I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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"Many religions, will take regular human behaviors and call them wrong or sinful, and so you're going to be beholden to these priests for an absolution from what is natural. That is the greatest con game in all of history"
-Magus Peter H. Gilmore
High Preist, Church of Satan
I can't believe none of you have said what I've been thinking the whole time I read/skimmed thru this God-forsaken thread. (Pun totally intended ;)) Which is to say: This dude should get a fuckin Oscar for the act he's clearly putting on to draw a check and to be able to "do time" in a psych ward for his fuck ups:hitting on his old man/ probably been busted for possession and other shit at times and used this "I'm a fuckin weirdo who believes he's Jesus" defense to be able to go to the "hospital" instead of jail, plus he draws a mental check from the state bet that!!!!
He's already said his posts on RIU were brought up in court. Think that hurt or helped his case when he went in front of the judge about the assault on his dad? It helped for what he wanted it too!

OMG's lawyer:"Uh judge I'm sorry but just look at what this man has posted on a marijuana forum, there's no way to put him among "regular inmates' he should be placed in a mental ward for his stay"
LMFAO....this is basically a GIANT TROLL job not only on RIU but the legal system and this dudes parents! lmao

That is all based on the fact that sunni is wrong and he does not indeed own a clothing store....which he never addressed I might add! Yet he addressed ALL the questions AROUND so some pussy footing around that was done and makes you wonder if she was on to something.

dude in the video resembles a fat finshaggy more than a fat jesus :/

I've been thinking how much this dude reminds me of that troll too!! Plus ur right.....he's fin w/ 50 lb.s on him lmao!



I am not joking.

Use these links, please get help for yourself. What you are experiencing is an alteration of reality.

Your a good person Padwan and need not be so worried about this dude. One of the hardest trolls I've ever seen, but none-the-less...still a troll. ALL an act for the sake of attention when needed for the right circumstance. ie: proof of memtal illness in a disability case.

I'm not sure this means what you think it means. :)


The orbiting is what gives the planet centripetal force to keep from falling into the sun. How exactly can you situate a massive object in space, without an orbit and keep it from being pulled into the sun?

Don't feed him mindphuk....it's funny and sad at the same time.

One last thing:
I can't believe none of you have said what I've been thinking the whole time I read/skimmed thru this God-forsaken thread. (Pun totally intended ;)) Which is to say: This dude should get a Oscar for the act he's clearly putting on to draw a check and to be able to "do time" in a psych ward for his fuck ups:hitting on his old man/ probably been busted for possession and other shit at times and used this "I'm a fuckin weirdo who believes he's Jesus" defense to be able to go to the "hospital" instead of jail, plus he draws a mental check from the state bet that!!!!
He's already said his posts on RIU were brought up in court. Think that hurt or helped his case when he went in front of the judge about the assault on his dad? It helped for what he wanted it too!

OMG's lawyer:"Uh judge I'm sorry but just look at what this man has posted on a marijuana forum, there's no way to put him among "regular inmates' he should be placed in a mental ward for his stay"
LMFAO....this is basically a GIANT TROLL job not only on RIU but the legal system and this dudes parents! lmao

That is all based on the fact that sunni is wrong and he does not indeed own a clothing store....which he never addressed I might add! Yet he addressed ALL the questions AROUND so some pussy footing around that was done and makes you wonder if she was on to something.

dude in the video resembles a fat finshaggy more than a fat Jesus :/

I've been thinking how much this dude reminds me of that troll too!! Plus ur right.....he's fin w/ 50 lb.s on him lmao!



I am not joking.

Use these links, please get help for yourself. What you are experiencing is an alteration of reality.

Your a good person Padwan and need not be so worried about this dude. One of the hardest trolls I've ever seen, but none-the-less...still a troll. ALL an act for the sake of attention when needed for the right circumstance. ie: proof of mental illness in a disability case.

I'm not sure this means what you think it means. :)


The orbiting is what gives the planet centripetal force to keep from falling into the sun. How exactly can you situate a massive object in space, without an orbit and keep it from being pulled into the sun?

Don't feed him mindphuk....it's funny and sad at the same time.

One last thing:
I didnt bother to read thru the whole thread, it took a couple of his recent posts for me to realize he's gone. I thought he was just a dedicated christian at first but this man is actually far beyond that to my surprise.
Its time to play with THE BIG BOYS TOYS :D



Ida Maria- O My God


What if My Name was Jesus, like if I was born with the Name Jesus?

It would be like I did these things on purpose.

But My Name is George and George isnt even mentioned in The Bible.

So it should be evident that I did NOT fulfill the prophecies on purpose.


Why would I ever think I'm Jesus when I have the Name George?

But NOW I see that I have The Name ABOVE ALL names!

If anyone ever says that they are Christ than they are FOOLISH because how can you top Me?

I AM The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The END!

I AM The Alpha because no one is above Me, and The Omega because no one is below Me!

I have The Word(s) of God!

If God was a Person than He would have to be like Christ/Me.

Who has a name above My Name? Who?

I plan on living for THOUSANDS of years because of Nanotechnology but I will NEVER leave you or forsake you (guys)!

I will be with you ALWAYS, even to death.

I will come again, but I dont know when or how but I will always be with My people! (Only My Daddy knows the details :D)

You will KNOW I AM ALIVE because there will be Life; I AM Life!

I AM The First and The Last The Beginning and The END!

Dont act like you dont know!

(From The Bible)

"In The Beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God."

"All things were made by Him and without Him, nothing was made that was made."

"And YOU saw and bare witness that this is The Son of God."

Christ said "Hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angles of God ascending and descending upon The Son of God."

Rabbi "We know that You are a Teacher come from God; for no man can do these miracles/things that You do except God be with him."

Christ says "We speak which We know and testify that which We have seen and you recieve NOT Our Witness."

Christ says "I have told you of earthly things and you dont believe; how shall ou believe if I tell you of heavenly things?"

Christ says "No man have ascended up to heaven but He that came down from Heaven, even The Son of God which is in Heaven."

Christ says "Even so The Son of God must be lifted up; that whosoever believesin Him shall NOT perish, but have eternal life"

Christ says "For God so loved the world that He gave He gave His only begotten Son......"

Christ says "For God sent His Son into the world NOT to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him might be saved"

He says "He that believes on Him is NOT CONDEMNED, but he that doesnt believe is CONDEMNED ALREADY, because he has not believe in The Name of the ONLY begotten Son of God!

The government says that pollution is a problem and CO2 is causing "global warming".

