wiating on Sandy........................


Well-Known Member
who else is in the path of destruction? i'm all buttered up, smoking my disappointing Orange Kush...........lol. friends coming over and bringing food. more butter on the menu. got my water, my food, my rain gear, my gun. bring it, Sandy.
"bring it on sandy" lol..aight lets see if you are gonna be saying this when your fuckin roof is blown off the top of your house.


Well-Known Member
I remember we had one come through,I think it was 2008 and my front door slammed open,and I swear it felt l was tryna close a 300 pound door,bcuz of the pressure of that wind,florida is constantly getting fucked over by this type of shit.


New Member
It's actually been rather quiet this year which was odd since I fully expected like 10 hurricanes from all the crazy weather everyone is having now days thanks to global warming but this season hasn't been that active for some reason.


Well-Known Member
It's actually been rather quiet this year which was odd since I fully expected like 10 hurricanes from all the crazy weather everyone is having now days thanks to global warming but this season hasn't been that active for some reason.
The government are probably having malfuctions with thier hurricane making satelite,maybe next year;)


New Member
Just saw an update on the storm, if you're not on the coast, you're gonna be fine, no need to worry at all. Once again, news loves to scare people, enjoy the ride guys and try to get some good pics.


New Member
LMFAO, I love YouTube, he's all acting how hard it is to stand and then that happens. Do what you want kids, Sandy ain't shit.


Well-Known Member
This dab's for the folks in Sandy without dabs of their own! Stay safe everyone! My aunt and uncle are riding it out in their house in Ocean City, Jersey, a block from the ocean...I think my cuz went inland to his girlfriends apartment, but he sent me pics of his sandbagging job earlier...I hope they stay safe!


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Sandy made her jog to the left and is heading towards New Jersey. The storm is strengthening with increasing winds. Everything the weather channel says is prefaced with "unprecedented." Unprecented strength. Unprecented behavior. Unprecedented confluence of conditions. They're even speculating an eleven foot wall of water will hit New York. Be careful everyone. :(


Well-Known Member
Good luck everybody...I hope you're/they're wrong about an 11 foot wall of water, my aunt and uncle are really trying to ride it out a block from the sand.