Obama's second term

Lets look at the big picture. Obama or mittens?

Mittens will fuck us way worse than Obama. With the exception of mitt helping the economy by raising taxes the dude will destroy everything else starting with mmj he has stated that many times. If Romney does not care about truely sick people then what will he do to the poor/"middle class" who are just trying to make it.

Romney as president scares the shit outta me. Obama may not be the best but he seems to be the best choice of the 2. Just IMO.

Well, you obvious didn't hear the quote from Mittie. He didn't say that. He never said he wouldn't kill bin Laden. You are being run scared. I'm scared of folks that don't pay attention and just let the party line regurgitate, as fact.

He certainly got a lot off his chest! If I had an inclination to sound off it would be about the staffers and the appointees that actually run this show day to day, with no accountability at all. This Party Politics is the scam, I think. Obama has no record of success. The Democrat Block has not passed a budget in 3 years. The main tenet of his wealth distribution heath care plan is not passing muster. Can the Supreme Court really rule the govt can make us buy something? We'll see.

Gas prices? the Dems seem to want higher prices.

Un-employment? The actual un-employement is through the roof, 12-15% and the tactic is how to game the rules of the Official numbers.

Is he actually angling for a war with Iran this summer? It got Bush back in.

Please tell me something that has gone well on his watch? Big companies are already planning on shifting millions of workers to the govt heath plan pool. The penalties amount to a nod and wink, let the govt worry about doling out healthcare. Companies will save billions by paying a few million. So, no budget, but this rip off.

All by having us running scared.
He certainly got a lot off his chest! If I had an inclination to sound off it would be about the staffers and the appointees that actually run this show day to day, with no accountability at all. This Party Politics is the scam, I think. Obama has no record of success. The Democrat Block has not passed a budget in 3 years. The main tenet of his wealth distribution heath care plan is not passing muster. Can the Supreme Court really rule the govt can make us buy something? We'll see.

Gas prices? the Dems seem to want higher prices.

Un-employment? The actual un-employement is through the roof, 12-15% and the tactic is how to game the rules of the Official numbers.

Is he actually angling for a war with Iran this summer? It got Bush back in.

Please tell me something that has gone well on his watch? Big companies are already planning on shifting millions of workers to the govt heath plan pool. The penalties amount to a nod and wink, let the govt worry about doling out healthcare. Companies will save billions by paying a few million. So, no budget, but this rip off.

All by having us running scared.

I hate obama but this is a bunch of bullshit political rhetoric man, fuck total bullshit every word.
He certainly got a lot off his chest! If I had an inclination to sound off it would be about the staffers and the appointees that actually run this show day to day, with no accountability at all. This Party Politics is the scam, I think. Obama has no record of success. The Democrat Block has not passed a budget in 3 years. The main tenet of his wealth distribution heath care plan is not passing muster. Can the Supreme Court really rule the govt can make us buy something? We'll see.

Gas prices? the Dems seem to want higher prices. IRRELEVANT

Un-employment? The actual un-employement is through the roof, 12-15% and the tactic is how to game the rules of the Official numbers. IRRELEVANT

Is he actually angling for a war with Iran this summer? It got Bush back in. IRRELEVANT

Please tell me something that has gone well on his watch? Big companies are already planning on shifting millions of workers to the govt heath plan pool. PROPAGANDA The penalties amount to a nod and wink, let the govt worry about doling out healthcare. Companies will save billions by paying a few million. So, no budget, but this rip off.

All by having us running scared.

Not really, nothing you named is really even relevant, thats why I said its BS Politcial rhetoric, because it is. Your not very "well read" if you believe this crap lol
Not really, nothing you named is really even relevant, thats why I said its BS Politcial rhetoric, because it is. Your not very "well read" if you believe this crap lol

Irrelevant, really?
High energy prices, unemployment and a move towards a centralized government is irrelevant?
What the hell is relevant to you?
Irrelevant, really?
High energy prices, unemployment and a move towards a centralized government is irrelevant?
What the hell is relevant to you?

