I Need Advice About A Threesome?


Well-Known Member
lol actually we were having sex, she wasnt sucking, she got up when i was bout to go, an asked me to "shoot it" in her mouth so she leaned back and the first bit got in her mouth the second didnt....kinda had an arch to it and bam right in her eye....honestly im not all about cumming on peoples faces, the whole facial thing is kinda gross, but that shit was funny-seriously if you're gonna swallow then swallow dont make requests that i aim since it doesnt have a crosshair built in...maybe i should invent a cock ring with a crosshair though...that'd be awesome lol
im gonna photoshop a cock ring with a crosshair just for you


New Member
The reason I don't find this particular funny is because I was repeatedly gang raped one year and video was taken of it:-|
You posting whether jokingly or NOT caused me to go into a panic attack and close all my threads.
I've been married to the same man now for almost 20 years . Live a very reserved and peaceful lifestyle.
I totally don't do any of this shit and was ONLY joking around.

Again I am not blaming you because it was my own decision to come in here and joke around but if you have such a video then please sent it to me :evil:

No senorita, Proof i have.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry too Lacy! Because it takes two to joke around, and I was joking with Shook. Obviously neither of us knew this about you, or we wouldn't have ever gone there (I'm sure Shook will agree).

For the record (and in moral support of Lacy) I've been raped, and I know there isn't anything humorous about it. It's not an easy thing to deal with, and it's not something you can ever forget.


Well-Known Member
The reason I don't find this particular funny is because I was repeatedly gang raped one year and video was taken of it:-|
You posting whether jokingly or NOT caused me to go into a panic attack and close all my threads.
I've been married to the same man now for almost 20 years . Live a very reserved and peaceful lifestyle.
I totally don't do any of this shit and was ONLY joking around.

Again I am not blaming you because it was my own decision to come in here and joke around but if you have such a video then please sent it to me :evil:

Thanks for the explanation, I thought maybe you were being spanked for something, and I couldn't figure out what it was. I have questions, but don't want to pry, so I'll just leave this as it is.


Well-Known Member
as much as any of you would find it hard to believe.............i was raped. then my house was trashed. then she called the hells angels (family involved). then i feared for my safety until i found a new place to live. i'll answer ALL questions. thanks for your support. :)


Well-Known Member
as much as any of you would find it hard to believe.............i was raped. then my house was trashed. then she called the hells angels (family involved). then i feared for my safety until i found a new place to live. i'll answer ALL questions. thanks for your support. :)
*trying really hard to resist asking question*

everyone take a momentbongsmiliebongsmilie
hope you feel better now... Back to threesomes
*sigh* I feel much better...and I agree, we need to either get back to talking about threesomes. Or about how every time I see iBlaze's avatar I want a hit...


Well-Known Member
*having clicked the dance monkey dance link in fdd's sig*

I desperately want to fit in...with all the other monkeys. Except the monkeys that I hate, monkeys that are different, or from different places, or different color...

And for the record, MY made up god is better!


Well-Known Member
I post just for u:joint:
lol, seriously, every time I see that bag full of smoke...just waiting to be inhaled...I die a little inside because I can't have it...and I love the mouth piece on the volcano, I think it's so cool...

One day you're going to wake up, and your volcano will be GONE because I will have magically found you, and it, and me and your volcano will have run away together to California, where we will live happily ever after.

The end.


Well-Known Member
*hypnotized by your avatar* whatever you say....

lol, what part of Cali do you live in? I'm asking for perfectly innocent reasons, not because I'm planning to find you and kidnap your volcano (and possibly you with it...)

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Ok, I'd really like some help with this. It's kinda a weird situation. I'm not even sure it's an offer...

I'm friends with this couple, both my age. I've known them for a few years. He's straight, and she's bi, before him, she was with a woman for a long time.

As I've hung out with them more, they've both started getting really flirtatious and grabby -- but ONLY when the other isn't around. When we're all together they're all about each other.

They have BOTH suggested that we all have a threesome, but we've never ALL talked about it, you know? She's suggested that he'd go for it if we initiate it one day after a smoking session. He just straight told me he'd love to fuck me while I eat her out. Sometimes when we're together I'll flirt with her to tease him, and he...well, he jokes back, but I don't think he likes it too much.

They have a real volatile relationship. Like, they're fighting, then they're making up. They love each other, they hate each other. They get jealous over weird things...

Normally, if my friends boyfriend tries to fuck me, I would tell her. I like to be loyal to my friends. But it's like, she's doing the same thing, and he's my friend too, so I should be telling him too.

I want to know what the hell is going on. Are they fucking with me? Are they both doing this together, or are they both doing this without the other knowing? I'm scared to just bring it up to them both together, because the way they act when we're all together. And I'm too worried to mention it to them separately, because that would mean telling each of them "Your significant other is trying to fuck me." When they fight...they get pretty out of hand.

There's so much talk about sex going around, I figured it'd be a good place to ask for some opinions. I seriously need some.

Hey Wiki - I clicked on your thread thinking...

"Wiki had to have just put-up an enticing title to grab all the guys out there, and get quick multi-penetration (no pun intended...lol) on whatever pressing problem or question she has about her plants"

...But then I read what you've written and now I'm total mesmerized by your intriguing situation!!!

I guess I'll have to roll another doobie and sit back for the next hour or so to read all 24!!! pages (gezz!) and get blown away by the whacky comments I am sure the members of RIU have written...LOL

I mean I am literally lmao in advance right now and I haven't even started on everyone's comments... I love you guys!


BTW - That is a no win situation. Even if you really really really wanted them both, next time they are angry with each other; you will be the scapegoat! Keep friends as friends, they are too hard to come by.



Well-Known Member
Hey Wiki - I clicked on your thread thinking...

"Wiki had to have just put-up an enticing title to grab all the guys out there, and get quick multi-penetration (no pun intended...lol) on whatever pressing problem or question she has about her plants"

...But then I read what you've written and now I'm total mesmerized by your intriguing situation!!!

BTW - That is a no win situation. Even if you really really really wanted them both, next time they are angry with each other; you will be the scapegoat! Keep friends as friends, they are too hard to come by.

LMAO, I like that you think I'm that devious, awesomeness. Maybe I SHOULD do that...I could title it something like. "Do my breasts look even? Pics inside"

lol, and for the record, mine are.

And yeah, the people who actually answered my question seemed to vote mostly the same way as you, and I decided not to do it. I wanted to give them some space to work out their relationship problems.