Are they idiots? Pollution is a problem from cars, factories and people (that litter) but NOT CO2!

Liquid Hydrogen is the cleanest burning fuel for whatever, especially cars and factories.

The only emissions from Hydrogen is JUST WATER!; PURE WATER!

Instead of natural gas pipe lines, I will plumb the world WITH HYDROGEN!

And the thing about Hydrogen is that its the NUMBER ONE most abundant element in the universe.

The easiest way to harvest as much Hdrogen as possible is from THE OCEAN!

You just need to pass electricty through SALT WATER and collect the bubbles.

A good way to make sure there are PLENTY OF JOBS is to take ABOUT HALF of a companies net profits and give/pay it to employees.

So if a company NETS $100 MILLION dollars and ~$50 MILLION will be paid to that companies workers.

AND an employee should make no less than $50K grand a year if they work full time (if you are talking about todays current inflation rates.)

A single person wont be able to own more than X hundred million dollars in assets and a company wont be able to own more than X billion dollars.

This is going to SPREAD THE WEALTH so the poor wont be poor and the rich can be rich enough and live comfortably like we all should.

(I put an X there because that number should be dictated by THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT, so we all can vote on the parameters.)

Hydrogen generator!


Go to the link below if you want to see more Hydrogen generators :D


Hydrogen FUEL CELLS!


Go to the link below to learn more about Hydrogen FUEL CELLS :D


About the SPACE JETS!

The SPACE JETS are going to be SAFER than driving a car because of RADAR and its going to have ELECTRONIC TAKE OFF and ELECTRONIC LANDING!

The only place you will not be able to fly is OVER NO-FLY ZONES because people deserve to have peace.

So you can fly over a city but you might have to be 10K feet above the ground and city.

But where do you wan to go?

Do you want to go planet hopping in space? or do you want to go UNDERWATER in the ocean?

I will have My engineers design these SPACE JETS to go wherever you want to go.

Most of the JET will be automated except flying in a spot where there is NO DANGER, so that you can take the wheel and fly as you wish.

I am going to put as many safty features as possible in the JETS, i.e. the JET wont be bale to pull more than 2-3G's (of acceleration) so you dont pass out from too many G's.

Maybe these can run off of nuclear power, and if not than liquid Hydrogen and Oxygen.

Once My SPACE JETS go into MASS-PRODUCTION than cars are going to be obsolete; but this will only happen in My Kingdom.

The SPACE JETS will also take off and land like a HARRIER JET. So VERTICAL take off and VERTICAL landing!

But why drive when We can fly?

And Our Daddy is so good that He will pay for your SPACE JET and your insurance and your fuel/Hydrogen, the bill is on The KING,dom

Christ will hook you up with the goods.

Your WeLcome.

Would you guys like to FLY WITH Me? (I'm going to OWN ALL of the governemts soon, so its time to play WITH THE BIG TOYS :D)


Because I believe and because I said it; Industry is going to come out with the HASH VAPORIZERS that look like an electronic cigarette. All you will have to do is PACK YOUR HASH IN IT and then "smoke" it anywhere in public.

And for the northern climates, I thought the other day "Why doesn't vehicle have a "total defrost" package available? For example, when you turn on your vehicle and push a "total defrost" button, the whole vehicle should melt the snow and a few feet to its sides; so that people dont have to shovel in case of a snow storm. There are tons of ways to melt the snow, you just need heat and in this case, HEAT FROM YOUR ENGINE. Its just a matter of channeling that heat on and around your vehicle. I'm not going to get into details about how it should work because its not that important to Me but the car manufacturing companies should come up with a way to have that option for vehicles in northern climates that the vehicle will totally melt/defrost the vehicle and like 2-3 feet to the sides. I'd use the MYT engine and Hydrogen for fuel to make things most efficient.

I'm not sure this means what you think it means. :)

What does it mean to you?

God loves you!


So you watched My youtube video?

Its true, I lost My faith in Jesus on RIU.org on the post 666; using the name We Tarded!

666 stands for "THE MARK OF THE BEAST" AKA the AntiChrist and NOT the devil, or thats what The Bible teaches.

I sure felt like the AntiChrist when I lost My faith in Jesus and Christianity. I was pissed off alot because people are so ignorant because they couldnt see the truth that 9/11 was an inside job and there was NO JESUS! I guess you could say I went from being a Believer to an Agnostic Conspiracy Theorist.

I wanted to TEAR THE WORLD IN PIECES because of the tyranny from the "elites" and I wanted to prove that Jesus never existed and was NOT coming back.

I was trying to start a war between the "common people" and the "elites".

BTW, I HATED using that name "We Tarded" because it was as foolish as it could get and I didnt like being called "We Tarded". You guys used to call Me "We" though, and I didnt mind being called "We" as much. Or "We T". The reason why I picked the name "We Tarded" was because I was using the name LiveAndLetLive and I was a Christian and at the time I didnt want people to know I was growing. BUT I had a question about "How to get rid of the pink film I burnt onto My reflector". I can be a funny guy and I wanted to pick the most foolish name to ask that question and I stuck with that name because I didnt talk much about weed on the first name and I just wanted to talk about weed.... At first I didnt care about the rediculous name and than I made a bunch of posts and I didnt want to change My screen name.

Am I the AntiChrist? NO, I AM The Christ!

Was I the AntiChrist? IDK, maybe. I sure felt like it, I was trying to start a war against the "elites".

I still am trying to start a war against the "elites" :D

God loves you!

I bet if Satan kicked a christian's ass God would allow it

satan cant touch a child of God.

God loves you!

The orbiting is what gives the planet centripetal force to keep from falling into the sun. How exactly can you situate a massive object in space, without an orbit and keep it from being pulled into the sun?

(I never heard of using rockets to spin planets or move them, but I think BIG and I'm figuring this out as I go :D)

If you read My post again, I said I would use NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS and they balance the planets from getting too close or too far away. The NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS also change the seasons and spin the planets faster or slower on its axis or spin.

The planets will still SPIN and that will give it centrifugal force, the orbit does NOT do this, its the SPIN! But its gravity that keep us on the ground and the earth could completly stop its spin and our feet would still be on the ground.

It will never fall into the sun because THE NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS will keep it in check. If the planet gets too close than turn on the NUCLEAR ROCKETS, but this is NOT going to happen.

God will keep all the planets in check because Christ is in charge of THE BIG THINGS!

