I want to join the U.S. Navy. Advice? Opinions?

Me or Kodank?

All I have is high school. High school and 6 years of continuous work experience, ain't shit really..

What is the peace corps exactly?

I'll google it, just wondering if you had any info first?

you join for a little over 2 years, you go and volunteer in a foreign country. they pay for everything housing/food/necessities, you get a place to live.. usually your own little house in the community. you get vacation days and shit, you get medical and dental while you're there. and then when it's over and you go home, they hand you like 7k and affordable health insurance for a couple years.

you get work experience, you get to see a different part of the world and live a whole different life for a couple years, learn a new language, they help you find a job when you come home. so as soon as you get back you can get your own place and start working.
well sounds like you live like most americans. if you want stability I think that might be a good thing. but personally I woudnt join the military
Urca: I'm not set on only military police. I haven't looked into much just yet.

Ya man. There are some really good upsides. If I join before I turn 24 I'll be retired by 44. If I make a career out of it.

I dont know about all THAT, but 1 tour to pay the schooling is well worth it, when you take the other life experiences you'll get in context with it. Most "lifers" I ran into were either REALLY dedicated, REALLY lazy, or just plain couldn't make it in the private sector. They chose the Safe, Security of a regular paycheck (such as it is) and what few bennies are available that might outweigh what you can get in the private sector.
As hard as it might be to believe, a recruiter will LIE to you. Yes, it's true, it HAS been known to happen on occasion. They will tell you that all your schooling will transfer over as college credits etc. I'd check with some colleges, because I beleive you'll find that they dont, much like the guy whos Police experience didnt transfer (And thank god. All we need is more cops, right?) The schools are really good technical training tho.....and WILL benefit you. Keep your expectations real.
The Navy used to require a 5 year commitment, with a 3/2 sea/shore rotation. You can reasonably expect to be aboard a ship for at a minimum of 4 years of that rather than the 3 the recruiter will tell yo you'll do. If a recruiters lips are moving, chances are pretty theres a lie coming out of them!!
There is a HUGE difference between regular Navy and dive community/specwargroup. You'll have to apply for the dive community in Boot, but if you have high enough ASVAB scores, they'll be recruiting you.
You can spend the next 5 couch surfing, or the next five out there going to places that grow some of the FINEST weed you'll ever encounter, have access to the genetics for that weed (What better place than the source?) And meet some truly awesome people and see some truly awesome shit. Your choice.

PS: A 6 month cruise, you still get a paycheck every 2 weeks, and they stack up pretty well during that time!!!
Go for it if that's what you want. Be sure to be clean when you go in and stay that way. They do test! Military life isn't for everybody. I was a Marine. It will give you a sense of purpose, self-worth and accomplishment. It does open doors when you do decide to get out. Just be sure it's what you want first. Good Luck.
The services are cutting way back. You will be lucky to get in.

I think the USA and the world is about to see some real real hard times but they always feed the military. If I was able, I would sign up and get ready to have afront line seat in one of the most titanic moments in history.

The sorry, evil, scumbag parasites in the district of columbia are about to embark upon WW3 to cover up for the disaster that will blow up when the dollar becomes worthless

I came a little when I read that last paragraph, very well put +rep.
Im also interested in joining any branch,Im getting bread but I dont want to do this bullsht the rest of my life.....you guys think theres any chance someone with a couple felonies and a ged would be able to work something out with them to get in?

No. Plain and simple. Back in the 60's and 70's yes. Now, the answer is no.
what about the border patrol?..i have to imagine they are looking for men..if you learn spanish and have a clean record should be guaranteed a job with their limitless budget...atleast that way you stay home and it is safer..get to work outside
If you're comfortable with the idea of fighting in WW3 over nothing actually important except some perverse fantasies of some megalomaniacs, go for it.

Personally I'd tell you the outdoor season is starting and pulling off one good crop could get you setup nicely. Just my opinion.
If you're comfortable with the idea of fighting in WW3 over nothing actually important except some perverse fantasies of some megalomaniacs, go for it.

Personally I'd tell you the outdoor season is starting and pulling off one good crop could get you setup nicely. Just my opinion.

fucking like!!! +repp
im not sure how i feel about all of us illegals helping someone become potentially the police officer that will bust one of us one day lmao.
Better to have like minded individuals in positions of authority than not, wouldn't you agree?

Consider a cop who used to smoke weed pulls you over after you just smoked, I'd think he'd be more likely to let you off easier than a cop whose never touched weed in his life, right?

I think where your own head is at is more important than any other external forces at work. What I mean is - yeah, the US government uses the military force for it's own political and monetary gain, but that doesn't mean you necessarily have to if you join. It comes down to each individual decision you make while active under contract. You have the decision to 'pull the trigger' (no pun) on every order given. Most people think it's like a "they give you orders, you follow them unquestioned" (when in reality it might be similar to that, but in my own head, someone giving me an order to murder a person who I believed to be innocent could literally go fuck themselves because I wouldn't do it, even if it meant losing what I'd worked for up until that point). I think that's the sentiment more soldiers have than a lot of us tend to acknowledge.
I did 10.5 years as a canadian armed forces mechanic, made the "lofty" rank of corporal. Broke my back and wound up out on a medical pension... have my federal marijuana exemption now as well. All in all I'm glad to have served.. had some good times.

So I've decided as soon as I figure which one will serve me best, as in my needs, I'll be joining either the Navy or Coast Guard.

All of your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks for helping, giving me great advice, and generally making sure I don't get fucked by the recruiters.
I'll tell ya, there was a time that the very BEST cocaine connection one could have in S. Fla was tha Coast Guard Station in either Islamorada or Key West!!!
I'll tell ya, there was a time that the very BEST cocaine connection one could have in S. Fla was tha Coast Guard Station in either Islamorada or Key West!!!

Too true - it was also in that era that the most used word in the CG was "Here" as the joint was being passed.
Those days are over, with the advent of urinalysis the underworld drug culture has all but disappeared.
My strong advice to Kodank is to NOT partake should he be accepted into the military - the penalty for getting caught is not as simple as it was in the 70's.
I plan on never smoking as long as I'm enlisted. Fuck. That. Shit. When I get out? My grow op will be glorious.

Same here, unless I assess a high probability I can get away with it, and the risks don't outweigh the rewards... Or maybe it becomes legal and it's treated like alcohol, not on the job, not excessive, etc.. Probably not, but you can always hope I guess..

Have you checked out the pay grades or sign on bonus' yet? Have you gone as far as speaking to a recruiter? How old are you again? 23 right? Do you know what job you want or do you have to do more research about it?

I was thinking, if I did join, I'd quit for 3-6 months, get in shape, running and stuff everyday, just focus everything on that. It's easy once you commit yourself. Just curious, what are your biggest concerns about joining or what's the biggest thing holding you back right now?
I'm 23. Only thing stopping me is a pending legal matter.

Also when I enlist. I'll never smoke. A discharge is often worse and considered worse then a felony. No thank you.

3-6 months of getting in shape? You must be really out of shape then. A month maybe 2 would be enough.

Hell I quit eating beef, pork, fast food, junk food and soda and lost 30 pounds in 2 month. Zero exercise.

I haven't narrowed down a job or spoken with a recruiter. Also pay is irrelevant. Gonna pay me what they pay me. Regardless of what I want from them. Signing bonus on the other hand I'll try for as much as I can. I've got debt and school loans I gotta pay.

Also man just remember, there is no turning back, make sure it's what you want. 100%. It won't be easy. Not for a long time.