Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

Peace first. Then a big thank you for the original author of this thread for affording us this opportunity to delve into the thoughts of (those who took the thread seriously and those who didn't) and appreciate the insights offered by the People; however sarcastic, ignorant or inappropriate they may have been from time to time.
Having said that, I think that a few people brought up some good questions about the validity of the subject matter. I think that the vocabulary and explanations used and offered may have been misleading to readers, perhaps, especially to the scientists (count me in that number) in our community. However, I believe that I have an understanding of what the author was/is trying to convey in his/her description of this experiment.
1. On "Energy" - Someone (heisman sp?) brought up the proper use of the term energy. I agree that when used can be deceptive because of the ambiguity of the term; maybe due to improper connotations ascribed or just lack of understanding. In this context I think the more appropriate terminology would be frequency, which can also be broken down further ie. electromagnetic, resonant, etc. Further, some energy must present, because frequency implies movement which requires some energy to occur. Now whether that energy is "in" the crystal or comes from some other phenomenon is beyond our scope.
2. On "Crystals Giving the Plants Energy" - the first usage/misuage of the word "energy" (1.) probably led to these next comments about crystals giving the plants energy, which admittedly does sound a bit absurd. Reexamining this statement with the afore mentioned clarification, this quote can be reinterpreted as "Crystals providing another frequency output in the room that, perhaps, was not present or is enhanced by its presence."
Now, with these two clarifications (1. & 2.) in mind let us also remember that plants are acceptors and transmitors of frequency much like ourselves. Yes, the very obvious ears that hear and eyes that see are recieving transmissions as well as the mouth that speaks and our physical bodies transmitting frequencies (vibrating ie. colors). Everything is in constant flux (vibration). As a simple example for examination to be paralleled to the author's proposed experiment, let's look at music. One simple chord or note (frequency =>crystal) effects each person (plant) differently. The sound may freighten one while exciting another or even bring another to tears. One other simple example being a facial expression which can be perceived (frequencies being accepted and interpreted) and possibly affect mood in certain subjects.
Crystals have been shown to have specific resonant and electromagnetic frequencies, which can be manipulated by its shape and other physical and chemical processes. Quartz is probably the most used in our everyday society. Magnets and crystals are very similar as I understand. I think magnets are even of crystalline microstructure. Just as magnets absorb electro frequency and attract or repel metal objects with that energy (over long periods of time) i believe crystals do store and transmit energy similarly. (Have you seen a woman's mood when she's wearing that diamond?? And say that's your girl...shoooooot how you feelin???) However, I can't find much respectable "University" research to substantiate. Of course there is Rife, well respected, published and awarded in his day, ( -for those truly interested) but his work has been swept under the rug and I haven't heard of many grants or research $$ being given for any real experimentation since. My bet is pharmaceutical companies at it again...but thats another thread im sure lol! I digress..
Although plants don't have ears or eyes (that I know of), I believe,along with many other growers (author included I'm sure...rather I suppose) who take time to care for any plant that have found, that they are able to be affected by frequencies; whether that be music...or LIGHT of course and, perhaps, countless others.
With that being said, I think the hypothesis that crystals, if outputting a frequency that is agreeable with the strain of plant, can have a positive effect on said plant is not far fetched, although from what I can find has not tested thoroughly.
Truly appreciate this thread! Please keep updating, for inquisitive minds are eager to know...I know I am!
And Peace again.
Many Blessings on your spiritual journey

Diamond? You mean a compressed piece of carbon that is far more prevalent than DeBeers would have you think? I know I still get yelled out when my women is wearing hers. The only thing mood altering about it is...nothing.

Just because we are stoners doesn't mean we have to be stupid. Put on your critical thinking caps folks.
Diamond? You mean a compressed piece of carbon that is far more prevalent than DeBeers would have you think? I know I still get yelled out when my women is wearing hers. The only thing mood altering about it is...nothing.

Just because we are stoners doesn't mean we have to be stupid. Put on your critical thinking caps folks.