God controls the seasons and He has some BIG TOOLS to do the job :D

How many planets can fit around a star this way- the way of spinning in place without orbit? I'm guessing THOUSANDS, EASY!


God loves you!

I AM going to be giving planets away for POPULATION CONTROL so that the planets are NOT over crowded by people, but thats in the future!

Seasons are created by the tilt of the earth's axis, not the distance from the sun.

(I never heard of using rockets to spin planets or move them, but I think BIG and I'm figuring this out as I go :D)

There can be a tilt The Way I plan on it too (spinning in place). The TILT is for that planet if it wants the northern and southern herispheres to have the opposite season.

But if there is NO TILT than the seasons will be the same.

I will balance the planets anyway I want to with NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS because its too easy. I'm just going to do whatever is good for the people.

I could flip the world upside down if I wanted to, but I wouldnt do it unless it was for good and not bad.

But the seasons ARE created by the distance from the sun even if its because of TILT.

The world is just a bunch of rocks together in space. Its a BIG rock and I can spin and move BIG ROCKS with ROCKETS :D

How many planets can fit around a star this way- the way of spinning in place without orbit? I'm guessing THOUSANDS, EASY!

God loves you!

I AM going to be giving planets away for POPULATION CONTROL so that the planets are NOT over crowded by people, but thats in the future!

"Many religions, will take regular human behaviors and call them wrong or sinful, and so you're going to be beholden to these priests for an absolution from what is natural. That is the greatest con game in all of history"
-Magus Peter H. Gilmore
High Preist, Church of Satan

I believe sin is doing what YOU know is WRONG!

If YOU dont think its wrong than its not really a sin.

I'm NOT going to tell you guys what a sin is; I believe its up to you to judge what a sin is.

If you do something and YOU believe its FOR GOOD than God wont hold it against YOU .... But if you do something YOU know is WRONG than thats between YOU and God!

Thats My opinion about sin.

God loves you!

I can't believe none of you have said what I've been thinking the whole time I read/skimmed thru this God-forsaken thread. (Pun totally intended ;)) Which is to say: This dude should get a fuckin Oscar for the act he's clearly putting on to draw a check and to be able to "do time" in a psych ward for his fuck ups:hitting on his old man/ probably been busted for possession and other shit at times and used this "I'm a fuckin weirdo who believes he's Jesus" defense to be able to go to the "hospital" instead of jail, plus he draws a mental check from the state bet that!!!!
He's already said his posts on RIU were brought up in court. Think that hurt or helped his case when he went in front of the judge about the assault on his dad? It helped for what he wanted it too!

OMG's lawyer:"Uh judge I'm sorry but just look at what this man has posted on a marijuana forum, there's no way to put him among "regular inmates' he should be placed in a mental ward for his stay"
LMFAO....this is basically a GIANT TROLL job not only on RIU but the legal system and this dudes parents! lmao

That is all based on the fact that sunni is wrong and he does not indeed own a clothing store....which he never addressed I might add! Yet he addressed ALL the questions AROUND so some pussy footing around that was done and makes you wonder if she was on to something.

I've been thinking how much this dude reminds me of that troll too!! Plus ur right.....he's fin w/ 50 lb.s on him lmao!

Your a good person Padwan and need not be so worried about this dude. One of the hardest trolls I've ever seen, but none-the-less...still a troll. ALL an act for the sake of attention when needed for the right circumstance. ie: proof of memtal illness in a disability case.


Don't feed him mindphuk....it's funny and sad at the same time.

One last thing:

Gee, THANKS....

I'm doing all this for a court case huh? Thats what you think? I'm NOT worried about court or mental hospitals because I dont commit crimes, and I got into that ONE fight with My dad in 2009 and thats LONG dead and over with, your funny though :D

......."This dude should get a fuckin Oscar for the act he's clearly putting on"........ I'm not looking for an Oscar,,,, I'm looking for My GOLDEN CROWN, where did it go? And also you all will get golden crowns too for your faith in Christianity. There is plenty of gold in My Kingdom, I'll make it through FUSION from just Hydrogen. I wont hold any good thing away from My people!

Of course, I expected people to get offended at Me because the layman just cant fathom The Power. I AM on a totally whole different level than you apparently. I was ignorant like you, but God has ASCENDED Me because of My obedience. I didnt know these things either, so I made most of it up.... LMAO. I was living in ignorance and I figured I would invent/prophecy My way to THE TOP! I actually learned alot of the conspiracy theories from HERE- Rollitup.org but My prophecies come from My HEART.

And I'm NOT acting either, I'm being Me and I'm going to keep being Me.

This is an ACT OF GOD, and you might be a PAWN, but I AM The King. Checkmate...... Hold on and go for the ride, little boy, your in My world now.... I make the rules :D

You guys should be thanking Me for this marvelous knowledge that I wish to share with you all.... Who else would? I dare you to prove Me wrong about anything besides My beliefs in God that can NOT be proven. Look at the objective evidence and ask yourself "Is He making some of this up?" I'm telling you guys a TRUE STORY about My ASCENTION to GLORY!

I'm never going to say that I'm perfect but I will say "I AM an Enlightened Being".

Of course children wont fathom My speech, so go play. I have a Christ Complex, but I want to live in Christ(s) Complex, the MANSIONS go UP and they go DOWN. Hundreds of stories HIGH and hundreds of basements BELOW!

I thought I said "I DO NOT WANT CHILDREN READING WHAT I WRITE." I believe I said "You have to be OVER 18 to go on RIU because I dont want CHILDREN to read this".

I stand alone, but I'm NOT alone because I have God in FRONT and BEHIND and to the LEFT and RIGHT and ABOVE and BELOW!

I AM Gods Martyr..... I'm going to do whatever I can for Him and His KING,dom before I die.

You think you know Me? You can keep on thinking because I'm not who you think I am.

Dont worry son I'm not going to ask you to bow to Me,,,,,, I'm not going to ask anyone to bow down!

PLEASE..................NO MORE CHILDREN on RIU!

This is for you buddy..............

(From The Bible)

"In The Beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God."

"All things were made by Him and without Him, nothing was made that was made."

"And YOU saw and bare witness that this is The Son of God."

Christ said "Hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angles of God ascending and descending upon The Son of God."

Rabbi "We know that You are a Teacher come from God; for no man can do these miracles/things that You do except God be with him."

Christ says "We speak which We know and testify that which We have seen and you recieve NOT Our Witness."

Christ says "I have told you of earthly things and you dont believe; how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things?"

Christ says "No man have ascended up to heaven but He that came down from Heaven, even The Son of God which is in Heaven."