Aw... yes, sadly I was taught spelling with phonix; not make the rules up as you go. I then spent the early years in a Technical college who's English reqement class resembled my 7th grade English class and darn that was the 90s... I could explain to you however how a Jet engine works? Sadly, like all skills if not used the intricacies of our language fall between the cracks while acquiring other life skills. I would however for sure go back and do a JC, followed by tons of Humanities if only I could relive my early 20s.. uh, wait, not I'd be backpacking Europe but what can you do?:o

I learned pronunciation via phonix in the 50's. Back then​, curriculum was a lot different. If you were taught spelling via phonix then my hat's off to you because I don't find fault with your spelling.
My issue is, if you don't know the difference between simple words like "then and than" and "of and have", how can I trust you with the big words. You sound like an intelligent young man and my ire is more focused at our failed educational system than it is toward any individuals. However, I feel it is the duty of this grumpy old fart to correct you wet-behind-the-ears youngins' to realize that you don't really know everything and I am more blunt than your mother... tact has never been my strong suit.
If you want to be taken seriously and treated like an adult, be accurate in language... ESPECIALLY, the written word.
Obama and a second term my I almost pissed myself reading that. obama has no chance for a second term. The most anti American socialist hate the working man president we ever had was voted in by guilty feeling folks, people who never voted before, and those to lazy to do a 5 minute background check on his history. A community sabre rattler, racist corrupt Illinois politician who's SS# can not pass simple e-verify as it comes back to a deceased white male from conneticut, his own lawyer admitted in court 2 weeks ago the presented birth certificate was a forgery they created and released,his own book describing not being a US citizen, a grandmother who proudly pointed to the Kenyan hospital right down the road Obama was born in as he campaigned..I mean you have to absolutely hate America and the constitution it was founded on to vote for a traitor who's sole goal is to destroy America and collapse it based on the fail economic plan and Healthcare system that failed dozens of times in Europe.. Romney is not my pick of the litter but Obama is not even a possible option to those who have a brain and care about America.
Obama and a second term my I almost pissed myself reading that. obama has no chance for a second term. The most anti American socialist hate the working man president we ever had was voted in by guilty feeling folks, people who never voted before, and those to lazy to do a 5 minute background check on his history. A community sabre rattler, racist corrupt Illinois politician who's SS# can not pass simple e-verify as it comes back to a deceased white male from conneticut, his own lawyer admitted in court 2 weeks ago the presented birth certificate was a forgery they created and released,his own book describing not being a US citizen, a grandmother who proudly pointed to the Kenyan hospital right down the road Obama was born in as he campaigned..I mean you have to absolutely hate America and the constitution it was founded on to vote for a traitor who's sole goal is to destroy America and collapse it based on the fail economic plan and Healthcare system that failed dozens of times in Europe.. Romney is not my pick of the litter but Obama is not even a possible option to those who have a brain and care about America.
Amen Brother! I could'nt have said it better myself!
Well, Buck, there's your answer. The second term will mean that we won't have Mitt and the Rupukes hurting our lifestyle even more, AND we'll have all of these neo-con redneck sheeple RIU members whining while repeating their faux news rhetoric.

Why would neocons be upset if obama wins? Obama IS a neocon

lol, you are brainwashed.

getting us out of iraq and afghanistan and a small, short support role for our allies in libya (without a single american casualty) does not a war monger make.
lol, you are brainwashed.

getting us out of iraq and afghanistan and a small, short support role for our allies in libya (without a single american casualty) does not a war monger make.

How about bailing out Wall St? Or ramping up the war on mmj? Or "Fast and Furious"? Or not doing anything to relieve the financial pressures of the middle class? Or how about trying to force everybody to buy health insurance or be shot?
I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out...
How about bailing out Wall St?

tarp was signed into law by the last guy.

Or ramping up the war on mmj?

you mean busting people not in compliance with state laws while the rest of the MMJ scene expands faster than ever before?

Or "Fast and Furious"?

another carry over from the last guy.

Or not doing anything to relieve the financial pressures of the middle class?

i can name about a dozen things to that end, i'll simply point out that ARRA was a huge fucking tax break for 95% of americans.

Or how about trying to force everybody to buy health insurance or be shot?

be shot? LOL. why don't you tell me what the actual penalty is.

I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out...

actually, you're making stuff up.
tarp was signed into law by the last guy.

you mean busting people not in compliance with state laws while the rest of the MMJ scene expands faster than ever before?

another carry over from the last guy.

i can name about a dozen things to that end, i'll simply point out that ARRA was a huge fucking tax break for 95% of americans.

be shot? LOL. why don't you tell me what the actual penalty is.

actually, you're making stuff up.

The statement was made that Obama is a neo-con, so blaming Bush does not refute that argument.
NO, why don't YOU tell me what it is.

you're the one who made the claim that we will be shot and killed (going into a separate thread for the second part), so the burden of proof is on you. i never claimed that the penalty for not buying insurance is to be shot and killed, that was you.

now the burden of proof is on you to back up your retarded claim. get to it, bubba.