Ya woman..inexistent. Her diamonds..inexistent. If I was looking from another planet you'd look a lot like that compressed carbon.. But I guess yours is not so much stupidity as it is ignorance. I guess food is just crap to stuff in mouth and magnets just work.. Stupid to think a dumb rock could have properties
I have been experimenting with half burried quartz crystals in my pots.. the crystals are small.. roughly an inch long and no more than 1/4 inch diameter. I stick the crystal halfway into the dirt about 3 inches from the stem.. 2 crystals in each pot. I then take a Malachite quartz (deep green stone, great for cleansing negative energy) and I form an energy grid with the quartz and malachite each day after watering. This has resulted in FAR more controlled grows.. I rarely have pest, mildew and mold problems... in fact.. I cant really remember the last time my garden was plagued by anything other than buds that were too heavy and snapped off during the humidity spike over night! Say what you want about the science of vibration... but this information is proven... documented.. and scientifically measureable. Everything exists as the result of a vibrational frequency.. this is proven fact.. Every crystal resonates at a very precise and measureable frequency, which in turn effects the frequency of objects around it, which are also emmiting a frequency. This is science folks.. and just because you dont understand it.. doesnt mean its not real! A person who doesnt believe in magic.. will never find it! ;-)

Here are a few pics of ONE plant from my garden.. I used LST and Topping to achieve this result.. this plant is at day 15 of flower.. strain is called "Critical Mass". The one pic shows the quartz crystals in the soil.. The last feed I gave her was a little strong so shes showing some signs of stress... But still nice and healthy :-) IMG_20130123_085124[1].jpgIMG_20130123_085506[1].jpgIMG_20130123_085555[1].jpgIMG_20130123_085527[1].jpg Great thread dude... Cheers!
It is great when another believer shows up and schools us stupid people that believe in science, logic and critical thinking.

I have been experimenting with half burried quartz crystals in my pots.. the crystals are small.. roughly an inch long and no more than 1/4 inch diameter. I stick the crystal halfway into the dirt about 3 inches from the stem.. 2 crystals in each pot. I then take a Malachite quartz (deep green stone, great for cleansing negative energy) and I form an energy grid with the quartz and malachite each day after watering. This has resulted in FAR more controlled grows.. I rarely have pest, mildew and mold problems...

Neither do I and without crystals.
Do you have anything to back your story up with?
So as you gained more experience you had less problems?
Or you have not gained experience and the crystals saved your plants from your inability to grow them properly?
Or varieties that were more susceptible to pests, mildew and mold?

in fact.. I cant really remember the last time my garden was plagued by anything other than buds that were too heavy and snapped off during the humidity spike over night! Say what you want about the science of vibration... but this information is proven... documented.. and scientifically measureable.

Scientifically measurable? Great, let's see it. Until then you are just another guy with a story. Correlation does not imply causation.
I haven't been able to find anything but stories about crystals helping plants grow.

Everything exists as the result of a vibrational frequency.. this is proven fact..

Then it would be easy to provide a link.

Every crystal resonates at a very precise and measureable frequency, which in turn effects the frequency of objects around it, which are also emmiting a frequency.

I would like to read about this.

This is science folks.. and just because you dont understand it.. doesnt mean its not real! A person who doesnt believe in magic.. will never find it! ;-)

We will just let that rude comment go. No need foe me to insult you back.

Which is it, magic or science? If it is indeed science, then us unenlightened folks could read about it.
Solar eclipses used to be magic, until they could be explained.

Here are a few pics of ONE plant from my garden.. I used LST and Topping to achieve this result.. this plant is at day 15 of flower.. strain is called "Critical Mass". The one pic shows the quartz crystals in the soil.. The last feed I gave her was a little strong so shes showing some signs of stress... But still nice and healthy :-) View attachment 2493225View attachment 2493226View attachment 2493227View attachment 2493229 Great thread dude... Cheers!

The crystals do not seem to stop the stress.
My plants without crystals aren't stressed.
Maybe the crystals are stressing the plant.
I have been experimenting with half burried quartz crystals in my pots.. the crystals are small.. roughly an inch long and no more than 1/4 inch diameter. I stick the crystal halfway into the dirt about 3 inches from the stem.. 2 crystals in each pot. I then take a Malachite quartz (deep green stone, great for cleansing negative energy) and I form an energy grid with the quartz and malachite each day after watering. This has resulted in FAR more controlled grows..

