wow i wish i got back 33.9% of the money Obama spent on a futile resource... and are we talking closed circuit usable energy...
the skewed numbers you encounter incorporated government subsidies that make them look more efficient per dollar.
Oh, I see, there is no penalty for non compliance... so, when the IRS (who is in charge of enforcing this socialistic oppression) says that paying income taxes is voluntary, there is no penalty for non compliance there, also?
you can get your wages garnished, a lien placed on your possessions, etc for not paying taxes.
no such mechanism of enforcement exists for not paying the penalty for not insuring yourself if able.
lol @ socialistic oppression. buying insurance from for profit capitalists is so socialistic![]()
Besides the First American of African decent to become the President after 43 Presidents in 200 some years in a country that is known as a Melting Pot?Re-elections are simple equation. The challenger only has promises. The Incumbent just defends his record. So, let's talk about Obama's achievements.
I'd like to start off, but, I'm drawing a blank.
I have no wages or property, what then?
You still lie, why are you lying, why won't you stop lying... try this, the government forcing you to buy insurance is socialistic. There, was that plain enough? Stop lying, you're a liar, you lie, lie lie.
He certainly got a lot off his chest! If I had an inclination to sound off it would be about the staffers and the appointees that actually run this show day to day, with no accountability at all. This Party Politics is the scam, I think. Obama has no record of success. The Democrat Block has not passed a budget in 3 years. The main tenet of his wealth distribution heath care plan is not passing muster. Can the Supreme Court really rule the govt can make us buy something? We'll see.
Gas prices? the Dems seem to want higher prices.
Un-employment? The actual un-employement is through the roof, 12-15% and the tactic is how to game the rules of the Official numbers.
Is he actually angling for a war with Iran this summer? It got Bush back in.
Please tell me something that has gone well on his watch? Big companies are already plannin g on shifting millions of workers to the govt heath plan pool. The penalties amount to a nod and wink, let the govt worry about doling out healthcare. Companies will save billions by paying a few million. So, no budget, but this rip off.
All by having us running scared.
Irrelevant, really?
High energy prices, unemployment and a move towards a centralized government is irrelevant?
What the hell is relevant to you?
As a wee LASS I too felt such as it was the Mantra of all English Teachers and during those years rewards are earned by pleasing the Authority. I respect your opinion, but honestly since I started smoking weed I just don't see the point.I learned pronunciation via phonix in the 50's. Back then​, curriculum was a lot different. If you were taught spelling via phonix then my hat's off to you because I don't find fault with your spelling.
My issue is, if you don't know the difference between simple words like "then and than" and "of and have", how can I trust you with the big words. You sound like an intelligent young man and my ire is more focused at our failed educational system than it is toward any individuals. However, I feel it is the duty of this grumpy old fart to correct you wet-behind-the-ears youngins' to realize that you don't really know everything and I am more blunt than your mother... tact has never been my strong suit.
If you want to be taken seriously and treated like an adult, be accurate in language... ESPECIALLY, the written word.
you are eligible for medicaid. you don't read much, do you?
you could actually go ahead and cite the legislation itself, but for some reason you refuse to do that.
if what you said is even remotely close to being true, you would have cited it already. but you're not doing that because you are a lying crybaby chicken little dumbass.
Not really, nothing you named is really even relevant, thats why I said its BS Politcial rhetoric, because it is. Your not very "well read" if you believe this crap lol (who is in charge of enforcing this socialistic oppression)
I have no wages or property, what then? You still lie, why are you lying, why won't you stop lying... try this, the government forcing you to buy insurance is socialistic. There, was that plain enough? Stop lying, you're a liar, you lie, lie lie.
How does that address the question? Having trouble staying on topic?
I'm eligible for a lot of things. Welfare and section 8 housing to mention just two. I choose not to take from a system that I think is wrong. Unlike you. Not everybody can find a rich woman to take care of them like mommy did, so they can sit home, smoke dope and collect unemployment.
Collectivism, Communism Lite and class envy.
How does that address the question? Having trouble staying on topic?
I'm eligible for a lot of things. Welfare and section 8 housing to mention just two. I choose not to take from a system that I think is wrong. Unlike you. Not everybody can find a rich woman to take care of them like mommy did, so they can sit home, smoke dope and collect unemployment.
that's funny, i don't use any government services available to me. i could get all my food paid for, a discount on my phone bill, assistance with my heating bill, medicaid, and who knows what else. you know what i use? none of that.
i have to go renew my MMJ card, and being on food stamps reduces the amount i have to pay by about $150 dollars, so i'll probably go get on food stamps monday and then never use them.
unemployment? i don't qualify.
living on my wife's dollar? don't think so. she may have a million or so dollars worth of assets, but they are not all liquid, not even close to liquid for the most part. she makes about as much as i do from her investments (more accurately, investments gifted to her by her family) and is looking for a job for the summer now that school and practicum is over. she gets about 10% of the profit from the apartments her dad owns and which i occasionally work at. the work is hard work, i nearly burnt my ears off last time i was there. the mexicans he has doing maintenance there don't fuck around and get paid well. he even pays for their kids college with a check every christmas for them, pretty good employer if you ask me.
i believe the question you asked was what happens to you if you have no property or wages and we were talking about health care, i answered that if that were the case you would qualify for health care through medicaid, which is accurate and on topic.
blow it out your ass, my misguided friend. blow it out your ass.
So when you apply for all these benefits, They don't want to know how much your wife makes and how many assets she has? Have I missed something here? Don't they take household income and not just YOUR income to see if you qualify? I doubt, with the wife's income and assets, that you qualify for much.