Homosexuality a choice??

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No agenda. I seriously want to know why being gay is not a choice.

Nobody really truly knows, Heph. For now you'll need to be satisfied with the (imo established) fact that it isn't a choice for the vast majority. If you want to challenge it, I'll listen, so long as you don't post religious hatespeech camouflaged as science. cn
Many people say that homosexuality isn't a choice.
I'm wondering what leads people to say that.

you'll have to ask them.

i personally think homosexuality can be a choice or just the way a person is, and i don't fucking care (except to fuck with people like kaendar).
Nobody really truly knows, Heph. For now you'll need to be satisfied with the (imo established) fact that it isn't a choice for the vast majority. If you want to challenge it, I'll listen, so long as you don't post religious hatespeech camouflaged as science. cn

I haven't mentioned anything about religion neer. My posts do not stem from religion. Religion can go suck a dick (hehe) for all I care.

Maybe someday science will be able to answer my question.
Kaendar, I'll ask again: please reveal the links you used for those quotes. Until you do, I don't believe your claim that the sites aren't doctrinaire. You've too consistently posted Science from God™ and tried to pass it as mainstream. cn
And btw, the whole "when did you choose to be straight" question is really played out. People dont fall for that shit anymore. You guys thought that was clever but now everyone uses that line. Its a trick question. Its short sided to presume that homosexuality is only and always a genetic disposition.

i think you mean short sighted.

it is short sighted of you to presume that homosexuality is a mental disorder.

so tell me, when you hit puberty, did you weigh the pros and cons of cocksucking versus titty fondling?
And btw, the whole "when did you choose to be straight" question is really played out. People dont fall for that shit anymore. You guys thought that was clever but now everyone uses that line. Its a trick question. Its short sided to presume that homosexuality is only and always a genetic disposition.

It doesn't need to be genetic in order to be legitimate and involuntary. cn
It seems that people become offended when asked why being gay isn't a choice in most cases. I would just like for people to know that I mean no harm. You can ask me why I'm straight. I won't be able to answer your question though. I'm not srue if I'm straight by choice or by genetics. I can't say.
Everyone chooses their sexual orientation. How do I know I chose to be straight? Cuz I coulda chose to be gay..
I haven't mentioned anything about religion neer. My posts do not stem from religion. Religion can go suck a dick (hehe) for all I care.

Maybe someday science will be able to answer my question.

I get that, Heph. Maybe one day, science will. We're a very, very young species and we have to learn some patience. ;) cn
i think you mean short sighted.

it is short sighted of you to presume that homosexuality is a mental disorder.

so tell me, when you hit puberty, did you weigh the pros and cons of cocksucking versus titty fondling?
I didnt have to weigh much.
It seems that people become offended when asked why being gay isn't a choice in most cases. I would just like for people to know that I mean no harm. You can ask me why I'm straight. I won't be able to answer your question though. I'm not srue if I'm straight by choice or by genetics. I can't say.
Your straight by choice. ANd also because you were born with a penis and testicles and its obvious what they are there for. I dont get why this is so hard for ppl to grasp. The whole "I was born gay" is just propaganda and lies to justify what they are doing.
I didnt have to weigh much.

so did you actively contemplate sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass? your entire assertion rides on you having actively contemplated those activities at puberty, when you say you chose to be straight.
so again, are you saying that as you hit puberty, you actively contemplated sucking dick but decided against it?
No dick sucking crossed my mind. But every human has only 2 choices. There are women, and there are men. You can be with either one, which is right for me? Well, im pretty sure all my life im a boy so naturally im gonna like girls. For girls its the opposite. The fact that some kids have feelings of attraction towards the same sex means that at some point in there childhood something happened for that to be that way.
No dick sucking crossed my mind. But every human has only 2 choices. There are women, and there are men. You can be with either one, which is right for me? Well, im pretty sure all my life im a boy so naturally im gonna like girls. For girls its the opposite. The fact that some kids have feelings of attraction towards the same sex means that at some point in there childhood something happened for that to be that way.

That conceals the presumption that homosexuality is wrong. There is no proving that assertion. More to the point, the assertion is harmful. cn
The way I look at it is like this.

Unless you get turned on sexually by guys and refuse to act out on those desires, you can't say that you have chosen to be straight.
Everyone chooses their sexual orientation. How do I know I chose to be straight? Cuz I coulda chose to be gay..

Now you're just quibbling over semantics. If they were not attracted to the opposite sex, but still had sex with them would they still be gay? Yes. If you were attracted to women but were forced to have sex with men even though you were not attracted to them at all would you still be straight? Yes. Because it has to do with who you're physically attracted to.
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