Obama's second term

you're the one who made the claim that we will be shot and killed (going into a separate thread for the second part), so the burden of proof is on you. i never claimed that the penalty for not buying insurance is to be shot and killed, that was you.

now the burden of proof is on you to back up your retarded claim. get to it, bubba.

Poor little Bucky doesn't understand what happens to people who refuse to be lorded over by anyone and make a stand. What happened at Ruby Ridge, Waco, Kent State, Wounded Knee, need I go on?
Poor little Bucky doesn't understand what happens to people who refuse to be lorded over by anyone and make a stand. What happened at Ruby Ridge, Waco, Kent State, Wounded Knee, need I go on?

you could actually go ahead and cite the legislation itself, but for some reason you refuse to do that.

if what you said is even remotely close to being true, you would have cited it already. but you're not doing that because you are a lying crybaby chicken little dumbass.
you could actually go ahead and cite the legislation itself, but for some reason you refuse to do that.

if what you said is even remotely close to being true, you would have cited it already. but you're not doing that because you are a lying crybaby chicken little dumbass.

ROTFLMFAO... Bucky, you're so emotional. Bad time of the month, perhaps? I don't know what the legislation says, that's why I asked you. Whatever it says, what happens if I refuse to comply?
By the way, getting all emotional and calling me names and insulting me does not enhance your argument. It does show, however, that you are not a reasonable, rational adult. OK? Did I explain that in terms that you can understand?
I don't know what the legislation says...

ah, i see. you were talking straight out of your ass. not uncommon for baby einsteins like you to talk out of your ass and make stuff up and then act like you can't be wrong. it's very typical of ronbots.

what happens If I refuse to comply?

a fine that carries no criminal or civil penalties whatsoever and doesn't even accrue interest.

The Joint Committee on Taxation's states:
The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code and accounted for as an additional amount of Federal tax owed. However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay such assessments in a timely manner.
By the way, getting all emotional and calling me names and insulting me does not enhance your argument. It does show, however, that you are not a reasonable, rational adult. OK? Did I explain that in terms that you can understand?

i was not insulting you, i was accurately describing you based on you saying wildly idiotic nonsense.

so, when i end this by calling you a chicken little uninformed idiotic liar, it is just describing you based on the claims you made without even reading the fucking bill. if that seems insulting, stop making claims about stuff you haven't read.
Continued increase of healthcare costs due to over regulation

The world will still hate us due to continued foreign policy failing.

The obvious and inevitable education bubble will burst.

Marijuana will continue to be illegal.
ah, i see. you were talking straight out of your ass. not uncommon for baby einsteins like you to talk out of your ass and make stuff up and then act like you can't be wrong. it's very typical of ronbots.

a fine that carries no criminal or civil penalties whatsoever and doesn't even accrue interest.

The Joint Committee on Taxation's states:
The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code and accounted for as an additional amount of Federal tax owed. However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay such assessments in a timely manner.

i was not insulting you, i was accurately describing you based on you saying wildly idiotic nonsense.

so, when i end this by calling you a chicken little uninformed idiotic liar, it is just describing you based on the claims you made without even reading the fucking bill. if that seems insulting, stop making claims about stuff you haven't read.

Oh, I see, there is no penalty for non compliance... so, when the IRS (who is in charge of enforcing this socialistic oppression) says that paying income taxes is voluntary, there is no penalty for non compliance there, also?
Well, Buck, there's your answer. The second term will mean that we won't have Mitt and the Rupukes hurting our lifestyle even more, AND we'll have all of these neo-con redneck sheeple RIU members whining while repeating their faux news rhetoric.


abandonconflict, is that you?
ah, i see. you were talking straight out of your ass. not uncommon for baby einsteins like you to talk out of your ass and make stuff up and then act like you can't be wrong. it's very typical of ronbots.

a fine that carries no criminal or civil penalties whatsoever and doesn't even accrue interest.

The Joint Committee on Taxation's states:
The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code and accounted for as an additional amount of Federal tax owed. However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay such assessments in a timely manner.

i was not insulting you, i was accurately describing you based on you saying wildly idiotic nonsense.

so, when i end this by calling you a chicken little uninformed idiotic liar, it is just describing you based on the claims you made without even reading the fucking bill. if that seems insulting, stop making claims about stuff you haven't read.

So if your not working anyway you don't need to do it but once you get a shitty job washing dishing or something they will just deduct it from your tax return forcefully taking your money. If you were unemployed for awhile you will probably lose all the money you would normally get returned for years to com. Why is it okay for the government to steal from people? especially poor people? Please explain How you consider taxation as morally or philosophically justified and how that is in anyway compassionate? Please explain how this is any different from a home invasion robbery or a DEA RAID and why you think these things are compassionate and serve society? Why is the government somehow justified when it comes to violence?
So if your not working anyway you don't need to do it but once you get a shitty job washing dishing or something they will just deduct it from your tax return forcefully taking your money. If you were unemployed for awhile you will probably lose all the money you would normally get returned for years to com. Why is it okay for the government to steal from people? especially poor people? Please explain How you consider taxation as morally or philosophically justified and how that is in anyway compassionate?

