The UK Growers Thread!

Looks like we'll be having a mossif party on April the 30th. We are getting a New King in The Netherlands. The Queen is abdicating!! Long live the King, lol. April the 30th will still be called Queens day though. Come over for a Party.:) (just not at my house eh!)
gunna do an outside grow any strains to recommend for a good smoke and yield was thinking barneys farm blue cheese, would also be interested in auto if they are good enough quality any suggestions

autos wont yeild alot outside unless they got goo access to sun most the day, and good soil. Still lookin a 1 foot plants. Some good potent (highly recommended) strains tho: diesel ryder (joint doctor), akfghan kush ryder and pakistan ryder and norther lights auto (world of seeds), ak47 auto and white widow auto (lowlife seeds), iranian auto (greenthumbs), russian rocket fuel, supersonic cristal storm etc etc. best to make tonnes of fem beans (cross like 4 plants with colloidal silver, n get 400 beans or so), and plant in as many sites as u can. try plant in come sort of vertical cover (under a line of trees), but with constant access to the path of the sun
it's a sign. me and my gf were talking of visiting for a weekend near easter to actually see amsterdam lol. if there's going t be a big do on, bigger than queensday i reckon that should be when.

morning all. ive had to knock my fan off because i got workers inside doing my bath room. i hope they hurry up being as the plants are 2 weeks into flower :-(
Haha weak!

All i gotta do is repot my Liberty Haze / Critical Jack into "mom" pots

You'll find a great spot around there i suspect. I'm thinking about doing 15, spread around 3 sites so if one does get found at least i won't lose them all.

Hollands hope, sounds promising

Yeah, pure Indica fast flowering time, pest and mould resistant... Ideal for the UK!

Got 3 femminised mothers gonna start taking clones in a few weeks then its me and the dog going for a looong walk with a folding shovel ;)
morning all. ive had to knock my fan off because i got workers inside doing my bath room. i hope they hurry up being as the plants are 2 weeks into flower :-(

it wont hurt em m8,, u got the light of too rite? im assuming u have since ur in flower and most do 8pm-8am?

checked on mine today,, dient feed em yesterday as the pots are well heavy from daily feeding,, the physco are looking physco,, all stood proud with leaves open,., just sucking in them lumens,, cant wait for my new bulb!

rhiz is 7 days at a time rite/??
ive got them on 6 till 6 so i got chance to sort them out while the kids are downstairs having food. it was the smell that was getting out that worried me but even with the fan speed turned right down it was still quite loud. they've finished now tho so the fans back on.

i only use rhiz for the first week or 2 and then once if i re-pot. i'd rather use the ppm for proper nutes being as they usually have a good root system in 2-3 weeks. not that i worry about ppm but i dont see the point in putting in extra when the plants dont really need it
the point is im NOT being force fed sum other persons way of growing,, it wasent advice it was preachng, and im not into that,

also wen i say il do wummet I DO IT no ifs or buts it gets done, other epople aint like that,, so pisses me off,,

so u can say what u want but unlike SUM, i do have bigger priorities that growing fucking weed, family first, but to those with no kids they have no fucking clue, post counts and shit dont mean shit,

and pukka i have listend dumb dumb, but like i said,il do it MY way with advice not nazi syle pressure

but watever think wat u want, obiously,, u dident even want the soil ones pukka lol so dont u start u cunt!! lmaio

and besides u may be the man in growing but not very much else, im a techguy,, growing is just summet to getme teeth into

and really yorkie,, all this going bak pages and counting hours? u really have nothing to do in life do u apart from trying to be bobby big bollox?

go get laid and have sum kids,,

and i dunno why u bother with these long drawn out responces,, i for one dont read em,, cant be arsed or have the interest

IC3 talk to me straight don't bounce your bitchiness off Pukka.

Why are you intent on trying to make me out to people who don't know to be a bullying cunt because you know that is not the case?
You apparently seem to think I'm bothered that you don't grow MY way (as you call it) well I'm not, in fact I really couldn't give a shit and like I said before don't try to put spin on it you asked me to help so your "preaching" and "Nazi style pressure" hold no water.

You asked me to help, I said you need an air intake hole otherwise your plants will be in a vacuum with no airflow and they will burn up.
Me: "IC3 you need an air hole",
You: "No I don't",
Me: "IC3 you need a hole and I'll lend you my brand new hole saw to cut it nice",
You: "Yeah, Ok",
Me: (on the phone) "You cut that hole yet?"
You: "No"
Me: "Dude you need it"
You: "Yeah I'll get round to it"

So then it got to the day I came with the cuts (Pukka was there too) and it turns out you'd fried your Phsyco's because you'd left them in the sealed room for a couple of days.

Me: "Did you cut that hole?"
You: "No"
Me and Pukka: "That's why your plants are fried!"
You: (After loading the hole saw onto the drill) "Here Yorkie, get in and cut that hole for me then"

If that's what you call "preaching" and "Nazi style pressure" then you're not half as thick skinned as you make out!