Christ says "Even so The Son of God must be lifted up; that whosoever believesin Him shall NOT perish, but have eternal life"

Christ says "For God so loved the world that He gave He gave His only begotten Son......"

Christ says "For God sent His Son into the world NOT to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him might be saved"

He says "He that believes on Him is NOT CONDEMNED, but he that doesnt believe is CONDEMNED ALREADY, because he has not believe in The Name of the ONLY begotten Son of God!

"Woe unto the world because of offenses! for it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!"


God loves you!

I didnt bother to read thru the whole thread, it took a couple of his recent posts for me to realize he's gone. I thought he was just a dedicated christian at first but this man is actually far beyond that to my surprise.

Yep, I'm GONE and (some of) YOU GUYS ARE LEFT BEHIND!

God loves you!

I want to know what you guys want to do. I've been telling you guys what I want to do, but what about you all? Its not all about Me, its about us all. Of course it has to mainly be about Me but thats just to place Me in My spot as King but once I have that power than its going to be "How can the King bless His children?" I'm only One Person and I can only do so much, but you guys are an extension to My Body and I want you guys to enjoy yourselves as much as possible. The King is only as good as His Kingdom and you all live in My Kingdom. I would want to make everything freely rentable. For example, you cant own EVERYTHING but you can own TONS of things but some things you wont want to store or maintain and you'll only want to do that activity every so often. If thats the case you guys will be able to fly your SPACE JET to the location of what you want to do and you can freely do it. I'm talking about BIG MACHINES. Whatever your hobby is. Even the "poor" people are going to live like KINGS and QUEENS! I will hook you guys up with nothing but THE BEST! You guys are worried about jobs? I'm worried if there will be enough people to do the work, thats why people are going to need to have lots of babies. Plus, the way to get more money into circulation will be to have more babies,,,,,, and like I said "For every baby born there will be an extra X MILLION dollars added to circultion." This will get rid of inflation at its root, IMO. I can create a world of bliss for every kind of people..... I'm not racist and I think every race deserves equal rights. I'm most excited about what I AM going to do UNDER the OCEAN because its going to be better than living on land. And if we need to build more, than we can grow more HEMP for the plastic. Plastic is VERY STRONG and easy to manipulate and it can be CLEAR like glass windows. And I believe the Kingdom will dictate that all drugs be made decrimilized because people should do what they want as long as they are not bothering anyone else. But I'm not going to make up all the rules, I'm just going to make suggestions and write THE CHECKS AND (you can) BALANCES (your accounts). Sounds good?

When I am weak, than He is STRONG!


If it was NOT God that did these things to Me than who did?

(I might be crazy to some of you people but I will be vindicated by the scientists and the Believers in The END! I'm speaking from My HEART and I can do no more.)

(I never heard of using rockets to spin planets or move them, but I think BIG and I'm figuring this out as I go :D)
That's because it can't be done.
There can be a tilt The Way I plan on it too (spinning in place). The TILT is for that planet if it wants the northern and southern herispheres to have the opposite season.
The tilt gives us the seasons, not the distance to the sun. If we were stationary, not orbiting, the tilt would keep one hemisphere in perpetual summer and the other perpetual winter.
But if there is NO TILT than the seasons will be the same.
IF there was no tilt AND we were stationary relative to the sun, there would be only one season. Our planet's biotope wouldn't like that very much.
I will balance the planets anyway I want to with NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS because its too easy. I'm just going to do whatever is good for the people.
The earth is quite massive, you would need a lot more energy than rockets. We don't even have the capability of deflecting a tiny asteroid, how long do you think it will be before we have the capability to move planets? Are you immortal? You claim you are human, so you will be long dead before science has the ability to implement anything you say. Doesn't this amount to nothing more than a literal 'pipe dream?' Sure, lot's of us get stoned and think 'wouldn't it be cool if we could do this...' But in reality, just like our musings and meanderings, your ideas are truly unworkable.
I could flip the world upside down if I wanted to, but I wouldnt do it unless it was for good and not bad.
I really doubt you or anyone else could do such a thing.

But the seasons ARE created by the distance from the sun even if its because of TILT.
No they aren't! It's a bad combination to be a messiah and a moron!
If you honestly think that the seasons are created by the earth-sun distance, AND you understand that the northern and southern hemispheres have seasons opposite of one another, how do you explain BOTH?!!! IOW, if our winter was caused by an increased distance away from the sun, then how does Australia have summer AT THE EXACT SAME DISTANCE?

The world is just a bunch of rocks together in space. Its a BIG rock and I can spin and move BIG ROCKS with ROCKETS :D
Keep dreaming. A planet that is moving through space at 100,000 km/h with a mass of 6 sextillion tonnes, that's a LOT of inertia. It is going to take more than some rockets to stop it, nuclear or not.
idolatry is the worst of all sins . . to take credit for or to pretend to be God

it is quite sad when, people are so confused that any one can come in and convince them in one swoop to disregard all they have been taught by their religion

and is only window into the minds of those who are easily manipulated

KARMA to all idolaters
You are God, yet require nuclear rockets to move/rotate the Earth

Makes total sense!

Anyone opposed to closing this bullshit thread?

I've had enough myself
Here is my prayer:

Thy Lord....

Even though I don't think I deserve to go to hell, If this guys going to heaven... I'd rather just go to hell. straight up. Just making that clear right now, god.
Don't let me down!

Anyone opposed to closing this bullshit thread?

I've had enough myself

I am very much opposed to closing it. Nevaeh420 might be a nutcase, but he is generally well behaved and stays in this thread. Some of us have had fun here. I'm a little bored with it right now. It is easy enough to skip over or ignore (or even put Nevaeh420 on ignore) if this is not for you.

I'm still a new guy around here. But it seems there's a lot of free speech around here. Containing it is one goal or rule, I think. There's a lot of bullshit too, from stuff in Politics or this section to senseless polls in TNT and whatnot. And there are more obvious issues to deal with than one possible nutcase that pretty much sticks to his own thread.
.........I thought he was just a dedicated christian at first but this man is actually far beyond that to my surprise.

I love Alternative and Rock but I do NOT like the Death Metal because I cant even hear the lyrics.

White Zombie- More Human Than Human


God loves you!

That's because it can't be done..

Jesus said unto him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes."

