Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

paragraphs are the most basic part of writing, and even if they are the same thought, one big block of words is more difficult to read than two or three paragraphs

Guess you weren't paying attention in English class. Paragraphs are meant to seperate different points or ideas. Considering my "paragraph" was all of about 6 lines then I would say adding paragraphs just to make it easier for you to read would actually be contrary to the point and against English grammer rules. I mean..if you can't you read 6-8 lines without needing a paragraph then I guess you don't read many books.
Fact of the matter is the guy is an ass for evening saying that he should be hung. Do you have any clue the negative imagery that is associated with hangings in the black community? Maybe he wasn't taling about Spike Lee being the spokesperson for ALL black people but the hanging comment basically sealed his fate. It was ignorant and racist in itself. As a black person; and a human; any response after that is warranted. That guy went racial in a disgusting way; how that affects me as a black person and my response to it are really not open to judgement or interpretation from someone who doesn't understand.

Oh spare us all your politically correct crap. Along with the authoritarian bullshit because NOBODY " went racial" and quite frankly people such as YOU do a great deal more to perpetuate racism with your constant caterwauling about N O T H I N G and attempting to turn it racism than folks such as the guy you're sniveling about.

In point of FACT , just LIKE the Klan or any other hate group or proponent thereof you wish to KEEP the subject at the public forefront to be exploited , you don't WANT any " peace between the races"

And YEAH I DID just compare you to the Klan , hate is hate PERIOD and there is zero difference between the hate exhibited by assholes like Spike Lee and Jeremiah right and the hate exhibited by mouthbreathers such as the Klan.........HATE IS HATE.

And evidently YOU wish to perpetuate HATE.

And prior to jumping back at me there , you'd best shitcan your forthcoming " well you be whitey" comments , 'cause I'm not and I've quite likely put up with more racism from B O T H sides that you've *EVER* seen.

Your commentary is *specifically* geared to incite hate and conflict, Don't bother argueing , I've been watching this shit since the days of the SDS and the early Panthers , we all watched as publicity hound clowns with a socialist bent hijacked the movement , one of those idiots being Angela Davis , and one of her methods of rabble-rousing being **EXACTLY*** what you did here.

Seen it a million times , your intent is to DIVIDE not to have folks stand together for equality. So for cripes sake at least be HONEST about it and quit lieing to folks here.
It's pathetic that you guys are jumping on Kush's back when it is so obvious that statement was ignorant and racist. Who says a black person should be hung in 2012? In my opinion it just goes to show how ignorant Mcrandle and Angelsbandit really are and that you both may not be openly racist but you sure as hell don't see any problem with that statement which means to me you're both exactly what is wrong with this world today. Disgusting if you ask me.

OPENLY RACIST? Oh you mean like YOU? Yeah you heard me right ..YOU are openly RACIST......you're so goddamned busy looking for an " affront" that you're essentially completely and totally USELESS to any fight for racial equality , you're too damned busy fighting over inconsequential BULLSHIT and alienating folks with basically ridiculous tirades over said inconsequential BULLSHIT.

You're being just as judgemental as any given sheetwearing cracker asshole.
Thank you, I honestly don't give a flying fuck about spike lee. I'm not trying to defend him in anyway, he's a douche I'm sure we all can agree on that. The comment that the first guy made is what made me bring race into this . I don't go trolling threads looking to start race wars but if I feel a comment is ignorant and racist I will speak on it. And that goes for either side of the equation seeing as I'm half white half black. And if you feel that saying "spike lee" or anybody for that matter should be hung is ok then somethings not right with YOU. I have not a racist bone on my body so for you to accuse me of starting race drama kind of pissed me off.

Get ready to be pissed off again then because YOU DID start the racial drama within this thread , you and only YOU. And it was a bullshit response to an innocent comment. And the fact that you're bi-racial is immaterial , it doesn't get you a pass since of course YOUR commentary was inherently bigoted and prejudicial.

Me I'm Bi racial , or I guess more correctly Triracial , I don't waste time bitching and sniveling about essentially innocent shit and runninh around looking for crap to get offended about. It's useless and divisive.

A buncha folks on B O T H sides of these damned issues need to remember that ***everybody bleeds red***......show me someone of any " color" that doesn't bleed red.
...And another jackass shows up. Real smooth; you've managed to prove you are racist and stupid in less than 6 words. That is an accomplishment.

You proved you were racist in fewer words. And now you seem to be bent on fostering some sort of division between the races and an associated hassle HERE.

