What kind of disgusting shit do you consume? AKA the "What Do You Eat" thread.

And we're OFF to the races. Now start by showing us ALL where *I* stated that anyone should eat " fast foods and garbage"? Do that right now before anything else , because we can have a rational discussion on this as long as you refrain from putting BULLSHIT word in my mouth that I didn't say.

We CLEAR on that? Or do I need to make that even PLAINER for you. I;m NOT going to take the usual Radical Vegan bullshit. Ya got that?

Ya quote a post wherein I STATE " eat as close to fresh as possible" and then yap as if I recommended " fast food and garbage".............that's just flat out a dishonest method of arguement and is going to put us at loggerheads right quicklike.

Now ONCE AGAIN , if you go for a WEEK on nothing but juice you will drive your body into a catabolic state and it will begin to consume muscle mass to meet it's protein needs. This is a FACT and has been a FACT and will remain SO regardless of all the caterwauling hyperbole.

Again , if you wish to discuss this fine , but don't put words in my mouth again.

lmao ok sir please calm down. You said i put words in your mouth no that is false. I never claimed you said that i was referring to all the past posts in this thread that my post was based on discussing how many people are obese which means they eat junk food. look the title of this thread if you don't believe me. Once again i will state the fact that consuming fresh fruit and vegetable juice which is full of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants, is alot healthier than consuming disgusting garbage fast food and processed crap that has no nutritional value. I think anyone would agree a week long juice fast could promote a much healthier diet for the future when one sees the positive effect it has on your health compared to feeling and looking like crap being on a junk food diet.
The problem with that is Grains and all the other "no-fat, gluten-free, no this or that " is they are high glycemic carbs. That is what makes people fat. Carbs, carbs,carbs.

Learn your glycemic indexs and consume the *proper carbs in the *proper quantities*.. not th3e " cut out ALL carbs and you'll have magic results " results crap.

More bullshit. You're in error , the problem is B A L A N C E and not " carbs ". Over-consumption of the wrong sort of carbohydrates NOT " carbs" , which is infinitely too simplistic and highly misleading faddist crap.

Dude, my first reference to carbs was "high Glycemic" type as stated in my first post above. I excluded subsequent references to carbs as "High Glycemic" because I'm not writing a term paper. My mention of Glycemic indexes prove I know they exist. Settle down please. My philosophy is carbs, in excess, is bad, meaning high-GI carbs ok? I gave thumbs up on Vegan because their carbs are low GI. This carb thing is not rocket science. I'm just sayin Big AG pushes a high carb diet rich in GRAINS. Look up the GI values of grains (wheat, oats), they are through the roof. I go for a diet <75 grams/day. No big deal,not fanatical but I do go for more protiens/fats than carbs (ADA calls for 300gr/day carbs). I also mentioned exercise didn't I? You are right, calories in must be < calories out to lose weight. I contend that High GI carbs perpetuates hunger, which is the main problem .I think we agree on most things here don't we?

As for juicers, IMO you are removing most of the beneficial of the fruit/veggies when you do this so all you are getting is a huge carbo blast. After a couple hrs you are shot because of the hangover and proceed to get terribly hungry again. I recommend whole fruits and veggies for the fiber which offsets and slows down the glycemic load on your body. Just IMO. my observations.
lmao ok sir please calm down. You said i put words in your mouth no that is false. I never claimed you said that i was referring to all the past posts in this thread that my post was based on discussing how many people are obese which means they eat junk food. look the title of this thread if you don't believe me. Once again i will state the fact that consuming fresh fruit and vegetable juice which is full of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants, is alot healthier than consuming disgusting garbage fast food and processed crap that has no nutritional value. I think anyone would agree a week long juice fast could promote a much healthier diet for the future when one sees the positive effect it has on your health compared to feeling and looking like crap being on a junk food diet.

