a tradgedy for sure...but even more tragic is it will like Aurora get the gun control nuts fired up to take away guns...exactly the OPPOSITE of what needs to be...ALL TEACHERS shoulkd be trained in gun use and REQUIRED to possess a firearm with the training to shoot well...would nip that shit in the bud
Yes, that's the ticket. I really want to see an assault rifle sitting beside the principles desk, and a handgun in every teachers purse when I drop my kids off at school (end sarcasm). Is this the kind of society you want to live in? One where every teacher, bus driver, janitor, etc is strapped?
MORE guns is not the answer!! Common sense, background checks, mental evaluations, and getting politics the fuck out of the conversation is what needs to be done. If the NRA didn't own half of the members of congress we could actually have an adult conversation about this.
Here's a stat for you: Last year handguns killed .....
-48 people in Japan
-8 in Great Britian
-34 in Switzerland
-52 in Canada
-58 in Israel
-21 in Sweden
-10,728 in the UNITED STATES
Now, after reading that, do you still feel that MORE guns are the answer?????????????????
You're right...if they did have guns in the school prior to the gunman then 20 or more kids lives could have been saved...which according to you would have been a bad thing...hey why dont you use your head to think instead of using it to display lack of thought
But on the other side of that coin if fewer people owned guns these types of things would happen much less simply because the children wouldn't be around guns, and they wouldn't have such easy access to the firearms...
Things like this really make me feel that we need tighter gun controls, and more controls that are in place to be held up.
One of my friends is a felon but he has 5 or 6 guns, and really he shouldn't. He doesn't need them...but there they are anyway....
I have a cure for people like you
Even while hunting, unless you are taking a shot, you walk with you gun muzzle pointed down and broken or safety on without one in the chamber
Ah this old debate, http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_percap-crime-murders-per-capita
Yep, still alot safer than all those countries...
Heh! So your response is that we're safer living in the United States than we would be living in third world countries like Iraq and El Salvador? Wow, compelling argument!