Is There An Afterlife?

i have two theories which i cant really choose from. but i would like to let all of you know that all i know is that i know nothing:) so with that...

first.... death is just death. our physical bodies die like any other thing. the mind (which i believe to be the soul) is nothing significant... its all chemicals reacting with chemicals to make you think in a certain way. if you introduce a new chemical..... say like an anti-depressant... a person who wishes to die and is thinking in suicidal ways will totally act and think another way just because of chemicals from the pills. what is the mind? nothing more then chemical reactions reacting individually or with each other in random ways me thinks :P.. if this first theory is true then human life "in general" is just a cycle... nothing significant... nothing special... organized randomness.

second... its kinda like dual worlds. physical and mental. body and mind are separate things. whats most important is the mind.. consciousness.. thought.. soul.. whatever you want to call it. the physical body is no more then a shell for this consciousness. my theory for this is that we are all alone.. individuals. me is made out of my thoughts. thats 1 world (spiritual mental yada yada) the other world is reality.. the physical. if im sitting on a bench then im in my own world but if my best friend jenny talks to me then its jenny pulling my consciousness back into reality... the second world :)
so when we die? are bodies die physically but mentally/spiritually(yada yada) we move on to something bigger or something else.. <--- this theory leaves me hope hehe which everyone should have!!:peace:
Well i don't sleep much and usually when i do sleep i end up dreaming of very vivid "real" people with personalities that i know but don't really know but i feel comfortable like i do know them.
Their faces seem so real yet they are no one that i can ever remember seeing.
I seem to have excerpts of past life's in fairly random shots in a time period that drift from one instance of a life to another until the dying moment.

Last night i tried to save someone from being done over that was supposedly my sister(but i don't remember her)at a camp for teenagers that seemed more like a prison for orphans to me and not something that would even exist in our reality.
I in turn got attacked and beaten to death instead of her:-|

I usually always die in these dreams but i have surmised that its probably to much shrooms and gas and lsd when i was young and my fear of dying and passing out and not being able to breathe.
The only weird bit that i cant explain is the feeling that i actually know these people but i have forgotten them:confused:

Firstly, what an awesome thread, it's really mind bending to see everyones thoughts and beliefs on the subject. Very thought provoking, but I'm sure most of us are still very stubborn to our own ways of thinking, our damn ego's are very hard to shake and discipline but practice makes perfect as they say. Thought = creation so keep thinking about every possiblilty that connects with you.

Secondly, Natmoon....IMO I would say that you arn't tripping if you connect with these people and remember them so vividly then it's for a reason that you are remembering what you do or what happens. I would say it's a gift more than anything. Try to embrace, accept and learn, from these "dreams" or flashbacks :blsmoke:

If we don't learn from our "mistakes" or experiances in a positive way, they have an uncanny way of repeating themselves.

Peace out Brothers and Sisters :peace:
So this brings up the possibility of past lifes. It is a good explanation of de ja voo. I am sure we all have experienced how some people we meet we just dont like from the moment we set eyes on them and some people we hit it off right away. Could these be past enemies and close friends from the past? Possibly a past brother or sister or a twin? I think we all know the strong connection between twins. Just heard a story of a couple that got married, knowing that they had found the love of thier life. Turned out they were twins that were given up for adoption. They divorced after they found out. But there was a connection of love that is present without knowing of the other persons past. Could this connection be carried on from a past life? Are spirits that chose to go into the light recycled back into the living?
You've been telling yourself the same story since birth..

how about, just stopping the story and LIVING THE ONLY LIFE there is...

You would not tolerate listening to the same story from a friend or peer... 3,000,000 times.. and yet this is what you will do to yourself in JUST one year.. the mental NOISE in your brain will tell you the same story OVER and OVER and OVER... until the body dies...

ONE who only thinks. has nothing new to think about...


