My bad experience with a local MMJ wholesaler :-(

wow, so really what this is is an attack on sub and you adults are dragging someone else and their kid into this, based on a fuck up they accepted and fixed?

i'm not really here to talk about your beef with sub. That's your's and his problem. Not scott or his kids!
Just trying to say you don't have any business talking about anyones kid like that especially on a public forum.

Are you gonna take care of his kid if CPS shows up cause some yahoo said there eating hash even when that's not the case?
As for you CORSO, how in anyway is my comment taking blame off of scott and onto the customer? if you read it the way it was wrote, i believe it pretty much says mind your business, act your age, don't talk shit about someones child.
Personally it reads to me like he did man up for his mistake! As a matter of fact you people with nothing better to do, while you have been busy talkin shit about him, his kid and business. He's been dealin with the upset customer, handling it. i figured all that out just from reading all 14 pages of BS.

i'm starting to remember why i don't come to these places.
All the small minds and big ego's
Lol @ "mind your own business" on a pubic forum...So only the positive feedback is acceptable? I have no idea who Scott or Sub is..nor do I care to..but I know poor customer service when I see it....And Scott brought his kid into this when he passed the blame onto his kid...only a fool would attempt such an awful excuse ..should have just said the dog ate it....You are either a good friend/relative of Scott or Scott himself...not saying he is the worst guy on the planet just runs a sloppy business and has poor customer service.
Love how catpisskush makes an acc to tell use just to mind our business. Take your own advice and beatit.

The person had a bad experience about the conpany and didnt even say who it was right away people started guessing who it was and then he finally aaid it.
wow, so really what this is is an attack on sub and you adults are dragging someone else and their kid into this, based on a fuck up they accepted and fixed?

i'm not really here to talk about your beef with sub. That's your's and his problem. Not scott or his kids!
Just trying to say you don't have any business talking about anyones kid like that especially on a public forum.

Are you gonna take care of his kid if CPS shows up cause some yahoo said there eating hash even when that's not the case?
As for you CORSO, how in anyway is my comment taking blame off of scott and onto the customer? if you read it the way it was wrote, i believe it pretty much says mind your business, act your age, don't talk shit about someones child.
Personally it reads to me like he did man up for his mistake! As a matter of fact you people with nothing better to do, while you have been busy talkin shit about him, his kid and business. He's been dealin with the upset customer, handling it. i figured all that out just from reading all 14 pages of BS.

i'm starting to remember why i don't come to these places.
All the small minds and big ego's

Ha, omg here, listen. I shouldn't of implied his kid was eating hash.. It was a very bad joke... it's not like it would hurt the kid though anyways. :) I'm sure Scott keeps his shit up away from the kid.. When you know you have money orders due to be delivered in the mail for orders, why aren't you on top of that shit?... I'm sure we can all agree that, even Scott? But it does sound like the dudes been having a time.. That sucks.

Now as far as Sub-par deleting all the free speech, any bad review, "poof" gone?

I've worked in the Customer Service field for over 20 years. TGA Subcool dropped the ball hard treating TheMan the way he did.
I am pretty sure scott said the money order was in his office. He also said the package of beans was in his office. He also said his poor innocent daughter was in his office. She grabbed the money order and not the beans.

Who the fuck put his daughter in this? Are you Scott, and you are passing blame AGAIN?!! What the fuck is wrong with you? As a rep, he fucked up. As a father, he fucked up. IF Scott is a good dude, then he needs to put the fucking 10 money orders a day on hold and get his family and his life together. THEN PROPERLY represent others.

If you are starting to remember why you don't like these places, then finish remembering and go fuck yourself. :finger:
I am pretty sure scott said the money order was in his office. He also said the package of beans was in his office. He also said his poor innocent daughter was in his office. She grabbed the money order and not the beans.

Who the fuck put his daughter in this? Are you Scott, and you are passing blame AGAIN?!! What the fuck is wrong with you? As a rep, he fucked up. As a father, he fucked up. IF Scott is a good dude, then he needs to put the fucking 10 money orders a day on hold and get his family and his life together. THEN PROPERLY represent others.

If you are starting to remember why you don't like these places, then finish remembering and go fuck yourself. :finger:
double fuck
I am pretty sure scott said the money order was in his office. He also said the package of beans was in his office. He also said his poor innocent daughter was in his office. She grabbed the money order and not the beans.

Who the fuck put his daughter in this? Are you Scott, and you are passing blame AGAIN?!! What the fuck is wrong with you? As a rep, he fucked up. As a father, he fucked up. IF Scott is a good dude, then he needs to put the fucking 10 money orders a day on hold and get his family and his life together. THEN PROPERLY represent others.

