Is There An Afterlife?

The subconscious mind sees everything, and our conscious mind DECIDES what information it will listen to.

How do you know that we cannot stop our own heart from beating? Should we not seek the total control of our bodies?

Moving an arm is not automatic, we have to will it first.

How do you know that it isn't merely our will to live that keeps our hearts beating?

Our subconscious minds pick up a lot of information, and it is registered so that we may go back and analyse previous situations. Yet I believe our conscious minds are so cluttered with the bullshit in the world that the subconscious (and therefore the ability to see the truth) is often ignored. Particularly when we are talking about the big things like religion. We forget that we are just another life form, dogs and cats do not have ghosts, what about ant ghosts... or ghosts of germs?

To my thinking the conscious mind is too easily dissuaded by bullshit... and the subconscious is too often ignored.

Through their control they will only create chaos.
Is the mind the self?

Or is the self its own energy

I believe the latter, but i can bring no proof. Only a feeling. The mind, to me, is only signals. Firing synapse, and chemical releases, but it is not the being. This body my self occupies is not the form that determines my existence. to be human is to have a Human body. To be Alive and aware is divine
***TAKES A DEEP BREATH, WATCHES IT*** No smoke on that exhale....hehehe

Heya GK, whats happening brother?

Um, no sorry, I don't see the paradox? Can you point it out for me? Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word before replying to someone as your using it out of context, I'm definately not trying to stir you up I just really fail to see what your on about.

When I said that I too have had undeniable experiances I believe that is different from an absolute way of thinking, an experiance and the way you think "I think" *winks* are two seperate things. So then, what paradox do you speak of ?

I had a very similar way of thinking as you when I first started my spiritual journey many years ago, the first real eye opener was Hinduism, Krishna and the vedic texts, have you read the Bhagavad Gita? The vedic text "I think" holds much more credibility than Christian doctorine as the events that are explained (certain wars and erra's) can be backed up by cosmological, scientific data that todays scientists can verify.

What you fail to understand "I think" is that Hinduism is still a religion, and all religion is written somehow, someway or another by MAN, regardless of the influence be it of a higher power or intelligence or not.

Men are fallible as not one of us is perfect, not one. But what is perfect? I guess you could say "God" would be, or the thought of he/she/it?

Not everything is mind chatter, when you learn to control the mind. Can you grasp that concept?

Thankyou for the 101 on ONE specific way of meditating when there are many, many more methods depending on your individual purpose and need.

"I think" when you focus on your chakras it is a much more "potent" way to meditate as this very much rejuvinates and re-energises your Aura/etheric/subtle bodies/soul/spirit whatever label you want to give it.

When you "watch the mind" as you say all you are doing is letting your subconcious release any thoughts you may have built up from your day to day, tick tock life. Nevertheless it is a very good starting point of meditation and a very good way to learn, thankyou again for sharing it with everybody. You see, when you learn to control your mind, by similar excersises to the one you just explained you don't let shit get into your subconcious becuase you have greater control of your Concious mind, therefor there is very little that you let affect you and there is very little you can "watch". So from there you go into more advanced stages of meditation. The method that you explained is a very good way to see just how much your ego is controlling your mind.

I want you to know, there is and this may seem absolute, but I will say it anyway....there is your spiritual mind and your ego mind. When you learn to distinguish the two, identify which one has more control and actually start to control them, well then your on to the next step.

From Hinduism I went to Budhism, from there I went to basically anything "new age" but I must say, it is still all....written by fallible men. To really get ahead, "I think" you need to have your OWN religion. Although I really dislike using that word, but I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say.

I can comfortably say "I think" because it is not coming from my ego, it is comming from my spirit. My true self, my higher self, again, whatever you want to call it or can relate it to.

I agree with you when you say you should watch the mind, like you watch the tv, but I would basically explain it like this.... that you should try and watch your mind, from a third person's perspective and make your decisions and or judgements that way. As if you do this, from the spirit you no longer see things on or from the surface, but from a very deep spiritual point of view. Similar to the way you think when your on good weed sometimes. From a very different view point than usual.

