Please Help, Beginning of 3rd Weed Veg


Active Member
Good point jason, i'll try that tonight it's just hard with the choice of a flash too bright, under the hps which messes up the camera or under a light bulb which doesn't seem to be bright enough but i'll definitely give it a try


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Tomorrow is week7 of flower i think i'm going to give her one more feed of a couple of day's worth of my budding additive and then start flushing after it has guzzled that, i'm buying a 420 scope on Wednesday the website selling it say's that it is same day delivery so hopefully i'll have the scope this wednesday coming.

Biggest reservoir tank i have is 8litres where as the pots have about 14l's of coco in each, should i just use the bath? it will only be available for 24 hours before i need to wash again the next day and i'll give it a good soak to get most the shower gel and soap chemicals out...

I'm going to PH but only because my tap water is 7.2 which is wayy too high for coco, anyone got any reason's i shouldn't ph? i'd rather not have PH down in my reservoir as it seems to be pointless flushing

Any tips anyone?

Room stinks out my flats corridors but is fine when i leave a window open i only leave the little one open as it gives a good enough air flow with this current weather, doesn't make the room fall to freezing cold (the temperature outside :() and no one can climb through the little window lol


Active Member
Looking at my plant's bud's and the plant's buds grown via most other growers on here where the hell does dealer weed come from?

It's shit! people claim it's the dank will probably have a thc level no higher than 12 - 13, wet! (so they can make stupid amount of money off a plant)
covered in fiber glass?? Is this from people growing in lofts which have insulation? that's a bit crazy having glass on your weed which is going into you're lungs


Active Member
Ps Via tips i mean if i don't need to ph it could i water the pots straight from a tap or will that be too cold? i don't want to stunt or stress them
I watched this video and he literally drowns them, i don't wan't to over water either if it's going to cause stress tips??? my grow tents matt is waterproof but i don't know how much it will hold in


Well-Known Member
Looking at my plant's bud's and the plant's buds grown via most other growers on here where the hell does dealer weed come from?

It's shit! people claim it's the dank will probably have a thc level no higher than 12 - 13, wet! (so they can make stupid amount of money off a plant)
covered in fiber glass?? Is this from people growing in lofts which have insulation? that's a bit crazy having glass on your weed which is going into you're lungs
Most of the time it may well be good shit from the dealers, it's just been packaged and re-packaged so many times throughout the import and shipping process... a lot of the time the weed is condensed into tight pound or kilo bricks, then sold on as lb's or kilos to middle men who split it into 9oz bars, who sell to smaller middle men who split it into 1-3 oz, who sell to even smaller middle men who split it into £10 and score bags or less and THEN we get it lol :)

during the packaging process and how much handling, imagine how many trichs fall off and are lost etc.

because this process happens within a few days the weed is usually cut dried for a few days at the production end then shipped wet, sometimes it's dry by the time it gets here, sometimes it's not.

As for the fiber glass shit, it's no accident, it's generally from 'gangs' who grow purely for profit so sell it wet and sprinkle shit (glass, sugar, salt anything to increase weight) on it for maximum money, and when they buy a 9 bar or whatever they'll sprinkle it with more crap, basically the dick heads of the weed growing community... at least if we're going to sell it'll be to invest in new grows, make money back from previous ones and pay some bills here and there and have some degree of quality control.. personally I wouldn't sell shit weed, I like to have a good rep with my mates as better than their dealers weed lol :D

Ps Via tips i mean if i don't need to ph it could i water the pots straight from a tap or will that be too cold? i don't want to stunt or stress them
I watched this video and he literally drowns them, i don't wan't to over water either if it's going to cause stress tips??? my grow tents matt is waterproof but i don't know how much it will hold in
Don't worry about overwatering so long as it's running out the bottom freely, if your doing it in the bath just run the shower head slightly warmer than cold... during flush I personally have never PH'd and never had any problems.

I've even had a drain valve on hempy buckets that I've closed filled the medium to the top with water and let the roots sit in still water for a day then drained and repeated and it worked amazingly.

Just let them drain in the bath until theres a slow drip from the bottom of the pots or no drips, that way your not transporting much water into your tent to cause any problems.


Active Member
Thank's mate, few more questions if you could help

I've been offered this for new kit

Wilma Big 8 - £130

Tent kit - £650
2.4m x 1.2m x 2m Growtent
1 x 6" Rhino Carbon Filter
1 x 6" RVK inline for exhaust
1 x 6" RVK inline fan for intake
5mtr 6" ducting
3 bags x 50ltr canna clay
2 x 600w maxibright megalight HPS with metal vented ballast
1 ltr grow nutrient (your choice)
5 ltrs bloom nutrient (your choice)
4mtr jack chain
2mtr pea netting
13a plug and grow timer switch

£780 all in

I'd say that's a bargain but if anyone knows any cheaper alternatives but with the same products i need then let me know

Are you sure matchbox? i'm pretty sure that probably only 1percent of weed in Britain is imported the rest grown poorly, just don't understand why people don't get on here and learn like we do...