People with no kids and a post count has fuck all relevance, you know very little about me IC3. As it happens I have a daughter and she's nearly 3 times the age of yours and YOU have nearly twice my post count in a third of the time!

Your reply was on the next page (1.5hrs) not a week later like you tried to imply so yes I had to make the all of 5 or so clicks to find it and prove that I didn't let you down at all, you told me you didn't need it.

"Nothing to do in life" - seriously? Are we comparing life achievements/accomplishments now? Please!

"and i dunno why u bother with these long drawn out responces,, i for one dont read em,, cant be arsed or have the interest" - By your response I know you've read it, that's like a kid having chocolate all round their mouth and then denying they've been in the cookie jar!

Now that we've got that shite dealt with I shall break it down for you so you actually understand why I'm pissed off and it has nothing to with not taking advice like you assume, like I said your plants do with them as you wish but.....

1) You knew right from the very beginning that the 3 cuts I gave you were coming in soil, they were originally intended for that female friend of your's.
2) As you needed some cuts for your next grow you decided to keep them for yourself.
3) You asked me to help with the soil grow and bought soil, calcium, epsom salts and some BioGrow and I was going to write you a feeding regime accordingly.
4) I kindly sat on those cuts for about 6 weeks before you could take them.
3) A couple of days before I bring the cuts you tell me you only want to take 2 now.
4) I bring the cuts.
5) Within less than a week you had given at least one of them away to TicKle (this doesn't bother me).
6) When given the opportunity to tell me straight what happened to the purple cuts yesterday, for some reason you felt the need to lie to me and tell me they'd died.

So I'm pissed off because if you weren't 100% happy with them being in soil (which you knew from the beginning) then why did you have me sit on them for over a month just to give them away, if you didn't really want them then you should have said so and I could have had the fuckers flowering myself by now instead of waiting for these seeds to veg.
Then when I asked about them (already knowing at least 1 had gone) you lied to me.

If you can betray me over something so trivial as this (oh and the motherboard) then how the hell am I expected to trust you in anything else? And this is exactly the reason why I come to YOUR house, not the other way round.

Another forum cunt to add to your list? Give me a break, you trust me with your kids you div!
i never speculated about anything only called you out on your speculation that serious changed there parent stockand have got nothing but bullshit for it!
You might be able to baffle a few dumbasses on here with science but not me, you come across as a know it all cunt and then back it up with nothing but bollax.

Also as for you mugging ic3 off because your a man of integrity wasn't you the one saying saying two extacy tabs would fuck up our brains for days after regardless of weight, tolerance etc? Wrong and the fact that i and many others have been fine is living proof.
Should we also talk about the fact that you was arguing billy's soapbar was legit gold seal when it couldn't have been further away from it.
You may be book smart but i think that's where it ends becasue you haven't got much of a real world clue, hps light are fine for both veg and flower! Is there lights out there that will do a better job? Of course there is but you won't have crappy plants for using a hps light and yields will still be good, i've pulled over 20 odd oz a light in soil with no additives and they've spent their who cycles under nothing but hps, so you might want to stop chatting shit about hps not being up to the job! If you can't veg with them then that's due to a fault on your part! Fucking hell your just full of fail these last couple of days aren't you lol

I'm not mugging IC3 off because I'm a man of integrity, I'm mugging YOU off because I'm a man of integrity.
As a man of integrity I pointed out the logical fallacies in your argument towards me and demonstrated that you don't know half of what you think you do about how breeding works.
You should really learn to read what things say, not what you THINK they say as it results in you making a fool of yourself further because....

"wasn't you the one saying saying two extacy tabs would fuck up our brains for days after regardless of weight, tolerance etc?" - No I didn't!

"Should we also talk about the fact that you was arguing billy's soapbar was legit gold seal when it couldn't have been further away from it." No I didn't! And further more I actually came back and changed my opinion on the situation, but you obviously weren't around to see that or don't remember.

"so you might want to stop chatting shit about hps not being up to the job! If you can't veg with them then that's due to a fault on your part!" - Again reading what you THINK it says rather than what it actually says!
I never said HPS wasn't up to the job. I said DUAL SPEC is not tried and tested for vegging and I said IC3 needs a MH bulb unless he wants his plants to end up skinny and lanky again (through vegging with a HPS and having his bulb too far away), this stems from a discussion me and IC3 had away from the forum in private so YOU MIGHT WANT TO KEEP YOUR FUCKING NOSE OUT OF OTHER PEOPLES CONVERSATIONS BEFORE YOU MAKE A COMPLETE TWAT OF YOUR SELF!

