I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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I was born again many times growing up and what a joke it was .. All to often people do wrong and evil while practicing the next savior lol .. I dont buy it and never will .. Damn Cults , that is all religions are ............
I was born again many times growing up and what a joke it was .. All to often people do wrong and evil while practicing the next savior lol .. I dont buy it and never will .. Damn Cults , that is all religions are ............

Like I said, I'm NOT religious and I'm NOT trying to start a cult. I'm just sharing some of My Lifes story with you guys!

The only "following" I would want is ONLINE! I'm actually very shy and I just like to blend in. I dont like to talk about this stuff in person and I dont because its totally nuts lol! So I'm NOT a cult leader at all, and I dont think I ever want to be because I'm way too shy, lol! And I'm NOT religious, but I love The Bible and I love God! I'm not trying to recruit anyone into anything but rather to be the best person that I can be! I might say "Join THE REVOLUTION" to people online though, but NOT in person! (My "agenda" is to unite the world for the sake of God people (though). To make everyone as RICH as possible!)

But I felt obligated to tell you guys the things that I told you. Not for anyone but for God.

Dont you guys want to know that Christ loves you? and Hes thinking about you and the problem is the rogue governments and the central banks that are raping the world? I'm like you guys, struggling to survive and pay bills to who? the government or should I say THE BANKSTERS?

As I said, "I'm just trying to vindicate mature believers and set up a global paradise." Maybe I'm in way over My head, but I believe the world can be such a better place.

I think the world is so fu(ked up and someone needs to stand up for the people. I'm trying to stick up for the 99% of people on earth that are poor compared to the "elites".

I first became a conspiracy theorist in like 2007 and I've been fighting injustice ever since.

God loves you!

hope you feel better ^_^

Thanks bud,

I spent like a week and a half in the loony bin. Almost everyone was cool and I feel much better.

God loves you!

or at least die for our sins.

Maybe when I'm 33 years old. I'm 27 now and it would not be "kosher".

I dont want to die but if thats what the world needs to have peace than I'd give up My Life for that.

Sometimes I think "If I AM dead than I wont have any problems and it will be like a long sleep until I AM born again and have to save another planet." I just dont want to die!

Who knows what God has in store for Me after this Life? Who knows what God has in store for you guys either?

God loves you!

That is hilarious, in my honest opinion :lol:

I need to stay away from all drugs and be sober because I GOT WAY TO CARRIED AWAY! Sorry guys.

I get a little crazy about certain things but I'm chill now!

I said some things that I think of only when I'm baked. I figured, "If I'm going to get carried away than,,, why not be crazy?" Its a true story but I dont talk about it in person!

I'm glad you found it funny though. I laugh at Myself too!

God loves you!

I'm keeping you guys in My prayers!

You guys are all cool in My opinion! That's why I don't blog anywhere else, because I've been blogging here since like 2006 and My (online) "family" is on RIU.org! I learned how to grow from you guys, and I made over ~7,000 posts since 2007!

Why done you all join in? For example, go to war with your fingers, and expose the enemy. Who made all the problems for the people? The banksters! Who needs to be replaced? The banksters! What bank is unconstitutional? The Federal Reserve!

The pen is mightier than the sword! So thats what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to war with the "elites" and expose them and set up an ONLINE GOVERNMENT! I believe that Rollitup is the start of THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT! Take down the enemy and use your fingers to do it, but give all the glory to God! Call Me crazy, but I believe if enough people on RIU.org got together and agreed on good things than it will come to pass. Pray and tell... Pray and tell.... Pray and tell your buddies on RIU. Pray and tell... Pray and tell... God is going to have to grant Us Our wish because He said that "when two believers come together and believe in something, than it will come to pass!"

Pray and tell... Pray and tell... Just something to think about, let your fingers go to war and give God the glory for the victory! Pray and tell your buddies on RIU!

i found a video of jesus :) ............................................[video=youtube;tvcpQSetMgI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvcpQSetMgI[/video]
Maybe when I'm 33 years old. I'm 27 now and it would not be "kosher".

Who knows what God has in store for Me after this Life? Who knows what God has in store for you guys either?

God loves you!

Kosher refers to food. Oh, I get it. You put it in quotes, Like "god" or "heaven". Because it is obvious that your death would not be Kosher food. "Bread of Christ" is just symbolic. I think that is the only symbolism in the Bible - I forget.

I've heard that before: we don't know what God has in store. They say God works in mysterious ways and all that. They also say "God loves me," too. Too contradictory for my tastes. I prefer my dues ex machina in cheesy sci fi and fantasy novels anyway Personally, I would rather read Game of Thrones instead of any epic tale written before the printing press.

Perhaps I'm a deer in the headlights cause your sci fi is beyond cheesy. And really - all those beaches scare me. I don't go to the beach for a reason.
RIU minds well make this into a mental institution recovery thread. What the fuck.........is this.

The Money Masters


Esoteric Agenda


End Game




Loose Change


RIU minds well make this into a mental institution recovery thread. What the fuck.........is this.

Do you believe in God and Jesus? Do you believe in The Rapture?

I'm not going to talk about the mental hospitals now,,, maybe another day. But ya, it sucks getting locked up, but I didnt break any crimes but its My mouth that got Me into trouble and I can be crazy at times.

I'll be honest with you guys, I would have put a bullet through My head by now if I didnt believe. Like I said, "I live and breath for God alone!" because He has blessed Me with something worth more than all the gold, silver, diamonds and everything of value. What would you do if you were Me?

Like I said "I dont talk about this stuff in person!" and also I feel much better. I figured I would entertain you guys with the knowledge that I've built up over the past few years. Was it not entertaining?

I'm sharing (esoteric) knowledge!

