I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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^Really Delusional,,,,someone needs to baker act you.Seriously,What you are offering is nonesense,,youre a king of heaven?Lol and im the fairy godmother to.Individuals such as yourself who live under the pretense of an assumption such as yours has a fundamental flaw with logic in general.Get with reality.Im offering you the sense to question your reality and I am offering you the suggestion as well.You clearly live in a dream world and are enamored by some form of grandeur that makes you think this way.The idea is that you should truely learn to seperate and filter what is objective and what is simply just your imagination,Maybe its to late for you,youre more than likely set in your ways of thinking and that is how it will be,,just understand that it dosent make you any more sensible than someone who is perfectly capable of differentiating truth from fiction and not choosing to Actualy do so by way of critical thinking<--this meaning to question and ponder then educate oneself to the answer which pertains to reality and its laws.The more you posit your self truth as reality,the more it will be criticized,leaving you to wonder about how you can continue to reroute your delusional thinking process to basicaly ignore any actual logic other than your own <----it will be a continual circular arguement in which you cannot escape your proverbial rut of understanding.Educate yourself as to not be incorrect and mistaken all the time,learn from others,but dont edify ignorance with more of the same,that is literaly insanity.
Question your beliefs,Naveah I encourage you!

(This is nothing personal, I'm not angry at anyone but rather at the spirit of animosity)
(This is for ALL OF YOU that are smarter than Me)

Ohh ya?

So your some kind of guru than? What can you teach Me? I'm all open to learning things that are GRANDIOSE, in other words, ideas that can benefit all of mankind!

What do you know about God and Christ? Whats the final solution to the worlds problems? Am I delusional? I said "I most likely am", but its because you guys are so LEFT BEHIND! I might seem crazy to the layman but I AM actually filled with wisdom and logic for the astute enlightened beings! You are too vague about My "flaws"; I dont understand what I did wrong besides offend you from My BENEVOLENT FANTASIES! I cant help but be a dreamer because My dreams come true and I know that most people in the world are hurting in one way or another. And THE CHRISTIANS were supposed to be waiting for THE SAVIOR to fix the problems. I'm trying to fix the worlds problems and look at the audacity from My people that are supposed to FOLLOW The Messiah!

Its easy to point the finger and say "Oh Hes this and that" but you are not showing where My logic is skewed!

I dare you people to look at My objective evidence that I have postulated and show Me where I am wrong!

What did I say on purpose that I had bad intentions?

Its simple to talk trash because (some of) you people do it for a living, you dont look at the beauty of My ingenious plans for YOU and everyone else!

Since your so smart, what knowledge do you have that will FREE Gods people from this PRISON that we have been brainwashed to accept as reality? How can you liberate the children of the world? How can you solve THE BIGGEST PROBLEMS that the world has ever know? Your good at making a go(o)d person feel belittled but when are you people going to make a go(o)d person feel better and FREE?

If you believe its your job to undermine a fellow god, than you are not a fellow god. You may believe you evolved from pond scum and there is no God and therefor your life has no meaning so why try and "be good"? You may believe there is no afterlife, so what does it matter how you treat others? I believe God is watching My EVERY SINGLE MOVE and therefor I have to humble Myself and RESPECT EVERYONE because I could be that person and YOU could have been Me! But praise God that I AM Who I AM because God couldnt have picked a more loyal Servant; and thats to ALL OF YOUR ADVANTAGES too. We now have the option of picking My Kingdom or the tyrants ghetto. You think life is good now? you apparently have NOT been reading My thread because I'm creating a PARADISE for all people!

Object My objective FACTS and tell Me whats possible and whats not?

What can you do that I havent already done? I'm a seeker of knowledge and truth and YOU PEOPLE ARE GETTING SCHOOLED by Me and yet you insult Me for doing good things?

I'm not going to bicker with angry people that detest Me for unknown reasons!

I dont deserve to be offended by a world that I AM SUPPOSED TO OWN! I'm not hurting anyone in any way, I'm trying to HEAL you! Have some RESPECT for The Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world!

God loves you!

