Is There An Afterlife?

where do you go when your unconccious, my buddy was in a coma for 3 weeks he was unconncious for the whole time.................when you die your brain, YOU are no longer conccious
we are just a buncha smart monkeys. too smart for our own monkey good. we're smart enough to understand that there is more going on than what we see (physics, biology etc..) and that "something more than we can see" is often (mistakenly) presumed to be a soul or spirit. there is no afterlife! (in my opinion)
Not conscious ina way that you understand it because obviously you have never died.

Being in a coma is being stuck inside a body that no longer wants to live. That is completely different than being dead. When your body completely dies you do understand this concept. It is not comprehensable otherwise.:blsmoke:

where do you go when your unconccious, my buddy was in a coma for 3 weeks he was unconncious for the whole time.................when you die your brain, YOU are no longer conccious
for a laugh.
God and associated religions that follow god are a great invention;
We've accomplished so much as a race thanks to religion, most of the wonders of the world i think fall into this category with some being achieved by governments instead (a similar religion, governed by ethics/morals/laws).

Religion is the source of both saintly and evil. I for one find discrepancies in religious texts rather funny, for instance;
Adam and Eve's kids practiced incest(or did Bob and Jane's kids come along), and yet that's fine.
This ridicule leads to bullying and persecution, eventually spiralling into wars - as per history.
Alot of religion is good, and it seems in today's world most of the practiced ones are maintaining transquilty with the others. But for me the existance of more than one religion, undermines all religion. When i'm asked to choose a religion (hypothetically) i opt for the aborgines religion, since they've been practising that for 40,000 years, subsequentally being the oldest.

I too am an aethiest and tend to not contribute to religious-esque topics. Whilst i believe in the notion of the big bang to express this universe, i do have a unexplainable gut feeling that super-string theory is wrong, even with it's relatively new findings.

It's random chance that we're here, but a relatively good chance when the variables are infinite.
The way in which your brain works is who you are, when your brain dies, u die. There is a time delay, since one can die and be jolted back into existence, much to do with how the brain is linked. When teleportation is patented i might change my opinion, but for the time being teleportation would be descruction of matter to be digitalised. I can't see the same person coming out the other side even if they appear normal.

If we had a spirit and this 'spirit' went back to earth to be re-used, what happens if your living it up on another planet, or in space?
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This will tell you almost everything you need to know about existence and how we got here.

YouTube - Galactic Confederation of Light Message-Part 1
I really hope the only afterlife is inside the worms belly,I would really hate for all this to be one big repeat.Sadly I have no expectations of eternal peace or white lights just a click and "you're outta here".:mrgreen:
lets stop this discussion because this is neverending story and go back to tread. what about ppl whos in deep hipnosis speeks in ancient languages or know places where they never beeing and never seeing.i think this may happens with some ppl.and they reborn.this mean life after dead exist.

Man, how old r u? Ur spelling is atrocious.. I can barely read ur responses.Go to school.
yea i am really hoping that their is no afterlife because all of the stuff i have done in this one probably isn't going to do much for me in the next one.
Yes there sure is .............This is a Afterlife from a previous life on another galaxy , We all died and are memeorys were deleted ,
And after this life we will all move on to different galaxys
Its deep i know, But its also ture !
Yes there sure is .............This is a Afterlife from a previous life on another galaxy , We all died and are memeorys were deleted ,
And after this life we will all move on to different galaxys
Its deep i know, But its also ture !

yeah, there is re-incarnation, and we still have those memories, they werent deleted. we just have to tap into our inner source, our spirit who has all the answers. we only use like 3 % of our dna, science says the rest is supposedly "junk" dna. thats not true.we are powerful , we just don't know it.
heres my take, love it or leave it. the one thing that makes me believe there has to be an afterlife is the concept of justice. I find it too hard to beleive that all the injustice in this world will be left unpaid. If someone murders an innocent person, and destroys the lives of everyone who loved that person and gets away with it and dies, is that it? no justice? all that pain and suffering caused by that person just has to be dealt with? If this were the case, I would murder and rob everyone in site, rob banks, then live the good life. why not? if theres no justice system then why work hard and earn what i want? yep:neutral:
I wonder do my plants get a afterlife when i take there life and smoke them ?

Mybe i was a cannabis plant in my last life and thats why im obbissive to cannabis now in this life

wowwwwwww .
Do you believe that human beings have a soul?
What is a soul is it a physical thing or mental thing??

if its physical, where can we find it?? is it in our back hairs or what

and if its mental then it must be made up by our minds but our minds are not even a physical thing, so lastly..

is the mind and soul the same thing or seperate.

man its a fucked up world my i hope to god i have a soul that goes on with out me
heres my take, love it or leave it. the one thing that makes me believe there has to be an afterlife is the concept of justice. I find it too hard to beleive that all the injustice in this world will be left unpaid. If someone murders an innocent person, and destroys the lives of everyone who loved that person and gets away with it and dies, is that it? no justice? all that pain and suffering caused by that person just has to be dealt with? If this were the case, I would murder and rob everyone in site, rob banks, then live the good life. why not? if theres no justice system then why work hard and earn what i want? yep:neutral:

?? because man thats the world we live man.. hard work pays off but do you realy think thats how it was millions of years ago or even now in the animal world, killed or be killed right. what realy makes us different from them...what ? we can read write .....think, hmm well damn the only real thing that pulls us apart from them is that WE can Think, and have emotions . dont get me wrong animals can think , feel, and have emotions but no where near as complex as the human mind.
The human brain and nervous system are the core anatomy of what makes human beings what we are today. Through the gradual evolution of our species over billions of years of delicate and random natural selection in nature (with leagues of scientific evidence collected over this time to substantiate scientific hypoteses) science has more or less proven that when the brain and central nervous system shut down and the bodies' organs can no longer function, that person as you know them is dead. There is no manifestation of a persons' personality that exists post-mortem, as our bodies are not made up of materials that allow that to be so.

We should consider ourselves lucky to be alive instead of contemplating whether or not something awaits us after death. Death is the end. The fact that you made it to your mothers' womb instead of in a Kleenex in a trashcan is reason enough for you to want to enjoy every minute of your existence.

Instead of wondering about heaven, hell, and reincarnation, take some time to go walking in a nearby park, tend to your plants, meet up with friends. Do as much good as you can in this life because you wont find out if its true until its too late to do anything.
you do know science is incomplete right?

by the way, you forgot about the heart, sir. oh... and our DNA as well.

i would advise you educate yourself about this subject on both sides. you might not agree with things, but intake the information. then research for yourself to decide whether or not it's true.

there may be science that supports your argument, but understand that it is outdated. new research and studies are being done, and you'd be very surprised about what they are finding out.
if someone dosnt think that if a little seed you plant and sprouts into a beautifully flowered girl is not an act of God then idk how else things could be explained. everysingle part of our lives are so well organized and balanced between nature, weather, vegetation, and life how we know it. There has to be some type of higher power, when you look at the open sky and clouds that FUCKING hang there in the air... HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT... like people want pigs to fly ... like think of rain ... water falls out of the ofcourse condensation,evaporation.. blah blah blah but still just for things to happen so perfect that water evaporates into the sky and shit and falls down .... its just seems too perfect... btw i just had a nice fat blunt of sour kush :)