I like crazy things, but thats just Me! (you guys dont have to read anything I post, so dont insult Me IF THIS THREAD IS NOT FOR YOU!)

God loves you!

Kosher refers to food. Oh, I get it. You put it in quotes, Like "god" or "heaven". Because it is obvious that your death would not be Kosher food. "Bread of Christ" is just symbolic. I think that is the only symbolism in the Bible - I forget.

I've heard that before: we don't know what God has in store. They say God works in mysterious ways and all that. They also say "God loves me," too. Too contradictory for my tastes. I prefer my dues ex machina in cheesy sci fi and fantasy novels anyway Personally, I would rather read Game of Thrones instead of any epic tale written before the printing press.

Perhaps I'm a deer in the headlights cause your sci fi is beyond cheesy. And really - all those beaches scare me. I don't go to the beach for a reason.

Believe what you want brother!

And God does love you too! I believe He loves EVERYONE because He made Us in His image!

And My "sci-fi" isnt fiction, its prophecy! Its Me writting the future to a degree.

(I was a conspiracy theorist that turned into The Son of God in 2008.......I dont know how else to put it, besides showing the evidence. I believe the world has been hijacked by people worse than terrorists, THEY ARE CALLED BANKSTERS! I'm a Revolutionary and I'm here to take the world back for Gods children. I believe I AM The Son of God but I have EVIDENCE to support My claims. I have more evidence than Jesus does, but thats My opinon! I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, but I believe I'm special too. All I'm saying is do something about it, and give God the glory for the victory! I'm using My Name and the things I did and the things I know as a tool to fight global tyranny! I'd even give My life up for world peace (at 33). Id rather die than see so many people suffer. If I AM King than there will be MORE JOBS than there are people! You guys have to understand that I'm doing it for YOU! Would you guys rather have Me live for you or die for you? Either way, its for YOU! )


God loves you!

EDIT- I'll admit it, I come across as a complete nut, but I have some good points! But I think some of you guys are kinda lame. For example, how could you guys know about all the conspiracy theories and do nothing about it? It makes Me sick how the world operates and what are you guys doing about it? With the internet, we can reach out and touch every country, so what are you guys doing about it? I choose to fight, even if I do look like an idiot! If none of you will fight the "elites" than I will fight.

Do you believe in God and Jesus? Do you believe in The Rapture?

I'm not going to talk about the mental hospitals now,,, maybe another day. But ya, it sucks getting locked up, but I didnt break any crimes but its My mouth that got Me into trouble and I can be crazy at times.

I'll be honest with you guys, I would have put a bullet through My head by now if I didnt believe. Like I said, "I live and breath for God alone!" because He has blessed Me with something worth more than all the gold, silver, diamonds and everything of value. What would you do if you were Me?

Like I said "I dont talk about this stuff in person!" and also I feel much better. I figured I would entertain you guys with the knowledge that I've built up over the past few years. Was it not entertaining?

I'm sharing (esoteric) knowledge!

I like crazy things, but thats just Me! (you guys dont have to read anything I post, so dont insult Me IF THIS THREAD IS NOT FOR YOU!)

God loves you!

No, and no. I believe in spirituality, progressing through your own journey and your own merit and eventually finding out truths through that said journey, not reading a holy book looking for clues on how I should do things, I know how things should be done already. I don't need some guilt trip crucifixion story in order to be a good hearted, positive person.

I don't believe in some "Rapture" bullshit, because there is no reason for it to even exist in our minds other than for fear mongering. What good comes out of being lead to believe in an end of the world? It only make people with bad intentions change their intentions so that they can be "accepted by jesus" at the rapture. It's fake, and delusional.

My spirituality is all about having good intention, to serve others and bring a positive vibe to overthrow the negativity. I don't need some damn ancient book, or guilt trip story, or end of the world judgement scheme.......in order for me to accomplish this.

Please, just think about this. You are in a damn trap.
I'm a Revolutionary and I'm here to take the world back for Gods children. I believe I AM The Son of God but I have EVIDENCE to support My claims. I have more evidence than Jesus does, but thats My opinon! I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, but I believe I'm special too.

If I AM King than there will be MORE JOBS than there are people!

Philippians 2:5-8
Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself

Again, I say: Jesus Christ, you've changed!

EDIT- I'll admit it, I come across as a complete nut, but I have some good points! But I think some of you guys are kinda lame.
Yes. No. Whatever. Anyway, Jesus healed the lame. He didn't point out that they were kinda lame.

I choose to fight, even if I do look like an idiot!

Great! Keep up the good work. Fight the fight. Like you said, with the Internet, you can reach a lot more people. Sure, that means a lot more people might see you as an idiot. But what can you do?
Hey guys,

First- What do you think about Christ? What do you like about Christ? or dont like about Christ?

Second- I was wondering what songs you like that are pertinent to Christ? The songs can be Rock, Alternative, Rap, Reggae, Hip-Hop, Pop, Punk, Country, Christian or whatever you like that sings about Christ or God!

EDIT-NO MORE DEATH METAL, you cant even hear what they say! Its just screaming, and I know you guys can do better than that!

Third- When do you believe Christ is coming and what do you believe He will do?


Basically, this thread is an OPEN discussion about Christ The Person; so say what you want and have fun!

Lets PRAISE GOD until we get the VICTORY! Christ The Person is ALIVE and you guys all know, so lets PRAY together and kick the devil back to hell. PRAY and tell, PRAY and type, just PRAY together!

I'm NOT God, I AM Christ The Son of God :D

Got no time for Religion myself , its nothing but a Cult and I am free to believe as I like .. Hope everyone likes the tunes , its true the Devil has the best music haha !
...not posting this to poke fun. The musicianship is outta this world (hehe)

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