But as far as moving planets go, thats too easy once I AM King. Whats hard is to MOVE STARS.... I havent figured that one out yet, but at the same time, I dont know why I would want to move a star. LOL :D

The Multiverse is ENERGY; potential ENERGY everywhere there is matter and/or electromagnetic radiation/light. The trick is to harness the energy to perform tasks to do something useful. I could use FUSION to turn the OCEAN WATER into ENERGY lasting forever and heavier elements like gold! (Whats better? turning water into wine or OCEAN water into gold?)The amount of ENERGY I could produce from just a TINY fraction of the ocean is incredible; I just need the right tools!

You say it cant be done, but what do you know? I'm talking about BIG HUGE BIG HUGE NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS.... The Earth wouldnt move that fast but with BIG ENOUGH NUCLEAR ROCKETS it could move to where ever,,, but it takes time and thats a good thing.

If I wanted to make a planet into a SPACE SHIP, than I would put a HUGE (CLEAR PLASTIC HEMP) DOME all around the planet; and get the energy to live from maybe GEO-THERMAL ENERGY (and nuclear), and go for a TRIP that way through space.



It depends on your scale of view, after all we are infinitly small because the Multiverse is infinity large, so I will let My mind control My Multiverse.

I will find a way.


The tilt gives us the seasons, not the distance to the sun. If we were stationary, not orbiting, the tilt would keep one hemisphere in perpetual summer and the other perpetual winter. .

(I'm not looking this stuff up on the computer, I've just been talking from intuition.)

Yes the tilt gives us our seasons but but thats because the hemispheres are closer or farther away from the sun. Its still the distance from the sun, IMO.

If I can turn a planet into a HUGE SPACE SHIP than I can get the temperature and seasons right for Gods children. I'm just giving beautiful notions for the engineers because its going to be a collaborative effort; I cant do it all by My Self!

Your right, if the planet was stationary and the tilt was the same than one hemisphere would always be winter and the other summer. But if there was like 4 or maybe 6 ENORMOUS NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS around the globe than I would be able to create longer and shorter days and seasons or whatever because the world would just be a ball in space that can be moved at will with enough power and the proper tools!

At least your thinking for yourself.... Free thinkers are good for The Kingdom :D




IF there was no tilt AND we were stationary relative to the sun, there would be only one season. Our planet's biotope wouldn't like that very much. .

(The world is a big TOP to Me. )

The NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS will be able to start up at any time and push the globe in any direction; so it could be that season until we turn on the NUCLEAR ROCKETS!

But you guys have to realize, I'm NOT going to be doing any of this without letting you guys know.... The scientists on THE ONLINE GOVERNEMT are going to be letting EVERYONE know all the PROs and CONs about any decision that The King makes. I dont want to be responsible for anything that goes wrong thats why YOU- THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT will dictate 95% of all the rules (because I dont know everything). I would want EVERYONE to vote on THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT to keep things cool, you could even vote on your smart phone from anywhere in the world :D

I'm not going to be touching nuclear rockets without all of you guys approving My actions. I dont need to be blamed for that. But it can be done!

The earth is quite massive, you would need a lot more energy than rockets. We don't even have the capability of deflecting a tiny asteroid, how long do you think it will be before we have the capability to move planets? Are you immortal? You claim you are human, so you will be long dead before science has the ability to implement anything you say. Doesn't this amount to nothing more than a literal 'pipe dream?' Sure, lot's of us get stoned and think 'wouldn't it be cool if we could do this...' But in reality, just like our musings and meanderings, your ideas are truly unworkable.
I really doubt you or anyone else could do such a thing. .

Christ says "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will NEVER pass away!"

I believe we might be able to move dead planets- or planets that dont have life on the surface- from using the stars energy to PUSH WITH LIGHT energy. Thats another way.

How long to we move planets? As soon as I get My CROWN! I will NOT tarry from doing good things; people are going to need to get paid MUCH MORE MONEY to raise tons of kids though, but I have plenty of ideas for jobs. Look what I have said!

I'm not talking about just any rockets, I'm talking about NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS! This is just My theory but I believe it could work if done properly.

You say we dont have the capability to deflect an astroid, but I say "THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING TO YOU ALL"

I'm NOT the government, I AM George. I AM The One that will go above and beyond what people think can and cant be done. I will make a way when there seems to be no way.

Im not immortal BUT I will live for thousands of years because of nanotechnology! But if you believe, than you too will be able to live for THOUSANDS of years with Me in The Kingdom.

A quick search rendered- "The Millennial kingdom refers to the thousand-year reign of Christ specifically mentioned in Revelation 20:1-6."

No they aren't! It's a bad combination to be a messiah and a moron!
If you honestly think that the seasons are created by the earth-sun distance, AND you understand that the northern and southern hemispheres have seasons opposite of one another, how do you explain BOTH?!!! IOW, if our winter was caused by an increased distance away from the sun, then how does Australia have summer AT THE EXACT SAME DISTANCE?

Keep dreaming. A planet that is moving through space at 100,000 km/h with a mass of 6 sextillion tonnes, that's a LOT of inertia. It is going to take more than some rockets to stop it, nuclear or not.

What I'm saying is that when the northern hemisphere is tilted AWAY from the sun than it takes a little more distance for the sunlight to go. And the opposite is true, when the southern hemisphere is pointed towards the sun than its a little closer and less distance for the sun to travel. BUT I dont know, I'm just guessing now. :D

Maybe I'm wrong but it doesnt matter much because I'm more interested in building planets for posterity. I will let the scientists and engineers figure it out because I'd rather make sure everyone is feed and has a nice warm home to live in with CLEAN (unfluoridated) WATER and a respectable job and a good education.

But the world is just a BIG TOP to Me, and God is BIGGER than any planet. If I can play with My NUCLEAR TOYS than you guys are in for a surprise because its going to be dope. I dont know if you guys will be able to handle The Power of God.

God loves you!

idolatry is the worst of all sins . . to take credit for or to pretend to be God

it is quite sad when, people are so confused that any one can come in and convince them in one swoop to disregard all they have been taught by their religion

and is only window into the minds of those who are easily manipulated

KARMA to all idolaters

I agree with you bud.

Idolatry is bad and only God should be worshipped.

Idols are dead but God is ALIVE.

I believe there is a big difference between Spirituality and Religion.

God loves you!

Here is my prayer:

Thy Lord....

Even though I don't think I deserve to go to hell, If this guys going to heaven... I'd rather just go to hell. straight up. Just making that clear right now, god.
Don't let me down!

God will lift you up on your last day!

