Michigan... how can i find a doctor who will give me a card

I've said my piece, I'll leave this thread to the roosters from the circus. There is actually something important coming out of Lansing today I need to turn my attention to.

Dr. Bob
wow so important you have to try and derail the judges ruling whats your motive dr bob? why are you and cpu so against p2p
I've said my piece, I'll leave this thread to the roosters from the circus. There is actually something important coming out of Lansing today I need to turn my attention to.

Dr. Bob

Well, I am curious to know a few things:

1) Do you have any affiliation with cpu?

2) What is cpu's stance on p2p transfers?

3) What is your stance on p2p transfers?

I really appreciate the advice that you have shared with us thus far. You seem like an upstanding cat. I'm not trying to call you out on anything here, I'm just curious where your head is at on a couple issues. Someone is making some accusations towards you concerning your motives and your involvement with cpu, and I would like you to clarify those. There are some shady people involved behind the scenes that stand to make a ton of money from MMJ, and I just want to make sure that you aren't one of them, and that you are shooting from the hip without any ulterior motives.
You know, I think I'll respond to this one. CPU's website is http://cannabispatientsunited.org/ and their core principles and position papers are right there, clear as day.

My affiliations become important when I post as a member of an organization. I am a physician, and I am posting as such. My opinions are mine and mine alone.

Cpu's stance on p2p is that the law as written is what it is. 1 patient, 12 plants. 1 caregiver, 5 patients. Caregiver to their registered patient is protected by the act. They deal with what ares, not what ifs. p2p is a what if.

My personal stance mirrors that of CPU. I deal with what the act specifically allows. As far as p2p goes, that issue is before the Michigan SC. Until they rule, the issue is unsettled. Because folks are getting arrested over it, I don't recommend it. But I do recommend if you want to transfer to someone for compensation, make sure there is a registry connection between you for safety. I kind of like Komorn's 'easy as 1, 2, 3' Level 1 risk= clearly legal like caregiver to registered patient. Level 3 risk, clearly illegal like the current status of sales of marijuana as defined by the last court to rule on it, COA McQueen. Level 2 somewhere in between.

I base my recommendation on level 1 risk. I don't recommend anything in level 2 or 3.

Guess that sums me up. But everyone already knew that about me.

Dr. Bob
One other thing. I think my posts don't show I shoot from the hip, they are well thought out and for the most part, correct.

Why don't you actually explain how CPU plans on making money after you review their position papers and mission statement. Who do you really think they are?

I'm a doctor. I can make money in many ways outside of MMJ. I'm a skilled internist able to to many procedures, from colonoscopies to echocardiograms. I have a thriving pain practice. I am very involved in narcotic addiction therapy. I have a web design company and even part interest in a gravel pit. I don't need it. I am in MMJ because I want to be, because I believe in it. Because my primary job is to help patients and it does that nicely. Explain to me exactly how any of these changes affect my bottom line, for or against. If it was legalized tomorrow, I'd still be busy. So those arguments really don't make any sense.

Funny how quickly folks forget. In July 2011 I wrote a guest editorial in the Lansing State Journal asking the legislature to put me out of a job. Encourage folks to go to their primary doc for their cert- by removing the restrictions and increasing education. Here is a link to the article on why I support legalization I wrote a year ago. http://www.drbobmmj.com/component/c...ight=YToxOntpOjA7czoxMjoibGVnYWxpemF0aW9uIjt9

Does that really sound like someone trying to carve a piece of the pie for themselves? Or is this some folks that stand to lose some money trying to make scapegoats of me, cpu, or some other group?

Dr. Bob
Hey doc; the link was cool. It was good for me to read and kind of puts the 1,2,3 risk and your legality stance in perspective. We're in a hurry for the most part and get excited with any progress so the MMMA is hard to settle down and follow for some of us to the letter like your doing LOL. we want it all and we don't want to wait. I get you now I think. Safe not sorry, I can respect that.
Thank you for your response, Dr. Bob. I wasn't accusing you of anything, I just wanted some clarification on some accusations being thrown your way. It's tough to figure out fact from fiction, and who the honest players are in this community with so much at stake.
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THIS IS: http://cannabispatientsunited.org/


Posted by Joe yesterday...