I even know someone who has a 20watt light bulb under their bed trying to do a stealth grow in there! (FAIL)

And a friend who grew horribly 8 plant's with 20watt light bulbs per plant!, vegg took about 6months he was bragging he got them to about 5ft tall when i was trying to explain to him his stupid about they are only indica but still how is a 5ft lanky plant with about 8 nodes going to double in size without dropping and dieing! it didn't matter anyway as he was raided, although he never was arrested he wasn't in and the police rung him and got him to meet them, he got in the car where they issued him with some kind of cannabis warning and let him go saying if he is caught with any weed on him again even if it's just a spliff he will be arrested, but i swear cannabis warnings only last for 3 months? or is that for users and not growers??

May take advantage of the pea netting on my next grow, not to do a scrog but to use for 1 out of every 2 weeks of veg and maybe flower to get them extra bushy and this time i'm going to prune the little nodes just before the start of flower and aim to get the big beastly colas.

I think i'm going to plan my harvest on when the trichomes are 40percent amber i'm going to give it 48 hours of darkness to increase that resin production (i've heard this tricks the females into believing they are dieing so they give it one last attempt at looking big and beautiful to attract whatever males to make them produce seeds.

I hope i could get 10oz's off this harvest then i'll have percy and the profit to pay off a few debts and put 2-300 aside for electricity.

Next grow i want to veg a little less till the height of about 14 - 18 inches it's going to be a single strain grow of possibly white widow x big bud, i might just get a pure indica strain though, although veg will be smaller than last time the time spent vegging shouldn't be as they will be going for the height of between 14 - 18 inches tall the netting i want to take advantage of the width available from the big wilma pot system as the normal 8pot wilmas give 1inch space between pots the big pot systems are 4gallons 18l's and give about a Ft space between each pot. any ideas suggestions of what you lot would like to see done? let me know and i'll consider it.

Happy growing


Active Member
Im using a 150 watt cfl and the seed is white widow. I had 10 so I wanted to just do 3 and the alpha is the one I will stay with. Temp, i donno :dunce:.
Wrong thread? and if you're using CFL's get a lot more Wattage than that you're practically using about 15 watts


Well-Known Member
You'd be suprised how much is imported though I may be wrong it could well be anything from 1-10%, but either way they have to dispatch it sometimes long distances and re package etc say a commercial grower in scotland has to get his shit to london. But yeah I suppose a lot of the time it's that dick head in the basement of his gang crib or just someone who doesn't know shit messing it up, and then sprinkling god knows what into the buds while they are immature so the calyx's grow around the glass... dodgy shit sometimes you dont even know its there.

Don't know if it's a good deal to be honest, I build all my grow equipment except the lights :) and it's usually 1/8 the price of buying pre-fab stuff, I'd just keep what you've got and just buy another tents worth, for 1 you definitely don't need 2 x 6" ruck inline fans those things are so damn powerful by themselves you only need 1 for exhaust and maybe some cool tubes for the lights, the fan will do the rest. And the wilma 8 pot system you can build for £50 max, I just built a 3 site waterfarm which is 'better' than the wilma system for £20 and if I want to expand it to 8 all I need is 5 more pots (Ikea 10Liter square bins are amazing @ £4.50, plus you get a lid to cut through for a net pot) anyway to make it 8 pots would only cost another £20 as it's all drip fed and I have all the parts for that.\

Another suggestion, if you are going to buy all that stuff buy it as a replacement kit as you don't want 2 tents, that's when it starts getting risky, just get a small wooden cab from ikea to veg plants in, they really don't need any height or even intense light so they can survive in a tiny space... if keeping mums etc is your goal.

pea netting would be good to spread the plant out in early veg though you might as well then do a full scrog would definitely be worth it.

Personally if I were you, looking for max yield and quality, go for a nice hybrid they are so vigorous it's ridiculous, G13 Labs are a brilliant breeder from what I've grown from them in the past, them and Nirvana are probably in my experience 2 of the best for taste, yield and potency :D try the G13 Sour Candy! that's an amazing strain, she's looking about 3 oz from 1 plant in a 2 liter bottle XD

Other than that


Active Member
Other than that?