I am calm , I've seen too many Vegan whacks prior to this to be disturbed by you. And when you respond to a post wherein I spefically state to stay as close to F R E S H as possible with BULLSHIT like " do you think Junk fooddd bla bala' that puts forth the bais postulation that I but forth such endorsement it's the STANDAR VEGAN WHACH DISENGENOUS AND DISHONEST CRAP.

Just as is your inherent postualtion within the above that I have something against fruits , juices etc. That's a LIE , got that? And you APPARENTLY can't READ.

AGAIN for you , a weeklong fast with NO protein and fat intake will put your body into a catabolic state and it will then begin to cannibalise it's own muscle to meet it's protein need. This is a medical and scientific FACT , whether YOU care to ackowledge said FACT or not.

Shall we get to your blanket statement that " all who are obese eat junk food "..........which of course highlights your dramatic lack of ACTUAL hard knowledge and the smarmy , snotty and arrogant air of you VeganWhack propaganda.

You will find me directly opposing your agenda here on a continued basis.
Dude, my first reference to carbs was "high Glycemic" type as stated in my first post above. I excluded subsequent references to carbs as "High Glycemic" because I'm not writing a term paper. My mention of Glycemic indexes prove I know they exist. Settle down please. My philosophy is carbs, in excess, is bad, meaning high-GI carbs ok? I gave thumbs up on Vegan because their carbs are low GI. This carb thing is not rocket science. I'm just sayin Big AG pushes a high carb diet rich in GRAINS. Look up the GI values of grains (wheat, oats), they are through the roof. I go for a diet <75 grams/day. No big deal,not fanatical but I do go for more protiens/fats than carbs (ADA calls for 300gr/day carbs). I also mentioned exercise didn't I? You are right, calories in must be < calories out to lose weight. I contend that High GI carbs perpetuates hunger, which is the main problem .I think we agree on most things here don't we?

As for juicers, IMO you are removing most of the beneficial of the fruit/veggies when you do this so all you are getting is a huge carbo blast. After a couple hrs you are shot because of the hangover and proceed to get terribly hungry again. I recommend whole fruits and veggies for the fiber which offsets and slows down the glycemic load on your body. Just IMO. my observations.

Does it REALLY seem like I'm unaware of the Glycemic index? I mean really? And you're fulla shit about grains , mankind has eaten grains for thousands of years.

Oh and fuck you and your " settle down" , you go tell your wife or your dog that but you do that to *me* and there will be some conflict , we square on that one?

And you're still yapping as if *all carbs were created equal* , they aren't and if you're aware of the glycemic index then your freaking well know it so quit argueing from the usual disingenous and dishonest position. You did catch that you're talking to someone with long experience in training endurance athletes , wrestlers and boxers didn't you.

Yeah start telling *me* all about the " requirements" and I'll mire you hip deep in *actual* peer reviewed , published studies not a buncha vegan or diet guru propaganda.

oh god, it's an internet fight about food...

nahhhh , it never lasts long , the radical Vegan crowd never has an answer for the words *balanced diet* , they like to off like everyone in the world but then is saying " Eat at Burger King" or something.
When I firsy developed an eating disorder I cut out all bread, pasta and dairy and lost about 20 lbs in a few weeks.

pasta is great though! whole grain with tons of fiber.

i'm always taking an average 2-3 healthy shits a day, nothing makes the body feel good than a nice healthy shit.
Does it REALLY seem like I'm unaware of the Glycemic index? I mean really? And you're fulla shit about grains , mankind has eaten grains for thousands of years.

Oh and fuck you and your " settle down" , you go tell your wife or your dog that but you do that to *me* and there will be some conflict , we square on that one?

And you're still yapping as if *all carbs were created equal* , they aren't and if you're aware of the glycemic index then your freaking well know it so quit argueing from the usual disingenous and dishonest position. You did catch that you're talking to someone with long experience in training endurance athletes , wrestlers and boxers didn't you.

Yeah start telling *me* all about the " requirements" and I'll mire you hip deep in *actual* peer reviewed , published studies not a buncha vegan or diet guru propaganda.