As I clearly stated...........hate is hate and a Bigot is a Bigot............regardless of racial makeup. And you sir are a prime example of a bigot.
I see you point and I do understand it. I think is is safe to say that a palpable racial undertone surrounds this entire incident in Florida. Whether it is the media or agitaters like Spike Lee that have made it this way is hard to say but the existance of race as an issue is not deniable in this instant. As far as the comments made, I took them to have a racial tone as well. Referring to a black person in a clearly racial issue and then stating they should be hung is just plain stupid. Mixing those 3 together is not a good combination.

Tough shit for you there huh? That you can't control others and what they say that is. As for the Z'man incident , what's your point , other than to reiterate redundantly things that have been previously stated.

No SHIT it's about race in Fla , it's frigging Sanford Fla for crying out loud. Ya ever been there?
Guess you weren't paying attention in English class. Paragraphs are meant to seperate different points or ideas. Considering my "paragraph" was all of about 6 lines then I would say adding paragraphs just to make it easier for you to read would actually be contrary to the point and against English grammer rules. I mean..if you can't you read 6-8 lines without needing a paragraph then I guess you don't read many books.

you really need to get off your high horse. this is riu not a book. get with it or get out. paragraphs can contain the same idea, who would have thought?
all sides are discriminated against.


the world is full of hate... what i want to know is how so many people find the time to hate in the first place.

don't people have better things to do with their time?

THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ reread as needed folks.
Oh spare us all your politically correct crap. Along with the authoritarian bullshit because NOBODY " went racial" and quite frankly people such as YOU do a great deal more to perpetuate racism with your constant caterwauling about N O T H I N G and attempting to turn it racism than folks such as the guy you're sniveling about.

In point of FACT , just LIKE the Klan or any other hate group or proponent thereof you wish to KEEP the subject at the public forefront to be exploited , you don't WANT any " peace between the races"

And YEAH I DID just compare you to the Klan , hate is hate PERIOD and there is zero difference between the hate exhibited by assholes like Spike Lee and Jeremiah right and the hate exhibited by mouthbreathers such as the Klan.........HATE IS HATE.

And evidently YOU wish to perpetuate HATE.

And prior to jumping back at me there , you'd best shitcan your forthcoming " well you be whitey" comments , 'cause I'm not and I've quite likely put up with more racism from B O T H sides that you've *EVER* seen.

Your commentary is *specifically* geared to incite hate and conflict, Don't bother argueing , I've been watching this shit since the days of the SDS and the early Panthers , we all watched as publicity hound clowns with a socialist bent hijacked the movement , one of those idiots being Angela Davis , and one of her methods of rabble-rousing being **EXACTLY*** what you did here.

Seen it a million times , your intent is to DIVIDE not to have folks stand together for equality. So for cripes sake at least be HONEST about it and quit lieing to folks here.

OPENLY RACIST? Oh you mean like YOU? Yeah you heard me right ..YOU are openly RACIST......you're so goddamned busy looking for an " affront" that you're essentially completely and totally USELESS to any fight for racial equality , you're too damned busy fighting over inconsequential BULLSHIT and alienating folks with basically ridiculous tirades over said inconsequential BULLSHIT.

You're being just as judgemental as any given sheetwearing cracker asshole.

You're full of shit , simple as that. Last I looked there have been people of *every* type and persuasion hung in this country , it's not exclusive to a specific race.

And LYNCHING ya gotta be kidding me , why don't you make a case for " lynching" being solely racially applied , please do.

You proved you were racist in fewer words. And now you seem to be bent on fostering some sort of division between the races and an associated hassle HERE.

As I clearly stated...........hate is hate and a Bigot is a Bigot............regardless of racial makeup. And you sir are a prime example of a bigot.

As usual, someone always shows up to flame a thread. Did you forget your meds today buddy? I'm literally luaghing at how stupid you are and the temper tantrum you are having. I've seen you do this in a couple threads but never to this level. Please continue, it's actually kinda funny to watch you go psychotic. Pathetic; but funny too.
Your not very smart obviously. He is sick of people that are just exactly like you! LOL

NO you're not very smart sir ,
He doesn't know me as a person
All he knows is that I made some comments on a pot forum.
Those comments don't make me who I am today.
I actually do a lot of vollunteer work at the schools on my neighborhood to keep youth away from gangs and things of that sort.

