Drug test for welfare


Well-Known Member
so make the poor ppl that can't afford food none the less drugs pay for a drug test... are you a polotician too??? stay high
Well it's my opinion we shouldn't be paying these people anything. Can't feed yourself? Make room for someone who can.


Well-Known Member
Did you miss this one?

Wow... the first fucking line, you have to be kidding me: "The tests have had a net cost to the state but the state has also seen a decline in the number of applicants appears."

Guess how much CA has spent on road projects in the past three months?

The answer is 750,000,000. Guess how much the state spent on welfare last year?


Well-Known Member
so make the poor ppl that can't afford food none the less drugs pay for a drug test... are you a polotician too??? stay high
Wait, these people can't afford $34 in order to make thousands for doing nothing? And they are drug users? And you think they are going to be able to eventually get a job? Why are you opposed to them just going to rehab?


Well-Known Member
Well it's my opinion we shouldn't be paying these people anything. Can't feed yourself? Make room for someone who can.
that is bullshit and you know it... I know engineers that were making 250,000 a year that have been out of work for over 2 years (and not for lack of trying). It's not always the lazy fuck that needs help... stay high


Well-Known Member
so make the poor ppl that can't afford food none the less drugs pay for a drug test... are you a polotician too??? stay high
They say don't arque with a fool,folks would see you'll and wonder who is the fool,lol...You have to remember ..Those sheeple are brainwash/dead.....I wonder if their mother was down and out would they want her piss in a jar........


Well-Known Member
that is bullshit and you know it... I know engineers that were making 250,000 a year that have been out of work for over 2 years (and not for lack of trying). It's not always the lazy fuck that needs help... stay high
Let me guess those engineers are above working at a gas station or being a janitor? Couple months ago I went looking for a job and put out over 20 resumes. I got about 8 calls that were decent jobs that other people were just not willing to work.


Well-Known Member
Wait, these people can't afford $34 in order to make thousands for doing nothing? And they are drug users? And you think they are going to be able to eventually get a job? Why are you opposed to them just going to rehab?
wait what??? so if I can't afford to feed myself I should come up with money to pay for a drug test? how can I buy drugs if I can't even eat? durg aren't that cheap are they??? again the numbers don't add up to make something like this work.... whatever I'm done... peace love and happiness... stay high


Well-Known Member
Hehe, so if it cost them $246,000. That means as long as 10 people didn't file due to the law the state came out in the green. To have a statistical decline in numbers, as reported, more than 10 claims would have to be impacted...


Well-Known Member
wait what??? so if I can't afford to feed myself I should come up with money to pay for a drug test? how can I buy drugs if I can't even eat? durg aren't that cheap are they??? again the numbers don't add up to make something like this work.... whatever I'm done... peace love and happiness... stay high
How did you get to this state? You lost all of your money all in one day along with your job, your friends, and your family? Seriously? Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Let me guess those engineers are above working at a gas station or being a janitor? Couple months ago I went looking for a job and put out over 20 resumes. I got about 8 calls that were decent jobs that other people were just not willing to work.
if you got to flip burgers than do it... nothing wrong with that... stay high... (last post for this thread)


Well-Known Member
if you got to flip burgers than do it... nothing wrong with that... stay high... (last post for this thread)
Funny I know people on welfare. And when I mention McDonalds is hiring or something like that they always scoff at me. "I make more on welfare" is a common response. Or "I'm not going to flip burgers or clean up other peoples shit" is another. If we stopped babying these people they'd get their lazy asses out there and work.


Well-Known Member
lol....if you make 1500 or less a month you can get stamps...you will make 1500 a month or less at most shitty jobs like mcdonalds...you could do both, I doubt you have had those actual conversations with people. 750 million ? you act like that is such a massive figure..We are spending 3 BILLION a DAY in the mid east..get your priorities straight.


Well-Known Member
lol....if you make 1500 or less a month you can get stamps...you will make 1500 a month or less at most shitty jobs like mcdonalds...you could do both, I doubt you have had those actual conversations with people. 750 million ? you act like that is such a massive figure..We are spending 3 BILLION a DAY in the mid east..get your priorities straight.
I have actually. And I make less than 1500 a month. Yet I'm not on welfare. Huh. Weird. Bunch of lazy scrubs. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
I am not on welfare either, never have been...but I have dated a few women who get stamps for them and their kid...they work full time..I have no problem with americans getting help which is chump change compared to THREE BILLION A day...you are directing your anger at the wrong people.


Well-Known Member
I am not on welfare either, never have been...but I have dated a few women who get stamps for them and their kid...they work full time..I have no problem with americans getting help which is chump change compared to THREE BILLION A day...you are directing your anger at the wrong people.
I don't care about money. Pieces of paper with ink on it. Bunch of 1's and 0's on a computer somewhere. I care about people thinking they're entitled to things they are not entitled to. It's not the governments job to feed you. Or clothe you. Or provide you with healthcare.


Ursus marijanus
Shit, in Chicago there are 3-4 garbage men on a single truck...I look at the private companies in the suburbs and there is one fucking guy per truck...he drives and controls the boom and collects garbage..you tell me?
It's been a while since I lived in a real city ... do inner-city trash trucks use the boom now, or are people still needed to empty the cans into the back of the truck? cn