Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married


Well-Known Member
if it's just a title, why don't straights take civil partnerships and gays get marriage?
Over here now "straights" do mostly get civil partnerships, because marriage is a church affair and given the amount of molesters that have been uncovered, very few level headed people have a desire to become part of the gay bashing, other religion hating, child fucking church.

That bring a bit more context to my previous statement?


Well-Known Member
So if, "homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals when it comes to marriage. Voting yes means you allow men to marry men and women marrying women is the exact same as a man and a woman marrying." Would you vote yes or no if you were in the voting booth? Which one would you choose?
I think depending on the definition of marriage provided. If its a law to force priests (as much as I abhorr them) to marry gay people in a Church where it's contrary to the ideals of that religion, I say no.

If it was a law that stated all people be treated equally with regards to the legal status of marriage (ie a civil partnership) then Id vote yes.

You can't give gay people rights that override the rights of a priest, or anyone else for that matter, because that's not equality.


Well-Known Member
.....................So.............do you have a followup to any of my answers to your questions or a question actually then?

Sorry I really didn't think you were serious about these questions...It just kinda blows my mind sometimes that people think we actually need government..
thank you for the apology.

speaking for myself here but even tho i am not a fan of many aspects of government i see them as a necessary evil in lieu of any viable alternative. that is when when people put up differing "solutions" i will not just blindly accept them but try to see if they're viable, even better or even a system that would quickly devolve into the system it was replacing
so instead of a standard definition that can be added to by prenuptial agreements if needed, you want people to have to lawyer up for every marriage? you dont think thats a bit of a waste?
If they want to, No, If you think its a waste you wouldn't do it.
to get any of the things like next of kin, divorce right's it would be a necessity and would require a new contract for every marriage all i can see this doing is lining the pockets of lawyers

as mindphuck says it wouldn't be simple either

who would uphold the "contactual agreements" as well?

i see you post about the village courts set up in rwanda to try to heal the communities after the genocide there. im not sure how this model of criminal court will translate into a civil court setting and how it would be applied to cases like divorce court where blame is not always apparent

expecting untrained members of the community to be able to understand the legal jargon in contract and to be able to make objective decisions rather than a local popularity contest seems a bit unrealistic and you'd have to train "everybody" otherwise you'd be back in similar situation we have now of judges and such

all of this instead of a simple legal definition of what "marriage" is because "gays" want to use it?

why not marriage = lifelong agreement between consenting entities

this does not preclude prenuptual agreements for an enhanced contract. it will save every couple the expense of getting lawyer up for every marriage, beyond the requirement of "consent" it discriminates against no one

it is even future proof (if you can prove your ai home huminoid consents then why shouldnt you marry)


Well-Known Member
thank you for the apology.

speaking for myself here but even tho i am not a fan of many aspects of government i see them as a necessary evil in lieu of any viable alternative. that is when when people put up differing "solutions" i will not just blindly accept them but try to see if they're viable, even better or even a system that would quickly devolve into the system it was replacing

to get any of the things like next of kin, divorce right's it would be a necessity and would require a new contract for every marriage all i can see this doing is lining the pockets of lawyers

as mindphuck says it wouldn't be simple either


i see you post about the village courts set up in rwanda to try to heal the communities after the genocide there. im not sure how this model of criminal court will translate into a civil court setting and how it would be applied to cases like divorce court where blame is not always apparent

expecting untrained members of the community to be able to understand the legal jargon in contract and to be able to make objective decisions rather than a local popularity contest seems a bit unrealistic and you'd have to train "everybody" otherwise you'd be back in similar situation we have now of judges and such

all of this instead of a simple legal definition of what "marriage" is because "gays" want to use it?

why not marriage = lifelong agreement between consenting entities

this does not preclude prenuptual agreements for an enhanced contract. it will save every couple the expense of getting lawyer up for every marriage, beyond the requirement of "consent" it discriminates against no one

it is even future proof (if you can prove your ai home huminoid consents then why shouldnt you marry)
You yanks get married too fucking quickly anyways, hence the stupidly high divorce rate.

A prenup is betting on a marriage to fail, if you've doubts like that, wtf are you marrying the person for?!


Well-Known Member
You yanks get married too fucking quickly anyways, hence the stupidly high divorce rate.

A prenup is betting on a marriage to fail, if you've doubts like that, wtf are you marrying the person for?!
im not a yank or american ;)

i said about prenups because deprave seems to think a legally defined marriage = lose of freedom was just pointing out the freedom to change the definition if needed
i know its not the norm but can't prenups be used to allow a looser agreement between partners?