If you are starting to remember why you don't like these places, then finish remembering and go fuck yourself. :finger:

Quoted for truth again.

Office doors should have keys. I know the door to my office, my workspace, and my growing area are all kept under lock and key. Imagine if his business was guns instead of beans. That could have been a very fatal error.

Its regrettable that this all happened but you gotta remember that your customers ARE your business. Treating one wrong is the same as treating all of them wrong.
I recently had an awful experience with a local wholesaler for a int'l MMJ genetics provider. During correspondence with the int'l MMJ genetics provider I was put in contact with their local wholesaler. After some back and forth I had decided to place a bulk order with this guy. I placed my order one week ahead of time to ensure availability and timely shipment as time was of the essence. I purchased my money order and placed it in the mail on Monday morning for it's 200 mile trip. On Thursday the wholesaler confirmed receipt of my money order and promised timely shipment. On Friday, in an unrelated email, I was told the order was together and would ship ASAP, over night if delayed any further. On the following Wednesday, having not yet received my order, I inquired about the shipment. The reply that day referenced some personal problems and once again promised shipment ASAP.

This is where the situation takes an inexplicable turn. The very next day (Thursday), one week after receiving and confirming the receipt of my money order and repeatedly promising shipment, he drops this bomb on me. Once again replying to my Wednesday inquiry, this time with a quite different tune, he simply sends me this statement: "I haven't got your money order yet.....?????"

I'll stop here for the moment and ask you guys (the MMJ community) what would be a reasonable response at this point?

Thank you for your time,

OK 2500 views. Scott or Sub made fake account or Scott finally had a person stick up for him.
Anyone who thinks the OP over-reacted - read the first post.

Scott didn't have a bad day cuz a sitter rescheduled. This bullshit has been going on for SEVERAL days.
The OP was asking advice on what would be a reasonable response to what ANYONE can see is total bullshit.

Nothing about Subcool, who was the very first person that was contacted. Subcool referred HIS customer to Scott. This wasn't even Scott's customer, he didn't create this sale, it was handed to him by Subcool.
Nothing mentioned by OP about Scott's daughter either.

Anyone who reads this post and think TheMan over-reacted should not be dealing with mj patients and caregivers!
wow, so really what this is is an attack on sub and you adults are dragging someone else and their kid into this, based on a fuck up they accepted and fixed?

i'm not really here to talk about your beef with sub. That's your's and his problem. Not scott or his kids!
Just trying to say you don't have any business talking about anyones kid like that especially on a public forum.

Are you gonna take care of his kid if CPS shows up cause some yahoo said there eating hash even when that's not the case?
As for you CORSO, how in anyway is my comment taking blame off of scott and onto the customer? if you read it the way it was wrote, i believe it pretty much says mind your business, act your age, don't talk shit about someones child.
Personally it reads to me like he did man up for his mistake! As a matter of fact you people with nothing better to do, while you have been busy talkin shit about him, his kid and business. He's been dealin with the upset customer, handling it. i figured all that out just from reading all 14 pages of BS.

i'm starting to remember why i don't come to these places.
All the small minds and big ego's

Don't be a fucking queer hiding behind fake accounts. Why don't you reveal who you are and why you suddenly stuck your dick in this mess?
So was cutting ties at this point a reasonable and/or admirable response to the situation at hand? Or am I just a dramatic fool overreacting and trying to be difficult?

I just don't believe the fact that he finally got around to finding the MO really makes any difference here. He ran me around for a week and had no intention of taking responsibility for his actions. I'm not going to do business with this dude at that point.

So for the next couple days, while not returning my MO as requested, I receive rambling insults from this guy in some unrealistic attempt to get me to change my mind and just accept the order. I also began CCing the genetics company around this time.

OK! At this point, why did they keep the Money Order and keep trying to renegotiate the deal? The OP said, hey Scott the fucking me around train already left the station, I've had enough, this has caused me stress and I don't need it. Send me back my money order. SCOTT WOULDN'T!!!

What in the mother-fuck is hard to understand here. HOw many mistakes has Scott made at this point. IMHO this is where Scott went from oh man I fucked up, to How can I make this worse. I know, I will hold the money order ransom until the OP agrees with me.

At this point right here, TheMan13 is not out of line to knock on Scott's door and ask his sweet little daughter to get get daddy. Hey Scott, hows it going. Ya, this is Tom. Ya I was wondering if you could go grab my fucking money order, you ignorant son-of-a-bitch.