"I must spread some Reputation around before giving it to deprave again."
we're teaching hygiene to areas highly effected by AIDS. not only will less people die a horrible death, but it will decrease the amount of aid money we send over there in time since we are combatting the disease that has us sending aid money.

it's called an investment. i bet you would have been opposed to me putting a grand on my credit card when i got laid off a few years back to build a cabinet and buy some lights. but guess what? that grand has paid itself back many, many times over. not to mention the extra demand i inject into the market when i buy soil, replacement bulbs, electric, etc.

win win.

edit: and it's not a tax, baby einstein. it was included in the ARRA, so chances are it will expire some time, much like those EIC breaks you benefitted from but missed in your taxes. that's because obama doesn't go waving his dick around every time he does something to make your life easier.
bongsmilie How much rep is how much important? can't they easily monitor any potential rep abuse?
contrary to popular belief it is not in our interest for the government to inact violence and force against its citizens, it is not in the best interest of society, and it is not morally or philosophically justified to treat human beings as animals. There is no cause that exists which justifies violence and force.
contrary to popular belief it is not in our interest for the government to inact violence and force against its citizens, it is not in the best interest of society, and it is not morally or philosophically justified to treat human beings as animals.

Not very popular within MY belief system.
contrary to popular belief it is not in our interest for the government to inact violence and force against its citizens, it is not in the best interest of society, and it is not morally or philosophically justified to treat human beings as animals. There is no cause that exists which justifies violence and force.

didn't you just make a thread saying the government planned 9/11?
didn't you just make a thread saying the government planned 9/11?

I think its likely that specific people who are involved in a government (any government) planned it. All evil people are involved in government, if they are smart.... but no not "The Government"/"A Government" as a whole...that's just ridiculous.
Romney is not the answer,but Obummer is a liar! He said he would stop the raids on medical marijuana! He told the black's he would make life better for them! There have been all kinds of raids since he took office and he has;nt done a damn thing for the black's.. He is a liar! He has'nt done a damn thing about the illegal immigrants and wants to grant citizenship to them, Million's of ungrateful welfare receiveing pig's that think they are doing us a favor by being here! Everytime they have a protest they march with the mexican flag, wtf! If your so damn proud of mexico, why the hell are you here? This is america, not mexico! These people are using up our welfare system and taking jobs away from tax paying american citizens, and sending the majority of the money to mexico every week without paying taxes! I want to laugh everytime I hear someone say they work so hard! Depending on where they send the money in mexico, its a 20 - 30 to 1 exchange rate, who would'nt work hard for that kind of money? What happens to an american that is caught in mexico without a passport? They throw your ass in jail to extort money from your family or they just kill you! Sure they work hard,but are'nt doing a damn thing to help our economy! Obama wants to grant citizenship to million's of people that have come here illegally! If they came here with greencards and paid income tax I would'nt have a problem with it,but millions of them did not! I cant beleive anyone would want to vote for this liar again! He said he would bring change and boy has he! He has effectivly wiped out the middle class and is working on taking away all of our rights.. Vote for a third party! I think Ron Paul is going to run for a third party! I think Obama has wasted enuf of the tax payers money! I hope the supreme court rules in favor of arizona's wishes! Then maybe the rest of the country will follow suit and there will be work for the american people again, and our wages can stimulate our own economy instead of mexico's! Oh yeah, if your an illegal immigrant reading my post and dont like it,to f***ing bad! Go back where you came from and fly your damn flag in mexico! And just for the record I have black relatives,American indian relatives and many american born mexican friend's! Im not prejudice, just sick of the bullshit!

What business is that of ours? Even so, that's mostly a bunch of propaganda.

Californians are all a bunch of surfer dudes. Everyone from San Francisco is a gay surfer dude. If we based all Oregonians off Bucky, we'd assume they're all pompous Green Peace charter members.

If we based Mormons off you, then they'd be cocky and gay.

Would it be cool if China took us over because it doesn't like barbaric US world police policy? SYG laws which kill poor innocent black toddlers going to the store to get drinks and candy. Stupid bible thumpers who blow up abortion clinics. Treehugging idiots who burn down trees thousands of years old cooking. Women who let online professors rape 18 month babies, but beastiality is too much.

Then lets look at our government who did medical experiments on it's own people claiming they were vaccines. Killed a pregnant woman with a robot bringing a phone because the government wanted the husband to be an informant against a KKK faction. Putting an automatic machine gun in a Cuban boy's face for political gain.

So should China take away our whole way of life like we do to countries like Libya? The US is way more brutal than Libya could ever be. So how can we dare have the audacity to judge any other country.

Lets look at the big picture. Obama or mittens?

Mittens will fuck us way worse than Obama. With the exception of mitt helping the economy by raising taxes the dude will destroy everything else starting with mmj he has stated that many times. If Romney does not care about truely sick people then what will he do to the poor/"middle class" who are just trying to make it.

Romney as president scares the shit outta me. Obama may not be the best but he seems to be the best choice of the 2. Just IMO.

Obama has claimed he can kill any American citizen without evidence as long as the executive deems them a threat. I don't think Romney has gone that far at least. Aside from this, voting for either is about the dumbest thing one could possibly do.

PS: Obama is on pace to shatter all MMJ bust records.
Obama has claimed he can kill any American citizen without evidence as long as the executive deems them a threat. I don't think Romney has gone that far at least. Aside from this, voting for either is about the dumbest thing one could possibly do.

PS: Obama is on pace to shatter all MMJ bust records.

Dictatorship: Moving Forward