A Newb Grow Journal

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New Member
thanks alot guys. still battling a little pm or mold on the 4" rockwool plants. been wiping it off every day. might spray the blocks with a little neem oil. what do you guys think? got my first signs of roots this morning on a few of the clones. some of the cubes were really dry so i gave them all a light watering with a 190ppm thrive alive solution. i didn't want to get them too wet. i also pooped the dome off a little more then i had it. hoping that will dry them out quicker. also started seeing new growth on the roots of some of the 4" rockwool plants. a few of them are stll struggling but 3-4 of them look really great. still have the yellowing problem on them as well as the moms but growth wise and everything else looks fantastic. wish i could figure out this yellowing issue. maybe it's from all the water i have been putting into them in the last week. this go round i'm gonna let them get good and dry and see if that helps.

will get pics up tomorrow. left my camera at a friends house.
try this
mix skim milk 1 part to 9 parts water and spray it

need me to get u data on that ?

edit hey bro i dont know how cool friend is but be careful leaving camera if u got grow pics on it or remove card from it


New Member
try this
mix skim milk 1 part to 9 parts water and spray it

need me to get u data on that ?

edit hey bro i dont know how cool friend is but be careful leaving camera if u got grow pics on it or remove card from it
hey FAB. i've heard that before for pm and mold. will it work too if i do it on the rockwool cubes? that's where the mold or mildew is really growing. on the bottom and side parts of the cubes where they are moist from watering.

thanks for the headsup on the camera. i always take my pictures off the camera immediately and load them on my computer. after i load them to riu i delete them from my computer. not too worried though, my buddy is one of my best friends for like 18 years and he's growing too. lol.


New Member
hey FAB. i've heard that before for pm and mold. will it work too if i do it on the rockwool cubes? that's where the mold or mildew is really growing. on the bottom and side parts of the cubes where they are moist from watering.

thanks for the headsup on the camera. i always take my pictures off the camera immediately and load them on my computer. after i load them to riu i delete them from my computer. not too worried though, my buddy is one of my best friends for like 18 years and he's growing too. lol.
mold pm is mold and pm where ever it is
never heard of it used on RW
but its same shit where ever it is
a dude in amazon discovered the milk thing


New Member
hey guys. hope everyone is doing well. i've been kinda busy and discouraged by my inability to get my clones going. i've tried everything so far but it just seems like i haven't got the magic touch yet. i'm gonna keep plugging away at it though. made some drastic changes today cause i just got fed up. some cubes were drying out faster then others and i was pretty much having to water specific cubes like twice a day. i think it's because when i tilt the dome off my veg light fan is actually blowing right in that area. anyway, i lost a few clones cause they would dry out overnight. i'm gonna be trying a few new things this next time around. first i'm going to let my moms bulk up a little more. i have my thrive alive and superthrive now so i'll be adding those to the mix from the beginning. still getting yellowing leaves on my clones and little to no root growth on some of them. i moved them out from under the dome yesterday and when i woke up this morning a few of them were dead. i started with 36 clones 9 days ago. right now i have 27 left and none of them look fantastic at all. the vegging plants that i had in the 4" cubes were really starting to come around. i only lost one of them and the others were staring to get some nice growth on them. i tried neem oil on the cubes but that didn't seem to work. so i used a milk and ater solution and it seems to be working so far. so here is a little update as to what i have been up to today.

my moms are looking great. i sprayed them with neem oil on saturday and i think i moved them back under the lights too soon. they have a little burn to them it seems from the neem oil but i'm not too concerned. it's only on the little leaves that were just sprouting. i topped each plant in a few places just to see if i could get some more stalks. i'm going to let them bulk up before cloning again but the new growth on them is really taking off. stems are popping out of everywhere.

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here are my clones that are left in the veg room. most of these are looking really sick and just not good at all. none of them have roots coming out from the cubes yet and some of them are even drooping from the lack of water this morning. i have 1 of the 4" vegging plants left. i took the whole tray and moved it under the MH light. gonna ride it out and see what happens.

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the big news is that i just got tired of trying to be a "veg" grower. time to see if i can actually flower something in this system. so i moved 7 of the 4" block plants and 11 of the healthiest looking clones into the flower room. i mixed up a 500ppm solution in my reservoir which is filled to 35 gallons. i ph's it at 5.8 and added 200ml of hygrozyme. water temps are at 64. lights are on at 6pm and off at 6am. feeding them at 7pm, 12pm, and 5am. the uv lights come on for 2 hours at 7pm, 11pm, and 3am. i changed out the feeder lines to my control bucket for some of the 1/2 reinforced tubing i had left over from my water cooled equipment. i'm not running co2 in the flower room or veg room yet. i need to have healthy plants before i start wasting propane tanks. i should have let the plants sit in darkness for 12-24 hours probably but i just felt like getting the show on the road. gonna leave the lights about 3-4' off the plants for a few days then move them down.

