Michigan... how can i find a doctor who will give me a card

Hey guys in muskegon and surrounding areas....I here that dr. bob is the real thing. He's on mlive and the newspapers for the things he's trying to do. Most of the people here that receive medical marihuana has there green card because of dr. bob. Thats enough for me. I just got ahold of my friend and he said that was who he seen also. The dispensaries around here reccommend him also, he's thought of very highly.

Nice of you to say. I try and go the extra distance for my patients and keep active in the community.

Dr. Bob
I'm responding out of courtesy because you asked a legitimate question. Now you are starting to question me and my practices again. What I am doing is not the issue, that dispensaries are on shaky ground was and you asked for examples, which were provided Bloody.

My practice is well respected and I am an authority on the subject. I don't need to justify what I do, I have in court several times and been found to be correct. I am expanding in Muskegon to give a place for folks to get this level of protection. I don't work with that group and haven't for years, and where I do certs, be it one of my 7 fixed offices or the 15-20 travel clinics I do each month is not the point, how they are done is. And they are done properly and have withstood challenges.

If you have questions about certifications or the legal climate in Michigan, feel free to ask away and I'll do my best to answer. But leave the personal issues at the door.

Dr. Bob
there are no personal issues .just trying to make sence you claim your on the up and up .but you say these places are shaky and being watched.it doesnt make you look very good being involved with them .you keep preaching do the rite thing but on the other hand your there doing buisseness with them .looks like your only in it for the money these dispencerys can provide for you .if it was all about the patients you wouldnt have anything to do with them?you wouldnt need them .you pay them to organize your clinics.. there for your condoning these actions by your involvment .if you lay with a dog you also will have fleas.bottom line its all about your pocket a true profiteer..the cpu isnt for patients its for profit one day people will see the real wolf hiding in sheeps clothing .you can bs some people but not all
Hey guys in muskegon and surrounding areas....I here that dr. bob is the real thing. He's on mlive and the newspapers for the things he's trying to do. Most of the people here that receive medical marihuana has there green card because of dr. bob. Thats enough for me. I just got ahold of my friend and he said that was who he seen also. The dispensaries around here reccommend him also, he's thought of very highly.
once again i call bs obama is in the news paper and mlive does that make him a good person what dispencerys recomend him theres only one that has anything to do with him .also i call bullshit on everyone having there green cards lmfao because of him ..what a joke
Good question...

In one case it was a section 8 defense. 3 patient caregiver with 23 plants, but growing outside in a dog pen with no top, so couldn't use the section 4. Generally if there is anything outside the clear scope of the act, 12 plants per patient, 5 patients per caregiver associated via the registry, they are going to bring in the doc. The others were probation hearings to continue to use mmj during probation. Good news on that front is the courts are starting to give the patient a chance to tell their story... they don't have to. In fact, the last one I came in at the request of the prosecutor, not the defense, to essentially give the court a reason to let him do it. Very friendly case to the patient.

I do have one coming up on the 7th concerning amounts considered reasonable. Without going into details, he had A LOT, and I am going to have to do a 5 way section 8 defense to justify it. I am bringing an oil expert with me to help. That one wasn't my patient so he is getting charged, the others were done free as part of my certification fee when they got the card.

Note, it is a common thread that most people that end up in court were relying on their own interpretation of the Act rather than paying attention to how the courts interpreted it. Most had extra plants or usable, or otherwise made a simple mistake. Got to be careful and always try and figure out how what you are trying to do will be attacked and plan accordingly.

Dr. Bob

Good advice Dr. Bob! I appreciate having you around RIU!
there are no personal issues .just trying to make sence you claim your on the up and up .but you say these places are shaky and being watched.it doesnt make you look very good being involved with them .you keep preaching do the rite thing but on the other hand your there doing buisseness with them .looks like your only in it for the money these dispencerys can provide for you .if it was all about the patients you wouldnt have anything to do with them?you wouldnt need them .you pay them to organize your clinics.. there for your condoning these actions by your involvment .if you lay with a dog you also will have fleas.bottom line its all about your pocket a true profiteer..the cpu isnt for patients its for profit one day people will see the real wolf hiding in sheeps clothing .you can bs some people but not all

How nice of you to say....

My only response to you is this.... ever hear of spellcheck?

Have a nice day. You seem to know an awful lot about dispensaries in Muskegon, why don't you tell everyone what your relationship to them is? I really am interested in the way you try and associate me with dispensaries, questionable people, or cpu. Do these associations somehow change the information I present? I've not mentioned any of these things, yet you seem all knowing about what makes me tick. Well others seem to think differently. That is enough for me.

Dr. Bob
Im in GR... but am moving to the country so we will not be able to do this? Could we make telemedicine arrangements?

Look I have a clinic right in GR. Are you homebound? Why the insistence that I do your cert via telemed? If you are homebound I will try and help you with a home visit, but you seem to have a lot of excuses as to why it has to be telemed, even thought you clearly aren't set up for it.

Dr. Bob
Wow.....I just came to this site for advise. Thank you to those that helped me with the information that I needed. I didnt want to be in the middle or have my statements in the middle of some type of frivalous online hating remarks towards another. I really dont understand what the hostility is about on one persons part, but its getting pretty obvious, specially when your making a point to argue on every reply in this thread. :wall:
Wow.....I just came to this site for advise. Thank you to those that helped me with the information that I needed. I didnt want to be in the middle or have my statements in the middle of some type of frivalous online hating remarks towards another. I really dont understand what the hostility is about on one persons part, but its getting pretty obvious, specially when your making a point to argue on every reply in this thread. :wall:

There are always haters out there. Those that can't build try to destroy to somehow feel important. Just hit ignore and he will go away. I only responded to his question earlier because, even in light of his recent bad behavior, he did seem to be asking a legitimate question. Some folks are just angry people I guess. We need to simply understand that is human nature and not let it get to us.

Dr. Bob
There are always haters out there. Those that can't build try to destroy to somehow feel important. Just hit ignore and he will go away. I only responded to his question earlier because, even in light of his recent bad behavior, he did seem to be asking a legitimate question. Some folks are just angry people I guess. We need to simply understand that is human nature and not let it get to us.

Dr. Bob

I Am unable to accept visitors where I live you can get evicted. And am unable to go in person. I Have chronic pain...
How nice of you to say....

My only response to you is this.... ever hear of spellcheck?

Have a nice day. You seem to know an awful lot about dispensaries in Muskegon, why don't you tell everyone what your relationship to them is? I really am interested in the way you try and associate me with dispensaries, questionable people, or cpu. Do these associations somehow change the information I present? I've not mentioned any of these things, yet you seem all knowing about what makes me tick. Well others seem to think differently. That is enough for me.

Dr. Bob
well dr boob is that all you can come u with must have hit a nerve .way to avoid the points .done like a true pos
Wow.....I just came to this site for advise. Thank you to those that helped me with the information that I needed. I didnt want to be in the middle or have my statements in the middle of some type of frivalous online hating remarks towards another. I really dont understand what the hostility is about on one persons part, but its getting pretty obvious, specially when your making a point to argue on every reply in this thread. :wall:
it seems to follow men named "bob"and yes. i do not welcome the hate either.
this is the third thread i've read this evening that has turned into a pissing match of sorts. sad really. not trying to offend anyone but christ almighty i just spent hours reading through over 40 pages of back and forth bs just to glean a little info. seriously, if you have an issue with something that was stated make your case and move on. personally, i am quite interested in what dr. bob has to say as i was not at all pleased with my consult for my card. it was at a closing table in a real estate office. better than an alley i guess. unfortunately i'm just a stones throw north of the D and a bit too far to have a consult with the doc. maybe i'll make an appt when i'm up for renewal
mrbungle, go ahead and offend people. It's ridiculous on here right now. It's best to just start punching people in the face and smashing pool cues up this bitch as far as I am concerned. Sort these fucking clowns out!
The clowns have sorted themselves out, got one promoting a particular club in Muskegon and anther promoting a marketing company that is trying to do certs in my home town, and both are taking shots at me to promote their respective interests. That's fine, to each their own and the group clearly is seeing what is going on. I'll leave it to the group to decide how much attention they deserve. Meanwhile I'll continue to plod along and be nice while providing good information. These guys tend to follow me around the net trying to disrupt or cast doubt on what I say because it hurts their interests. I am to the point I tend to ignore their name calling and gossip.

Thanks for the vote of confidence bungle, our closest one to you is our main office in Saginaw. See you at renewal and bring your medical records.

Dr. Bob
I've said my piece, I'll leave this thread to the roosters from the circus. There is actually something important coming out of Lansing today I need to turn my attention to.

Dr. Bob