Yashua himself only achieved Christ consciousness, I can guarantee this guy has not even meditated once in his life, let alone mastered it and probably knows nothing of chakra, probably has no ankh.. why not ask him about any of that...... If he is Yeshua why would he not be the highest level of consciousness yet? Would he not be telling people of what allowed him back all those years ago to achieve Christ consciousness? Why would he hide all that?...
Maybe because he had one too many hits of 'cid. :D

I'm NOT Yeshua. I told you guys that I'm NOT Jesus!

I told you "I AM The Son of God, The Christ!" King George, Christ George, Messiah George; My Name is George Manuel Oliveira or AKA Mr.O.M.G. ..... I'd rather be called George rather than Jesus.

I meditate as much as I pray and I PRAY ALL THE TIME! I dont need to say "Father hear Me......blah blah blah...." because He ALWAYS HEARS Me and I know that for a fact. He is inside of Me- It is written "Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don't belong to yourselves." So God The Holy Spirit lives and dwells in Me and all I have to do is think and pray at the same time.... To Me its more of a think/pray meditation. I think and pray all the time so thats why I believe it as "think-pray", and I cant seperate the two. My conscientiousness is GLOBAL, the more people that read what I have to say the higher the global conscientiousness will be. I'm The Way to FREEDOM for all things good! Why would I want to keep good things from My people? I'm not greedy or selfish and I only want My piece of the pie, because the pies I'm going to give out is bigger than the moon and larger than life! I just want to know what kind of pie you all want!? What do you like to do? because I will make sure you have the option of doing what you enjoy. The King isnt looking for a race of slaves but rather brothers that love to have peaceful fun!

"Why would he hide all that?..." I'm not trying to hide anything. I believe I've been very open but I dont want to type more than I have to because I dont want you guys to have to read more than you have to either. I hate bickering about trivial things because they dont matter compared to THE BIG PICTURE; and I'm trying to paint a (digital) picture of THE BIG PICTURE! The BIG PICTURE is that I AM going to be King and I'm going to do whatever I can to bless you so you too can live like kings and queens! Where are My (non-religious) Christians?

You say "Yeshua" and not Jesus. They say that Yeshua is the Jewish name for Jesus; and that Jesus was NOT even His name, but it was Yeshua. Where did the name Jesus come from anyways? God bless the Jewish people because they might have been right about THE MESSIAH HAS NOT COME YET. But the Jewish people will soon see Me as Messiah because they need to be vindicated and have peace with all the other religions that (kinda) hate the Jews. I can not prove if I AM the first coming or The Second Coming; but I'm sure I was born in the past and I will be born in the future. I dont know how many lives I have lived and I dont know how many more lives I will live but it might be infinite!

"......and probably knows nothing of chakra, probably has no ankh.. why not ask him about any of that....." Your right buddy, I know nothing about chakra and ankh. Why not ask Me yourself? you just did! :D

God loves you!

I want concrete evidence of your Jesus that you Christians follow! Is He alive? What does He actually look like? Anyone have a video of Him performing EVEN ONE MIRACLE? I would rather follow Jesus than try and do it all by My meek and humble Self! I cant even get My fellow Christians to support a cause for Christ! Some "Christians" on here dont even want to follow their Christ, but rather they would rather hate on Me and shove the crown of thorns in on My head and twist it around until I'm dripping blood. Whats next? the cross? If I die than will you all be able to live without Me? I dont know because I AM The Life. Of course My soul cant die, but whats God going to do about your soul if you reject Messiah? Do you want your soul to be saved or deleted?.... Choose Life!.... Anyone that accepts Me than I will also accept him instantly. I may be far away, but I live ON THE INSIDE! I'm in everything good. And if you talk trash about Me than its only going to look better for Me because I'm going to keep loving you guys either way; and people will say "Wow, Christ (George) did nothing but good and look at all the animosity He recieved in return." I would rather repay evil with good because I dont have evil in Me, I have God in Me. I'm not telling you guys what to do or what to be like, I would have to say "be yourself and do what you like." The only thing I'm asking you to do is SPREAD THE WORD about what I AM doing in these End Time days. I dont need to be bothered by people in person because I wont talk about this stuff but spread The Word!