As for the cherry....well, nevermind. You were too stupid to understand the first time so I give up trying to explain it.
umm yorkie,, my plants have never been long and lanky, and i keep my light INCHES away from my plants,, so i dunno wer u get that from,, YOU grow the lanky skinny fuckers,, rememebr the ones u threw? NOT me,, anyways never matter, shit done, you said what u said,., end of story
umm yorkie,, my plants have never been long and lanky, and i keep my light INCHES away from my plants,, so i dunno wer u get that from,, YOU grow the lanky skinny fuckers,, rememebr the ones u threw? NOT me,, anyways never matter, shit done, you said what u said,., end of story

Hows the psycho now them ice, coming round all right are they? Here's one of mine that I pulled out, bit messy looking cos of being stuck in beside the rest, it did stretch a bit the last week but hope that's nearly it now


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Hows the psycho now them ice, coming round all right are they? Here's one of mine that I pulled out, bit messy looking cos of being stuck in beside the rest, it did stretch a bit the last week but hope that's nearly it now

yeh mine are sweet mate,, took a few weeks to recover but now ther veggin properly,, well away from the light tho, got the seedlings and 2 cali mist directly under it,i posted sum pics b4

since these pics wer taken i checked this morning and they wer looking healthy as fuk mate,, standing proud with all them leaves just sucking in that light lol
im kinda glad i fucked em coz itrs givin me chance to get the seedlings going while they recoverd, il check em later and maybe take sum lower branches off


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I'm not mugging IC3 off because I'm a man of integrity, I'm mugging YOU off because I'm a man of integrity.
As a man of integrity I pointed out the logical fallacies in your argument towards me and demonstrated that you don't know half of what you think you do about how breeding works.
You should really learn to read what things say, not what you THINK they say as it results in you making a fool of yourself further because....

"wasn't you the one saying saying two extacy tabs would fuck up our brains for days after regardless of weight, tolerance etc?" - No I didn't!

"Should we also talk about the fact that you was arguing billy's soapbar was legit gold seal when it couldn't have been further away from it." No I didn't! And further more I actually came back and changed my opinion on the situation, but you obviously weren't around to see that or don't remember.

"so you might want to stop chatting shit about hps not being up to the job! If you can't veg with them then that's due to a fault on your part!" - Again reading what you THINK it says rather than what it actually says!
I never said HPS wasn't up to the job. I said DUAL SPEC is not tried and tested for vegging and I said IC3 needs a MH bulb unless he wants his plants to end up skinny and lanky again (through vegging with a HPS and having his bulb too far away), this stems from a discussion me and IC3 had away from the forum in private so YOU MIGHT WANT TO KEEP YOUR FUCKING NOSE OUT OF OTHER PEOPLES CONVERSATIONS BEFORE YOU MAKE A COMPLETE TWAT OF YOUR SELF!

As for the cherry....well, nevermind. You were too stupid to understand the first time so I give up trying to explain it.

LOL first of all the only person your mugging off is yourself you thick twat, you haven't showed evidence of anything other than the fact that you have no clue what your talking about! Regarding the breeding [art you show me a breeder that will openly state in public a strain that hasn't been worked with parents that are all CROSSES won't have the potential to produce hundreds/thousands of phenos and I'll show you a pollen chucker/con man, the fact that you would even debate it goes to show that you really do have no clue or your borderline retarded.
Fallacies I think not! your "evidence" as you would like to call it is laughable and lets not get too far from the point that all this started because I questioned your info on serious changing their parent stock and nothing else! go back and have a look and tell me where I stated the cherry pheno doesn't exist? I never once said it didn't only stated that the purple plant you showed could have been anything and was grown poorly! everything else was you deflecting on your part from the discussion because you had no evidence after stating earlier on in the thread that serious changed their parent stock and what followed was nothing more than deflection and bullshit to prove a point!

Next to the extacy statement, the convo went something like the pills on SR were lab tested and reported to XXXmg, to which you followed up by saying the human brain can tolerate XXX amount and it would cause damage and leave you feeling rough for days, more bullshit now and your back peddling you lying fuck!

your right about seeing you rescind your statement about bills soap bar, but the fact that I was still on here at the time you were arguing it was real only says one thing and that's that you never changed your mind on the stuff until everyone else had already started slating it, so changing your mind to adhere to everyone else proves again you haven't got a fucking clue!

Now the hps statement, I won't keep my nose out of fuck all you little immigrant, you clearly stated on here for all of us to see that the hps light would produce lanky crappy plants and I stated otherwise so get your facts straight for once because the only one of us looking like a twat is you!!!

I asked about info pertaining to serious changing their stock and the rest is history on here for all to see, we all know your a know it all cunt that would cut me down in a second if you could prove I was wrong but you can't because no breeder worth his salt is going to say the statement I made was wrong, and you still haven't showed any evidence regarding the original question, you've deflected away from it by talking about a cherry pheno, that will be a pheno and is subjective to opinion only like any other pheno, why because all plants are different whether from the same parents or not, like I said unless from cutting no two plants are truly identical from seed!

your a fucking mug and we can all see it, you need to realise your not always right and people like myself will question when you make statements like it!

keeping getting all bent out of shape it does nothing other than amuse me, because I don't even have to give serious thought to how to reply to you, a simple question on my part and then all this bullshit from you, it's clear to see which one of us is the clueless mug you fucking idiot.