New Member

and you say you passed the bar, lol.
I've caught you in another lie, it must be compulsive, never once did I claim to pass the bar.
What I do have is a BS in business, the last thing I'd want to do is put my wife in the position of having to support us, I couldn't bear the humiliation!


Well-Known Member
I'm voting for Ron Paul, but you know that.
Disagree? Go read my posts, dickhead!

When you start paying attention to fuckin class, let me know, I'll start useing the big words for ya, dumbfuck!

The last I seen, OBAMA was still religious ya dumb fuckin asshole!

lol, another ronbot incapable of spelling words correctly.


Well-Known Member

learn to spell.
Coming from the guy who supports raising cigarette taxes to subsidise stadiums for billionaires.
Learn to stop being a walking contradiction to yourself.

Back to picking on spelling, I see. We all know what that means......
Buck has conceded the arguement......But, I already knew he was wrong. Like usual!


Well-Known Member

lol, another ronbot incapable of spelling words correctly.
Did you have fun searching through my posts, trying to disprove my views? LOL!
Don't deny you did, LOSER! HAHAHA! Didn't find shit but spelling errors......I'm surprised I didn't have more, considering how drunk I was.......LOSER!

Why do you like billionaires' stadiums to get subsidised?
Is it because you're wife is a millionaire and you rich folk have to stick together???

Keep up the losing fight, loser.


Well-Known Member
Coming from the guy who supports raising cigarette taxes to subsidise stadiums for billionaires.
Learn to stop being a walking contradiction to yourself.

Back to picking on spelling, I see. We all know what that means......
Buck has conceded the arguement......But, I already knew he was wrong. Like usual!



Well-Known Member
Did you have fun searching through my posts, trying to disprove my me views? LOL!
Don't deny you did, LOSER! HAHAHA! Didn't find shit but spelling errors......I'm surprised I didn't have more, considering how drunk I was.......LOSER!

Why do you like billionaires' stadiums to get subsidised?
Is it because you're wife is a millionaire and you rich folk have to stick together???

Keep up the losing fight, loser.


Active Member
I agree with Obama that gays should be allowed to marry. But let's face it. He made this "change of heart" only because he thinks it will assure his reelection.

In preceding weeks, he had one close aide after another "come out" to the media that they support gay marriage. This was clearly an orchestrated campaign to guage public reaction. Once he saw it would help his reelection, he "came out" as well.

Just like he did with us medical marijuana supporters in his first campaign. To get our votes, he "supported" medical marijuana. Once he was elected, he did an about-face and esclated the war on marijuana to secure conservative support in congress.

He wants what every first-term president wants: a second term. And he is willing to stab everyone in the back he has to in order to assure a second term.

He KNOWS that even though he stabbed us all in the back by escalating the war against marijuana, none (or not many) of us would ever vote for a conservative. So what incentive does he have to support medical marijuana? We vote for him because we cling to his pre-first-term support of medical marijuana. And middle-of-the-road conservatives cling to his escalation of the war against marijuana. And many of them vote for him as well.

We are all just pawns to be manipulated by internal campaign planning based upon polls and public reaction to controlled release of information.


Well-Known Member
Shut up...you guys are seriously still arguing? Weren't you doing this same exact shit like 20 hours ago? Get a room already, geesh!


Well-Known Member
I agree with Obama that gays should be allowed to marry. But let's face it. He made this "change of heart" only because he thinks it will assure his reelection.

In preceding weeks, he had one close aide after another "come out" to the media that they support gay marriage. This was clearly an orchestrated campaign to guage public reaction. Once he saw it would help his reelection, he "came out" as well.

Just like he did with us medical marijuana supporters in his first campaign. To get our votes, he "supported" medical marijuana. Once he was elected, he did an about-face and esclated the war on marijuana to secure conservative support in congress.

He wants what every first-term president wants: a second term. And he is willing to stab everyone in the back he has to in order to assure a second term.

He KNOWS that even though he stabbed us all in the back by escalating the war against marijuana, none (or not many) of us would ever vote for a conservative. So what incentive does he have to support medical marijuana? We vote for him because we cling to his pre-first-term support of medical marijuana. And middle-of-the-road conservatives cling to his escalation of the war against marijuana. And many of them vote for him as well.

We are all just pawns to be manipulated by internal campaign planning based upon polls and public reaction to controlled release of information.