For those of you out there that want a good religion to start with, or to get you asking the right sort of questions, go with budhism as it is based on hinduism and the vedas, but I feel it is a lot more liberal and not so confined. That is one of the reasons I very much dislike Christianity - here we have Jesuus an obvious saint or very very spiritual man, that after his death many many movements of people, churches and governments of the time twisted and manipulated his words and teachings to fit their own agenda "do it our way or your going to hell" controlling the heard with fear is very easy to do if the heard is weak minded people, and unfortunately people that are ego based and driven are very easily led astray by fear. Hell, look at 911, iraq bullshit! For what, money ? Fuck that my friend, all religions are flawed somehow, someway...simply because they were written by men.

I suggest you start reading anything by Stuart Wilde he is a very intelligent spirit and can relate to his readers very very well.

Peace be with you all, my green thumb brothers :peace:

P.S GK, alot of what you said seems to be straight out of some Hinduism text, either you copied or it is so tainted on your mind that perhaps your being more closed than open? Just a thought, and definately no offense intended here - as we are all one :blsmoke:

Hey water.. there are a lot of questions in your post.. could you do me a favor and just pick one or two questions...

and I will do my best to answer those questions....


I will start with the first question and forgive me if I did not understand it correctly.. regarding the use of the word paradox..

My understanding of the word paradox is - two contradictory statements that both claim to be truth..

When you become to absolute in any way of thinking you severely shut yourself off.

I too have had undeniable experiances

Is anything undeniable? Besides the PRESENT? and if anything is undeniable, then it is absolute. correct? This is the contradiction.

and there is endless mind chatter...

MIND chatter is anything claiming to be the truth...

Those are auras - mind chatter
That is subconscious thinking - mind chatter
The mind has 2 levels of thinking... MORE MIND CHATTER

The truth can be pointed at or experienced..

wait, is this true?

Um, no sorry, I don't see the paradox? Can you point it out for me? Perhaps you should look up the meaning of the word before replying to someone as your using it out of context,

and I don't think you ment to say that i was taking the word out of context.. but rather i was just using the word wrong... LOL

but I could be wrong

I only wish I was in total connection with all the powers of the mind. My wife had a massive stroke 2 years ago. She was a cigarette smoker for almost thirty years. after her stroke she has not wanted any cigerettes. Now scientist are saying there is a small part of the mind that controls our addictions. I can believe that as I have seen that a part of her brain was damaged that has taken away her need for cigarettes. So if you could control all of these small parts of the brain that do undetermened amounts of different things, it is unimaginable to me the quality and type of life we could live.
I believe some people are born with the ability to use more of the powers of the mind than others. I believe through meditation one can have an out of body experience. I am not sure if this is a connection with the subconcious mind or a connection with the spirit of the person allowing the person to leave its earth bound vessel.
I know that I experienced seeing a ghost. If I were alone and it were only a flash of a ghost, I might doubt what I saw. But I was with my older brother (10 at the time) and he saw the same thing I did. When he saw it he turned and ran down the stairs. I was more in shock and stood there until the apperition floated to the window and as she (a girl around 6 years old) went through the outside window she disapaited. My brother and I never talked about this until 37 years after the event. I brought it up in conversation and he says "you remember that?". I guess he thought I was to young to remember. So I can not see 2 seperate minds playing the same trick on 2 people at the same time.

I believe the mind is a very powerful organ that the body needs to survive. More powerful than most of us will ever know. But it is just a organ for the use of our bodies. I believe the spirit is what a person is made of. Everyone has the same body parts, but no two people are alike.
I only wish I was in total connection with all the powers of the mind. My wife had a massive stroke 2 years ago. She was a cigarette smoker for almost thirty years. after her stroke she has not wanted any cigerettes. Now scientist are saying there is a small part of the mind that controls our addictions. I can believe that as I have seen that a part of her brain was damaged that has taken away her need for cigarettes. So if you could control all of these small parts of the brain that do undetermened amounts of different things, it is unimaginable to me the quality and type of life we could live.
I believe some people are born with the ability to use more of the powers of the mind than others. I believe through meditation one can have an out of body experience. I am not sure if this is a connection with the subconcious mind or a connection with the spirit of the person allowing the person to leave its earth bound vessel.
I know that I experienced seeing a ghost. If I were alone and it were only a flash of a ghost, I might doubt what I saw. But I was with my older brother (10 at the time) and he saw the same thing I did. When he saw it he turned and ran down the stairs. I was more in shock and stood there until the apperition floated to the window and as she (a girl around 6 years old) went through the outside window she disapaited. My brother and I never talked about this until 37 years after the event. I brought it up in conversation and he says "you remember that?". I guess he thought I was to young to remember. So I can not see 2 seperate minds playing the same trick on 2 people at the same time.

