first attempt 2x3x5 tent 400w


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I'm pretty excited about these girls takin off. They have grown so much in the last week.


Well-Known Member
I'm headed to work but i will update pictures when i get home. When I woke up this morning la diva has female pistols showing in several plaCes!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. I won't be changing the lighting time anyway. Just the bulb to an hps. Would u suggest waiting on the hps for a while or since the light schedule won't change regardless or go ahead and pick up the new bulb and start them on the flowering spectrum?


Active Member
Are you vegging in MH ??? sorry if you already said that
I personally would veg until they show sex, and if they already have, wait for them to get taller...or in your case wider. IMO vegging for too long is a hard thing to do and usually
only makes her more mature and ready for nice big colas. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I am veging with mh. The la diva just showed sex today. I'm still in limbo about blue mammoth but i think its female too. Just not quite as obvious yet with her. So at what point of bud maturity would you suggest switching to hps?


Well-Known Member
I'm not too worried about showing sex earlier than she wants to naturally. More worried about the right light and time to switch for budding.


Well-Known Member
When I used a 400 for Veg, I would always use it at least the first week into flower, sometimes first two, to reduce node spacing with the stretch. Not sure if Auto's stretch at all?


Well-Known Member
I am not too positive in the stretch but i think it will still have a normal stretch period. I would like it to stretch some anyway because i still have tons of room in the tent.


Well-Known Member
Hey trees me up, this is my first look @ ur thread, but im about to do my first grow in a 5x5x84 inch tent, thinking vegging 6-8 plants with a 600W MH and flower with a 600W HPS as the kit comes with both bulbs lol. but your autos look really healthy man good stuff. im gonna try and mimick the soil as it seems to be working pretty good and 100% germ rate is did you germ just threw em in soil and kept em moist or paper towel or cup of water method? bout to buy a 10 pack of seeds id be real happy with 80% germ rate. you gonna use any other nutes during the grow or just the soil? ill be following along man and taking a look as i will be running into the same good/bad days that you will soon lol.


Well-Known Member
Man i just threw them I'm the soil and kept it moist. As far as nutes go i plan on just waiting and supplementing with a tea if i feel it necessary. I really am just playing the nutrients by ear. I will just try and keep them healthy and learn what i can along the way for next time.


Well-Known Member
Man i just threw them I'm the soil and kept it moist. As far as nutes go i plan on just waiting and supplementing with a tea if i feel it necessary. I really am just playing the nutrients by ear. I will just try and keep them healthy and learn what i can along the way for next time.
thats a good attitude but u might want to make a plan


Well-Known Member
That's probably a gOod idea. I will do some more research today and figure out a plan of attack on the feeding schedule. If anyone has a good organic tea recipe that has gotten good results with an auto and would like to save me some time and effort researching I would appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
That's probably a gOod idea. I will do some more research today and figure out a plan of attack on the feeding schedule. If anyone has a good organic tea recipe that has gotten good results with an auto and would like to save me some time and effort researching I would appreciate it.
what did u figure out?..........


Active Member
Hey trees me up, this is my first look @ ur thread, but im about to do my first grow in a 5x5x84 inch tent, thinking vegging 6-8 plants with a 600W MH and flower with a 600W HPS as the kit comes with both bulbs lol. but your autos look really healthy man good stuff. im gonna try and mimick the soil as it seems to be working pretty good and 100% germ rate is did you germ just threw em in soil and kept em moist or paper towel or cup of water method? bout to buy a 10 pack of seeds id be real happy with 80% germ rate. you gonna use any other nutes during the grow or just the soil? ill be following along man and taking a look as i will be running into the same good/bad days that you will soon lol.
Too many plants for that space IMO...stick with 5 , top and LST them and you will much happier.


Well-Known Member
well luckily I have a close friend that is going to run me through his recipe in the next week or so but i will update when that happens. Right now though they look happy so I will continue with water only for now. A fan, filter, and speed controller are on the way here now. should be about a week. Also some soil additives (for my next grow), blackstrap molasses and some sea kelp extract for my tea. I think i will probably use some sea kelp, molasses, EWC, FFOF and I know there will be other things that I will put in the tea but basically I will put all the ingredients in a panty hose, tie it off, drop it in a water jug and airiate for 48hrs or so. Please correct me if I'm way off on how I should go about doing this but this is what I understood.