A Newb Grow Journal

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New Member
hey guys, here with an update.

so i was having trouble running both tents 24/0. my chiller can't handle the load during the day of all that lighting and the temps were getting as high as 86 in there. so, based on how things were looking with my new plants i decided to flower my moms...:oops: I know, I know. But my plants are looking great and my moms were so healthy and lst's beynd belief. i didn't have any room for all those plants plus i really wanna get something going in the flower room. the moms were the best choice cause they were already really big and healthy and i can't take clones for a while anyway cause i got now where to put them for a while. so i put my moms in darkness yesterday and the lights will come on tonight at 7pm after 18 hours of darkness. i'm definitely gonna have to get tomato cages for them. i was thinking maybe trying a scrog on them for the fun of it. or maybe just scrog 2 of them on 1 half of the tent and then leave the other half for the 2 i don't scrog and some other plants which i am gonna put to flower here in a few weeks after they get healthy. what do you guys think? i'll get some pics up when the lights come on.

here are the plants i took out of flower to reveg them in soil. for the most part they are looking great. a few of them are still struggling a little but hopefully they will come back too. they got 650ppm water a few days ago and their next watering will be just water. i'm going to give all the plants just water every 3rd time. i think that will work out better since they are in soil. i also started lst on these 2 days ago.

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these are the last batch of clones that were so messed up. i transplanted them from the small 5" pots they were in to 1 gallon pots this morning. they had really nice roots and look great. i gave them just water this time around cause it was the 3rd time. i have the fungi growing in the pots again so when i pulled them out i sprayed with a really diluted bleach before i transplanted. hopefully that gets it under control. besides that they are really looking healthy.

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New Member
as promised, some pics of the plants i put into flower today after 18 hours of darkness. i still have the lst stakes in. should i take them out or just leave them in? should i continue to lst her for the next few weeks till buds start to form? i have about 3' of height i can lift the light still.



New Member
thanks hellraizer. not sure what i am gonna do when all this new stuff arrives. might be able to keep the 4 flowering plants in a closset in the house and tear everything down and set the new stuff up in a day. then i'll be good to go. i can just put the vegging plants outside i'm guessing. i'm not too worried baout bugs or anything. they get in my tent anyways. the nem oil keeps everything at bay.


New Member
Are you having bug issues nuglets?
i had a spider mite problem way back in the beginning on my moms but the neem oil took care of that. then i thought something was chomping on my leaves. found out i had 2 crickets in the tent. since the tents are in the garage i get all kinds of flying things in there but nothing that i think is really all that bad for the plants. a leaf here and there get's chewed on but no infestations or anything.


Rebel From The North
Cause im thinking it might not be good to be spraying neem all the time! I find dr doom bombs work best and leaves
No residue and dont clog the stimatas. Just somthing to think about bro


New Member
Cause im thinking it might not be good to be spraying neem all the time! I find dr doom bombs work best and leaves
No residue and dont clog the stimatas. Just somthing to think about bro
thanks man. i'm gonna try backing off the neem oil. i only use it in veg maybe every other week. maybe i'll try once every 3 weeks and see if that keeps everything at bay.


Well-Known Member
Best thing I have found for bugs is Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew. I have gotten rid of Spider Mites, Thrips, Fungus Gnats and best of all its organic and doesn't leave a smell/flavor like neem does.


New Member
Best thing I have found for bugs is Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew. I have gotten rid of Spider Mites, Thrips, Fungus Gnats and best of all its organic and doesn't leave a smell/flavor like neem does.
i'm scared to try anything else cause i have heard horror stories. i only spray need through the first week of flower and i haven't had any problems yet so i'm not inclined to switch. plus neem is organic too. like they say....if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.


New Member
alrighty. day 2 in the flower room. i noticed a little bit of crispiness on the leaves so i backed the light off 4" and also backed off the uvb lights. the temps were fine and stay below 84 with the co2. i think the light was a little too close or it might have been the uvb lights. i had them about 14" from the plants.

this morning was the first flower feeding. so i mixed the sensi a&b with voodoo juice, piranha, bud candy, tarantula, sensizym, bud ignitor, rhino skin, and bud factor x. damn that's a lot of nutes. lol. advanced nutrients grand master kit. already regretting it but i might as well use it now that i have it. test it out. i mixed that to 800ppm then added 2.5mL of thrive alive b-1 red and 150ppm of botanicare cal/mag plus. i also added 1.5 drops per gallon of superthrive to help out with the crisy leaves and give them a kick start. the final ppm was 1040. i had fed them 950 for a while in the veg room. then i pushed them with 1200ppm solution and only got some light nute burn so i think i'll be ok with 1040 for now. try an push it to 1200 in a week and go from there. i wanna find the limits this first run for these 2 strains. as soon as i am done with this run i'm gonna switch to house and garden for the soil tent and keep the advanced for the hydro tent.

the veg tent is doing great. i have 18 in 2 gallon pots right now under the 1000w mh and then 12 in 1 gallon pots under the t5. i'm going to pull 4 moms from the ones that are under the t5's. the other ones are in reveg and i think the whole flower/back to veg thing just makes them no good to use as moms. i'm going to veg them out in the pots they are in for now and when they are big enough i'm going to move them to 5 gallon pots and put them into flower. then i'll move the other ones over and veg them till i pull out the 4 moms and move the others to flower. i'm gonna try some crazy stuff with that last batch. i'll leave the 4 moms alone except for a little lst to keep them short and bushy. the other ones are going to get topped and lst'd a lot. i have to keep them occupied while the other ones are flowering cause i don't have enough room in the flower tent and i can't go setting up the new tents till those guys flower. once they do i can take down that tent and get 2 of the new ones totally setup. then i can just move the vegging plants into them at night while it's cool out and setup the other tent and the new manifold lines for the chiller. should be fun.


New Member
im still following your grow bro i just have no net where i moved yet
im sitting in a mc donalds using their wifi lol


New Member
hey guys, thanks for checking in. ok, so i got these 4 plants in flower right now and they seem to be doing good. i'm not 100% sure but all the leaves look good and all the new growth is like bright yellow so i'm pretty sure they are super healthy right now. anyway, i need to know how i am going to control these plants once they start budding. i was thinking of building a scrog net using the tent frame. basically string up a 4x4 screen under that quarter of the tent. i have never even tried a scrog before. when do i put the screen up? what height should it be at? i was also thinking i could just keep staking her down but i'm not sure if that would harm her. any advice is appreciated guys. thanks.

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Well-Known Member
dark older leaves, bright lime green new growth. the older growth is, in fact, darkish green? pics are so deceiving
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