No you dumb ass, YOU were the one accusing ME I was saying a carb is a carb so I explained my reference to bad carbs means: "High Glycemic " carbs. I never said you were unaware of GI. You're embarrassing yourself.

Your Grain fetish? Did you look up the GI for whole wheat bread? How bout oatmeal,rye? White Rice??

I will give you a fact and let's see if your Riod rage can refute it: A SLICE OF WHOLE WHEAT BREAD HAS A HIGHER GI THAN GLUCOSE.

For the last time I'm not saying no carb . I'm saying exercise, Carbs< 75gr/day, by as much veggies as you can, The rest of calories in Protein and fats. Why are you ragging on me. Is my take on this not "Balanced?" Just be calm and explain yourself instead of sounding like the almighty spirit of Jack LaLanne.
No you dumb ass, YOU were the one accusing ME I was saying a carb is a carb so I explained my reference to bad carbs means: "High Glycemic " carbs. I never said you were unaware of GI. You're embarrassing yourself.

Your Grain fetish? Did you look up the GI for whole wheat bread? How bout oatmeal,rye? White Rice??

I will give you a fact and let's see if your Riod rage can refute it: A SLICE OF WHOLE WHEAT BREAD HAS A HIGHER GI THAN GLUCOSE.

For the last time I'm not saying no carb . I'm saying exercise, Carbs< 75gr/day, by as much veggies as you can, The rest of calories in Protein and fats. Why are you ragging on me. Is my take on this not "Balanced?" Just be calm and explain yourself instead of sounding like the almighty spirit of Jack LaLanne.

Agreed. I eat white rice only on occasion and that occasion is usually post workout, or I will eat some sweet potatoes, parsnips, or carrots. A lot of times I don't have anything but a good portion of meat. I also love dairy and try to only get raw product.
I am calm , I've seen too many Vegan whacks prior to this to be disturbed by you. And when you respond to a post wherein I spefically state to stay as close to F R E S H as possible with BULLSHIT like " do you think Junk fooddd bla bala' that puts forth the bais postulation that I but forth such endorsement it's the STANDAR VEGAN WHACH DISENGENOUS AND DISHONEST CRAP.

Just as is your inherent postualtion within the above that I have something against fruits , juices etc. That's a LIE , got that? And you APPARENTLY can't READ.

AGAIN for you , a weeklong fast with NO protein and fat intake will put your body into a catabolic state and it will then begin to cannibalise it's own muscle to meet it's protein need. This is a medical and scientific FACT , whether YOU care to ackowledge said FACT or not.

Shall we get to your blanket statement that " all who are obese eat junk food "..........which of course highlights your dramatic lack of ACTUAL hard knowledge and the smarmy , snotty and arrogant air of you VeganWhack propaganda.
You will find me directly opposing your agenda here on a continued basis.

i was making general statements obviously not everyone who is obese eats junkfood. Lol you seriously oppose the most obvious of my points as if i truly think that, when its called exaggerating. i really dont know why you are attacking me and talking in a hostile manner nobody is so angry except for you seriously just calm down lol no reason to be upset. i never claimed any of my info is a fact ok mr. scientific? if a person has rolls of fat on their stomach i am sure they are not going to die after a juice diet even if it went for weeks on end. You act as if there are no ways to get fats and protein during a juice diet. If a person would like to obtain them who said they cant? i have seen the juice fasting turn peoples lives around from being obese and unhealthy to becoming healthy and on a proper diet. Yes it is better to just eat a proper diet but how many people actually do that? sometimes extremes need to be taken to make changes. So there you go if you would like to make another hostile post go right ahead but i am done with this lame conversation. seriously though are you able to just stop and think for a minute? you are raging over a food argument on the internet with your cold hard FACTS. in reality nobody is going to listen to a damn thing you are saying because not everyone is a scientist. Most normal people just do what they know to work and a healthy diet sometimes taken to extremes sure does do the trick. oh and i am far from a vegan or vegetarian. i eat meat almost every day and some junk food too. I am not fat and i believe i am healthy overall so talk about being a hypocrite you are the one claiming bullshit about others.