I believe the mind is a very powerful organ that the body needs to survive. More powerful than most of us will ever know. But it is just a organ for the use of our bodies. I believe the spirit is what a person is made of. Everyone has the same body parts, but no two people are alike.

Hey, except for the ghosts I'm with you all the way.

Maybe there are people born with the capability to use more of the brain, there are certainly people that can process information quicker than others. I can see this being true in other areas as well. For example one might be able to wiggle an ear just by using the muscles next to it... I myself have practised with my toes, I found those the easiest to master. Try wiggling just your little toe on its own...

The heart can be speeded up and down at will... who's to say that if we felt like it we could not stop it altogether? Anyone want to give it a go?

Imagine being in control of our immune system, being able to recognise a threat and kill it just with will alone...

There are those that believe they have achieved this already.
Hey GK, my ideas on this life correlate with many of the things you are saying and i would really appreciate a deeper look

are there any references i can read that would help me understand a little better?

Hey GK, my ideas on this life correlate with many of the things you are saying and i would really appreciate a deeper look

are there any references i can read that would help me understand a little better?


Google hindhuism... I believe it is one of the earliest religions.
Hey GK, my ideas on this life correlate with many of the things you are saying and i would really appreciate a deeper look

are there any references i can read that would help me understand a little better?


There is -

Your best resource is - Vipassana Meditation Website

All the religions are IDENTICAL .... ahahah

Actually I don;t know all the religions... LOL

All the religions I am familiar with are identical and provide FANTASTIC SIGN POSTS to the truth.... yet.. they ONLY provide sign posts....

MOST PEOPLE take these sign osts and turn them into mental NOISE or KNOWLEDGE or mind chatter, or beliefs.... non eo f this is relevant when SEARCHING for the truth...

People who say things like..

There are many different forms of meditation
There are different paths
There is reincarnation
Buddhism is the way
I am Buddhist

etc etc... THIS IS absolutely irrelevant WHEN ACTUALLY making the inward JOURNEY...

Vipassana Meditation Website THIS GROUP OFFERS 10 day sitting sessions that MAY.. MAY assit ONE in getting a peak at DOING "NO THING"

Once ONE can do NO-THING....

Then the evolution can begin...

sensitivity and awareness will increase... things like chakras and auroas and energy healing etc.. becoming tempting SIDE paths to the otherwise ENDLESS DEPTH....

ALL you have to do is get a GLIMMER of the real NON-DOING you...

The VIPASSANA course is amazing... and most people do not have the ballz to be with themselves for 10 days straight.. yet they expect us to be with them all the time.. LOL ahahhahahhahaha

THIS thing that people call meditation does NOT and IS not like any other activity... Meditation is easier than sleeping and yet UNFATHOMABLE and unachievable by the mind... THE MIND is a DOING machine...

MEDITATION is NON-DOING... (just like this phrase makes no sense, meditation can make no sense to the mind)

like falling out of an airplane.... you are no longer the doer... lol

Hey GK, my ideas on this life correlate with many of the things you are saying and i would really appreciate a deeper look

are there any references i can read that would help me understand a little better?


There is -

Your best resource is - Vipassana Meditation Website

All the religions are IDENTICAL .... ahahah

Actually I don't know all the religions... LOL

All the religions I am familiar with are identical and provide FANTASTIC SIGN POSTS to the truth.... yet.. they ONLY provide sign posts....

MOST PEOPLE take these sign posts and turn them into mental NOISE or KNOWLEDGE or mind chatter, or beliefs.... none of this is relevant when SEARCHING for the truth...

People who say things like..

There are many different forms of meditation
There are different paths
There is reincarnation
Buddhism is the way
I am Buddhist

etc etc... THIS IS absolutely irrelevant WHEN ACTUALLY making the inward JOURNEY... THESE types of thoughts, when actually "believed" are just distractions from NO THING or NON DOING

Vipassana Meditation Website THIS GROUP OFFERS 10 day sitting sessions that MAY.. MAY assit ONE in getting a peak at DOING "NO THING"

Once ONE can do NO-THING....