I have remained quite as long as I can. Last week during the hearings CPU fessed up to helping build the Bills that we are now opposing. I couldn’t believe my ears as they provided the committee with language that would benefit their professional caregiver society, but would leave patients to go to jail if the Bills pass. They supported all the Bills with minor modifications. You may ask yourself why all these Bills only impact patients. That’s the easy part. They are all professional caregivers. You got to meet Dave Brogan last week(Bhayduk) out here. He told you all how great he was. He and the rest of CPU has been trying to get me arrested for several months. One of their member Restorium actually left because of this. In all my years, it’s always been this way. You don’t rat. These guys do in order to win debates. I wonder what they got to sell out all the patients. These guys lied for two year stating that they were defending the ACT. They are liars and they are thieves. They have stolen our rights. They have been trolling our sites for several weeks. I knew what was up. They were trying to defend themselves for their crimes in advance of outting themselves. Just wanted the record o be straight. Thanks, Bb

[TABLE="width: 85%, align: center"]
[TD="width: 10%"]Author: [/TD]
[TD]Harvester [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:20 am ][/TD]
[TD="width: 10%"]Post subject: [/TD]
[TD]Re: Is CPU a Secret Society, Yes says Joe Cain![/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]
Also, and this is as good as it gets, a lot of you got reprints of your posts at the MMMA site. I couldn't get the screen shots to reprint but enjoy.

BTW, They received 25 minutes to present thier case. Wonder why? Their were the first to testify. Check it out for yourself. They offered only token defense then offered minor changes. These guys have always believed that they are special. They are very ordinary in fact below average. They are extremely defensive in thier position as class snitch. Thanks, Bb

Here Restorium tells them to back off and not to Narc. As of today they are still trying to get me arrested. Thanks, Bb

I want this straight. I'm not afraid of going to jail. But I am sick of this two face BS. They run all over the web doing Bill Schuette's work and talking crap about us. They are dogs. RATS. It makes me sick! Nothing worse. I felt like puking while they were up there selling out sick people. Thanks, Bb

They state that the reason nobody knows who they are is because I banned them. It is because they are ratting on us and we are getting our teeth kicked in. They want patient prisoners so they can charge $350 for their superior whatever it is.

I didn't post the part where they called you idiots. Listen to these dumb asses talk. I won't support it unless you take out these two words. Then I'll support it. In the end they supported the undoig of the ACT. Here they laugh about cutting seals while you were protesting. They even admit that we had slowed down the process(We killed it). they started it back. So much for the people. They are so obsessed with me it's scarey. it's like they have no life of their own.

These idiots actually think just because your meeting with someone, your cool. Same type of childless obsession. I admire him so much because he is a state legislator. I hate Joe because he spoke to them to. That is our job! We're CPU. Jesus grow up. Please note the list of players in his list. Anybody want to support the patients in this state. Thanks, Bb

I am tired of them lying to you. They have stated many times that they are defending the law. they have rewritten our law and are attempting to assinate anyone that opposes them

You know they have been trying to spin the hearings all over the web. They sold you out and now are trying to act like it never happened. Thanks, Bb

While we were trying to bulk up and take the initiative they were trying to secure themselves as the teachers pet, by assinting everyone else. They hijacked your work. 5000 people protest. They steal the result and cut deals that destroy the law. they are traitors. Thanks, Bb

I did my best not to mention it. They were at it even today. Enough is enough. Just look at Dave Brogan(is he really named after a boot), while I am speaking to the judicary. He is dumb enough to think that this is some sort of contest. Five or six people are on that site. They are alone. Now they go to other websites to try to destroy the efforts of others. By now this thread has been indexed. it is important that everyone know that they are rats. Conspiring to get others arrested. You have to stop this kind of insanity. I find it hard to believe that they would sacrifice patients to win some sort of imaginary game.

We have been recruiting patient for three or four weeks now to testify as well as submit written testimony. We have a call the judiciary scheduled for next week. We have never stopped working. We're up starting in the morning. Call the judiciary folks. Tell them you like the law the way it is. Thanks, BB

Me, My wife and daughter are all disabled. CPU works with the MSP. What is family going to do when I am arrested. CPU laughs at the fact that I live in a modular home. They think it is funny that sick people are poor. My question to them is, what is my family going to do?

Bob, We are collecting funds for you every weekend at the Farmers market. I made you a central part of my speech. I am so sorry for what has happened to you. I just don't want my family hurt. I don't care about me. Thanks, Bb
I appreciate you my friend. We are a family. None of us wanted a fight with the government. They declared war on us. For one of our orgs to conspire with the government and try to get others arrested is just plain wrong. For months I have remained silent. Today is it. They hurt sick people at their own peril. Thanks, bb
Thank you for your response, Dr. Bob. I wasn't accusing you of anything, I just wanted some clarification on some accusations being thrown your way. It's tough to figure out fact from fiction, and who the honest players are in this community with so much at stake.

Not a problem at all. Hope it is clear now. Didn't view it as a challenge, just curiosity.

As for C & T, yeah that is the common problem. There is a difference between the MMMA and legalization, and many want to push the boundary. I think that if folks make a long term plan, like legalization in 5 or 10 years even, and work toward it by re-introducing cannabis to medicine, to get the community at large used to it and give them time to change their point of reference from 'just say no' to 'cannabis has many uses' again, we will succeed.

Dr. Bob
lol, seriously, you are quoting Joe who? Is he even still around? Why don't you go comfort each other and remember the glory days you once had? You know, back when he was a factor and people actually cared what he had to say.

The actual mission statement and position papers are right on the website. I don't need some buffoon's spin on what is right there in black and white.

Sorry to sound a little cynical, but I've had enough of the koolaid for one life, there is serious work to be done and I and many others don't have time to dwell on a 5 person website where over 50% of the views are of threads directly attacking me. The only one posting anything of note there is the cannabot, but it has excellent entertainment value.

Dr. Bob
Here tell y'all what. Joe is right, I confess. I sit up at night trying to figure out ways to 'gut' the act so the MSP can throw everyone in jail. Guess he can figure things out and make connections that none of us mere mortals can see.

Here is the evidence, the house judiciary hearing on 3-8-12 where the evil Doctor Bob sold all the patients up the river to make a buck... I'm on at 2:15 or so...


Guess there is no hiding from the mighty Joe and his trusty side kick Bloody.

Enjoy your sweet victory you kind decent human beings....
Dr. Bob

PS and you wonder why his nickname is Joke....
[TABLE="width: 85%, align: center"]
[TD="colspan: 2"]

THIS IS: http://cannabispatientsunited.org/


Posted by Joe yesterday...

I have remained quite as long as I can. Last week during the hearings CPU fessed up to helping build the Bills that we are now opposing. I couldn’t believe my ears as they provided the committee with language that would benefit their professional caregiver society, but would leave patients to go to jail if the Bills pass. They supported all the Bills with minor modifications. You may ask yourself why all these Bills only impact patients. That’s the easy part. They are all professional caregivers. You got to meet Dave Brogan last week(Bhayduk) out here. He told you all how great he was. He and the rest of CPU has been trying to get me arrested for several months. One of their member Restorium actually left because of this. In all my years, it’s always been this way. You don’t rat. These guys do in order to win debates. I wonder what they got to sell out all the patients. These guys lied for two year stating that they were defending the ACT. They are liars and they are thieves. They have stolen our rights. They have been trolling our sites for several weeks. I knew what was up. They were trying to defend themselves for their crimes in advance of outting themselves. Just wanted the record o be straight. Thanks, Bb

[TABLE="width: 85%, align: center"]
[TD="width: 10%"]Author:
[TD]Harvester [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:20 am ]
[TD="width: 10%"]Post subject:
[TD]Re: Is CPU a Secret Society, Yes says Joe Cain!
[TD="colspan: 2"]
Also, and this is as good as it gets, a lot of you got reprints of your posts at the MMMA site. I couldn't get the screen shots to reprint but enjoy.

BTW, They received 25 minutes to present thier case. Wonder why? Their were the first to testify. Check it out for yourself. They offered only token defense then offered minor changes. These guys have always believed that they are special. They are very ordinary in fact below average. They are extremely defensive in thier position as class snitch. Thanks, Bb

Here Restorium tells them to back off and not to Narc. As of today they are still trying to get me arrested. Thanks, Bb

I want this straight. I'm not afraid of going to jail. But I am sick of this two face BS. They run all over the web doing Bill Schuette's work and talking crap about us. They are dogs. RATS. It makes me sick! Nothing worse. I felt like puking while they were up there selling out sick people. Thanks, Bb

They state that the reason nobody knows who they are is because I banned them. It is because they are ratting on us and we are getting our teeth kicked in. They want patient prisoners so they can charge $350 for their superior whatever it is.