What did you use for a control group? It appears you didn't attempt to account for any factors or bias. If not, your experiments aren't really experiments, at least not the kind that could tell us anything definitive or scientific.

I rarely have pest, mildew and mold problems... in fact.. I cant really remember the last time my garden was plagued by anything other than buds that were too heavy and snapped off during the humidity spike over night!

I have no pests or disease problems. I get large heavy flowers. I use no crystals.

Say what you want about the science of vibration... but this information is proven... documented.. and scientifically measureable. Everything exists as the result of a vibrational frequency.. this is proven fact.. Every crystal resonates at a very precise and measureable frequency, which in turn effects the frequency of objects around it, which are also emmiting a frequency. This is science folks.. and just because you dont understand it.. doesnt mean its not real! A person who doesnt believe in magic.. will never find it! ;-)

Please provide some sources for this proven, documented science. It seems the information on how and why crystals work is conflicting, with many 'experts' disagreeing with each other on mechanism and result. In fact states "The main problem in providing hard core scientific data that would be acceptable to scientists at large is that the sensitive equipment necessary to measure these energy changes is not available today" So some crystal masters seem to think that crystals are beyond current scientific study, while you are suggesting the science is tried and true. Other crystals proponents admit that observation of the energy in crystals is dependent on one's intention and attitude, something that would be very hard to measure.

There are so many conflicting claims among crystal 'masters' that one, Olga Rasmussen, attempts to explain it with this explanation "If you read ten books on which crystals or stones you should use in healing and balancing the chakras, you will get ten different opinions...Remember that ultimately these stones represent a broad range of suggestions-perhaps much broader than those you have consulted. Ultimately you must learn to cultivate and develop your intuition and see what you are drawn to using." <-- Doesn't sound very scientific.

I think you would get better results with your plants if you could manage to get bigfoot to shit on them.
Just because I am new to this forum.. does NOT mean Im a noob! I have been growing for most of my life, My father has a Phd in horticulture. I grew up in northern Canada and have been growing my own food.. and medicine for most of my life. Once I moved to a more temperate climate, the pest and mildew problems became much more apparent in such a humid climate. The first few crops were not great.. and after using sulphur burners, pesticides and many other home made remedies that did the trick... I have now been using crystals alone for the last year or so.. and have had great success without the use of any other control method. Quartz crystals have been used for decades as the basis of most technology because it has a very strong and measurable frequency... Not all crystals produce such strong results.. and therefore it does not surprise me that there is no instrument that could possibly measure every frequency of every crystal.. Human technology has its limits.. the universe does not!

These experiments were conducted and documented in the 1960s by Dr. Hans Jenny. It shows the effect of sound frequencies when passed through a form of medium. In this video you can clearly see how vibrational frequencies can produce what would appear to be a solid structure.. This is what our entire existence is based on.. We are all connected by this same vibrational frequency and everything you know to be true is a result of variations in this frequency. Your consciousness is directly connected to this vibration on an energetic level.. This is where the "law of attraction" and all that type of stuff comes from.. Higher vibrations attract other higher vibrations.. so if you are living in a vibration of love, prosperity and happiness.. you will naturaly draw more of these things into your life.. Have you ever noticed that those people who speak most of success generally have it? And the ones who speak most of illness and hardship.. also have it? I dont need documentation to know this to be true in my own life.. just because your not willing to believe it.. doesnt make it un-true!

