the rest end up in deck dept as boatswains mates. (where you DO NOT wanna be) PM me.

You get 'em GWN. Its WELL worth it, especially at an early age. You'll see and do shit the "couch surfers" can't even imagine doing and seeing.

And for the most part the ONLY rate that does not go to sea is Tradevsman (Training devices/flight simulators) and there are only a handful in the entire navy. But being at Sea isn'tr all bad, trust me.
You get 'em GWN. Its WELL worth it, especially at an early age. You'll see and do shit the "couch surfers" can't even imagine doing and seeing.

And for the most part the ONLY rate that does not go to sea is Tradevsman (Training devices/flight simulators) and there are only a handful in the entire navy. But being at Sea isn'tr all bad, trust me.

Jack, Tell me you didn't live by the famous Squid saying "It ain't gay if its underway". :hump:

JK, Props to my sea going brothers.
that's 100% false information.

oh really is it? im 100% against this bullshit they call a military. feel free to provide some facts on them not owning you for life. because im pretty sure once you sign those papers even if you finish your term or whatever they call it they can still call you into active duty at any given time for anything they want. granted they can do that to anyone but they go for the ones who inlisted first so therefore im pretty sure that means they own you.
if they could call anyone into active duty ..then wouldn't they have as much control over your life as anyone else?