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let me know what you guys think or any comments.


New Member
not trying to be a dick but maybe u doing to much to them

use the KISS method 'keep it simple stoner "

u use a 16 qt sterlite container with 1/8'' plex over top with one 27w cfl and cut clones dip in cheapass clone powder i got at hd for $4 and place in rockwool about 12 for one 16qt sterlite and every few days i mist with well water

must i ever lost was one for each batch


New Member
thanks FAB. i've tried everything so far and nothing seems to be working. it always goes wrong when i start taking the dome off. some cubes dry out too fast and others stay super wet for too long. i add thrive alive and it still doesn't work. this time i left the dome on for 5 days and never touched them. just took the dome off 1 time a day for 15 minutes to get some fresh air in there. the first time they did great. they all had nice roots and everything. then when i starting taking the dome off they all just tured yellow and a bunch just fell over. not sure but next time i'm gonna try a few new things. soak the rockwool in clonex and superthrive. after that they are under the dome for 7-10 days this time. only gonna feed thrive alive and superthrive when they are all dried out. mist with regular water once every 2 days. when i go to move the dome off i'm going to take them away from any direct air from the fans in the room. maybe put them over by the mh light but on the floor or something.


Well-Known Member
thanks FAB. i've tried everything so far and nothing seems to be working. it always goes wrong when i start taking the dome off. some cubes dry out too fast and others stay super wet for too long. i add thrive alive and it still doesn't work. this time i left the dome on for 5 days and never touched them. just took the dome off 1 time a day for 15 minutes to get some fresh air in there. the first time they did great. they all had nice roots and everything. then when i starting taking the dome off they all just tured yellow and a bunch just fell over. not sure but next time i'm gonna try a few new things. soak the rockwool in clonex and superthrive. after that they are under the dome for 7-10 days this time. only gonna feed thrive alive and superthrive when they are all dried out. mist with regular water once every 2 days. when i go to move the dome off i'm going to take them away from any direct air from the fans in the room. maybe put them over by the mh light but on the floor or something.
Whats up nug, I think the best thing you could do for yourself is try something like rapid rooters for cloning rather then Rockwool. It works good for some people but never did for me bro. I always use rapid rooters with great success they hold less water then RW and are allot harder to overwater. Are you going to veg those clones you have for any time or are you going to just flower them right away?


New Member
thanks FAB. i've tried everything so far and nothing seems to be working. it always goes wrong when i start taking the dome off. some cubes dry out too fast and others stay super wet for too long. i add thrive alive and it still doesn't work. this time i left the dome on for 5 days and never touched them. just took the dome off 1 time a day for 15 minutes to get some fresh air in there. the first time they did great. they all had nice roots and everything. then when i starting taking the dome off they all just tured yellow and a bunch just fell over. not sure but next time i'm gonna try a few new things. soak the rockwool in clonex and superthrive. after that they are under the dome for 7-10 days this time. only gonna feed thrive alive and superthrive when they are all dried out. mist with regular water once every 2 days. when i go to move the dome off i'm going to take them away from any direct air from the fans in the room. maybe put them over by the mh light but on the floor or something.
thats the answer to your problem
u fucking with them to much lol we all do it
u are taking lid off to much i was just going to say it without reading your post and said wait read more then seen u didnt mess with it for 5 days and u see improvement
is that right

i only remove plexiglas from mine every 2-3 days when i mist them
i keep them moist but not wet

leave lid on and and control the mold
u try the milk trick?
if u scared to just mark on one some how and treat it and see how it works then u dont have nothing to lose but one clone if it goes bad


New Member
Whats up nug, I think the best thing you could do for yourself is try something like rapid rooters for cloning rather then Rockwool. It works good for some people but never did for me bro. I always use rapid rooters with great success they hold less water then RW and are allot harder to overwater. Are you going to veg those clones you have for any time or are you going to just flower them right away?
hey green, thanks for the advice. i was thinking about those or maybe even an ezcloner. i'm gonna leep experimenting with the rockwool for now though. i'm not one to give up easy on something. lol. i am determined to get the process down.

i'm just going straight to flower with these guys. gonna see what i can do and if any of them survive. i guess i just got tired of only messing around in my veg tent all this time. i know they are tiny but i really don't have a choice. i don't think my chiller could handle the load of those lights running during the day. it's really hot in that room where the tents are during the day. by running the lights at night the chiller is at least able to handle the load. i'm looking into getting some 600w bulbs and running my lights in there dimmed. 600w would still be plenty of light for a 4x8 area basically.