And my reasoning for this is i want to get the maximum potential out of my crops, wilma i can go away for up to 7 days and everything will be fine, buying an extra tent isn't really an option i want them all in the same area and my current tent i check on every hour or so as it's had a couple of crucial bits fall off i rarely ever go out at night as if that light drops and causes a fire people who live in these flats have kids i can't risk their well being or safety.

I'm not going to use cooltubes as i think CFL's suck compared o HPS's i would be harvesting right now if i started with my hps instead of cfl's.

Basically i'm not going to risk doing a home made set as i'm too worried about children living in the flats, considering what i'd do if someone trying to save money harmed my daughter.

I'm going to have to start veg in the rockwool... never have before tbh i don't even know what to do and where to keep the rockwool while the seed is planted inside, i also want to aim for them to sprout at the same time so i don't get some closer to the light than others.

I think this next grow is going to be my last as it will leave me debt free then i can lay low for a while and get a new place then come back better than ever.

definitely will be selling 4 of the 5l's or maybe all of the bloom nutrient to get some money back as that will be unneeded for the time being

One thing i'm confused about i've been told i will see a lot of bud growth in the time i flush these last 2 weeks, how come we put in nutrients for a better performance but get the best performance when not using any? is it just because of the maturity of the plant?


Active Member
will have to consider it alot but i don't trust myself with DIY

Looking at my girls now, people have said to harvest the top half and leave the bottom half a few more day's so they can catch up but the lower buds have up to about 25 percent of hairs brown and all the plant's tops are still completely white, is this normal?


Active Member
no the top of the plants are getting most the light so the bud receiving the most light should turn the hairs brown brown first

so the hairs on the buds on the lower branches are going brown,
you have less airflow on the lower branches and reduced tempter because the buds further from the light in-turn higher humidity
you run the lights at night so its still warm when you have the lights off
its a low chance but check for bud root as if not found early you could lose the lot of your yeild


Well-Known Member
nah the lower buds are not more developed, you can only check this with a scope... it is usual for pistils to turn brown as they just die for no reason, sometimes it might be to do with the plant realizing there's less light on the lower branches and transporting nutes to where it's more needed and other things, which is why judging ripeness by the pistols isn't very accurate as some strains have white pistils throughout maturity and never turn brown (northern lights is a good example of this)

I never used to trust myself with DIY but hey I suppose practice makes perfect and that's why I'm a bit more confident now XD

Other than that?
I'm not going to use cooltubes as i think CFL's suck compared to HPS's i would be harvesting right now if i started with my hps instead of cfl's.
And cooltubes are not CFL's, they are reflectors that you put your HPS bulb in and they are a tube of glass that you attach to the exhaust fan to suck the heat straight from the bulb.

As I said if it's a replacement setup I suggest you buy the new tent 'cause its bigger and just add on to your setup - you have most of the stuff in that list so in the end your spending more money than you should.

Tent kit - £650
2.4m x 1.2m x 2m Growtent - get this to replace your old tent
1 x 6" Rhino Carbon Filter - If you already have a carbon filter it should do for another grow (might need a reducer)
1 x 6" RVK inline for exhaust - get this to uprate your 4" fan (if you have a 4" one)
1 x 6" RVK inline fan for intake - I personally wouldn't get a second one and just use passive intake.
5mtr 6" ducting - useful.
3 bags x 50ltr canna clay - you really dont need this much 'canna clay' just get enough Hydroton to fill your 8 wilma system and you can re-use it.
2 x 600w maxibright megalight HPS with metal vented ballast - you already have 1 light so you only need to buy 1 more (bulbs will last 2-3 grows before light degradation)
1 ltr grow nutrient (your choice) - get
5 ltrs bloom nutrient (your choice) - get
4mtr jack chain - you can use string that'll work just as well and 1/4 the price
2mtr pea netting - don't really need this just use the string you brought for hanging the lights and LST (seeing as you don't want to full ScrOG)
13a plug and grow timer switch - B&Q or Homebase all the way you can get a 13a one for £3-5 and get a surge protector extension cord for £15 (still probably be cheaper than the expensive hydro shop ones.

Last point Waterfarms can be left for just as long as wilma :) and to build an 8 site one will cost you about £50-60 including pump etc.


Active Member
I'll look up waterfarms now buddy, do they give out the same performance?
And i know i already have most but i want
2 600 watts for veg 3 for flower
And the fans and filter

If waterfarms are not expensive i will buy them from a hydro shop

Alternatively could you give me a list of materials i would need to make one


Active Member
Prices i've found online are quiet expensive i'm still yet to find an english source but look at close to $500, how much do you think it will cost to make an 8 pot system?