I didn't post the part where they called you idiots. Listen to these dumb asses talk. I won't support it unless you take out these two words. Then I'll support it. In the end they supported the undoig of the ACT. Here they laugh about cutting seals while you were protesting. They even admit that we had slowed down the process(We killed it). they started it back. So much for the people. They are so obsessed with me it's scarey. it's like they have no life of their own.

These idiots actually think just because your meeting with someone, your cool. Same type of childless obsession. I admire him so much because he is a state legislator. I hate Joe because he spoke to them to. That is our job! We're CPU. Jesus grow up. Please note the list of players in his list. Anybody want to support the patients in this state. Thanks, Bb

I am tired of them lying to you. They have stated many times that they are defending the law. they have rewritten our law and are attempting to assinate anyone that opposes them

You know they have been trying to spin the hearings all over the web. They sold you out and now are trying to act like it never happened. Thanks, Bb

While we were trying to bulk up and take the initiative they were trying to secure themselves as the teachers pet, by assinting everyone else. They hijacked your work. 5000 people protest. They steal the result and cut deals that destroy the law. they are traitors. Thanks, Bb

I did my best not to mention it. They were at it even today. Enough is enough. Just look at Dave Brogan(is he really named after a boot), while I am speaking to the judicary. He is dumb enough to think that this is some sort of contest. Five or six people are on that site. They are alone. Now they go to other websites to try to destroy the efforts of others. By now this thread has been indexed. it is important that everyone know that they are rats. Conspiring to get others arrested. You have to stop this kind of insanity. I find it hard to believe that they would sacrifice patients to win some sort of imaginary game.

We have been recruiting patient for three or four weeks now to testify as well as submit written testimony. We have a call the judiciary scheduled for next week. We have never stopped working. We're up starting in the morning. Call the judiciary folks. Tell them you like the law the way it is. Thanks, BB

Me, My wife and daughter are all disabled. CPU works with the MSP. What is family going to do when I am arrested. CPU laughs at the fact that I live in a modular home. They think it is funny that sick people are poor. My question to them is, what is my family going to do?

Bob, We are collecting funds for you every weekend at the Farmers market. I made you a central part of my speech. I am so sorry for what has happened to you. I just don't want my family hurt. I don't care about me. Thanks, Bb
I appreciate you my friend. We are a family. None of us wanted a fight with the government. They declared war on us. For one of our orgs to conspire with the government and try to get others arrested is just plain wrong. For months I have remained silent. Today is it. They hurt sick people at their own peril. Thanks, bb

All this based off of Joe Cain, are you fucking serious man? That motherfucker is a flat out lying son-of-a-bitch, piece of shit, no good asshole.

You better dig up something better than what that dickhead said for me to believe one bit of it.
My point exactly. BTW I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll, and CPU was the rest of the kill team... Joe and Bloody smoked me out.

Dr. Bob
So you two Bob and Stump have no qualms about calling JC names, we got that.
It appears to me that the 3MA has diminished considerably as a unified group since the appearance of CPU. Could it only be their attitudes that scattered and drove everyone off, perhaps. I don't have all the answers, but agendas are at play. Bob will you admit to being a dues paying member of the CPU, or is that private information?
Abe my politics are private. I post as me. As far as Joe, I have no problem calling a spade a spade, especially in light of the fact he has an entire website devoted to harassing and spreading rumors about me.

And I wasn't calling him names. I was complimenting him on his keen insight into my personal motivations, insights into my true, dark, patient hating soul.... I especially like the fact he sends his minions over to different websites to make sure everyone knows the truth about me and any organization that doesn't buy into his version of reality.

But hey, I was asked a question, I answered it, and I need to move on. I've wasted enough time discussing a non-issue, sorry about getting side tracked. Back to work. And I have some kittens to drown. Muuuhhhhhaaaahhhhhaaahhhhaaaa

Dr. Bob
If you haven't noticed, the negativity has quelled in regards to you at said site. You did call names Bob, "joke" was what I was referring to. You wanna go spade for spade we can go that route, just thought you most appreciated me being Bob "neutral". Now, you may go drown kittens. Fucked up imagery Bob!!
Sorry Abe, I didn't come up with it. But it was accurately stated that is the nick he is known by in many circles.

And what I appreciated about you is you seem to think for yourself. Good quality.

Take care. I will try to be less abrasive. I can at times especially given his past of accusing me of drug abuse, alcoholism, and criminal activity. All completely baseless. The disjointed post put up by Bloody pretty much was the true Joe. And show why I tend to get abrasive about him.

Dr. Bob