Johnny Retro
Well-Known Member
oh, yes. i forgot. austerity isn't working nearly everywhere else because it's not pure, colombian, uncut austerity.
same reason why communism keeps failing.
You're right UB. What the fuck was I thinking. Moderation ISNT key.
By your logic taking a shot of jack daniels and drinking a handle are the same thing
Taking a whole bottle of prescription pain killers vs taking 1 are the same thing.
Eating mcdonalds everyday vs eating it once a month are the same thing
Why am I so stupid!
Your head is so far up msnbc's ass its coming out rachel maddows dick
Oh and please continue to enlighten all of us how full fledged austerity imposed by a country 500 miles away without knowledge of your culture is the same thing as austerity enacted by your own government in its best interests..please i am sooo curious