This video shows the correlation between vibration and our existence.. its called the unified feild.. which is physics on a quantum level. Nassim is at the top of his feild.. and questions EVERYTHING.. It is of course just a theory.. But so is the Theory of Relativity.. but people have been basing our lives on this theory for decades.. Even though its now being proven innaccurate.. If you actually take the time to research it.. it makes a hell of a lot more sense than "the invisble man that created the universe" story we are all force fed pretty much from birth. Quantum physics are so infinitley fractile.. that it is said to be impossible for us to completely understand at our current level of consciousness.. Im sure you are aware that most humans only use about 10% of thier brains capacity throughout our life.. Until we figure out how to use the other 90%.. I believe this information will always be beyond our comprehension. Im glad you grow well.. Im glad I grow well.. I believe the use of crystals has helped both my life.. and my garden.. and I think the 3p per 1000w I get quite regularly would agree with me.. Good luck!
Just because I am new to this forum.. does NOT mean Im a noob! I have been growing for most of my life, My father has a Phd in horticulture. I grew up in northern Canada and have been growing my own food.. and medicine for most of my life. Once I moved to a more temperate climate, the pest and mildew problems became much more apparent in such a humid climate. The first few crops were not great.. and after using sulphur burners, pesticides and many other home made remedies that did the trick... I have now been using crystals alone for the last year or so.. and have had great success without the use of any other control method. Quartz crystals have been used for decades as the basis of most technology because it has a very strong and measurable frequency... Not all crystals produce such strong results.. and therefore it does not surprise me that there is no instrument that could possibly measure every frequency of every crystal.. Human technology has its limits.. the universe does not!

No one has said anything about you being an noob, just that it is misleading to suggest there is any science backing up the claim of crystals helping plants grow. Hearsay and speculation are not scientific.

These experiments were conducted and documented in the 1960s by Dr. Hans Jenny. It shows the effect of sound frequencies when passed through a form of medium. In this video you can clearly see how vibrational frequencies can produce what would appear to be a solid structure.. This is what our entire existence is based on.. We are all connected by this same vibrational frequency and everything you know to be true is a result of variations in this frequency. Your consciousness is directly connected to this vibration on an energetic level.. This is where the "law of attraction" and all that type of stuff comes from.. Higher vibrations attract other higher vibrations.. so if you are living in a vibration of love, prosperity and happiness.. you will naturaly draw more of these things into your life.. Have you ever noticed that those people who speak most of success generally have it? And the ones who speak most of illness and hardship.. also have it?

Please explain how cymatics enable crystals to stimulate plant growth. Dr Jenny's experiments are used to support everything from psychic healing to sacred geometry to crop circles to water memory to fountain of youth machines to UFO propulsion to govt weather control. It seems to be a favorite body of experiments for the pseudoscience crowds, despite the fact that many claims contradict each other in that they require radically different and conflicting sets of unknown laws and physics.

Meanwhile you have provided no links to sources as asked, even though you claim it's science.

I dont need documentation to know this to be true in my own life.. just because your not willing to believe it.. doesnt make it un-true!

An appeal to intuition, which isn't science, followed by a misunderstanding of how burden of proof works.

This video shows the correlation between vibration and our existence.. its called the unified feild.. which is physics on a quantum level. Nassim is at the top of his feild.. and questions EVERYTHING.. It is of course just a theory.. But so is the Theory of Relativity.. but people have been basing our lives on this theory for decades.. Even though its now being proven innaccurate.. If you actually take the time to research it.. it makes a hell of a lot more sense than "the invisble man that created the universe" story we are all force fed pretty much from birth. Quantum physics are so infinitley fractile.. that it is said to be impossible for us to completely understand at our current level of consciousness.. Im sure you are aware that most humans only use about 10% of thier brains capacity throughout our life.. Until we figure out how to use the other 90%.. I believe this information will always be beyond our comprehension. Im glad you grow well.. Im glad I grow well.. I believe the use of crystals has helped both my life.. and my garden.. and I think the 3p per 1000w I get quite regularly would agree with me.. Good luck!

Well this explains your claim of crystals being backed up with science, you don't understand what science is. A scientific theory can run the gamut from disproven to unified. Saying something is "just a thoery" doesn't really tell us anything. Evolution is a theory and so is creationism, both competing and very different. A theory should be judged on it ability to explain and predict, not simply by it's title.

After throwing in a fallacious appeal to ignorance of quantum theory, you go on to repeat the well disproven myth that humans only use 10% of our brains. Why would we spend energy to evolve and preserve an organ that is 90% useless?

While you may not be a noob to growing, it seems you have a lot to learn about skepticism and critical thinking.
It is great when another believer shows up and schools us stupid people that believe in science, logic and critical thinking.

Ahh yes.. such is the nature of progress..

Neither do I and without crystals.
Do you have anything to back your story up with?
So as you gained more experience you had less problems?
Or you have not gained experience and the crystals saved your plants from your inability to grow them properly?
Or varieties that were more susceptible to pests, mildew and mold?