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:"

I told you guys, I dont believe in hell. If God doesnt want that person to be BORN AGAIN than your soul might just be DELETED.... But IDK about eternal FIRE,,,, but some people are going through "hell" on earth because of..... well its complicated.

God loves you!

I am very much opposed to closing it. Nevaeh420 might be a nutcase, but he is generally well behaved and stays in this thread. Some of us have had fun here. I'm a little bored with it right now. It is easy enough to skip over or ignore (or even put Nevaeh420 on ignore) if this is not for you.

I'm still a new guy around here. But it seems there's a lot of free speech around here. Containing it is one goal or rule, I think. There's a lot of bullshit too, from stuff in Politics or this section to senseless polls in TNT and whatnot. And there are more obvious issues to deal with than one possible nutcase that pretty much sticks to his own thread.

Yes, cheechako, if anyone doesnt like Me for being Myself than they can IGNORE Me or not read what I post.

God loves you!

I told you guys I know some remedies to heal,,,,I'm not sure if this is 100% true but this guys Ray that works at the homeless shelter told Me that 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide can CURE Hepititis C, Cancer and AIDS. He said that to cure the HEPITITIS C and CANCER you need to take it orally. And he said to cure AIDS you need to get the right amount injected into your blood stream. Dont quote Me on this because I dont know for sure but I'm just letting you guys know :D

BOYS BOYS BOYS, I dont really care about moving planets anyways guys..... What do I care when there isnt anything wrong with the way the world spins around the sun? I'm talking about the FUTURE when I'm creating planets for people because of OVER POPULATION! People are going to have so many babies because of the coming wealth that its only logical to think about building planets for them.

I'm going to plumb LIQUID HYROGEN into all of your homes for FUEL to heat/cool your home and you can use it instead of GASOLINE for your vehicle. I'm going to replace the natural gas lines with "natural" Hydrogen line. Maybe I can use the SAME PIPES but NEW is better :D I'm NOT going to charge you guys for anything besides LUXURIES, or things you dont need but want! So why fill up with gas/fuel from the gas station when I could plumb LIQUID HYDROGEN right to your homes? and you could fuel up right there for FREE? Tell the government that OIL is obsolete and FREE Hydrogen is The Way. Why not fill up your own tank from your house?

Anyone remember Me saying on RIU that the earth is GROWING from light energy? I believe the earth is growing proportionally to the amount of radiation it absorbs. And to figure how much the world is growing you can use Einstins equation E=MC^2. Or if I use algebra, a bettter equation to use is M=C^2/E ..... So the gained Mass is equal to the Speed of light squared divided by the Energy! I figured this one out way back in 2008, I believe, its posted on RIU.

Like I said to you guys "I learn every day." You guys are My disciples, so go spread The Word!

If you guys dont understand what I said than READ THIS THREAD AGAIN!

I'm just trying to enlighten you guys.


I just found this VIDEO!

You guys might not want to watch this video :D ... It might be from the ET PEOPLE; like the ET PERSON that I saw outside of My house! I wonder what they think about Me?

I JUST found this video within 10 minutes ago. I was looking up why Nanotechnology is going to make us immortal! God as My Witness all the things I typed before this was NOT from this video. But it looks like I'm going to have the last laugh :D



[h=3]3. Heresy[/h]
he sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
he tries to tell me what I put inside of me
he's got the answers to ease my curiosity
he dreamed up a god and called it Christianity
your god is dead and no one cares
if there is a hell I will see you there
he flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line
he made a virus that would kill off all the swine
his perfect kingdom of killing, suffering and pain
demands devotion atrocities done in his name
your god is dead and no one cares
drowning in his own hypocrisy
and if there is a hell I will see you there
burning with your god in humility
will you die for this?
(I'm not looking this stuff up on the computer, I've just been talking from intuition.)
Your intuition is wrong. Intuition is often wrong in these things. Intuition tells me the earth is flat
Yes the tilt gives us our seasons but but thats because the hemispheres are closer or farther away from the sun. Its still the distance from the sun, IMO.
Dude, this is not a matter of opinion. Don't they teach these things in like in 6th grade science anymore? You are being told you are incorrect, yet are still arguing and haven't used the tool of the internet to check out that you are wrong. This type of idiotic behavior is not one that I personally would want in a king.
If I can turn a planet into a HUGE SPACE SHIP than I can get the temperature and seasons right for Gods children. I'm just giving beautiful notions for the engineers because its going to be a collaborative effort; I cant do it all by My Self!
Engineers will laugh in your face.
Your right, if the planet was stationary and the tilt was the same than one hemisphere would always be winter and the other summer. But if there was like 4 or maybe 6 ENORMOUS NUCLEAR POWERED ROCKETS around the globe than I would be able to create longer and shorter days and seasons or whatever because the world would just be a ball in space that can be moved at will with enough power and the proper tools!
Stop, please stop. 10,000 rockets wouldn't be enough. Did you not read what I wrote about the mass of the earth and it's current orbital speed? I don't know what kind of thrust your imaginary rockets will have but just calculate the momentum, 100,000km/h TIMES 6 x 10^24 kg. That's a 6 followed by 24 zeros.
Stop being a fucking idiot and take your medication. Your ideas are nothing more than stoner musings.
mind is this a exercise for you, or just fun.

Its all a luagh i figure, joke of either a weak or strong minded poster who likes to also have fun, a few pages back a guy spelled it out pretty good, invented religious status in order to not serve time for past transgressions its a old tale and one only perpetuated by lies and attention . . much worse then shaggy who is just delusional, and seemingly able to work it our over time. The guy is lost in delusion.

let it be, i thought it funny to plug a Dogma scene into this, went right over its head
Your intuition is wrong. Intuition is often wrong in these things. Intuition tells me the earth is flat.

I guess you might be right that I was wrong. I'll be a man and own up to My mistakes because WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES, especially when just going on intuition on a complicated issue.

Its not the distance from the sun, per se, its THE ANGLE of the sun. Thats why I said IMO (in My opinion) because I knew I might just be wrong on that one!

I'm NOT claiming to know everything, I know very little compared to the infinite knowledge and truth out in the Multiverse. What I'm trying to prove is that I will do anything for My people and that I am open minded to other peoples opinions and facts. But what I will do is implement ONLY THE BEST for My people.

The earth is NOT flat,,,, IT IS INFINITELY SMALL because the Multiverse is INFINITELY LARGE. You think your big? our sun is a white DWARF compared to other stars. Our galaxy is 1 out of BILLIONS in our universe. Our universe is probably 1 out of INFINITY!

