Well-Known Member
Why yes your wife should get the ticket.
my dog probably gets complimented for his looks more often than you do.
Why yes your wife should get the ticket.
my dog probably gets complimented for his looks more often than you do.
Yeah I'm sure the CEO and shareholders of walmart work their asses off every day. I'm not advocating taking from the middle class and you know that. Wealth redistribution is a necessity for capitalism to work, otherwise the middle class disappears and you have a small group of extremely wealthy individuals who own everything, and a growing number of poor workers who own little. We're seeing this happen in the US right now, and it's been progressing for the last 35 years since this idiotic form capitalism started catching on. You guys on the right don't understand that wealth in capitalism is inevitably consolidated, and businesses become monopolies as they expand which is one (of many) reasons taxes and anti trust laws exist. They also exist to pay for roads, bridges, infrastructure, defense, etc. Hell, a couple years ago in 2006 Citi group and Goldmansachs started calling American society "the emerging plutocracy". Talk about hearing it from the horses mouth.
good post.
Take this claydigger example, I go out and dig clay with a cheap shovel. I can only dig so much clay, lets say I can dig $20,000 a year worth of clay. If someone comes along who has a $300,000 clay digging machine which will let me dig $500,000 dollars worth of clay in a year, offers me a job for $130,000 dollars a year digging clay with his machine. If I was socialist I would say something like "Well why does he get to keep $70,000?!? I should get all that because I am digging all the clay!"...Well no because its the value of your labor which is $20,000 by yourself, your making +$110,000 dollars to dig clay for someone else. Your SUPPOSED to be able to save that extra money and get yourself a clay machine. The problem is you can't do that if its not a free market and with minimum wage the value of your labor is decreased to whatever the fuck minimum wage happens to be or whatever the fuck the other clay tycoons are paying their minions.
I agree with this.
Rudolf Rocker started as an anarchosyndicalist but later abandoned that as he became more extremely antipropertarian. The adjectives of anarchy in my opinion describe only ownership of capital (resources).
You were right about these fools being hopeless. I tell them their bitching "talking points" already exist in capitalism. But that's tin foil hat talk!
There have been experiments where I offer you $50 in free money, but I get $950. All you have to do is accept. Even if you got to keep the $50, it's unfair I get $950. So the libertarian socialist will keep things fair and we all get nothing!
I'm no fool, I'm also not greedy. I'll happily accept $50 if the alternative is nothing.
That's why they're communist anarchists. The man gets all $1,000!
which is COMMUNISM, not anarchy.
communism assumes that all things are held in common with no owner, not even the state, and in it's final utopian form, communism has no state, not even a class structure, simply all the people holding EVERYTHING (no exceptions) in common.
If property is not owned by anyone, not even a state or a collective, that is Communism and Communism is NOT anarchy.
If property is owned and administered by a state or collective that is Socialism. which is ALSO not anarchy.
Further, BOTH of these ideas are merely subsets of Marxist theory which contains 0% anarchist thought.
seriously, i don't agree with marx's goals but he did spell all this out in detail in his collected works, as did trotsky and lenin.
If you work mininum wage you don't buy Starbucks. Mininum wages jobs are how you learn how to be a good employee.
I live in NYC. Shit is expensive, even in the boroughs. Right before I got a job I had. 1.69 in my pocket and no one around (not even a corner deli) had coffee at that price. Not Starbucks. Minimum wage here should be close to 20k a year after taxes to live in a studio or with a roommate and be able to commute and eat.
paid according to each by their abilities and by what they negotiate with their employers.
common ownership is not lack of ownership, it's not even democratic necessarily, stop saying that things that are not the same are the same
It's like saying anarchism is chaos because anarchy and chaos are synonymous in present vernacular.
What you seem to lack understanding of, is that anarchy is not revolutionary, it's continuous rebellion toward illegitimate authority. Communism seeks to extract surplus value from labor to administer it to all with out a state. "From each according to ability, to each according to need" as Marx put it. This may or may not be compatible with anarchism. I'm not arguing that case, you are.
What is that you think makes anarchism resemble Marxism? Class warfare? Class warfare is present in all forms of capitalism also.
The Utopian Communist Worker's Paradise
even your underpants would be communal