Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

You have no idea what I have and have not done in my life. You sir would be very surprised.

The bit about being a woman was in response to you using being a woman as a comparison to racism. You brought it up.

I don't believe you for one moment that you have those degrees. Prove it. If you indeed did graduate who wrote your papers for you?

If your father actually was an advisor then stop living off your father laurels and stand up for yourself, it wasn't something you accomplished.

You are very presumptuous, exactly what you hate in others.

That's the great thing about forums...I don't have to care what you think about me. If you chose to believe me or not is of no concern of mine. Prove to me that you have accomplished anything in your life? I don't live off my father's hard work. If I did I would have taken over his company instead of going at it on my own. Feel free to PM if you like and I will gladly give you both of my corporate email address and websites. You can then go online to check them out and email me. You'll see that I am the Managing Partner of one company and the CEO of the other. You'll also see that I'm 35 years old. I'll be waiting for your PM.

Ahhhh celebrity deathmatch, I use to love that show lol ...

I got my money on Phillip, Ronin's ALL TALK
why does it matter if they are black? it would be racist to treat blacks different than others by not hanging them. sadam was hung. and the war was brought upon him with allegations that were false. he wasnt making weapons of mass destruction it was all fabricated.

He was hung because thats how they handle executions in the middle east not to mention the villages he slaughtered with chemical weapons back in the 90s. The Thousands of Black People killed by hanging wasn't because of anything wrong they did. But being born black... Big Difference. Racism still lives if you dont believe me go to a wal-mart with your black friend and watch all the older white folks act like theres a fucking terrorist walking in with 100 round choppa
"Reverse racism"? Laughing my ass off. You do realize that doesn't exist? It's an oxymoron? Like saying a "dumb idiot." You sure you went to college and not charm school?
"Reverse racism"? Laughing my ass off. You do realize that doesn't exist? It's an oxymoron? Like saying a "dumb idiot." You sure you went to college and not charm school?

If "reverse discrimination" is lexicographically kosher, I don't see that your argument is strong. Reverse racism is racism, but imo the term is useful since racism is usually very directional. cn
If "reverse discrimination" is lexicographically kosher, I don't see that your argument is strong. Reverse racism is racism, but imo the term is useful since racism is usually very directional. cn

Reverse discrimination...yes, she said reverse racism. A phrase coined to originally describe affirmitive action as actually being racist in it's attempts to give minorities opportunities that may not have qualified for. Since then it has been deemed a contradictory slang term with no real meaning.