Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

blah blah blah.
we all know spike lee is a douche for this, and honestly, he's doing it for attention, and should get in some kind of trouble for this. What about our implied right to privacy? He's just violated that. Spike Lee is an arrogant douche bag who makes his money off of being controversial.
Same as glenn beck used to. it doesnt matter what race you are, when you stir up hate towards another human being, that makes you a self righteous prick. Period the end.

See the above......now see there's some REALITY.........and I agree with every word of it.
All done. Although paragraphs aren't needed if everything is of the same train of thought.

One subject, race - yes. Slavery, drugs, discrimination, separate thoughts on race. If you don't separate the thoughts your papers at school you will have run on paragraphs that will go on for pages.

It is much easier to read.
Guess you weren't paying attention in English class. Paragraphs are meant to seperate different points or ideas. Considering my "paragraph" was all of about 6 lines then I would say adding paragraphs just to make it easier for you to read would actually be contrary to the point and against English grammer rules. I mean..if you can't you read 6-8 lines without needing a paragraph then I guess you don't read many books.

And we're OFF with the usuall personally oriented Liberal Ad Hominem wherein everyone who doesn't agree with them is " stupid , evil...........insert further derogatories here".................yeah you're a REAL open minded one aren't ya.
Says who? You.

Oh yes, I have at the hands of black people. It's called reverse racism or don't you know what it is. Those that know me here know my past and why you shouldn't go there.

I wasn't talking about scars on a culture-you are. It's quite possible that you, sir, are hypersensitive. We are talking about the word 'hang'. And you are turning it into a race debate. The kind of anger I see from you isn't healthy.

Lack of education. If you vote in a pitiful school board that is what you get. Sorry. Do you want to know about the Detroit School System I can fill you in if you like. There are some facts that are about to blow the doors wide open on the Detroit schools and it won't be pretty.

Migration that is something they individually choose to do. Sorry, no ones fault.

Drug abuse that definitely is not mine or anyone's fault except for the drug abuser, no matter their color. Using racism here is a very poor excuse for that behavior.

Racial stereotypes, I agree are very real. I am truly sorry about that.

The only item I see there that is a real lingering affect of slavery is stereotypes. Otherwise what I see is an excuse to blame anyone but yourselves.

I have been shoved thru doors while making a sales calls, the last time by a Jew no less. I am a woman in a man's job, for most of my life I have been the only woman or nearly the only woman in my field. I kept putting one foot in front of the other and kept working. I didn't blame anyone because I was born a woman, I accepted the fact and made do since there is nothing I can do about it. How about you?

I never said that man got the job instead of me because...

The comment about the old guard wasn't about eliminating racism it was as they die off maybe some of it would go with them. Sadly it will never disappear, we agree.

Catch ya later.

Really? You wanna go there? Ok.

Yes, says me. The perpetuation of racism is actively or passively aiding in the continued stereotypes and feelings that breed racist people. Having an open forum discussion about whether a comment is racist is hardly doing so. I am trying to intelligently show that that persons comment can be seen as racist by many black people and have already offended 4 black people in this thread.

Who the fuck said you were talking about "scars." I made a statement saying that those scars exist. I never said that mentioned scars. I stated that talking about hanging black people is a scar for blacks.

I'm not talking about Detroit. I'm talking about the U.S. If you wanna start comparing stats about minority dominant schools and neighborhoods and the increased crime rates, drug abuse rates, imprisonment rates, etc.. then you really won't have a leg to stand on.

What the fuck are you talking about being a women in a man's job? Can you explain the point of that whole tirad? If you want to compare what someone has achieved DESPITE the obstacles in front of them then you will surely lose this argument. Not only do I have 2 undergraduate degrees and an MBA from NYU, I also own 2 very successful business'. My father grew up in a home where his father was an alcoholic and abusive. My dad has been on his own since he was 16. He put himself through college and went on to become very successful in his field. Actually serving on 2 presidential counsels and as an advisor to Bill Clinton. Don't even try it with me. I have accomplished more in my life then most people dream of and ALL of it was because of my own hard work.

Very nice to meet you and good luck with that narrow mindedness.
NO you're not very smart sir ,
He doesn't know me as a person
All he knows is that I made some comments on a pot forum.
Those comments don't make me who I am today.
I actually do a lot of vollunteer work at the schools on my neighborhood to keep youth away from gangs and things of that sort.

But whatever he's entitled to his own opinion of me. Like i said I'm over this thread no need to quote me anymore

They don't " know you"? Hey did YOU " know" the individual YOU ran YOUR yap at?
My high horse. You're telling me that I need to restructure my paragraphs on a forum. Uhh...do you get the irony there pal. No shit paragraphs can contain the same idea...why do you think I didn't feel the need to break it down into three different 2 sentence paragraphs? Not my fault you aren't Hooked on Phonics pal.

What are you, the forum police? Why don't you get out. You haven't added shit to this thread except incorrectly stating what a paragraph is supposed to be.

Oops, sounds like someone needs a nap.
One subject, race - yes. Slavery, drugs, discrimination, separate thoughts on race. If you don't separate the thoughts your papers at school you will have run on paragraphs that will go on for pages.

It is much easier to read.

It was all meant as 1 train of thought/idea which is what a paragraph is supposed to be.

Just because I talked about different issues and ideas does not mean they were different subjects.

From now on I will seperate all sentences so it is easier for you guys to read.

I will also add pictures to make it fun for everyone.
And as usual , a buncha deflection with ZERO direct address of the points and ad hominem oriented towards vilifying the individual , standard wimpy freaking liberal method of arguement or should I say NON-arguement , since of course you lot does this shit because you're completely incapable of any sort of rational and cognisant rebuttal.

You're a freaking race-baiting worm. Simple as that.And all your bullshit above is just a pussy way out of actually defending your freaking ridiculous postulations.

Can anyone say "Xanax"
Ohhh THANK you, WW! This thread sure clouded up quick. cn

Yeah, got off track at the first post. I feel so sorry for those old folks. I wouldn't want to live in a house where people think a man with a Million dollar bounty on his head lives, whether he is there or not.

The waitress at my local restaurant that I frequent was in Sanford when it all went down. She said we are not getting the real facts on either one of the people involved.
Yeah, got off track at the first post. I feel so sorry for those old folks. I wouldn't want to live in a house where people think a man with a Million dollar bounty on his head lives, whether he is there or not.

The waitress at my local restaurant that I frequent was in Sanford when it all went down. She said we are not getting the real facts on either one of the people involved.
I sort of figured. That is one of the reasons why I posted on the "Trayvan" (sic!) thread in our neighboring subforum that i was joining you on the fence until developments ... developed. cn
And a succinct rebuttal is WHERE? As I stated you're a race baiting puke , it's as simple as that , you're of the same stripe and persuasion as Jeremiah Wright , you just don't quite dare to use his inflammatory BULLSHIT rhetoric in these quarters.

And guess what Wright and David Duke are EXACTLY THE SAME..........yeah you heard me correctly I just tossed the " God of Black Liberation Theology" in the SAME goddamned boat with Duke and the rest of the Butler/Hale WCI assholes.........and every goddamned one of them should be freaking HUNG for the benefit of ALL humanity.

Someone get him his meds before he breaks his computer.