I grew up in Northern Canada, My dad has a Phd in Horticulture and was the local food supplier for our town. I have been growing my own food, and medicine indoors for most of my life.. just because Im new to this forum.. does not mean Im a noob! Once I moved to a more arid and temperate climate about 5 years ago.. I noticed the pest, mold and mildew problems popping up alot more.. these things dont typically happen in a climate that has an average annual temp of -32 C. I tried many different sprays, sulphur burners and other home remedies with great success... but since beginning with the crystals about a year ago.. I have not needed any other forms of control for these issues. I have been growing this same strain for about 3 years now.. and have noticed a definate improvement after starting with the crystal grids.

Scientifically measurable? Great, let's see it. Until then you are just another guy with a story. Correlation does not imply causation.
I haven't been able to find anything but stories about crystals helping plants grow.

Ask and you shall recieve

Then it would be easy to provide a link.

I would like to read about this.

Didnt you already ask this question? I guess you just like typing usless shit...

Which is it, magic or science? If it is indeed science, then us unenlightened folks could read about it.
Solar eclipses used to be magic, until they could be explained.

when most people dont understand something they call it magic.. When the white man came with thier fire sticks.. was this not seen as magic by the natives? Even though it was actually just science? Pretty weak arguement there..
The crystals do not seem to stop the stress.
My plants without crystals aren't stressed.
Maybe the crystals are stressing the plant.

As previously mentioned, I over fed them last feed.. My feeding schedule ramps up week over week.. I was in a hurry and read the chart wrong so it singed the tips a bit.. Im sure if you overfeed your plants they would produce similar results.
What did you use for a control group? It appears you didn't attempt to account for any factors or bias. If not, your experiments aren't really experiments, at least not the kind that could tell us anything definitive or scientific.

I used the previous 4 years of growing experience as my control group. I think that works well enough for me..

I have no pests or disease problems. I get large heavy flowers. I use no crystals.

That is wonderful.. I am extremely happy for you.. and would also like to know how many different spray bottles you have kicking around your grow room... Also.. you claim nice and dense flowers? thats also wonderful.. but compared to what? My average yeild is usually between 2.5 and 3p per 1000w HPS light.. I think Im doing pretty good from what I have seen on these sites. and the crystals have allowed me to cut out the chemical component all together.. which cant possibly be a bad thing!

Please provide some sources for this proven, documented science. It seems the information on how and why crystals work is conflicting, with many 'experts' disagreeing with each other on mechanism and result. In fact states "The main problem in providing hard core scientific data that would be acceptable to scientists at large is that the sensitive equipment necessary to measure these energy changes is not available today" So some crystal masters seem to think that crystals are beyond current scientific study, while you are suggesting the science is tried and true. Other crystals proponents admit that observation of the energy in crystals is dependent on one's intention and attitude, something that would be very hard to measure.

This does not surprise me.. the energies emitted by crystals are so complex, and so infitely fractile.. that it would be impossible for us to understand every aspect of this energy at our current level of technology and understanding. Humans only use 10% of their brain throughout thier lifetime.. I have a feeling we will need the other 90% before this type of thing can be comprehended. Technology has its limits.. The universe does not. But a clear example of the frequency emitted by crystals would be found in Quartz. Quartz crystals vibrate at a very strong and measureable frequency, and thus.. it has been the basis of most technolgy over the last several decades. If a quartz crystal can vibrate at a measureable frequency.. what leads you to believe that other crystals can not do the same thing?

There are so many conflicting claims among crystal 'masters' that one, Olga Rasmussen, attempts to explain it with this explanation "If you read ten books on which crystals or stones you should use in healing and balancing the chakras, you will get ten different opinions...Remember that ultimately these stones represent a broad range of suggestions-perhaps much broader than those you have consulted. Ultimately you must learn to cultivate and develop your intuition and see what you are drawn to using." <-- Doesn't sound very scientific.