New Member
thats the answer to your problem
u fucking with them to much lol we all do it
u are taking lid off to much i was just going to say it without reading your post and said wait read more then seen u didnt mess with it for 5 days and u see improvement
is that right

i only remove plexiglas from mine every 2-3 days when i mist them
i keep them moist but not wet

leave lid on and and control the mold
u try the milk trick?
if u scared to just mark on one some how and treat it and see how it works then u dont have nothing to lose but one clone if it goes bad
hey FAB. i did the neem oil thing but that didn't seem to work. i tried milk yesterday and it seems to be working so far. i had to use 2% but i haven't seen any mold or mildew since. thanks for that tip.

that's what i am going to do next time. not even mess with them for the first 3 days. then check and make sure the cubes are still moist and give them a light mist. then check on them again in 2-3 days and give them another mist. when the cubes are getting dry how do y0u water them? should i just fill the tray and let them soak it up? then get rid of the excess? when do you normally start leaving the dome cracked open?


New Member
sorry for double post
missed something i dont water them i spary the bottom ove the lid with water i spray leaves and i spray RW
just mist

the 16qt sterlite countain has a little trench around it that collects run off but i dont let water sit where clones

its kind of self sustaining light makes water rise it hits top falls down on pant and is in the air


New Member
sorry for double post
missed something i dont water them i spary the bottom ove the lid with water i spray leaves and i spray RW
just mist

the 16qt sterlite countain has a little trench around it that collects run off but i dont let water sit where clones

its kind of self sustaining light makes water rise it hits top falls down on pant and is in the air
thanks for the link to that thread nad the article. very cool info man. also, appreciate the help with the clones. i think that was my problem too. opening the lid to often and basically drenching the cubes when i watered them. thanks again man. good looking out. probably will try again next week. gonna give my moms some time to beef up. probably will have a few dead ones in the flower room anyway that i can replace. if not i'll put the clones that make it into soil and throw them in the flower room. got plenty of room.


Rebel From The North
Rappid rooters are great nuglets im on a 2nd test run with root shooters and there off the chain with 100% in 12 days.
Root shooter have a base line nute in then and micro fungi and bactiria for root development!


New Member
hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. just a little update on how things have been going.

so, i switched them to flower on monday and all went well the first night. on tuesday night i went to check on them around 8pm and the entire floor had about 10 gallons of water on it. the upper float valve on my control box is catching on it's corner or something and it's not shutting the water off. so i topped the reservoir back of and played around with the upper float valve. i twisted it a little so that it was more sideways and then i tested it. seemed to work just fine so i left it alone. on wednesday i checked on the room and my nutrient reservoir had foam all in in to the top and smelled like shit. i think i may have added too much hygrozyme when i topped it off. not sure but i'm putting my money on that. so i did a complete res change and a new mix and washed out all of my grow sites and control bucket. everything groovy. last night the system tried to flood agian but i caught it. basically i can't seem to get this thing to shut itself off without giving the upper float valve a tap when it is full. needless to say i have spent the last 2 nights waiting till 5am to go to bed.

anyone with any suggestions as to how to DIY this thing a little better. i don't want to be up all night watching this thing. i am ordering a new bucket right now but it will take a week to get here. i tried putting tap around the bittom part of the float valve but that doesn't work. is it a magnet or something in there? should i try foil tape?

good news is that i have CRAZY root growth on my plants. they are super white and 4-5 inches in just a few days. for some reason i still have the claw on some of them and most of them are yellow. i am going to up the nutrients on monday to 1000ppm and see how they do. i have tried everything so far and all i can think is that they want more food. it's just weird that these plants never seem to get dialed in. the ones in soil do just fine but in hydro they are always yellow, bottom leaves always dying, stunted growth, etc... i'm lost but fuck if i'm gonna give up. just keep grinding away.

thanks for any help guys.


New Member
thanks hellraizer. i've got another cap bucket on the way but i am looking at a diy setup too or even some of the other ebb and flow buckets. i just need a fix for this problem right now cause i can't be doing this every night.


New Member
i'm at my wits end right now. everything i have tried with that bucket seems to fail and she will overflow if I am not in there. Honestly thinking of ditching the system all together and getting something else. going to be writing the nastiest email to C.A.P. tomorrow for sure. they have wasted my time, flooded my tent, and wasted nutrients and money with this system. for now i am thinking of going to soil. i could take out the whole system and put another light in there where the reservoir is. then i could fit another 9 plants in there for sure. or drop another $750 and get one of the other systems. probably just gonna go with soil for now till i actually get some healthy plants that produce something.


Well-Known Member
man nug so sorry to hear that bro, my system has been working great from day one and i bought the thing off of ebay for cheap. i dont know how to DIY the problem because i havent personally had the problem but i cna say that the controller that HR threw up there is a good one. im personally going to the sentinel E&F once i change the room want to try it and not much sentinel makes is shit.

is the float switch sticking or is it just not working at all, i have had my controller not fill or drain on occasion when i move it allot or unplug it allot but i usally just unplug it and reset it and it works fine after that.


Rebel From The North
If your having to tap the switch to get it to turn on its toast! Nug dont do soil get that aqua hub!
Yah you could get a few more plants in there but hydro will out yield soil everytime!
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