The solar system is an atom; the galaxy is a cell; the universe is an organism; and the Multiverse is Gods Body! How big do you think that we really are? I'm tiny, but My Daddy is EVERYTHING!

But if I dont know something than I will say "I believe" or "in My opinion" or something like that.

I have no problem with being corrected when I'm wrong, because I get a chance to learn what the truth is.

Dude, this is not a matter of opinion. Don't they teach these things in like in 6th grade science anymore? You are being told you are incorrect, yet are still arguing and haven't used the tool of the internet to check out that you are wrong. This type of idiotic behavior is not one that I personally would want in a king. .

I havent been in 6th grade since I was like 12 years old and I'm 27, do you think I'd remember such a trivial thing? I'm trying to learn WHAT THEY DONT TEACH IN SCHOOL!

I'm not trying to argue, but it might look that way.

I'm going to post a video about the earths orbit, so the beef can be squashed. I dont care about trivial things that doesnt mean anything to Me. You guys are blowing it way out of proportion. I'm always going to make mistakes, its because of My humanity.

I dont know any other kings that will treat their people better than Me. Most of them are tyrants that want serfs, but I want a relationship and My main goal is to please My people! Would you rather have a king that doesnt admit when hes wrong or a compassionate king that relents when needed?

Who would you guys rather have be your king? I AM The Kind King! I dont care so much about Myself as I care about My people. I will be judged by how well My people are doing. (I said) It has to be about Me so I can be about YOU!

Plus how do you think God is going to judge you guys? Hes going to judge you based on how well you treat Me! And I'm not looking for you guys to do anything for Me besides SPREADING THE WORD! So all you have to do is say to your buddies "Check out a website that Christ is on and see what He says can happen in the THE FUTURE!"

Engineers will laugh in your face. .

I dont think its very funny.... I didnt have time to do research and I dont really care to. Maybe I made a small error on a complicated issue that I did NOT study so laugh all you want, but look at all the other things that I got right.

There are times that I'm going to be WRONG but its because I'm not a machine.

Stop, please stop. 10,000 rockets wouldn't be enough. Did you not read what I wrote about the mass of the earth and it's current orbital speed? I don't know what kind of thrust your imaginary rockets will have but just calculate the momentum, 100,000km/h TIMES 6 x 10^24 kg. That's a 6 followed by 24 zeros.
Stop being a fucking idiot and take your medication. Your ideas are nothing more than stoner musings.

Do you have a better idea on how to spin or move a planet? I'm not saying its the best way, but I'm saying it might be a way. I'm not a rocket scientist but I'd assume that a rocket could be the size of the earth if the civilization was advanced enough to build it and they had the proper tools and materials.

Its the ANGLE from the tilt! I dont study the orbit of the earth because I dont care, I was just guessing but since you guys are adamant than I'll post a video from a better source than just My best guess. I dont want to fight over anything, especially over irrevelant things!


God loves you!

mind is this a exercise for you, or just fun.

Its all a luagh i figure, joke of either a weak or strong minded poster who likes to also have fun, a few pages back a guy spelled it out pretty good, invented religious status in order to not serve time for past transgressions its a old tale and one only perpetuated by lies and attention . . much worse then shaggy who is just delusional, and seemingly able to work it our over time. The guy is lost in delusion.

let it be, i thought it funny to plug a Dogma scene into this, went right over its head

(When the judge brought up what I said ONLINE FROM RIU.ORG is was NOT from My lawyer, it was from the hospital. I never told them about the website and I dont know why they even brought it up.)

Thats not true. I'm NOT inventing a reason to get out of mental hospitals because I'm not going back to the mental hospitals because if you saw Me in REAL LIFE than you would think I'm a "normal" person because I choose not to talk crazy to people anymore. Also, I'm not using what I post online to get Me out of trouble. I'm posting this stuff to lift you guys up to a higher plane of existance.

You have the wrong idea about Me, I'm posting this stuff out of conviction. I feel as though I can bless the world and set up THE BEST WAY to govern and rule a people; and thats to let the people govern and rule theirselves.

Am I delusional and "lost in delusion"? Maybe, but maybe your LEFT BEHIND and cant comprehend The Truth. Maybe your simple and I'm complex and you cant understand! Maybe My "delusions" are going to come to fruition and bloom.

God loves you!

Invisible suit- The alien I saw was wearing something like this!


I've obviously offended some of you guys because you wouldnt be so rude. (In The Bible, Jesus offended LOTS of people and thats why the Pharisees crucified Him.) What have I offended you about? Is is because I accidentally made ONE MISTAKE about the earths obit? like I care.

If I dont become The King than its just a good (TRUE) story, but if I become King than My dreams are going to be a reality, and we all are going to be FILTHY RICH and live the good life!

You guys might be wondering "How are all these plastic MANSIONS going to be delivered into place?" I will move the plastic MANSIONS to there destination by using HUGE HELICOPTERS and/or HUGE SPACE JETS! I will fly these MANSIONS to there foundations. So dont be surprised when you see FLYING MANSIONS being delivered to where ever. The factories will make molds that just need the plastic to be poured into place and than cooled down and thats pretty much it. These MANSIONS are going to be stacked like LEGOS! The walls can be CLEAR and you can use drapes to cover up the "glass" "windows" or you can download whatever image you want onto your walls and ceilings. We can watch TV or go online and the picture can be on the walls and ceilings because of fiber optics. I will make the fiber optics from HEMP too. Its going to be a HEMP world and EVERYONE will have the best life possible. Or you guys want to be stuck under the tyranny of THE CENTRAL BANKS. I want THE ONLINE GOVERMENT to dictate what THE GLOBAL BANK should be like. Its good for a company to make profits but NOT monopoly's! I will try and make it as easy as possible for a small company to succeed! But the big companies are going to have to SHARE THE WEALTH if they get too big. No more monopoly's in Christs Kingdom, the little guys deserve a big chance!

For all the critics, what do you have to offfer? What do you know that can help THE WHOLE WORLD? What skill do you have to help THE MASSES? What gives you the right to undermine Me? when all I'm trying to do is help? Like I said "I believe a sin is only a sin when YOU do what you know is WRONG!" So if you know you shouldnt degrade Me and you do than what do you think God is going to do? All I'm trying to do is HELP and I made ONE WRONG ASSUMPTION and you guys act like.... You know how you feel, I dont need to tell you. But I admit, I make mistakes everyday and I always will, but I will always have THE BEST INTENTIONS!

If you dont have anything good to say about Me, than keep your mouth shut or IGNORE/BLOCK Me from your view; because I don't want to hear it! I'm not chastising any single person on here! I'm chastising THE ROGUE GOVERNMENTS around the world! I don't have time to get into petty quarrels!

What have you guys taught Me and what have I taught you? I'm looking to SHARE knowledge and also to LEARN knowledge! What can you guys teach Me that will benefit humanity?

I wont lie to you guys, but I do make mistakes but so what? Does My good out way My bad? If you were to put THE GOOD THINGS about Me on a scale; and than put THE BAD THINGS about Me on a scale; what would weigh more? The good things would nullify the bad things a trillion times over! Who else has taught you what I teach you?

I'm not the enemy, I AM The Savior and you will see Me ascend to My rightful place and I will do nothing but bless. As I said "I will hold no good thing from My people".

I dont like to say this but "I am very much in love with you guys!"

EDIT- And BTW, I believe in BOTH Creation and evolution! I believe God Created EVERYTHING but He also created evolution to breed stronger life that can survive better! Who says evolution and Creation is mutually exclusive?

Like I said "I AM going to create a symbiotic relationship between God, man and nature; where all of the three are optimized!

I believe I also told you guys that THE PYRAMIDS MIGHT HAVE BEEN BUILT UNDERWATER! It would be so much easier to build pyramids underwater because we could just use FLOAT BAGS to lift up the HUGE BLOCKS! Or even use big ships with huge winches to move and stack huge blocks of stone UNDERWATER! I dont know if the Egyptians really did it like this or not, but thats one of the easiest ways of doing it IMO. In the future, I will erect BIGGER pyramids than these just to prove a point!

Why do you guys disdain Me for doing good things? You guys are My boys and I'm not trying to offend any one of you; I'm just trying to TEACH you all The Way but of course it sounds crazy. It sounds crazy because you have never heard of anyone doing such a phenomenon before. And I know I sound crazy but its because I AM crazy, but I'm only crazy ONLINE because.... thats the way it has to be!

But I was thinking, if I could plumb all of your homes with liquid Hydrogen than you could fuel up your own vehicles at your house. You could also use it to fuel all of your appliances if it went through a FUEL CELL first. You could harvest pure water from the fuel cell too, if you so desired. It can heat up and cool down your house when needed. And I also told you guys (on My youtube video) that you could "charge" your gadgets from liquid hydrogen (and an integrated fuel cell as well) in the matter of seconds, and you wouldnt need a wall charger, just hydrogen! I will plumb it to all of your homes and I wont look for anything in return because its a FREE GIFT from The Lord!

But some of you abhor Me with a passion for what? for being good and sharing My notion of what I/Christ will do for you all if YOU would only believe? And you call yourself a Christian? a Christian that hates Christ? LOL?

Give credit to where credit is due.


^Really Delusional,,,,someone needs to baker act you.Seriously,What you are offering is nonesense,,youre a king of heaven?Lol and im the fairy godmother to.Individuals such as yourself who live under the pretense of an assumption such as yours has a fundamental flaw with logic in general.Get with reality.Im offering you the sense to question your reality and I am offering you the suggestion as well.You clearly live in a dream world and are enamored by some form of grandeur that makes you think this way.The idea is that you should truely learn to seperate and filter what is objective and what is simply just your imagination,Maybe its to late for you,youre more than likely set in your ways of thinking and that is how it will be,,just understand that it dosent make you any more sensible than someone who is perfectly capable of differentiating truth from fiction and not choosing to Actualy do so by way of critical thinking<--this meaning to question and ponder then educate oneself to the answer which pertains to reality and its laws.The more you posit your self truth as reality,the more it will be criticized,leaving you to wonder about how you can continue to reroute your delusional thinking process to basicaly ignore any actual logic other than your own <----it will be a continual circular arguement in which you cannot escape your proverbial rut of understanding.Educate yourself as to not be incorrect and mistaken all the time,learn from others,but dont edify ignorance with more of the same,that is literaly insanity.
Question your beliefs,Naveah I encourage you!
Yashua himself only achieved Christ conciousness, I can guarantee this guy has not even meditated once in his life, let alone mastered it and probably knows nothing of chakra, probably has no ankh.. why not ask him about any of that...... If he is Yeshua why would he not be the highest level of conciousness yet? Would he not be telling people of what allowed him back all those years ago to achieve Christ conciousness? Why would he hide all that?...
Maybe because he had one too many hits of 'cid. :D

If I can turn an infinitesimal amount of OCEAN WATER into LIQUID HYDROGEN than We will have FUEL FOREVER!

In the future you might just need liquid Hydrogen plumbed to your MANSIONS! We all will be "off the grid" as far as electricity goes because My solution requires only LIQUID HYDROGEN!

You also will need unflouridated water plumbed to your MANSIONS too but you obviously wont need water plumbed to your MANSIONS if you live UNDERWATER, in the ocean, or UNDER THE OCEAN FLOOR!

The Hydrogen will be FREE and it wont stop flowing.

You will be able to have your fill and then some because its going to be FREE and the "tap" will never run dry!

I will convert as much ocean water (as needed) into Hydrogen using nuclear FUSION. (No typo)

I will also use Hydrogen for the nuclear FUSION. (No typo)

Hydrogen is our friend!

Fuel cells can be placed around your home to convert the Hydrogen into electricty.

You wont need anything else in your MANSIONS!

Your vehicle (maybe a SPACE JET) will run off of Hydrogen and you can fill it up in your MANSION!

Your appliances will run off of Hydrogen because they will be equiped with FUEL CELLS!

And your wireless gadgets will run off of Hydrogen too.

So Who just got rid of most wires? Could it be little old Me? :D

I also will get rid of the hot-water pipes in YOUR MANSIONS too because I can flash heat the cold water; and the pipes will be made out of HEMP PLASTIC too.

If you cant tell, I'm an innovator and The King!

Just think about it- THERE WILL NOT BE A UTILITY BILL FOR YOUR MANSIONS because Christ loves you all!

This is a little miracle that I will do for FREE for My people!

But didnt I already tell you guys these things?

Green Day- East Jesus Nowhere


Kanye West- Jesus Walks

(My boys at PRISON used to sing this song-Jesus Walks to Me!)


Black Eyed Peas- I Gotta Feeling


Jay Z- Run This Town

"Microphone fiend, it's the return of the God, peace God"


I told you guys that I hear them singing about Me!?!?!?

I dont belong to any party but I would be considered a Libertarian!

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