huh ??? When GOODness made man, SHE made a Mi$$Take ...... LIFE iz a GIFT that wa$/i$ given to U$...... to try to ENJOY. I like that Legal-Tender Plant that that i$/wa$ Columbu$'$ CANVA$ that $upplied 85% percent of ALL mechanical oil in 1925. Prohibition wa$ NOT to get rid of the DRUNK'$, ju$t the ALCOHOL FUEL. I'm moving to BRAZIL. See what Henry Ford $aid in 1925 at HEMPOLOGY.ORG - INDEX .One acre of potato'$ will give me 100 gallon'$ of alcohol fuel ??? The tractor u$e'$ ONE gallon to harve$t ??? I ONLY get 99 gallon'$ of Vodka-Juice per acre ONCE a year ??? In OUR Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash ,I want to GROW what Mr Diesel wanted EVERY FARMER to. OUR own FUEL. Read 1938 Popular Mechanic'$ at Welcome to Jack Herer's Home on the Web if you CARE ABOUT OUR GIFT of LIFE. We ALL NEED Hemp 4 Fuel - Clean Energy Solutions for a Hemp Car .Watch and LI$TEN to ALL 13plu$ minute'$ of USDA 1942 WW2 movie "Hemp for Victory" on YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. and don't worry, be happy. We come from ENERGY, live through OUR GIFT of LIFE and hopefully go back to ENERGY. If NOT.... FUCK-WHO ??? Mo$quito'$ Multi-Ta$k often. They EAT while they MATE. They MATE while they EAT. Wanna be a Mosquito ??? I like that plant that make'$ me HUNGRY and THIR$TY while it make'$ me want to NOT KILL. You know, that CHURCH incense that $upplie'$ the ANNOINTING OIL that Je$u$ and Mo$e$ u$ed. The fir$t law in thi$ "country" wa$ that "we" HAD to GROW the LEGAL TENDER or the "farm" would be taken away. Remember- Life iz JU$T a TE$T, but .... ain't that ForBidden FRUIT from the TREE of KNOWLEDGE of GOODNE$$ and BADNE$$ kinda WELL WORTH ALL THE BADne$$ on OUR "HELL" ??? When the Bible $ay'$ HEAVEN, it mean'$ "$KY". Heavenly Father i$ $KY-FATHER ..... we are in the TE$T of LIFE in HELL ..... ENJOY
To go by the pattern of life on earth, I'd say when you die you die. But I am sure there is some higher power, not necessarily someone / something / it / whatever gives a shit about any of us. It's like small insects, they have no idea who or what we are. Who's to say we don't contain the mental capacity or perceptive abilities to detect other dimensions that could possibly exist.
Here is my understanding of it through reading and from personal life experience.

An insect has less consciousness than, lets say, a dog, therefore is closer to their source energy (God, higher power, universal intelligence or whatever you want to call it)
The higher we raise our consciousness, the quicker our energy vibrations or requency. A fly may not have conscious awareness but as one goes up the ladder of species and intelligence, this conscious awareness becomes more relevant.

Our brain and our minds are too completely different things entirely.
Our brain is only a human organ within our body that allows us to think and rationalize along with countless other things. Unfortunately using this body organ(brain) is limited due to the fact that we have egos.
Our egos are attached to our brains only, whereas our 'minds' go far beyond.

The ego's brain lives in constant fear and 'thinks' it needs to protect us
The mind is only LOVE and KNOWS it needs no protecting.

How do you explain people having surgery with no anesthetic?
How do you explain some humans who have sat for months with no food, water or real sleep?
How do you explain esp? (Extra Sensory Perception)
How do you explain how someone can connect with others without the use of phones or internet who live half way across the country?

This isn't merely using the brain...but using the mind, which is higher consciousness or 'super consciousness.' This innner intelligence is connected to everyone and everything. Some people can tap into this.

Our minds are far more extraordinary than we give them credit for and are able to do the most incredible things. You have no idea.:-|

I have literally died more times than I would like to admit and know first hand that there is an afterlife.:blsmoke:Interesting subject matter.

There MOST DEFINITELY is a higher power, higher consciousness, higher intelligence out there than our 'mere' selves.

To go by the pattern of life on earth, I'd say when you die you die. But I am sure there is some higher power, not necessarily someone / something / it / whatever gives a shit about any of us. It's like small insects, they have no idea who or what we are. Who's to say we don't contain the mental capacity or perceptive abilities to detect other dimensions that could possibly exist.
When GOOD made man, $he made a Mi$$Take

We come from ENERGY, go through OUR Gift of Life and then go back to ENERGY. Maybe ???

EVERY High-Definition "movie" being $pit at U$ from the $atellite'z i$ ju$t Bi-Nary Code repre$enting electricity on or (1) & electricity off or (0). Remember card-$tock ??? Hole in cardboard i$ light on and NO hole in cardboard iz light OFF. Light$peed with cardboard ??? Magneti$m ON & Magneti$m OFF ???

$unLight iz ju$t electricity/magneti$m/electricity/magneti$m con$tantly fighting back and forth endle$$ly ........

Father, $UN & HolyGho$t ???

Electricity, magneti$m, light AND ENERGY we do NOT know ??? Are FEELING'z an "energy" ??? or an ENERGY ??? or BOTH ??? A Trinity or TRINITY ???

