Sick World

a tradgedy for sure...but even more tragic is it will like Aurora get the gun control nuts fired up to take away guns...exactly the OPPOSITE of what needs to be...ALL TEACHERS shoulkd be trained in gun use and REQUIRED to possess a firearm with the training to shoot well...would nip that shit in the bud


Yes, that's the ticket. I really want to see an assault rifle sitting beside the principles desk, and a handgun in every teachers purse when I drop my kids off at school (end sarcasm). Is this the kind of society you want to live in? One where every teacher, bus driver, janitor, etc is strapped?

MORE guns is not the answer!! Common sense, background checks, mental evaluations, and getting politics the fuck out of the conversation is what needs to be done. If the NRA didn't own half of the members of congress we could actually have an adult conversation about this.

Here's a stat for you: Last year handguns killed .....
-48 people in Japan
-8 in Great Britian
-34 in Switzerland
-52 in Canada
-58 in Israel
-21 in Sweden
-10,728 in the UNITED STATES

Now, after reading that, do you still feel that MORE guns are the answer?????????????????
Yes, that's the ticket. I really want to see an assault rifle sitting beside the principles desk, and a handgun in every teachers purse when I drop my kids off at school (end sarcasm). Is this the kind of society you want to live in? One where every teacher, bus driver, janitor, etc is strapped?

MORE guns is not the answer!! Common sense, background checks, mental evaluations, and getting politics the fuck out of the conversation is what needs to be done. If the NRA didn't own half of the members of congress we could actually have an adult conversation about this.

Here's a stat for you: Last year handguns killed .....
-48 people in Japan
-8 in Great Britian
-34 in Switzerland
-52 in Canada
-58 in Israel
-21 in Sweden
-10,728 in the UNITED STATES

Now, after reading that, do you still feel that MORE guns are the answer?????????????????

Ah this old debate,

Yep, still alot safer than all those countries...
You're right...if they did have guns in the school prior to the gunman then 20 or more kids lives could have been saved...which according to you would have been a bad thing...hey why dont you use your head to think instead of using it to display lack of thought

But on the other side of that coin if fewer people owned guns these types of things would happen much less simply because the children wouldn't be around guns, and they wouldn't have such easy access to the firearms...

Things like this really make me feel that we need tighter gun controls, and more controls that are in place to be held up.
One of my friends is a felon but he has 5 or 6 guns, and really he shouldn't. He doesn't need them...but there they are anyway....
But on the other side of that coin if fewer people owned guns these types of things would happen much less simply because the children wouldn't be around guns, and they wouldn't have such easy access to the firearms...

Things like this really make me feel that we need tighter gun controls, and more controls that are in place to be held up.
One of my friends is a felon but he has 5 or 6 guns, and really he shouldn't. He doesn't need them...but there they are anyway....

That proves why it wouldn't work, if a crazy man wants a gun, he will get it. Wouldn't happen any less.
I have a cure for people like you


This doesn't help your cause. Only makes you look unstable.

Ladies and gentlemen one of the psychos you should look out for: Those who want to shoot people who prefer preventing violence instead of responding with violence. Keep perpetuating the problem and that'll fix it. YUUUUUUUP.

@ Great white north: True that name calling is juvenile, but if it looks like a dog and barks like a dog, then it must be a dog.
To answer you: No. the govn't is hardly a qualified psychologist...

Using common sense I'd say a Board of certified psychologist's would probably be enough to ammend the one they use to tell if a police officer is still stable after discharging their weapon. Which (As i said) already exists.
Just saying Obviously, someone prescribed anti depressants or going through a traumatic life, should not have a firearm in possession or in their home.

Another obvious thing is that neither of you have ever researched anything about psychology and the mind otherwise you'd know the criminals brain works in a totally different manner than those who would never think of hurting a fly.
And when hunting: I never said EMPTY. Please reread that. Broken open, or one that is not in the chamber, safety on. Safety always on unless you're ready to fire. Safety is just common sense. Want to get to the nitty gritty, you also need, reflective vest, and both ear/eye protection.
Even while hunting, unless you are taking a shot, you walk with you gun muzzle pointed down and broken or safety on without one in the chamber

That equals empty.
Not bashing, just saying some hunting circumstances require walking around chambered in condition 0.
I don't particularly like doing it, but I do several times a year.
Either way, some common sense is need to keep track of what is happening with people's mental health. If people posing a threat to society can't get help on their own, than they need be forced to get the help before they hurt someone or themselves.
Otherwise lets just go and give firearms to all the schizo's in the world.
Depression is a recognized, clinical disease - Wake up people! Stop living in the stone ages.

These kids died because no one cared enough that this gun was around a troubled teen. He shot his mother but not his siblings... that says something.
She was probably unstable and took it out on him. It's called displacement.
Shit rolls down hill my friend and I can't help but think if that kid or mom had been forced to just TALK about their unstable situation, then 28 people could have been saved today.

But those thinking just shooting someone is the answer - I guess that person never had the right to ever be born in the first place?
The one thing we all agree on, is that he was very troubled. Some say he should have been shot as soon as he started to be troubled and I say he should have talk to a shrink.
I can't help but feel like the more sane person here...
If you had been there, and had a gun, would you have shot the killer to save lives?

So a bear climbed my second story balcony and proceeded to break into my home where my children were sleeping. I shot it. Guess that comes with the territory of living in the woods... I was prepared. I defended my family. No one questioned my actions.
Nor would they have questioned gun rights if the teacher, principle, or even student fired back killing the gunman.

One more for ya. Our president, our banks, our airports, our country, are all protected by arms. And when my son asked why a military man was wearing an assault rifle in the airport a pilot walking with us responded "to keep us all safe"... My son then promptly responded, "my daddy keeps me safe, he will shoot the bad guy first". Little did he know, there are places I don't have that right. One place is at his school, another at that airport... after tonight, he realized that.

If were together somewhere and someone starts killing people, stand behind me because I will be shooting back...

Ya IF, I had a gun with me at that point. But if you're thinking to hand teachers guns "Just in case" is the only solution. I think the problem is entirely somewhere else.
You don't put out fires by throwing gas on them.
I get people are pissed. What happened is sick, but it could have easily been prevented and not just by shooting him when he woke up that morning.
Killing killers means you'd have to kill yourself. Otherwise it's just a hypocritical society. (which is nothing new)
I’ve got grand kids in preschool and I have a hard time understanding how a person could do something like that . I would think with all the service people coming home and needing jobs that we could have a trained guard at every school . If you go down to the court house you will see 5 or more LEO’s there for our people in control , so why not for our kids and grand kids , it would only take a metal detector and an armed guard .
I couldnt believe it when my wife told me,I thought she had heard it wrong,just dont understand why.Those poor families.
i have guns, i have been trained very well to use the ones I have. My wife knows how to use these guns and I trained her myself. I will not give up my guns, no way, no how. I will not carry into public places. BUT imagine if we had a country that allowed open carry? Would you shoot up a school/mosque/mall, if you knew the guy next door has a gun as well? No normal person would.

A nut job is a nut job and they are the wild cards, noone knows where they are, who they are or what they are thinking of doing. This coward would have done what he did, with or without gun laws.

If anyone is crazy enough to want to kill a president of the United States, he can do it. All he must be prepared to do is give his life for the president's.
John F. Kennedy

But i am a republican gun nut so my views are obvious.
if more people we carrying legally and were trained properly i personally believe there would be a pretty dramatic drop in alot of crimes. not so much fun when you know the person you intend to rob or whatever may shoot back. and soon as the new laws regarding the pistol free zones is all ironed out i will be first in line for my cpl. it's my responsibility to make sure my family is safe. i keep my weapons loaded and ready to fire if needed. they also happen to be kept in a digital safe next to the bed with a keycode my wife can quickly and easily enter if the issue ever arrives only because i have to try and maintain some balance of safety with my children in the house. solution is not less guns, its less criminals with guns. restricting my ability to carry or even own a firearm is not going to stop criminals from getting one. its only stopping me from protecting my family and those around me.requiring teachers to carry is not the answer either but giving them the option could have possible saved even one life had any one of the teachers or any of the staff for that matter been carrying at the time. eh. what do i know i'm just a working class father and husband