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I hope there is an afterlife but really dont think so. Will someone find out and let us all know? lol
I hope there is an afterlife but really dont think so. Will someone find out and let us all know? lol
Well i don't sleep much and usually when i do sleep i end up dreaming of very vivid "real" people with personalities that i know but don't really know but i feel comfortable like i do know them.
Their faces seem so real yet they are no one that i can ever remember seeing.
I seem to have excerpts of past life's in fairly random shots in a time period that drift from one instance of a life to another until the dying moment.
Last night i tried to save someone from being done over that was supposedly my sister(but i don't remember her)at a camp for teenagers that seemed more like a prison for orphans to me and not something that would even exist in our reality.
I in turn got attacked and beaten to death instead of her
I usually always die in these dreams but i have surmised that its probably to much shrooms and gas and lsd when i was young and my fear of dying and passing out and not being able to breathe.
The only weird bit that i cant explain is the feeling that i actually know these people but i have forgotten them![]()
To go by the pattern of life on earth, I'd say when you die you die. But I am sure there is some higher power, not necessarily someone / something / it / whatever gives a shit about any of us. It's like small insects, they have no idea who or what we are. Who's to say we don't contain the mental capacity or perceptive abilities to detect other dimensions that could possibly exist.
Here is my understanding of it through reading and from personal life experience.
An insect has less consciousness than, lets say, a dog, therefore is closer to their source energy (God, higher power, universal intelligence or whatever you want to call it)
The higher we raise our consciousness, the quicker our energy vibrations or requency. A fly may not have conscious awareness but as one goes up the ladder of species and intelligence, this conscious awareness becomes more relevant.
Our brain and our minds are too completely different things entirely.
Our brain is only a human organ within our body that allows us to think and rationalize along with countless other things. Unfortunately using this body organ(brain) is limited due to the fact that we have egos.
Our egos are attached to our brains only, whereas our 'minds' go far beyond.
The ego's brain lives in constant fear and 'thinks' it needs to protect us
The mind is only LOVE and KNOWS it needs no protecting.
How do you explain people having surgery with no anesthetic?
How do you explain some humans who have sat for months with no food, water or real sleep?
How do you explain esp? (Extra Sensory Perception)
How do you explain how someone can connect with others without the use of phones or internet who live half way across the country?
This isn't merely using the brain...but using the mind, which is higher consciousness or 'super consciousness.' This innner intelligence is connected to everyone and everything. Some people can tap into this.
Our minds are far more extraordinary than we give them credit for and are able to do the most incredible things. You have no idea.
I have literally died more times than I would like to admit and know first hand that there is an afterlife.Interesting subject matter.
There MOST DEFINITELY is a higher power, higher consciousness, higher intelligence out there than our 'mere' selves.
i agree with you that our minds are capable of doing VERY amazing things. but when you say you literally died several times and saw an afterlife then your still here posting, that makes me wonder.
.so keep wondering because I don't have to any longer concerning this topic![]()