Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

Why are people so obsessed with calling out good or bad threads? Does it really matter? It makes people like me wanna go make another, more worthless thread. But I wont, because Ive done enough here lol
So are you, dear lady. You're one of my favorite people on this site and It always brightens my day to see one of your posts. (no homo) :p

You too, you big ol' throw rug. LOL

Between your, no homo, comment here and CN's Will Rogers comment on the Nemesis thread you two have me roflmao. Thanks.
It doesn't matter me if you are or aren't. I just think your pretty cool.
right back at ya my friend
when are you gonna be here??? we've got to hit up the blueberry patch http://blueberrypatch.org/index.php?option=com_community&view=frontpage&Itemid=8

Yes you did... like why you have a picture of my drinking buddy that quit the site ages ago...

Kinda creepy if you ask me... :p

lol seriously? tell me this isn't great comic relief
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I don't recall making the decision to be straight, so I figure people don't choose to be gay. Besides it's really not my business, just as my sex life is no ones business as well.
Then I no longer have a stance on whether being gay is a choice or not since it can't be proven either way.

I'm better than what? I treat gays as people. My favorite uncle is gay and I love his dude "uncle" george. He gives me haircuts and I hang out with him often. I didn't call them mistakes either. And you should know I no longer care about religions views on gays.

Sorry if I offended anybody.. I like gay people as much as straight people.
Dude see what I mean? You have a weak mind. You let strangers on the internet shape your personal views on things. Who the fuck does that.
Dude see what I mean? You have a weak mind. You let strangers on the internet shape your personal views on things. Who the fuck does that.

What the FUCK are you talking about? He just explained that his personal views on homosexuality are based on first hand experience. Where the hell do you get INTERNET INFLUENCE from that? From the second you joined this board you had an agenda. A strong mind is one that takes experience and knowledge and puts it to good use. That's called wisdom. Something Hepheastus has more in his pinkie than you do in your entire body. All you have is rhetoric. Which is pathetic and rather sad. Free your mind.