VP Debate Tonight.

unless i've inadvertently hacked into red and carne's private mail this is a public forum. conversions like this are open to comment

You are correct, no one said it was private but to say it's not about Carne is ridiculous when you are the one injecting yourself into the conversation and claiming it's about red! Now that is of course, you know this to be facts by inadvertently hacking into Carne's private email! lol
You are correct, no one said it was private but to say it's not about Carne is ridiculous when you are the one injecting yourself into the conversation and claiming it's about red! Now that is of course, you know this to be facts by inadvertently hacking into Carne's private email! lol

reds overt homophobia has got nothing to do with carne and merits comment in its own right
reds overt homophobia has got nothing to do with carne and merits comment in its own right

Sorry, I don't see homophobia, perhaps he just disagrees with homosexuality, you aren't trying to change the way he is, are you? You do understand that many people are been born that way, don't you?
Sorry, I don't see homophobia, perhaps he just disagrees with homosexuality, you aren't trying to change the way he is, are you? You do understand that many people are been born that way, don't you?

How does one "disagree" with homosexuality. How do I go about disagreeing with a biological reality? This is more, ever more evidence that conservatives have definite problems with embracing reality. "I disagree with the moon, so it must not exist"
UncleShitsHisPants is claiming Carne's "boyfriend" died from a hate crime? Funny, Carne never claimed that. But then, we all know Butthead's a liar. And a Stormfront regular.

Actually I have mentioned it on this site several times. You sir, are talking out of your ass.

I'm not. Why are you so concerned about it? You've already admitted you know nothing about it, but you just keep on posting as if you do. And "boyfriend" doesn't actually describe their relationship. It was more like SugarDaddy/Piece of Meat.

You rag on about how he knows nothing about it and then you start spouting utter fucking nonsense pulled right out the same ass you've been shitting from.

reds overt homophobia has got nothing to do with carne and merits comment in its own right

That it does.
Poor Carne, are you still butthurt your sugardaddy didn't give a fuck about you? You keep on living in your fantasy world, the fact remains your sugardaddy left you nothing. At the time of his death, all you were concerned about was what you didn't get. You railed about his family not letting you see him in the hospital, but you didn't claim shit about any hate crime, other than you didn't get to profit from his death. That was your only concern. I can see why he purposely excluded you. Quit trying to play the martyr, gold digger. Claiming I'm a homophobe because I dislike gold digging whores like you demonstrates just what a low-life you are.
Poor Carne, are you still butthurt your sugardaddy didn't give a fuck about you? You keep on living in your fantasy world, the fact remains your sugardaddy left you nothing. At the time of his death, all you were concerned about was what you didn't get. You railed about his family not letting you see him in the hospital, but you didn't claim shit about any hate crime, other than you didn't get to profit from his death. That was your only concern. I can see why he purposely excluded you. Quit trying to play the martyr, gold digger. Claiming I'm a homophobe because I dislike gold digging whores like you demonstrates just what a low-life you are.
Pretty cruel don't you think...
Funny, I never chastised Carne for his being gay, only for being a gold digger. Then all the morons want to defend his gold digging by claiming I'm a homophobe. Yet I'm the only one here who has given the dead any respect. You support the scumbucket who tried to profit from his death. Whose the homophobe?
Pretty cruel don't you think...

He does this shit all the time. I just ignore it. I picture some nasty assed, greasy haired, pimply faced loser fapping to his own words. This how he gets off. Who am I to deny him his only way of relief? I may be preventing another theater massacre by a sexually frustrated psychopath.
Funny, I never chastised Carne for his being gay, only for being a gold digger. Then all the morons want to defend his gold digging by claiming I'm a homophobe. Yet I'm the only one here who has given the dead any respect. You support the scumbucket who tried to profit from his death. Whose the homophobe?

you sir you are the homophobe and by the looks of it, highly repressed one too
His calling me a gold digger stems from my being denied benefits and rights as a domestic partner. When he was murdered I lost our home because it was in his name. I wasn't allowed to pick up his effects or even plan his funeral. I had no rights. So this is where Red dick gets his twisted fodder from. Pretty sad and pathetic.
He does this shit all the time. I just ignore it. I picture some nasty assed, greasy haired, pimply faced loser fapping to his own words. This how he gets off. Who am I to deny him is only way of relief? I may be preventing another theater massacre from a sexually frustrated psychopath.
Quit trying to claim the high road, gold digger. No wonder the guy didn't like you.
I missed the debate, been busy.

Tried to read the first 10 pages on my phone but it was all bickering.

Who won ? Joe

And sorry for being lazy and not reading the entire thread but I gotta go & thanks
His calling me a gold digger stems from my being denied benefits and rights as a domestic partner. When he was murdered I lost our home because it was in his name. I wasn't allowed to pick up his effects or even plan his funeral. I had no rights. So this is where Red dick gets his twisted fodder from. Pretty sad and pathetic.

Damn sorry about your lost and the bullshit that followed
His calling me a gold digger stems from my being denied benefits and rights as a domestic partner. When he was murdered I lost our home because it was in his name. I wasn't allowed to pick up his effects or even plan his funeral. I had no rights. So this where Red dick gets his twisted fodder from. Pretty sad and pathetic.
It was your "boyfriend" who denied you. It wasn't your home, it was his. There's a reason you weren't on the deed. He didn't want your money grubbing hands on his property. Domestic partner wasn't your title when he was alive, you were just a sex partner. He could have left you whatever he wanted to, and it looks like that's exactly what he did. He made his feelings about you perfectly clear. Trying to claim otherwise is just you being a gold digger. So get off your high horse, gold digger, and quit your whining, Neither I, his family, nor society determined what you got of his possessions. Your "boyfriend" left you exactly what he wanted you to have of his... nothing.
His calling me a gold digger stems from my being denied benefits and rights as a domestic partner. When he was murdered I lost our home because it was in his name. I wasn't allowed to pick up his effects or even plan his funeral. I had no rights. So this is where Red dick gets his twisted fodder from. Pretty sad and pathetic.

But we can't let those folks have all those "special" rights now can we.
It was your "boyfriend" who denied you. It wasn't your home, it was his. There's a reason you weren't on the deed. He didn't want your money grubbing hands on his property. Domestic partner wasn't your title when he was alive, you were just a sex partner. He could have left you whatever he wanted to, and it looks like that's exactly what he did. He made his feelings about you perfectly clear. Trying to claim otherwise is just you being a gold digger. So get off your high horse, gold digger, and quit your whining, Neither I, his family, nor society determined what you got of his possessions. Your "boyfriend" left you exactly what he wanted you to have of his... nothing.

Someone mentioned something earlier about projecting. You need a therapist red-dick. Maybe even some time in a mental ward. I pity you. I really do.
Why pity me? You're the one whining your "boyfriend" cut you out. I think it's funny, you claiming you are "owed" something, when your "boyfriend" clearly thought you weren't. He gave you exactly what he wanted you to have...nothing. Get over it.