You are right, Consciousness does play a HUGE part.. we are all conscious beings connected by a living force.. or vibration that binds us all. Different people are at different levels of vibration and therefore precieve their reality differently. This is all covered in Sacred Geometry and Unified Feild studies... quantum physics if you will.. Here a great video by Nassim Haramein.. a brilliant quatum physicist that has been studying the unified field since a very young age. His approach is somewhat unorthodox compared to most physicist.. but his information is sound.. accurate.. and lets face it.. it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the "invisible man" theory we have pretty much all been force fed since birth.

I dont blame you for not understanding this stuff.. Its incredibly complex and takes years of patience and research to fully grasp and understand. I hope you consider this the start of your learning curve.. good luck!

I think you would get better results with your plants if you could manage to get bigfoot to shit on them.

Common... bigfoot? Now thats just crazy talk ;-)

Namaste :-)
No one has said anything about you being an noob, just that it is misleading to suggest there is any science backing up the claim of crystals helping plants grow. Hearsay and speculation are not scientific.

Please explain how cymatics enable crystals to stimulate plant growth. Dr Jenny's experiments are used to support everything from psychic healing to sacred geometry to crop circles to water memory to fountain of youth machines to UFO propulsion to govt weather control. It seems to be a favorite body of experiments for the pseudoscience crowds, despite the fact that many claims contradict each other in that they require radically different and conflicting sets of unknown laws and physics.

Meanwhile you have provided no links to sources as asked, even though you claim it's science.

An appeal to intuition, which isn't science, followed by a misunderstanding of how burden of proof works.

Well this explains your claim of crystals being backed up with science, you don't understand what science is. A scientific theory can run the gamut from disproven to unified. Saying something is "just a thoery" doesn't really tell us anything. Evolution is a theory and so is creationism, both competing and very different. A theory should be judged on it ability to explain and predict, not simply by it's title.

After throwing in a fallacious appeal to ignorance of quantum theory, you go on to repeat the well disproven myth that humans only use 10% of our brains. Why would we spend energy to evolve and preserve an organ that is 90% useless?

While you may not be a noob to growing, it seems you have a lot to learn about skepticism and critical thinking.

If you read back.. I never said that Crystals helping plants grow is tried and tested.. I said that crystals resonate at a measureable frequency.. which is tried and tested.. Plants also vibrate at a measurable frequency.. which is tried and tested.. and freqencies interact with each other to cause change.. which is also a proven fact.. If all of the components that lead up to crystals helping a plant grow are proven facts... what leads you to believe that the theory is not sound? I personally do not have the capacity to conduct an experiment on thousands of plants at a time to have a large enough control group to produce documented and varifiable results.. But I do have several years of experience with this same strain, and have seen definate improvements and ultimately the elimination of pest control measures needing to be taken in my garden. Critical thinking is what has brought me to this level of understanding of the universe.. I believe it is you that has many lessons yet to learn..
Crystals and weed growing. I have been on a spiritual journey lately which has brought me to love the effects that different types of crystals can have on people and the energy that surrounds them. So I had an idea to use crystals in my grow room and I researched which crystals work best for plant growth. So I ordered a pyramid shaped moss agate (pyramid-shaped crystals contain even more energy) and also a whole pound of rough green calcite. I am going to put the moss agate pyramid in between the 2 buckets on the ground and scatter the pound of green calcite around the buckets and grow room. Here are the benefits of each stone:

“Moss agate is probably the most beneficial stone when you want increased plant growth. It is known as “the gardener's talisman” for this very reason. Moss agate is often used to attract prosperity and abundance. It's also a healing stone. This crystal is associated with nature spirits. Wearing moss agate while gardening can increase your energy, relieve a stiff neck, and “tune” you in to the energies of your garden. Placing moss agate stones in a container pot or in the ground will increase flower and plant growth. I made a moss agate wind chime suspended from three bamboo stakes tied together at the top and placed this “tee-pee” in a part of my garden where the Phlox weren't doing so well. Within a couple of weeks, I was overrun. A little goes a long way when it comes to crystals. If you have fruit trees, try hanging a small moss agate stone from one of the branches to promote a healthy harvest.”

"Another crystal useful in the garden is Green Calcite, a pale green stone that is said to belong to the small earth spirits of the woods and meadows. Offering a small stone with thanks to these elementals can result in a lush and beautiful garden. Green calcite is also a healing stone and is often used to calm and soothe. If your property is too loud, crowded or over active, you can place a green calcite crystal in a flowerpot or under a tree to soothe the area.”