Lightning On Demand Homepage Hemp 4 Fuel - Clean Energy Solutions HEMPOLOGY.ORG - INDEX Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash Hemp Car Butt Machines - Butt Machines Buy - XXX Adult - Folsom Street Fair Fare Folsum Fetish Wear reelsm reel sm Corset Leather Spanking Skirt Leather Corset Thigh-Highs Leather Vest Thigh-High Stockings Latex Stockings Police Uniform Latex Fetish Leather G Fucking Machines, Anal Fucking Machine, Sex Machines, Fuck Machine Hitachi Magic Wand Shop or CHEAPER EXACT COPY ??? Not Online Pharmacy - Prescription Drugs, Health and Beauty, plus more but an A&E Magic Massager for $22.95 with FREE $hipping over $50. Get THREE. Thank-You Nikola Tesla ... 1898 remote-control $ubmer$able boat PBS
Here is my understanding of it through reading and from personal life experience.

An insect has less consciousness than, lets say, a dog, therefore is closer to their source energy (God, higher power, universal intelligence or whatever you want to call it)
The higher we raise our consciousness, the quicker our energy vibrations or requency. A fly may not have conscious awareness but as one goes up the ladder of species and intelligence, this conscious awareness becomes more relevant.

Our brain and our minds are too completely different things entirely.
Our brain is only a human organ within our body that allows us to think and rationalize along with countless other things. Unfortunately using this body organ(brain) is limited due to the fact that we have egos.
Our egos are attached to our brains only, whereas our 'minds' go far beyond.

The ego's brain lives in constant fear and 'thinks' it needs to protect us
The mind is only LOVE and KNOWS it needs no protecting.

How do you explain people having surgery with no anesthetic?
How do you explain some humans who have sat for months with no food, water or real sleep?
How do you explain esp? (Extra Sensory Perception)
How do you explain how someone can connect with others without the use of phones or internet who live half way across the country?

This isn't merely using the brain...but using the mind, which is higher consciousness or 'super consciousness.' This innner intelligence is connected to everyone and everything. Some people can tap into this.

Our minds are far more extraordinary than we give them credit for and are able to do the most incredible things. You have no idea.:-|

I have literally died more times than I would like to admit and know first hand that there is an afterlife.:blsmoke:Interesting subject matter.

There MOST DEFINITELY is a higher power, higher consciousness, higher intelligence out there than our 'mere' selves.

i agree with you that our minds are capable of doing VERY amazing things. but when you say you literally died several times and saw an afterlife then your still here posting, that makes me wonder.
so keep wondering because I don't have to any longer concerning this topic:blsmoke:

i agree with you that our minds are capable of doing VERY amazing things. but when you say you literally died several times and saw an afterlife then your still here posting, that makes me wonder.
so keep wondering because I don't have to any longer concerning this topic:blsmoke:
When GOODne$$ made man, $he made a Mi$$Take

I di$like UFO $how'z except 'da Bible one. Heaven mean'z $ky. OUR Heavenly-Father iz OUR $ky-Father. Ever hear about "flaming chariot'$" moving through 'da $ky ??? Read Ezekiel in 'da Old Te$tament yet ??? BC or BeforeCannabi$, NOT AD or AfterDope. There are WAY WAY TOOO many "editor'z" & TOOO many paper ver$ion'z, but my NEW METHODI$T BIBLE $ay'z "Ezekiel-When Ezekiel $poke with GOD". Fir$t flying wheel within a wheel and how would YOU de$cribe a Modern-Day Jet-Fighter Pilot ??? With Animal de$cription-compari$on ??? Read MY Methodi$t ver$ion. They took him for a ride and he gave 'da fir$t de$cription of GRAVITY. Ezekiel $aid it felt like a hand pu$hing on hi$ che$t.

$een Jack Herer - Popular Mechanics yet ???
you cant destroy energy, it transfers to something else..everything living has energy and individualality...haha im so ripped lol.. individualality effin weird word haha. ne ways energy has to go somewhere...probably something beyond the capacity of thinking any human being is capable of, only a third of its tickin u kno... let me ask you this.. we are mortal. we have mortality, we kno were going to die. why dont we live every waking moment and peice of time in our life to, extend our lifes..prolong them..there has to be something in us.. something there, that helps us cope enough not to obsess. may it b subconscious or genetic...we go somewhere... ok now im takin a rip hold ways..we are literally a fuckin speck in the universe..the earth compared to all other mass in space is just insignificant. there has to be something out there...theres thousands of species here. its probable that this is like this other places to. ...time to smoke...
Anybody that has ever been blown out stoned or tripped has an understanding that there is more to this life than school, work, death. I believe God is in another dimension beyond our understanding. Its not possible to figure it all out. If life has proven me anything its that I have no true control over anything. Therefore I simply surrender my desire to control everything and know that there is a power that I should acknowledge in all things that I do.