Look here catnapfuckhead, I am gonna tell you right now there is no fucking way you read this thread before you started running your dick sucker last night.
I have read all of the e-mails and I have instructed xxxxx to return your Money Order and have no further dealings with you.We don't need drama or hassles and xxxxx has an excellent reputation and I have received dozens of reviews from happy customers.
He made a mistake and said he was sorry you drug this out far longer than needed.
End of transmission :finger:

The biggest fucking drama queen in the business says we are not accepting drama at this time??

Subcool in HIS vanity lumps together all those that hate him, along with current customers that are in process of getting fucked.
Hey Tom, us here at TGA Genetics do not want drama - so to cut down on said drama I have instructed my fucking representative, and employee to finally release the money order that he lost and that you have been asking repeatedly for us to return.

At this point, I pm'd Subcool. Anyone ever hear Subcool talk about how easy it is for anyone to contact him. He says email at HIS genetics site. Yotube, RIU. He is easy to get ahold of. I have contacted him more than once. He answers every single time he wants to.
I hear ya stumpjumper. I was on the fence for a while until he kept blowing smoke up my ass in an offensive manner.

You hear this fake-name Scott? This is the shit that makes lots of people log in and get pissed. It is you motherfuckers who keep talking down to people. Hear me Sub? You aren't too busy to look into this. You listened to Scott and IMMEDIATELY said FUCK THEMAN!! WHat's he gonna do? You got that answer now Sub. The OP is gonna yell until he prys that fucking money order back out of your grubby fucking hands!!!!!!!!!
Going into this deal I could not have been clearer that time was of the essence. Furthermore, by no means was this an "honest" mistake as it was the clear lack of honesty that made me pull the plug here. Add in the lack of respect and professionalism I would have been a fool to have been bullied into accepting an order based on further trust of this outfit.

This doesn't need an explanation. Just read it. Scott, fake-scott, and Subcool. Read this shit and learn how to treat people. You two ignorant sob's are bullying a fucking veteran. It is great how - even for a few days, he was able to bully to two ASSHOLES right back. You two deserve every bit of this bad publicity. Maybe you one or the both of you will go back to respecting you customers and fan base.
Up to this point I have chose not to mention the MMJ business I had been dealing with regardless of the repeated question. Although the 100% guess rate, assumptions and similar situations make the fact of the matter obvious.

I had noticed a comment on another thread

Sub states "The fact he had 40 people mass contact us is half the issue just so ya know. Sub"

This is pure BS just so ya know. I asked not a single person to email or contact TGA on my behalf, as stated earlier I have even refused until now to utter TGA! My last correspondence with Sub was quoted earlier in this thread. Given his response I did not even see the point in replying to him personally as he was very clear on his position and what he thought of me. Hence the point of this thread ...

Pure BS. Subcool left it up for a little bit, but it was glaringly obvious that they were fully in the wrong at this point. Later Sub says that the mass emailer wasn't TheMan and that the man has a lot of nerve assuming he is the only customer getting fucked around by TGA. Subcool said the emailer guy is someone different that they are fucking around. He ever says, that person isn't getting their order cuz they emailed too many times. (Sounds like THC Farmers dude, series of reasons why we take money orders and not fill the orders. - one reason is too many emails.)
I have read all of the e-mails and I have instructed xxxxx to return your Money Order and have no further dealings with you.We don't need drama or hassles and xxxxx has an excellent reputation and I have received dozens of reviews from happy customers.
He made a mistake and said he was sorry you drug this out far longer than needed.
End of transmission

This superficial flippant response from Sub early on really came across as non-caring. Like he was furious that he had to even think about the situation on top of returning the customers money. This lame-assed response and lack of customer service will easily cost TGA 100 times the business now lost over this one simple order. Although the rep screwd up and handled it very poorly with all the personal background, at appears he is in the process of making it better. Now if this brand new account 'catnapkush' is his, then he is a silly fool and he actually regrets being pushed to the point of apology. I am inclined to think it is him, sorry Scott.
If Catnap isn't you, then it's the other you, sleepwalking.

What I have also learned here is if the owner of a "growing"(?) company can't spare a second to be kind to his customers, then this company nolonger merits any of my business. If my associates feel the same, then they are also the wiser. Sub deleted my post in his forum and he won't raise a finger to remedy, only to try to erase. this type of cowardice has no business supplying the medical mj field with anything. It's become clear that his arrogance and ego now overshadow a few decent genetic lines. I wouldn't be surprised if his marketing becomes an uphill battle and he concludes lowering his prices is one of his only options. Other Co's are selling economy selected knock-offs of some of the genetics already.