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? But you alll know what "Jesus" would do.... NOW!

A better question is WWYDTJ?

Or- What Would You Do To Jesus? Some of you would accept "Jesus" and some of you would be HATERS like the religious Pharisees!

Just be cool because I've got it all under control. Its under My control because all I need is 12 serious disciples to spread The Message to ALL OF THE CHURCHES with devout and pious Believers. And once the "poor" people find out all the good that is in My Kingdom and how everyones weath will multiply thousands of times over than The End is NEAR because I AM not going to tarry! I just dont want to be smothered by people because I'm shy. I will love you all in the way I choose, and that might be My Word and videos for now! Jesus (allegedly) just had 12 disciples and look what happened. How many disciples do I have?

But where are the Christians that love The Lord?

I want you all to TEACH ME SOMETHING (besides hate)! What do you know that The Messiah should know? I'm looking for pertinent knowlegdge to add to My list of global remedies! Can just one of My people teach Me someting that should be added to this fine list of advancements to society?

(This is nothing personal, I'm not angry at anyone but rather at the spirit of animosity)
(This is for ALL OF YOU that are smarter than Me)

Ohh ya?

So your some kind of guru than? What can you teach Me? I'm all open to learning things that are GRANDIOUS, in other words, ideas that can benifit all of mankind!

What do you know about God and Christ? Whats the final solution to the worlds problems? Am I delusional? I said "I most likely am", but its because you guys are so LEFT BEHIND! I might seem crazy to the layman but I AM actually filled with wisdom and logic for the astute enlightened beings! You are too vague about My "flaws"; I dont understand what I did wrong besides offend you from My BENEVOLENT FANTASIES! I cant help but be a dreamer because My dreams come true and I know that most people in the world are hurting in one way or another and THE CHRISTIANS were supposed to be waiting for THE SAVIOR to fix the problems. I'm trying to fix the worlds problems and look at the audacity from My people that are supposed to FOLLOW The Messiah!

Its easy to point the finger and say "Oh Hes this and that" but you are not showing where My logic is skewed!

I dare you people to look at My objective evidence that I have postulated and show Me where I am wrong!

What did I say on purpose that I had bad intentions?

Its simple to talk trash because (some of) you people do it for a living, you dont look at the beauty of My ingenious plans for YOU and everyone else!

Since your so smart, what knowledge do you have that will FREE Gods people from this PRISON that we have been brainwashed to accept as reality? How can you liberate the children of the world? How can you solve THE BIGGEST PROBLEMS that the world has ever know? Your good at making a god person feel belittled but when are you people going to make a good person feel better and FREE?

If you believe its your job to undermine a fellow god, than you are not a fellow god. You may believe you evolved from pond scum and there is no God and therefor your life has no meaning so why try and "be good"? You may believe there is no afterlife, so what does it matter how you treat others? I believe God is watching My EVERY SINGLE MOVE and therefor I have to humble Myself and RESPECT EVERYONE because I could be that person and YOU could have been Me! But praise God that I AM Who I AM because God couldnt have picked a more loyal Servant; and thats to all of your advantages too. We now have the option of picking My Kingdom or the tyrants ghetto. You think life is good now? you apparently have not been reading My thread because I'm creating a PARADISE for all people!

Object My objective FACTS and tell Me whats possible and whats not?

What can you do that I havent already done? I'm a seeker of knowledge and truth and YOU PEOPLE ARE GETTING SCHOOLED by Me and yet you insult Me for doing good things?

I'm not going to bicker with angry people that detest Me for unknown reasons!

I dont deserve to be offended by a world that I AM SUPPOSED TO OWN! I'm not hurting in any way, I'm trying to HEAL! Have some RESPECT for The Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world!

First Neveah,I never claimed to be some Guru,so dont expect some otherworldy advise from me because it is senseless to give such.

