My friends opening up about being an alien? wtf?


Well-Known Member
Thank you jamboss :) Im actually thinking about writing a book sometime in the near future. Just a book about everything I have ever thought. Its gonna take a long amount of time though, I'll more than likely not be satisfied with it until I'm 80.

The reptoid theory I had never heard of, but I've been reading about it and I don't really know. It seems like a reasonable theory. If your into that kind of thing, especially the way reptoids are. I HIGHLY suggest you read this article

As far as reptoids go, as with any alien I like the multi-dimensional theory on them. Even physics proves there are infinite dimensions. Possibly every now and then there is a fluke and there are occurrances that happen where the dimensions collide, and you meet them. Some good examples of that include sleep paralysis and of course psychedelic experiences. I don't really think any theory is 100% accurate. No one has a definitive answer unfortunately. Wouldn't it be so easy if they did?

I'm glad you have a semi open mind about this, I will let you know after tomorrow in a PM, posting some things on a public forum makes you look a little loony. But I guess forums are the place to do it xD If I were to have a true secret though I would not tell you, its ruin it all wouldn't it? :p'

And as for you eye, people can believe what they want they are only inflicting insanity upon themselves. Anyone in the right mind would never fall for anything bizarre anyways.
And dont tell me you've never done a psychedelic with a girl to make the spark into a fire.
My theory is that UFO's ghosts etc are interdimensional phenomena


Well-Known Member

  • My theory is that UFO's ghosts etc are interdimensional phenomena​

Thats what I think too, but who knows maybe there are some in our dimension far out in space, its so huge there has to be. But here, I think its interdimensional


Well-Known Member
Some people think all of that stuff exists in the astral plane, overlaid and in amongst us, like acetate layers and sometimes we accidentally get a glimpse.


Well-Known Member

  • Some people think all of that stuff exists in the astral plane, overlaid and in amongst us, like acetate layers and sometimes we accidentally get a glimpse.​

Yeah! But the thing is you can force yourself there and see it for what it really is. Though I think the fact we can't comprehend what is it makes it very vague to us even if we travel there.


Well-Known Member
The last time I was abducted by aliens they assured me that about 99% of alien abduction claims were total BS, so not to worry. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah! But the thing is you can force yourself there and see it for what it really is. Though I think the fact we can't comprehend what is it makes it very vague to us even if we travel there.

Right between sleep and wakefulness, I know a few therianthropes who have found themselves 'wandering about' as their animal. I had a journey once, talked into it by a friend over the phone and I completely slipped away from reality and into a forest, feeling the earth under my paws and the wind in my ears.

I know hypnagogic hallucinations are pretty common- it seems for us animal people it's common to have the same Shifts we do during the day (mental, phantom parts) in the crucial place, making them seem all the more unreal. No, more real. Out of body, not out of this world, rather.

I actually thought I'd physically become wolf on several occasions. Feeling fur and almost seeing it too, but I know it was just me being stuck between two states and it was like looking at negatives...

Not that outlandish when 'normal people' see fractals in this same space.


Well-Known Member
I was an alien once. DMT changes you lol. you know what i've always wondered? what if my green isn't your green? like you know how you see red and you see green? well what if my view on those two colors is vice versa? like when i was little my mother would point at a green color (which is relly red) and tell me it's green. so now i've grown up thinking that that color is green.

stoned..just so incredibly stoned.


Well-Known Member
I was an alien once. DMT changes you lol. you know what i've always wondered? what if my green isn't your green? like you know how you see red and you see green? well what if my view on those two colors is vice versa? like when i was little my mother would point at a green color (which is relly red) and tell me it's green. so now i've grown up thinking that that color is green.

stoned..just so incredibly stoned.
They are complimentary colors, let them be interchangeable in your world x Or pretend yo are a magical human polarizing filter of sorts.


Well-Known Member
Anyone interested in this sort of thing, google skinwalker ranch or Sherman ranch. Every type odd phenomena was reported there and a research organization bought the ranch and set up shop to investigate. Portals in the air, odd creatures, ufos and ghostly stuff all happened. They said it was like all this activity was controlled by a single intelligence.


Active Member
I was an alien once. DMT changes you lol. you know what i've always wondered? what if my green isn't your green? like you know how you see red and you see green? well what if my view on those two colors is vice versa? like when i was little my mother would point at a green color (which is relly red) and tell me it's green. so now i've grown up thinking that that color is green. stoned..just so incredibly stoned.
Dude, I asked my sciece teacher that very thing out of genuine curiosity when I was 12. I got detention for 2 days. Disrupting class. lmfao


Well-Known Member
Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. [SUP]2 [/SUP]And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. [SUP]3 [/SUP]Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made."