In life if you do something right, they may tell 5 or 10 people. But of you do something wrong 100 people will find out. All that was before the Internet. Now when you fuck someone by being a dickhead arrogant squirrel turd, thousands find out simultaneously. Yesterdays News Sub and screw-off for not taking some responsibility and treating The Man like just another one of your newbie devotees. Not another dime. You've had plenty of time to go back on your callous words. Now you pay.

  • quote_icon.png
    Originally Posted by gladstoned
    I am a supporter of Rollitup and TGA and some Michigan patients are having trouble with TGA rep. Michigan patients and caregivers be careful until this bs is resolved.

    Originally Posted by subcool
    The fact he had 40 people mass contact us is half the issue just so ya know.


    Originally Posted by gladstoned
    I didn't know that. Hearing the story, I don't think it was a HUGE deal, but I think he had a reason to be upset. We all have a few issues, and he honestly felt he was being done wrongly. For a little bit, he was.

    For what it's worth, a few weeks ago, he was one of the biggest TGA fans I knew. And a decent dude.

    Originally Posted by TheMan13
    If you are referring to me Sub that is absolutely not true!

    Originally Posted by gladstoned
    I wanted to post comment. Not start trouble. Subcool acknowledged situation and is probably looking into it. I fully understand that they have no idea of knowing if you are mj legal veteran or 13 year old punk starting shit. lmao. I cannot imagine the shit they have to wade through. Hopefully your situation will be resolved. I have seen several weed nerds where sub gets info and makes shit right. If you got mad, then they got mad, then you got madder....... Hopefully it's been a few days and facts can be revisited and you can get back to your cheese quake. lol.

    • Subs response: (to TheMan13)

      It's vain to even think I was speaking about you.
      We're done

    This really doesn't make any sense. Is this all a misunderstanding? Or is there more to story. This person here is the person that I was referring to, and you thought or think I was asking about someone else. This is a michigan medical marijuana patient with some issues and is putting out a story that sounds fucked up about the way he was treated. Very nicely trying to ask for other version. Nobody has been rude or ignorant on here. Please explain somewhat.​

Here is where I knew that Sub was being a cocksucking little weasel. There is no denying that he is being little weasel here and WE ALL fully knew that sub stays in his little sub-forum to alter and edit. We set him up, stole the quotes.

I don't give two fucks who loves Sub and thinks Scott is a good dad. At this point they robbed theman. This is bullshit, there isn't an excuse for this. The bullied him!! Subcool went from decent dude, one of us, to a fucking thief and a bully. He didn't man up!! He bitched up!! Read this shit, they both played a bitch move and bullied TheMan. There isn't no mis-understanding.

The only misunderstanding here, is you FUCKS assuming nobody would listen to him. 2500 hundred views to get his money back!!!!! Then Scott tries to step up, and then creates fake account to try to make this about his daughter again. His daughter asked like a child. She is supposed to. This isn't his daughter's fault directly or indirectly. Someone can try to make this about Scott's daughter coloring or TheMan getting upset cuz he got ripped off, and treated like a ho. This is about how Scott treated Sub's customer, and how Subcool treated his customer.
Amusing how sub needs clarification about the difference between 'dragged' and "drugged". Here's an example that might help him better understand the difference between correct usage and incorrect.

Pepe' was dragged through the mud while being mentally absent from being drugged up on his own machinations.
wow, so really what this is is an attack on sub and you adults are dragging someone else and their kid into this, based on a fuck up they accepted and fixed?

i'm not really here to talk about your beef with sub. That's your's and his problem. Not scott or his kids!
Just trying to say you don't have any business talking about anyones kid like that especially on a public forum.

Are you gonna take care of his kid if CPS shows up cause some yahoo said there eating hash even when that's not the case?
As for you CORSO, how in anyway is my comment taking blame off of scott and onto the customer? if you read it the way it was wrote, i believe it pretty much says mind your business, act your age, don't talk shit about someones child.
Personally it reads to me like he did man up for his mistake! As a matter of fact you people with nothing better to do, while you have been busy talkin shit about him, his kid and business. He's been dealin with the upset customer, handling it. i figured all that out just from reading all 14 pages of BS.

i'm starting to remember why i don't come to these places.
All the small minds and big ego's

Wow, this was an attack on Scott. If you read the thread, you will see where Sub jumped in, and made things worse. Just like you typing stupid shit and we are ready to call you idiot as well, just like sub. You cannot stick your nose into our business and say, mind our business. We are! This is OUR business, Subcool has big head and think it's his business. Now, we all want to seperate OUR business, from Sub's business. Problem is Subcool still has TheMan's moneyorder. You follow all that asshole?