There is a ton of info on the positive effects of crystals on gardening, but little to no info that is cannabis specific. I think I only found 1 report of somebody using crystals in their grow room and he said the effects were incredible and surprising. Anybody heard of this? I will let yall know how it goes when my crystals arrive!!!! :mrgreen:

I realize now that I shouldn't post links so I went back and omitted it. Sorry I am new. I was posting the link to avoid plagiarism and to give you a starting point on your quest for knowledge on the topic, not to advertise. I am so used to citing my sources. Anyway, I recommend checking it out for yourself with a simple google search of the benefits of crystals- and no, I do not work for google lol :neutral: This is an interesting topic that has very little exploration and even less documentation. Which is interesting, because in my experience I have found that those who smoke weed (most of you lol) are often times on spiritual journeys and more likely to practice things like meditation, lucid dreaming, and crystal healing. It just seems like there would be more information out there or stories of using crystals in weed gardens. But since there isn't, I thought I could get it goin!

You and I would get along very well dude. Very cool shit, never thought to bring the enegergy in crystals to the garden.
If you read back.. I never said that Crystals helping plants grow is tried and tested.. I said that crystals resonate at a measureable frequency.. which is tried and tested.. Plants also vibrate at a measurable frequency.. which is tried and tested.. and freqencies interact with each other to cause change.. which is also a proven fact.. If all of the components that lead up to crystals helping a plant grow are proven facts... what leads you to believe that the theory is not sound?

Because that same logic is used to justify all kinds of claims, such as this below...

Recently, in Germany, researchers took the DNA of a 17-year-old boy, recorded its sound frequencies, and saved them. The boy was accidentally killed, but the scientists still had his DNA frequency patterns. Later, the DNA frequencies of the 17-year-old were transmitted into the body of a man in his late thirties. And the man almost became the young boy. His skin became youthful, he became slim, his hair went back to its natural color. Today he’s in his forties and he still looks like a much younger man.

In the early 18th century, the German physicist Ernst Chladni, the ”father of acoustics,” covered plates with thin layers of sand, set them vibrating, and observed the patterns that were made in response to different sound stimuli.

In 1967, nearly three hundred years later, Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published Cymatics – The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations. In this book, published in both German and English, Jenny, like his precursor, showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, water, or iron filings, and places them on vibrating metal surfaces.

Jenny thought that evolution was a result of vibrations, with the vibrations of one level of organization, such as that of cells, each one unique, combining to create glands and organs and so on, each new level being a harmonic of the previous one. Jenny saw that we could heal the body with sound by understanding how different frequencies influence the genes, cells, and organs of the body.

Out of Jenny’s work, and that of other scientists in the late fifties, came the reality of using sound to transmute diseased cells into their healthy counterparts.

and as I said, I can quote similar pseudoscience about UFO's, crop circles, water memory, ect. In science, you have to actually do the work and demonstrate your claims, you can't simply make assumptions. This is either science, or your personal ideology. Since you can not show that it is science, it must be the latter. I don't begrudge you your faith but you can't expect it to mean anything to anyone but yourself.

I personally do not have the capacity to conduct an experiment on thousands of plants at a time to have a large enough control group to produce documented and varifiable results.. But I do have several years of experience with this same strain, and have seen definate improvements and ultimately the elimination of pest control measures needing to be taken in my garden. Critical thinking is what has brought me to this level of understanding of the universe.. I believe it is you that has many lessons yet to learn..

The situation you describe here is not science, it's uncontrolled anecdotal information, which has almost no value in science. You gloss over the 10% brain myth you perpetuated while telling me I have lessons to learn? Pretty arrogant and self serving. You make contradictory statements like saying this is science and then saying is not well understood, talking as if it's a proven fact while you show it's actually only passed your personal standards of credulity, which are obviously lax; it seems you really haven't thought much about this as you can not keep your sentiments consistent. You don't understand the scientific method or scientific terms, like energy, yet you want to pretend science backs up your mental masturbation. It appears you are more invested in magical and wishful thinking than critical. Critical thinking and science both demand that you follow the evidence no matter where it leads. What you are following is ideology.