If you are going to use the word grandiose spell it correctly and yes you have explained part of your problem while attempting to use it as part of your vocabulary.You in fact have a delusional grandeur about your posts,you clearly lack understanding about the world,it is part of why you dream so hard to be something you just simply are not.You are human just like the rest of us, we all dream as we all have subjectivity.Even the most logical mind in the world will daydream,its only part of our nature.But just because you believe something to be true, DOSE NOT MAKE IT REAL<---this is what you seem to be having a hard time grasping.Even you admit that you are most likely to be delusional Niveah,yet you say this because,We are So left behind?,,,I find my self with a light sense of pity for you with that statement,it is one of sheer ignorance on your behalf.

[gran-dee-ohs] Show IPA
adjective 1. affectedly grand or important; pompous: grandiose words.

2. more complicated or elaborate than necessary; overblown: a grandiose scheme.

3. grand in an imposing or impressive way.

4. Psychiatry. having an exaggerated belief in one's importance, sometimes reaching delusional proportions, and occurring as a common symptom of mental illnesses, as manic disorder.

SECONDLY,If you want to learn something, learn how to be unbias in your opinion first and foremost,<--I personaly found liberation when I started thinking this way.When you look at the blue sky dont try to imagine anything special,just look at it for what it is and simply observe the beautiful splendor,you dont have to take my advise its a simple suggestion if you want to start helping out your own understanding.When you look at the forest,see the trees as lifeforms being a host to another multitude of lifeforms,birds,insects,micro-organisms,mammals they all exist in natural harmony,this is very much observable,but you dont have to take my word for it.You seem to be full of pre-assumed patterns in which you base your ideas to be true,you say that you seek knowledge yet you already pretend you know it all Niveah.I nor anyone else can help you unless you stop with the bias notions that you are somehow special in existence and letting your own thoughts dictate that reality and fantasy are one,
it is this existence that is special not the other way around<-but hey that is partly my opinion.

THIRDLY,The God complex you exhibit skews your logic severely.It is a foundation in which you base your reality<<-- the problem is you cant observe God objectively without hallucinating it and still it dose not make him or it real,you can imagine what you want to be your God, but its in your own mind and nowhere else.It still has no base in reality.You are a human being that is not God nor a God,If you were actualy God then this conversation would more than likely not be in motion as you would have grown to frustrated and destroyed the world by now through your child-like petulance.I do not say these for some sort of gain to insulting you Niveah,they are simply things I observe about you through your posts.

If you want to make beatiful and ingenious plans for the world,do so first with your own life,make something for yourself in life ,so that you do not have to dream something else up and play pretend anymore.You cant help others let alone the world, until you have helped yourself out of your rut so to speak.But hey,dont take my advise right?You will simply tell yourself that there is nothing wrong with your way of thinking and you will continue on full of assumptions and foolish ignorance, why would you do anything else, right?Seriously think without prejudgement on anything,I mean it, none whatsoever,then maybe you might start seeing the world in a greater light.
I agree, it is a good achievement, but does not mean he was some almighty son of god.

There were plenty of monks to teach him how to do so at the time.

...the sun is the source of all light. It is the source of life, energy, and heat on the planet.


(sorry, nev :) )
...the sun is the source of all light. It is the source of life, energy, and heat on the planet.
Not all life, energy and heat. The earth itself is still hot with a molten iron core. In fact without the protection the earth itself provides, the sun would destroy most life.
You may believe you evolved from pond scum and there is no God and therefor your life has no meaning so why try and "be good"? You may believe there is no afterlife, so what does it matter how you treat others?

Because it makes me feel good to treat others with kindness. I choose to be good out of love for my fellow man...rather than fear from a malevolent god.
Not all life, energy and heat. The earth itself is still hot with a molten iron core. In fact without the protection the earth itself provides, the sun would destroy most life.

...thanks. That helped me better understand the 'scare' related to nuclear power.

...sorry, nucular :)

Picture 106.png

Nuclear Fusion




Nanotechnology (too bad for the foreign language)


I want all of you guys to understand that I know that I am "CRAZY"; I know that I am "delusional"; I know that I am a "fool".

I dont profess or think that I'm infallible and I never said I am infallible because only God in infallible.

I told you guys that I make mistakes every single day.

But on a more positive note, I'll only speak what I believe is The Truth!

What I will do is employ all of the scientists, Drs, and engineers to find the best solution to any major problems.

Thus far, I have been telling you guys MY SOLUTIONS to the major problems from My intuition, or basically ALL BY MYSELF! (No one is helping Me because I'm incognito)

But what would happen if all of My people worked for The King-George?

I cant stress it enough, that there will be MORE HIGH PAYING JOBS AVAILABLE THAN THERE IS PEOPLE to do the job.

I only wish that people would have as many babies as possible to fill these open positions in time.

I belive I already told you guys that there will be FREE DAYCARE!

With that being said, I'll be honest with you guys and tell you that "I just want to live in My Daddys Kingdom". I will do whatever it takes to fulfill My "crazy" and "delusional" and "foolish" DREAMS! I told you guys that (most of) My dreams become reality. In the future you will see that I did these things for a very certain purpose. I can only do what I know and I'm impressing on you what I do know. But its a collaborative effort, for all peoples! I want to know what YOU can do for The KING,dom! We need to endeavor in this synergistic effort for all of the people that pray for more; for all the people that need more; for all the people that want more! And for all the children that deserve more!

I dont have time to comment right now.

Do you think I would legalize MEDICAL MJ and HEMP for the world? I'm going to FARM ALL THE PLANTS that yeild a worthy crop to their fullest!

I'm also going to STOP THE WAR ON DRUGS and make the police stop arresting people for using any drug. Its NOT the governments buisness what people do to their body. But if people commit a crime like killing or stealing or destroying because of the drug than thats a different story!


I, King George, dont know what else to say to you, My people, because I already solved all the BIG problems.

What crisis didn't I just fix with My fingers?

I fixed the jobs crisis!

I fixed the food crisis!

I fixed the energy crisis!

I fixed the housing crisis!

I fixed the peace crisis!

I fixed the economy crisis!

And most importantly; I fixed the Spiritual (or religious) crisis!

Indeed, I solved the worlds problems but who is ready for My answers? Are you ready for the shift in POWER? The NEW AGE? The SHIFT?.... Its just going to take some time. Just enough time for My disciples to spread the Good News; and then the END of satans reign and the BEGINNING of My REIGN!

If there is a global problem than I will do My best to find the best solution! Up until now, I have been going solo and speaking from My OWN RESOURCES but what is going to happen when all of the Believers pledge their allegiance to Me?

Like I said "One can put 1,000 to flight and TWO can put 10,000 to flight!" But what will happen when the 10,000 (people) get put to flight? how many more can these 10,000 (people) bring into The Kingdom?

Christ says "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." Christ says "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Weezer- The Greatest Man That Ever Lived
(At 2 mins (No more words will critics have to speak, I've got to answers to the tangled knot, Sweet Tarded Your God!))


Dio- Holy Diver


Black Sabbath- War Pigs


(I dont have time to watch this video, I already know fluoride is a TOXIC POISON!)




Seomthing has to be done about this! Some one has to stand up to THIS SILENT HOLOCAUST!

(sorry, nev :) )

Sorry for what buddy?

You didnt do anything wrong and I dont believe anyone did anything wrong on this thread. Some people might have offended Me BUT I might have offended them inadvertently! Like I said "This whole Christ thing might be awkward for us all...." I dont know if I would get offeneded if I was a different person and some dude was claiming to be Christ!? I only feel the feelings that come to Me. And My opinion on someone that was claiming to be Christ would vary depending on where I am in life. I most likely would NOT believe anyone to be Jesus because I thought of Jesus as dead and in Heaven and thusly a Spirit Being. Like I said, I (mostly) believe based on EVIDENCE because of My scientific backround! But I gave My Life to Jesus as a young teen-ager and I used to think "If Jesus comes than I will be a follower"! but I never thought of what qualifications that Jesus would need in order for Me to be a believing follower....? I always thought "Once Jesus returns than I do what He says" and because (most) all the people I know believe in Jesus and this world would NOT be mostly Christian if Jesus wanted to harm us! And (the) Church is because of Jesus! Me and My family prays to Jesus. I thought "Jesus would be the best King and life would be good because of Jesus."

I always respected Jesus until I about ~2007 when I watched the movie Zeitgeist and I became an Agnostic Conspiracy Theorist! Its not that I disrespect Him while an Agnostic, I just thought He never came ~2,000 years ago and I didnt think He was coming back. I wanted tangible objective evidence for the reason I should believe in Jesus, give Me proof! I told you guys this though!

God loves you!

Because it makes me feel good to treat others with kindness. I choose to be good out of love for my fellow man...rather than fear from a malevolent god.

I'm glad your a good person and treat others with respect. I'm NOT saying Athiests are bad people because I love Athiests alot. I was an Agnostic and thats close to being an Athiest! I also tried to be a god person than too. Sometimes I overexaggerate in order to make My point. I know lots of Athiest are wonderful people and I respect them for their beliefs because, IMO, everyone is entitled to their belief, but I agree to disagree sometimes :D

God loves you!

Free fuckin daycare?! Where do i sign up for this shit??!!

Thats the only thing you want to get signed up for?

Where do I sign up for My MANSIONS that I engineered? My private UNDERWATER BEACH with WAVE MACHINES so I can surf? LOL!

If I could do all these things for you guys NOW, I would. I need an online militia!

I said "I NEED AN ONLINE MILITIA!" What does Militia mean?


&#601;/ Show Spelled [mi-lish-uh] Show IPA noun1. a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.

2. a body of citizen soldiers as distinguished from professional soldiers.

3. all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.

4. a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government.

God loves you!

Neveah, umm ya,, nevermind.....:roll:

Its ok, I know that you have good intentions :D

You have some good points and I totally agree that I'm crazy and lost in fantasy. But I try not to be biased, but everyone in a way.

I already admitted to lots of the things you said in your last post, so I dont really need to refute with a rebuttal!

You have a right to speak your mind, like everyone should!

God loves you!

Dude you said free daycare... give me the information please.

We have to make it happen!

Everyone would agree that the world sucks and needs reform, but look at the options that the "elites" give you to choose from for a "President"!?!? They make you pick someone who is a PUPPET that wants to fulfill their agenda in the first place! When was the last time that there was a president that was like Me? Who has said they would do the things that I said that I will do for you? Who can make it happen?

God loves you!


Right now I'm planting SEEDS of love! Because when you sow love you reap love except MUCH MUCH MORE LOVE because 2 seeds can yield a million fold of seeds. Than the million fold can exponetionally multiply into a harvest that can feed the world. We just need more space, tools, and some time and then My ideas will turn into tangible "fruit"! It just takes seeds of knowlegdge for a wealth of EVERYTHING!

Like I said "I AM ENDING THE WAR ON DRUGS" because "what people do to their body is their buisness". And I said "I will grow all the good plants that have the best use for us." Christ will emply the world with HIGH HIGH paying joys and there will be peace for all!

You're a liar, you said free daycare and you said we could have it now... you LIAR!

trololololol! yes... that's what im doing, and it is amusing.
Make your own religion, based on being a good person. Reach higher consciousness. If you follow christianity or anything like that, I'm sorry, but I will just call you batshit crazy to believe you are a person that went through a bunch of things that are blatant lies in the past. The bibles are 99% fluff based around a few facts that they perceive wrong.
I believe I made a mistake with My algebra converting E=MC^2. It should be M=E\C^2. I actually figured this out in 2008, in a thread called "Is the earth growing?" Why do you think fossil fuels are burried under new earth? Its because the earth is growing proportionally to My formula that I came up with in 2008! The plants are the catalist that converts the solar radiation energy into matter or mass! Who is going to test My formula that I came up with in 2008? It makes perfect sense to Me, the plants absorb the suns energy and converts a small portion of it into plant Matter. Right?

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