Well-Known Member
I'll look up waterfarms now buddy, do they give out the same performance?
And i know i already have most but i want
2 600 watts for veg 3 for flower
And the fans and filter

If waterfarms are not expensive i will buy them from a hydro shop

Alternatively could you give me a list of materials i would need to make one
You really don't need that much light in veg... If I were you then given what you want and that, here's what I'd do lol :) seeing as you want 3, 600's in flower (which is imo a bit too much and will be a bitch to cool) I'd get that 'kit' with just 1, 600w and see if he'll put in say 3x 125w BLUE CFL's and leads (about equal in cost to 1x600w hps kit) For veg I'd then hang the 3 CFL's vertically at even intervals in the tent (in between the plants) with 1x 600w HPS a few feet above them, the CFL's will be PLENTY for starting them vigorously then once they get taller they'll start using the CFL's more for supplemental and the 600W for the main light...

When you switch to flower leave the CFL's in between the plants and just add the extra HPS, the blue CFL's will really help in the stretch phase and you can still adjust your hps's accordingly AND would save you a lot in electricity. Though if your dead set in using 3x HPS lights go for it.

Waterfarms are quite expensive but offer better growth than Wilma. Waterfarms are both drip fed and have a reservoir in them that acts like DWC so you have a massive root ball being constantly fed by the drippers in the top half of the pot (usually in hydroton) and a massive root ball in the dwc style res :)

Heres a part list for my system anyway which is a hybrid Drip/Waterfarm/DWC (but with shallower water) To build what is essentially a proper waterfarm would still be cheaper than the Wilma but more expensive than my setup... look them up for a diagram (found one)

IMO its the best hydro system out there Ive done custom built High pressure Aeroponics you name it, nothing has out performed it yet. I have had 15 oz yeilds on a regular with one water farm, 400w hps and one plant.

It works by pumping air in a tube witch makes bubbles the bubbles push water up the tube pushing water with it.. the water enters the drip ring spiting water and air.. I think the reason they work so well is 90% of oxygen in water is picked up threw the surface layer of the water.. well all the water that drips over the hydroton is all surface water.. so its really oxygenated... great system I end up with a brick of roots in the top bucket and a brick or roots in the lower bucket when its done..

My setup has a large net pot to hold the medium that is smaller than the top pot on a waterfarm.

I've connected my 'waterfarms' together so that they share a common reservoir and the pump that supplies the drip creates an 'undercurrent' in the other 2 buckets, which constantly mixes the nutrient solution and provides a lot of oxygenation.

ANYWAY parts list (for a 3 part system @ £25'ish):

3x 5" square net pots (70p each)
3x Ikea 10 liter (rectangular? bins with the lids) (£4.50 each)
4x Pipe to bucket connectors (1.50 each)
2m 1" PVC pipe (£1.99)
1m, 12mm fish tank filter pipe (free as I've had tons of fish tanks in the past) but roughly £1.50
1m, clear 18mm tubing (£1.50 this is only for the water level indicator)
small underwater pump (£12.99)
small silicone sealant (£4.00)

And it should look something like this:


Cut square holes in the lids big enough to support the net pot, other than that it's just drilling and screwing you need a 1" drill bit and a small amount of silicone sealant just to be safe (mine leaked a little 1st build)

If I had as much space dedicated to growing as you have I would have built 3 sets of these (9 pots) and used a massive reservoir separately with a larger pump in to feed the drip rings, but hey at least this is a start for when I do get some space XD


Active Member
Couldn't have asked for a better reply thank you matchbox, will do a lot of research on it tonight, i'm still a bit confused as to the science behind it but i keep getting the jist the more i re-read it amazing hydroponics!

Few questions
Would this be like a wilma system where you would have the pump on 15 mins every 6 or so hours or is this constant as it's only putting drops in?
I'm assuming from the layout i would only one reservoir per pot not just one reservoir...
Do you have any idea how much it will cost to run this equipment, i'm assuming the air pump is the only bit that requires electricity?


Well-Known Member
There are a few mods you can do to really increase growth potential (just rollitup search for waterfarm mods)

Also flick through this grow he gets anything from 6-15oz PER PLANT lol in his waterfarm:

You leave the pump on continuously (it's only a few watts so cost is next to nothing), yes each pot has it's own self contained reservoir. But my system is linked so the 3 pots share each others res's by using the 1" PVC tube at the bottom of my buckets, this is just to make PH'ing and checks/draining/flushing easier, and to create the 'undercurrent'.

But yeah the air pump is the only electric part (as with most hydro setups)