But whatever he's entitled to his own opinion of me. Like i said I'm over this thread no need to quote me anymore
Considering you are using the meaning of perpetuation of racism way well in the U.S. and throughout the world. If you don't believe this then that world you live in must be all strawberries and ponies.

Blah , bla blha blah......................you do know that your rhetoric is old and tire especially the " you can't know racism unless your black" and the " you're a woman so you should march in lockstep with me" gambits.

Those were old and tired in 1 9 7 0.
you really need to get off your high horse. this is riu not a book. get with it or get out. paragraphs can contain the same idea, who would have thought?

My high horse. You're telling me that I need to restructure my paragraphs on a forum. Uhh...do you get the irony there pal. No shit paragraphs can contain the same idea...why do you think I didn't feel the need to break it down into three different 2 sentence paragraphs? Not my fault you aren't Hooked on Phonics pal.

What are you, the forum police? Why don't you get out. You haven't added shit to this thread except incorrectly stating what a paragraph is supposed to be.
Considering you are using the meaning of perpetuation of racism way out of context I'll still try and answer your questions.

Says who? You.

Considering you are white and live in the U.S. I am going to assume that you haven't been subject to direct racism in your life

Oh yes, I have at the hands of black people. It's called reverse racism or don't you know what it is. Those that know me here know my past and why you shouldn't go there.

Talking about the scars on a culture and a race or the lack of a black person to let something go that has so affected their lives in almost every aspect is very condensending of you.

I wasn't talking about scars on a culture-you are. It's quite possible that you, sir, are hypersensitive. We are talking about the word 'hang'. And you are turning it into a race debate. The kind of anger I see from you isn't healthy.

Lack of education, migration towards inner cities; racial stereotypes; drug abuse, etc... are just a few of the long lingering affects of slavery and racism in this country.

Lack of education. If you vote in a pitiful school board that is what you get. Sorry. Do you want to know about the Detroit School System I can fill you in if you like. There are some facts that are about to blow the doors wide open on the Detroit schools and it won't be pretty.

Migration that is something they individually choose to do. Sorry, no ones fault.

Drug abuse that definitely is not mine or anyone's fault except for the drug abuser, no matter their color. Using racism here is a very poor excuse for that behavior.

Racial stereotypes, I agree are very real. I am truly sorry about that.

The only item I see there that is a real lingering affect of slavery is stereotypes. Otherwise what I see is an excuse to blame anyone but yourselves.

As a women I would think you would understand considering you most likely deal with sexism often. The womans suffrage movement and their right to vote took place in 1920. It's been 90 years and sexism is still visible in all walks of daily life in the U.S. If you think that the "old guard" passing will end racism in the world or in the U.S. then I have a bridge in Manhattan I can sell you.

I have been shoved thru doors while making a sales calls, the last time by a Jew no less. I am a woman in a man's job, for most of my life I have been the only woman or nearly the only woman in my field. I kept putting one foot in front of the other and kept working. I didn't blame anyone because I was born a woman, I accepted the fact and made do since there is nothing I can do about it. How about you?

I never said that man got the job instead of me because...

The comment about the old guard wasn't about eliminating racism it was as they die off maybe some of it would go with them. Sadly it will never disappear, we agree.

Catch ya later.
Blah , bla blha blah......................you do know that your rhetoric is old and tire especially the " you can't know racism unless your black" and the " you're a woman so you should march in lockstep with me" gambits.

Those were old and tired in 1 9 7 0.

And the stupidty continues. I'm getting popcorn. Like watching a train wreck...you know you shouldn't but you just can't keep your eyes closed.
You are very naive to think we don't. You may not see it but almost every minority in this country does. Speaking from the ruling class gives you a very unobstructed view from the mountaintop. Try coming down into the valley and see what the view is like.

And you're so busy running your yap and doing nothing else but attempting to be as divisive as possible that you'll never get anything accomplished of a positive nature.

And next you'll yap about reparations , which wouldn't be a real good idea with me. You might have figured out why ( hint , if you insert a racial insult here you'll be wrong)...

If you want to be passionate why don't you DO something besides sniveling about inconsequential colloquialisms?
My high horse. You're telling me that I need to restructure my paragraphs on a forum. Uhh...do you get the irony there pal. No shit paragraphs can contain the same idea...why do you think I didn't feel the need to break it down into three different 2 sentence paragraphs? Not my fault you aren't Hooked on Phonics pal.

What are you, the forum police? Why don't you get out. You haven't added shit to this thread except incorrectly stating what a paragraph is supposed to be.

yeah and except for calling spike lee an idiot. god what a douche