Then the evolution can begin...

sensitivity and awareness will increase... things like chakras and auroas and energy healing etc.. becoming tempting SIDE paths to the otherwise ENDLESS DEPTH....

ALL you have to do is get a GLIMMER of the real NON-DOING you...

The VIPASSANA course is amazing... and most people do not have the ballz to be with themselves for 10 days straight.. yet they expect us to be with them all the time.. LOL ahahhahahhahaha

THIS thing that people call meditation does NOT and IS not like any other activity... Meditation is easier than sleeping and yet UNFATHOMABLE and unachievable by the mind... THE MIND is a DOING machine...

MEDITATION is NON-DOING... (just like this phrase makes no sense, meditation can make no sense to the mind)

like falling out of an airplane.... you are no longer the doer... lol

Hey, except for the ghosts I'm with you all the way.

Maybe there are people born with the capability to use more of the brain, there are certainly people that can process information quicker than others. I can see this being true in other areas as well. For example one might be able to wiggle an ear just by using the muscles next to it... I myself have practised with my toes, I found those the easiest to master. Try wiggling just your little toe on its own...

The heart can be speeded up and down at will... who's to say that if we felt like it we could not stop it altogether? Anyone want to give it a go?

Imagine being in control of our immune system, being able to recognise a threat and kill it just with will alone...

There are those that believe they have achieved this already.

I saw a blind kid play basket ball using eco location. He was born with the ability of sight, but lost it at a very young age. Doctors say the part of his brain that controls vision tapped in to the part for his hearing. So now he sees through his ears and brain, instead of his eyes and brain.
I seem to dream of different lives that i may or may not have had all the time.
I dont sleep all that much to be honest as i am dying all the time in my dreams and i get a bit sick of it really.
I am probably just mad but when i dream i see real faces if you know what i mean that i know i know but don't know???
Its made me feel very old.

The other day i dreamed that i was reading old texts in a library in some weird language and the shock of being able to read it woke me up.
When i was properly awake i could still see the document in my mind like a photographic image but i could read none of it and remember none of what i had read.
The only part of the document i could still read was a larger portion of text that was obviously a date,1812.

Ive taken so much crap over the years though so i could just be trippin:blsmoke:
I saw a blind kid play basket ball using eco location. He was born with the ability of sight, but lost it at a very young age. Doctors say the part of his brain that controls vision tapped in to the part for his hearing. So now he sees through his ears and brain, instead of his eyes and brain.
finally...someone I can beat in basketball...
the truth is out there just some people will find out once they've died others while alive. I wish i could say more but life should be enjoyed while ur alive
I seem to dream of different lives that i may or may not have had all the time.
I dont sleep all that much to be honest as i am dying all the time in my dreams and i get a bit sick of it really.
I am probably just mad but when i dream i see real faces if you know what i mean that i know i know but don't know???

I have these dreams occasionally where I see REAL FACES... and I dont know who these people are... it is crazy vivid.. they are always nice people. Even in bad situations... And there presence is sort of felt or remembered for the rest of that day or longer....

I recently had a dying dream.. got electrocuted in the bathroom and was yelling for help... and then i just accepted it.. and woke up... it was INTENSE...

please tell me about your dying dream..

I have these dreams occasionally where I see REAL FACES... and I dont know who these people are... it is crazy vivid.. they are always nice people. Even in bad situations... And there presence is sort of felt or remembered for the rest of that day or longer....

I recently had a dying dream.. got electrocuted in the bathroom and was yelling for help... and then i just accepted it.. and woke up... it was INTENSE...

please tell me about your dying dream..

Well i don't sleep much and usually when i do sleep i end up dreaming of very vivid "real" people with personalities that i know but don't really know but i feel comfortable like i do know them.
Their faces seem so real yet they are no one that i can ever remember seeing.
I seem to have excerpts of past life's in fairly random shots in a time period that drift from one instance of a life to another until the dying moment.

Last night i tried to save someone from being done over that was supposedly my sister(but i don't remember her)at a camp for teenagers that seemed more like a prison for orphans to me and not something that would even exist in our reality.
I in turn got attacked and beaten to death instead of her:-|

I usually always die in these dreams but i have surmised that its probably to much shrooms and gas and lsd when i was young and my fear of dying and passing out and not being able to breathe.
The only weird bit that i cant explain is the feeling that i actually know these people but i have forgotten them:confused: