Bombings at the Boston Marathon

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I'd hope that if he's tied to any group (he being the one that's in custody and is being treated that's a Saudi national) that we waterboard him until he exposes his cell, their position and goals.. then go rock the party by any means required. As a terrorist, and this is my personal opinion, they have no rights when on US soil.

I second the motion.
Motion carry's.
CNN says they are also looking for a suspicious dark skinned
or black guy wearing a hoodie and talking with an accent.

No joke, they are honestly looking for a guy with that description.
"Two bombs exploded without warning in a horrible terrorist attack today at the Boston Marathon, killing and injuring dozens. There's thousands of self-proclaimed psychics in America: Every goddamned one of them is worthless, and this is exactly why."
-Benjamin Radford
As to the couple UKers that want to talk shit and laughed, saying it's justified ... I need your mum's address... I have some tribal reparations to make. And, to think I felt bad about my uncle takin' part in that bus station incident back in '82. Little fuckin' limey bastards deserved it, they were, after all, part of the same society that sent the black and tans in to decimate Belfast, right?

did you just stoop down to their level? I think I read he agrees that any attack on UK is desevered.. so you kinda just gave them what they wanted to hear
trhichome 1... You'll hear it from the normals with feelings soon enough... So, let the other side be the first to say, you are not funny. Your humor is horrible, and, if you have a brother, or other kin, and something does happen to them, when See4 or I bomb your thread with jokes, don't get upset -- accept Karma.

As to the couple UKers that want to talk shit and laughed, saying it's justified ... I need your mum's address... I have some tribal reparations to make. And, to think I felt bad about my uncle takin' part in that bus station incident back in '82. Little fuckin' limey bastards deserved it, they were, after all, part of the same society that sent the black and tans in to decimate Belfast, right?

I can take jokes of any kind lol,i have a sense of humour and although it is VERY tragic what happened in boston I like to make light of situations like this,as for you the rest of your comment,i cant beliee my other jokes got deleted yet a rant like yours stays??,mine was witty,funny bad taste to some but that is what makes comedy funny,if I were joking about a bombing in afganistan everyone would of liked my jokes and they wouldn't of got deleted,just because a massive country like America cant protect themselves from these tans you go on about don't blame me :)
Wow. I voted my government in? Do you really think that most of the people alive in this nation saw the birth of it? Do you not see that there are larger patterns at work long before the individual is introduced to the so-called 'voting system?' And finally, do you realize that the voting system is a sham?

As an American citizen, I can say that I also would not be terribly surprised by such a truth, because it's a fucking government you're pointing the finger at, and I don't trust governments.

I still can't get over your '1st'... you seriously think that we the people control things? Wow, who knew the outside view of America was so charmingly naive.

I am interested in your point of view on civil accountability, if you will.
I agree the actions of most if not all governments are not decided by their citizens. But i think, however, that we all dwell within a society that enables some of these things to happen, from proxy wars to school shootings. Imo we are all responsible for the actions of others, like a thermodynamic system every little thing reverberates and has an effect; like the butterfly flapping its wings thing. I think it is better to accept our role as actors and take a stance on creating change. I used to look down upon tinfoil conspiracy enthusiasts and chemtrail whistleblowers, but know I admire their sense of duty. whether its true or not.
I can take jokes of any kind lol,i have a sense of humour and although it is VERY tragic what happened in boston I like to make light of situations like this,as for you the rest of your comment,i cant beliee my other jokes got deleted yet a rant like yours stays??,mine was witty,funny bad taste to some but that is what makes comedy funny,if I were joking about a bombing in afganistan everyone would of liked my jokes and they wouldn't of got deleted,just because a massive country like America cant protect themselves from these tans you go on about don't blame me :)

Tans? I'm half red, myself. Tell me, what did I say that's not in exact keeping with the 2 UKers' statements? You see, I'm part Native American, and the English and their Irish and German whipping boys thought, since they couldn't kill us out, they'd try to rape us out. It was the English, so why don't I have a right to reparation, against innocent people, if they claim America deserves it? I'm offering perspective, to show that innocent people should not be used to exact revenge.

I don't see any tragedy. I'm not saying it wasn't a horrible incident, I'm saying I feel nothing about it. It's my nature. I'm not going to mock a serious incident, that could destabilize a city and region of the country. I'm not going to make jokes that are in bad taste. Death, when unwarranted, unnecessary or unnatural, is not something that people are supposed to make light of. If you made jokes about a bombing in Afghanistan, I'd probably offer to send you pics of my friends from Palestine and Lebanon, so you could mock their disfigurement, also. To remind you that the world is not so big now days. I don't care where it is, or what color a person is, it's in bad taste to mock any death, doubly so when you do it at the expense of others, to soothe your own fear.

Bombs are for cowards. Joking about bombings is just as cowardly.
OH and trich, minnnesmoker has earned by contribution, other than trolling, his right here to say certain things.

You are nothing more than a troll at RIU, you posts prove it. You will be treated as such by alot of members here.
did you just stoop down to their level? I think I read he agrees that any attack on UK is desevered.. so you kinda just gave them what they wanted to hear

Yeah, pretty much. I said "Hey, you think THIS is ok, too?" I should retract it, but it's already been responded to, and should be obvious hyperbole. I'll say: It was an inappropriate comparative argument, given the gravity of the current situation. I'm hoping those concerned recover well, and are able to move past this horrible incident.
I'm not going to mock a serious incident, that could destabilize a city and region of the country........if my jokes could destabilize a whole city lol,or reigion of the country then maybe America should pay me to go to their next enemy and let me loose on them, and you say your half red? don't you turn when sunbathing?, or try sun cream then maybe you can be one of the tans you go on about :)
trich not only are you a troll, your reading comprehension sucks. He wasn't talking about your jokes destabilizing, he was talking about joking in regards to destabilization.
OH and trich, minnnesmoker has earned by contribution, other than trolling, his right here to say certain things.

You are nothing more than a troll at RIU, you posts prove it. You will be treated as such by alot of members here.

saying 4-5 jokes makes me a troll??, my jokes are less funny than minniesmokers comments about the London bombings?? so why wasn't his comments deleted yet a joke was? I
saying 4-5 jokes makes me a troll??, my jokes are less funny than minniesmokers comments about the London bombings?? so why wasn't his comments deleted yet a joke was? I

What joke? My uncle was involved in the '82 platform bombing, and Ms. Thatcher saw him starved in HMMP for it. I thought it was horrible, but those UKers are stating that it's justified.
trich not only are you a troll, your reading comprehension sucks. He wasn't talking about your jokes destabilizing, he was talking about joking in regards to destabilization.

Too bad there isn't some sort of reading comp requirement to be a member here. A-lot of bs comments would be avoided.

Of course this place might get too boring then.:joint:
saying 4-5 jokes makes me a troll??, my jokes are less funny than minniesmokers comments about the London bombings?? so why wasn't his comments deleted yet a joke was? I
Go back and read what you wrote to curious in support about your posts here being assinine and how you should behave better and that you will. But you don't and haven't. That makes you a troll.
edit: also I haven't seen you offer any advice or anything postive here. Maybe you can give me a link to some of your friendly, helpful, constructive replies to help sway my opinion?
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