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
"Psychedelics allow you to see the utter most simplistic complexities of the universe itself. The intertwining of everything, circles inside of circles. As well as lucid dreaming and meditation have records of doing. We are all organisms working toward something greater, a superorganism. Cells are organisms, they live and die, all working together toward a greater cause. When seperated from the cause, they die( take a cell from your liver and see if it lives). Now we humans tend to die off when we feel we are no longer needed. Isolate somebody for long enough, they die almost immediately, in the grand scale of time itself a few years is nothing. We humans in analogy are very close to proteins in a cell, we go to the factory to produce energy. And are fueled by a centering life source that codes the entire society. Our universe, our dimension even, are still pawns in the giant paradox of life itself. Of everything. Its forever and always. It exists, therefor it doesn't exist. It doesnt exist, therefor it exists. Existence is nothing. Words are nothing." - The OP

yea feeling that shit can be fucked up but it definatly puts life in perspective. we are just here for a blink of an eye.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
errr WOW , so much BULLSHIT so little time ........all i say for now is some people on this forum will believe anything .


Well-Known Member
I was home alone one night with some lovely medical grade Ketamine. I got myself a nice pair of headphones and an eye mask. Lay myself in bed with a duvet on, mirror in my lap and GOT GOING!

After all the 10`s of sketchy entities and weird landscapes I saw, I recall seeing a greyish alien appear from the distance and start approaching me. As soon as I thought about it, I thought of making friendly gestures, and as soon as I thought this another alien stepped out from behind the one walking towards me (they were back to back).

The one in front looked strictly female and smiled, started doing a "sexy walk". This got me SO excited, its amazing how psychedelics can just project the picture of an alien while activating the sensory parts where you would look at a smoking hot chick ;) To my dissapointment, they ran towards me and jumped right into me leaving a really nice feeling :)

I`ve tripped a fair few times (not as much or as hard as you high) and saw many different things. My very first psychedelic was DMT. I`ve seen what psychedelics do, they make you into the god of your own reality. You chose what is real and what is there, and you also choose to surround yourself, with people in the physical world, that match your thoughts. This realm is more real, but in dreams its very apparent when you try and make sense of who you dreamt of and why. Its all your projection. You can just view life as a dream, and change whats around you, as its no different than your thoughts! :)

As observers we are extremely biased with our own ego`s (your friend). When an ego wants to manifest itself, it will do it one way or the other. You can get into fights, finish a degree with a 1st, get a sick work placement, get the prettiest girlfriend.... So on... But things get a little bit dodgy when psychedelics are in the picture, and you can clearly see this with your friend. Everything we belive, we belive for benefits. Everything we do, we do for benefits. Our society is based on benefits and getting attention...

Once you start to project your inner world hard enough to the outer world, you start to experience some miscommunication and inaccuracy when interpereting events. Its up to the individual to notice when he is doing this too much. Everyone does it (inc. people who don`t trip), we`re all a little bit psychotic and schitzophrenic to see what we want to be seeing in our life ;)

High, once I figured out the above I`ve stopped tripping. I have retired, with a lovely pension of happiness & knowledge. I acknowledge psychedelics as one of the best thing I ever did, but I still think its %10 stuff and %90 how you look at it :)

And I remain completely atheist, with belief that I`m as alive as the computer I press buttons on. Everything can be explained by science, and every other belief is science. Everything just is, and the events around us are within reason. Only by reasoning properly, we can distinguish reality from our inner world. I don`t see the need for any aliens, unless you want to equate yourself to Jesus Christ :)


Active Member
Good read, i feel as if i can relate on a lower level seeing as my buddy legitimately thinks he is a shaman, and has dedicated his life to giving out free DMT and mushrooms in order to help people learn and open their minds. Being around him can be kind of awkward and annoying sometimes though, he is so far out there there are times that i can't understand what he is saying at all.

meechz 024

Active Member
Study ancient civilizations. The world worked extraordinarily differently back then. People knew things beyond our perception today. many different civilizations around the world knew about the same things, had accounts of the same beings and their calendars were saying the same things.

How could all these civilizations have the same information and encounters, yet they existed at different times and they had no way of knowing of the previous, or even the other civilization halfway across the world in their time?

Once you study this, you will know extraterrestrial life is undeniable.